HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-3-17, Page 3ti Used. Autos rrt. AXEy BELLS TllIBM; USED. cars of all types; all rays sold su- Eat to deliver up to 300 1.13/1e3. or tens un of same distance if you wish. in asoa order ne purehased, or pushe rs lie refunded. RIME} mechanic of your own choles to book them over. or ,eek vs to ke an car to cityre esentsait're for inspection, Very large Stock shreyi. es ?vitt Breakey's treed Car Market ioat Taiga am* •.Itiortitaa Unused. Tools. "It doesn't loop much like the old home aa I remember lt," an elderly 'business ratan who had been visiting the haunts of his boyhood said to a friend. "The lawn isn't cared for, most of the trees and shrubs are deal. and the garden that Bather took so much pride in is overgrown with bur docks and brambles. The orchard is growing old like the rest of us, but there's fine fruit there still, though the trees need pruning. But the sad alert thing I saw was the old tool house. It's failing to pieces, and the rusty tools hang there—unused. Sam has had all the equipment father ever. bad to make the place atttttetiye, but he hasn't used it. Garden tools are not the only ones we can negleet. Not long ago a city banker stopped his ear at a farnmhouse to ask isle way. In the women who came to the door lie recognized ;thelia Webster, an old selioalznate whorl he aemembered as having been the pret- tiest anal brl 1 teet girl ht the acade m y they had both attended. She was a hided, slatternly woman, and her house wee ill-I.ept and unattractive. tiler visitor reminded. her that she had led her classes in history and Mere - lure and bad even written creditable poetry. "1 never read anything now except the newspaper and not much of that." she said dully. "Sometimes the girls conte to me with their sums and their hard questions, but I'm too rusty to help thenen Mmzch. The work runnel the house is mare than 1 eau tend to." Amelia':a prettitie,s of face and sprightliness of manner had dsala- �, n s e - cared�lsilk.l b- sl i u in iff r n y �t;.h a Owe. The linowletige and eultivati.:u that liter schitni (entree had giver: her /night have beets nv:tlnabte to her as a mother, but ette bail never u,etl them. EWA. too, was the inmagina- :tion that land once nude her little poen welcome at the office of tbs vil- lage paper, and that might have Leen R priceless resource in her maturer years. She Wu-: les attractive. less happy, less useful, than God had, in -I tended she should be. The tumble- down umbledown tool house with its array of un used, crusty tools—what is it but a sym- bol of unused faculties, of a shrunken and withered soul? , 'Possums Menace. New Zealand has a native species. of opossum which wears a very beauti- ful fur. It is not at all -like the 'pos- sum that we know in this country; Many years ago it was introduced into Australia, and,finding there none of the natural enemies that preyed up- on it in its own land, it hes since to creased in numbers until it bas become' a serious pest. It is a robber of fruit trees. However, the value ot the animal for its fur is ,so great as to outweigh the damage it does in the fruit-grow- iag sections, and in view of this fact, the Australians are encouraging the increase of opossums in forest dis- tricts, Their ,skins are becoming a considerable item of export, and al- ready many of then are made up into fashionable garments for women It North America. "Try It Again!" Here's to the chair. With the smile on bis map, Though i'orluee has iealt eine e ;hull derous rap And louteked bun clean down ou the rear of his lap, Mtge only remark is, -Gee whiz,. what a slap! 1'll try it aglul" I'm there with the guy Wit ll the gleam in his eye. Though Fate tuts let loose a stiff »uteelt in the eye. Aud has scattered his pride all over Om sky, Whose only retort is, '"Doggonit; it I , 0 o a rim. Dmat e g � � :strong for the brick lz the courage to stick. Tl d.aigh failure tea laouniied, him like the Old Nick Who cries at last. "Now l'mn, on to the trlcl,. Let's try "er :a,giul" The Russian Sovjet Army earlsists of 4,000.000 men under arta. GOOD HEALTH GOOD HEALTH' CAN BE YOURS IIf Your Blood Supply is Kept About one•hnlf of our ^lobe, it is estimated, cousi is of iron. Minrd''a Liniment for Da Mt Surnames and Their Origin HILT, Variations -- Hull, Heftier, Hityer, Helfer, Hillman, Heiman, Heilman. Origin—English. Racist Sourer—Locality also occupation. This Is a most widespread group of tamily names, the oue most frequently met with being Till, with probably IIIIImen, Hull and Hilyer next in or- der. They are all ot theme English names, and all trace back to an old Anglo-Saxon word which liar come down to us utmost unchanged, end is In as common use to -day as it was in the reign of Alfred the Great. The word is (just what you think: it is) "11111,' But all ot the fancily names in this group have not developed from this word In the same manner. The name of Hill, as well as Hull, is in the vast majority of cases a mere contraction of the old description phrase "at the hill" or "of the hill," used to designate persons who hap- pened to dwell on or near such emi- nences. In the varied spellings of the late ldornian days, the surname oe- ants as "de la Hill." "de la Hull," "de la Retie" and "atte (at the) Belie." With the other variations another method of development is responsible for the modern names. This word "hill," or "hull" was also used figura- tively to denote a roof, and also for the verb "to roof." An abstract from an ancient document reads: "Whyt eley and red for to make crokkes (crocks) and other vessels and banned (burnt) tyyl (tile) to hele.houses, and churches. Again, Wickyffe, in the translation of one Bible passage, says: "The. schip (ship) was hilid (hiller or covered) with wavis." The • words "hilyer" and "intimate" therefore,. were .descriptive of occupa- tions, which explains why these family names, in their varied spellings are not within the old records in such forms as "Roger de Hiliyer;" "Ivo le Better.,'.' and "Rem le Hilman Rich and Red. i It is a waste . of time and money to, fight merely the signs of disease, in the long run you are probably worse off than a'rhezz you started. What is far more important is that you Should intelligently examine the various symptoms and trace the :cause, 'iii -"hen you remove the cause, health will be I yours. For example, anaennic people often endure months of suffering • while treating its symptoms. such as indigestion, shortness of breath, pat pitation of the heart and exhaustion , after any small effort. The apparent stomach and heart troubles are generally anathing more than the result of an insuticieat sup- ply of pure blood. This anaemic state may ba -vs followed some previous 111 - nese, or an attack a iazfluenze; or it may have arisen from. overworks, wor- ry or too little fresh air. To obtain good health the simple and proper. course Is to build up the blood, but to tlo thins you must select a reliable remedy with a reputation such as Dr. 14'illianis" Pick Pills, These pills eta•, rtclz the blood which carries nourtsh.- meat to all the organs of the body and enables thein to do the work zea tura expects of them. Thausauds at v o. enandwomen lift pe proved this for men p themselves. One of these is Mrs. T. Flyme R.R. No. 1, I rinsvilie, Ont., alto says: `Lust spring 1, got into a badly run da' n condition. l had no energy: work left raze exhausted, .and,. the least exertion would make my heart palpitate violently, I had ofreu read of Dr. Williams" Pink rule. and decided to give them a trial and got a hair dozen boxes, 1 had riot been tale ltig the pills long 'ellen I felt a decidc d roveumeut 18 my condition and by the time I bad used. time six boxes I eauld do my homework with ease, 1 can strongly. recommend Dr. Williams" I"cul: Pills to all weals people.." Yo z can get these Dille through any tnedlcln,a o, or by mail post - ft S0 cents a box or six bodes for .`io from The Dr, Williams' Medicine cz„ L3roekville, Out. SuccessNuggets. Opportunity brings out tate greaat nan, but he alone le great who i ready to embrace it. It time fit -et rule Is to obey your na- tive bias, to accept the work for which you were inwardly formed—the second rola; Is concentration. which doubly its force.—I♦tnereon, Smiles attract :dollars. as they ate tract everything that hi Rood and wholesome, If people would only smile more, if eltfldren were trained to smile habit- ually, what a wonderful world this would bel We do not know anything about our own resources until we have taught ourselves to sand alone. Not until. we can think for ourselves, and act for ourselves, do we become more than infants in the moral universe. -- Angela Morgan. r +a. 4 Thoughts never die, they are im- mortal dreams that outlive their dreamers, SCOTT Variations --Scotts, Schott, Raciat Origin --Doubtful, Source—Also doubtful. Here s a land • name t o is a 1 ci 1 t good i lit of a puzzle, both as to racial origin and source. Tin' obvious explanation, but one which is not entirely ,satisfactory, is that it was originally a name added to the given name in order to describe zationali v. it doubte 1y his actually y is the true origin of the name in a great many cases, for in the old Eng- lish records there are instances of such namue:l as 'Malcolm le Scot," which, of course. could have no other meaning. But this aloes not explain every- thing. There are more ancient re- cords in Italy, in Frence and in Ger- many. as well as Anglo-Saxon Eng- land, which prove that "Scot," in one form or another, was rather wide- spread as a given name, and not as a descriptive name. Latin inscriptions give us the form "Scotnus" and "Seethe' the latter apparently being a common name among the Teutonic Franks who lived in the northern part of France. The name was also com- mon among the subjects of the Em- peror Charlemagne and among other Teutonic races as "Scotardus," with syllable, it is to be noted, similar to Richard, Reynard, Leonard. etc., a distinctly Teutonic compound.. It was also an Anglo-Saxon given name, as "Septa," and the place -name Scottowe is simply a development of the Anglo- Saxon "Scotebo" or "grave of Septa." In those days there was no such name as Scotland, though in the Celtic tongue Ireland was known as "Scots." It was not uutil the Middle Ages that, as the name of a Country,. it was trans- ferred, to Scotland in common usage. Tho existence of the family name in so many countries indicates it often. developed •from the given name, but where the given name first appeared is still a mystery. YoungsCers grow husky on r;..pe.:Nuts cJhe great body-building values which Nature stores in wheat and barley, ares teeained: fn this easily digestible Food. The unique, sweet flavor;' or 'Grape=.Nuts snakes it. a % Favorite with both children a,.ncd adzalt~s.. B9 lz YD �:'tt�r3�v� .E SOLD 3Y GROCERS EVERYWHERE 1:1:!!f"7 Ara �ii.er�tr,.a The publisher of the best Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: "I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT, It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators," Famous Chapel Under Repair. The famous St. George's Chapel of Windsor Castle will be recited, for three years, for extensive restora- tion work, the need of which is so pressing that architects would not guarantee the chapel to stand another year without the collapse of the roof, which would mean the utter destruc- tion of the fabric, with all its cele- brated artistic and historic glories. The chapel stands within the walls of the castle, but it is a freebold of the State and the State money eau not be spent for timers improvements. The question of the expense has been taken up by the Knights of the Order of the Garter, for whose use tlse chapel originally was founded, and in order to distribute the burden the work will be spread over a period of four years. Already- $125,000 has been collected; which will meet the expense of the' first year's work, The, repair's will consist of replacing the decayed ina- terial without much alteration. Calling yin Cairo, Engli'slimen who do not know Cairo sometimes take houses in remote and undesirable parte of the city. In Egypt as We Knew It, Mrs. E. L. Butcher amusingly describes how hard it is to ends a.'peason wlao has thus gone astray. Her husband, she saes, wrote to a doctor for the addr•est of, some friends whom she knew, he had attended. Here is the doctor's au; - wer: "The N,[ ----'s live in a house without a number in a. ,street without a name rine nest door to an. Armenian butcher who, I think, has no sign, west Abclin Palace! The staircase has ei 'ht t „ The High Cost of Advancing prices. "I see that you've marked gasoline up another cent,," said the motorist. "That isn't exactly tor gasoline," re- plied the keeper of the station. ""That is simply to pay for the enormous amount of ebalk we've bad to use fn naarhing zip time price heretofore-'" � Baffling. Dr. White—I m up against it. I've a patient suffering from aches and pains. and I don't know what is caus- ing the trouble." Dr. Black--'ilad his teeth exam - fined?" Dr.'l\'hite---"Tbat's the point. I had all his teeth taken out two years ago. but what are you to do when a man has quite run out of teeth?" Not Safe to Answer. '•Who discovered Ausericar nekesi tine teacher. Jack looked panie-strichxen, and made uo reply, "Please mitt nae something else, nils,,." he sail. after a while. ,"Wily should I do that?" meted the teaeber. 'Nj ell, salol Jack, time fellows acre talking about it yesterday. Pat said an Irishman discovered; It. David Bald it was a Welshman, and Andrew said a Scot cItseoveree It, And if you'd seen what happened to them you wouldn't ask a little fellow like me." (F.EP LITTLE OILS Classified Advertisement i y FARM WANTED- �• WELL IN WINTER E ChippewaValls, is Sb 7cam. fee ral o Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are change• able—once bright, the next one cold azad etorney, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so Hauch. In consequence they are gaol cooped up in overheated, "badly vend- t lated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe, What to needed to keep the little cines well is Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate the stow. cb andbowels an drive out a d d e • colds and by their use the baby will be Wile to get over the winter season in perfect safety. The Tablets are :old by medicine dealers or by mail ' at 25 cents a box front the Dr. Wil - 1 Rams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Finland is Prosperous, There is ne unemtmplayznent in F14 - land, says M. Vilijauef. chief at the ' Trade and ludustry Department of th.a Finish government. who is visitfug firm F,ngiatud- He attributed 1~ inland`s geoe fortune in this respect. as cont- Pared to most ieher eve:M ea, to the prohibition of km—arta. Thie had the etftet et' usekere the Country's lu las- e heti production Kreuter than et the be ienjcg ai the war. 1i /Ireland is row eonitiderIng time tad=' visibility c.f gradually dise»ntinuing the embargo an imports. be said. Tills country has begun to trapsshlp goods for Russia and bas e.5tabliehed a free pert at flange. Modern Fairy Tate. A boy` dashed into a broker's office to with masa bulletins. As he turned to leave a member of the fircalled out: "Here, you SCCflI to have some pep. Get me it box of cigars itt the lobby and keep tete change," Tice boa iaesltated, although o. ban% ncte was thrust that his bend9 e i acd• "1 awal 1 l 'e Finally • lee aaa mnt¢m u d fila y to get you elgars, but we ere Elliot of Wee, aril 1 have a big rode to cover. lel come been when 1 deliver the bun letiny" With that be Left time office. "Are you going to wait until he ret-' tttruer asked a eusramem: •'You bet 1 am," replied the hrolker.l n these days it is a pleasure to meet a boy veto w,orite for his boss feet. Furthermore, I am going; to put him; on the payroll," :Std hedhi `eCascarets" If Sick, Bilious, Readach To-nig;ltt aurel Let a pleasant, ham's- legis Cascaret worlc while you sleep and hav o yourI!vE'r active, head cl eer-stomach sweet and bowels znoving re- gular by morning. No griping or in- convenience. 10, 25 and 60 cent boxes. Children love this candy cathartic too. Loneliness. I like to walk at eventide, SVlien dusk shuts out time din. I like to watelm the erlendly lights Of lamps that shine within-- Wamm shadows play upon the walls, Where hearth fires gleam and glow, I like to warm my heart with love For folk I do not know, 1 like to feel the fragrant dark Close round my shoulders pressed, E like the witchery of stars That eases my unrest. At eventide. when shadows fall, This is the hour I go, And heal my loneliness with love For folk I do not know. The doctor's claim on the estate of a deceased patient ranks first in France. MONEY ORDERS, azutnion Express ;Money Orders are sale in five thousand: offices ugbeut Canada. Gastty Fur Mantle. sfurr emmts �.. 1 a nm v .t � ¢ One of the most e h ewer made was cite ermine reatstle paeeentol to the tato Easpress et Rue. aria, by a fintl:eriasg a,; a*ofiles aced mit 'ilia teal, 7 `? War perssiors are still beiuit award- ed. in Britain at the rate of 12.005 a month, jl "DANDERINE" A jumpingtoothor cache quickly re.' hewed by the use of BRUME BENGUE It 600the3 pain. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES esTIT uTrs Sl.©a a tube. THE LEEMRIC. MiLES CO., LIQ. MoNTREA. cats for Ar. ,lulu llcauu RELIEVES PAIN $r,l' w,A2fx if e,Tallr;;l WANTED TQ 1)0 .T'I,.P,,iF ,u..4 and light sewing at bone; whole or spare ti ie; good pay. werk xeric idny distance coarses 11171. omni Send statnls for irarticulars. Natto�na.t Manufacture Ing Co., Mointreet. Snaps. Aet as Filters. It le said thea the Chinese wash fine Mlle in Very pure water, and, as ordin• err well water is susuitabie, it is. purie fled by putting a meautity of fresh water nails into it for a day. These prey on the organic, Matter it contains and therefore act ,ls titers. Minard'a i,inlment Relieves Dist€mper Direction Indicator. A new direction itdfeater foe auto- mobiles, to be earrted at one side of a windshield, raises semzapeores to Sig- zeal that a car is gciag to stop or turn to one stile or the other. The women off Finland have bittl r'gimt to vote Oeste MT. LEONARD EAR OIL RELIEVES DEAFNESS acid STOPS BF,,ADNOISES• Simply Rolm it Back of the Ears and. • Insert in Nostrils, Proof of tete - tee* e d laic. e�ezaa will be lyse ie o 'by Oe rgarz MADE iN GANAOA lilliitlll SALES CO., Wee Veli, IKON. A. A. hoof, lar, llHx., ie 5141x, tl. X. t57 ` A Kidney Remedy Kidney troubles are frequently ,caused by badly digested food which eves -bikes these organs to eliminate the Irritant acids formed, Help your stomach to properly digest the food by Basking 15to 30 drops ofExtract of Roots, sold As Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly dill- altpcar, (et the genuine. astre.t*sE•,�s•e. ANTED lm!. D lone cr i?og l2=edit,* Book on DON DISEASES and Slow to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad. dross by the Author. 2.01* Glover Oo., Sao, 118 west 31st Street Now 'York, U.S.A.. ASPIRIN Only "Bayer" is Genuine Send for list of inventions wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been made from simple ideas, "Patent Protection" booklet and "Proof of Conception" on request, AROL.D C. SHIPMAN & CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS lir XFHIPOOL CHAM BXR* - - OTTAWA, CANAD INVENTIONS Warning; Take no chances with substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab- lets of Aspirin." 'Unless you see tho Girls ! Save Your Halt; name "Bayer" on package or on tab - Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, Iustre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't It t your hair stay lifeless, color- less, plain or 'scraggly: Yoit; too, want tuts of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35 -cent bottle of delightful "Dan" derine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimu, lating "beauty tonic gives to thin, dull,fading hair that, youthful bright- ness ;'.and abundant thickness,—All druggists' • lets you are not getting Aspirin at alt. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu- matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents: Drug- gists also sell larger packaegi. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Alonoaceticacidester of Salicylicaeid. PIMPLES CUTICURA QN FACE� Caused Disfigurement, Itchyand Burning, Had Restless Nights, "My face came out . in little pim- pies that were sore, and I scratched than constantly, and then they turned itito scales, causing 'much disfigure - mem. Tile skin so itchy that I irritated it by scratch - F ing. The burning was• fierce, and I had many rest- less nights. _ "This trouble lasted about a year before I used CuticuraSoap ande. Ointment, and after using three calces of Soap and two boxes of Ointment I was healed." (Signed)W. Byrne, St. Basile, Que., Nov, 23, 1018. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet prep - (nations. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and'EOc. Sold throughouttheDominion. Canadi0nDepot: L' mane, L,anttad, St, Paid St., Montreal CutiCUra Soap shaves without mute. Liniment ;el:e Fra�YIiS Is always road to OasO rheumatism cc ti T the very first twinge, down r", comes my bottle of SIoan's; then quick relief: without rubbing, for its stimulating and scatters congestion. The boys use it for stiff muscles, and Whelps Sally's backaches, too." 35c, 70e, $1.40. anasteseseamitemeneveseesamareianme 'MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only-Iook for the name California the package, then you are, sure your child is having the best and triose harmless physic for the little 5totrxacli, liver. •and bowels: Chil:areu love ite fruity taste, Pull directions on each 'bottle. You must bay "California." ISSUE. NO.