HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-3-17, Page 2-- , go hand-in-hand with Nature in some of her most beautiful proeesses, to learn seething of her choicest seaa zets, and to have a. more intelligent: interest aWniMned. in the beautiful • ''' order of her werks elsewhere." ------- Gee-Dish Meals. If you will use that combination' baker and serving dish, the casserole, you eliminate two or three cooking dishes, and the same number of serve inn dishea for the table, as you take the casserole directly from the range MrAke 87.16 te the table, They may be bought of glass or crockery in two shades of brown and if the contents are daintily I tt have not tried itl send us a, post card for a free prepared and cooked to just the right samote„ stating the priee you now pay and if you. use shade of brown the dish adds a touch la477k3 Greener Mixed Tea Address Saiada.,Toronto of beauty to any table. -------"--a A favorite dieh in one household is Excels Alt 11 For Purity, Flavour and Aroma called "Steal; a la Mother," in honor enattt„. "t. of the proud discoverer. It coesists of Mild steak cut in pieces convenient alcilern Mary's Garden. if watering a gnetlen is necessary, td.try tte tht aueaery the, plan's should be thoroughly water- eayine trats have raleei astiver belts ed CeCPSionally and not merely and eeekte-seelle" ie. ter garden, bu seri:aided every day. reader: lihray plans leer genital far tine Inseets often ease heavy losses to tts. 9;:anter. crops but these losses can be Etatay aa, the apring raiees greatly leaeened if care is taken to iat-der Nestate'ides in a hot -Pe 1, and lesep tlaan under control from the lane. lase ienenga are spat in a vow begirding of the season. , e,„ „ a . an :lira veteateale alai (v.vvr aaaeee era. ste;owires methods bave been for she arenas illet the litheral uee .of found to be suceeasful in combating gat ',ea vegateNes i he sum:nee diet these geraen enanaies; aaa herdth atsi azataigith end Cut wtizens: Feed poisoned inash, tee aenialy araaery tall nrich emah- weieh n rmac.,, frem the faxowing ea ae zee:, of (-alert.- of garlen pro- eoranna; c8aeo,1 !steely fer winter men tlewtrtenir !•a. net enly gran, poands. of bran, ounce of ti.o eye ef the passerhy 'eat eleo eel?" 2 Quanta ahaap syrup, raairens hee ewn helm ;Ansi earates jtiat.,eetz; Spray pinata with sad -da "airet:ar, fivAvo'-', a oltitIon of lead arsenate: into less. fertarttie hoes. 2 oeneas lead areenate powder', Tine are many featere as be etan- gaiiales af, water* 81411'7' nutLit'lea" Pzariere the. tel Suaeeesful gardening demands rim- e': atesai ia the etiove:'ag of a ;,^utt'44"41-. tienee ami eare but the pleasure and Wert! the eatisfaetien gained from a three - ;1!= leg este Itri far exeeed the work of a'ay !tat •Mairaa garden* aae .P:ealiell 'at planning and earlier, for it. Boyce Itas keen le a, am e!ave stds eat:, Ise Pleaded .wfl said, "To tiultivate a garden Is to aerly ir. ear.ly '(irantrh iea,:en- 2 ounces white arsenic- or Paris Cel to the grineti: or a see,/ and ieanaitsalute I:sees:if:a for the gr -ah of planta, heeause the plant can only aelealas nue it.; feed when tae sun isel-tieing. choosieg fief 1,1t, .for a Rowe:- garden ia a fascinating teak beeanse the list' ef easileagre,vsn animals ineludes wide eheiee of his and colors of flowees sub ae: alyssum, asters, bal- e:tea pot zrgs, poppies, calliop- e?. carelytuft. chryearithenrams, for- ., lateepur, marigolds, nas- turiume, paesies, petunias, phlox. pirate, seariet sage, snapdragons, sun- flowers, ver .as and zinnias. The &ever garden tind the vegetable ga.rden :should both receive the same careful care and cultivation. The soil *bold be epaded, or plowed in the tattinnn r very early spring, then the reed'hed harrowed and raked well. If traliyard or stable manure is addei to the soil after plowing, the soil will be made more fertile as soon as the minure dezays. Alter the seed bed is pulverized well, the seeds should be sown in straight rows. The gcneral rule for, covering,. i;tocol.•=r small seeds with as very shallow laycr or earth but !large 'e1s may be planted as deep as two or three in lila% The seeds shoulil be aown far enough apart that the mature plants will not be crowded. Garden crop hould be cultivated very fro in order to kill the weed e whieh take frerra the soli the hood sheuld izeurieh the growing vegetables; to stir the 'soil, thus form- ing a dust mulch which preyents the. loss of moisture; to.make it possible for the growing plain to • get air through the. soil; and to keep the soil loose, thus giving the roots a larger feeding ground. If the garden is cultivated by hand, vi hoe, rake, spading fork and spade will be found useful, also .ueh small tools as a hanaseraiie weeder, a dibble, an onion weeder. a trowel and a claw weeder. A sma1i hand cultivator or wheel hoee eaves 'mutat labor, ler fer scrymee—lirst pounding flour into the steak. This is then browned in the frying pan, in drippings in which a small onion chopped has been browns cd. Potatoes peeled and cut in eighths, cutting the potato crosswise first, are added a pint of tomatoes, and a cup of earned peas. If there is a stray stall; of cetera- aliout it is cat fine and added. The whole is then poured into the cuss wrote, and the dish covered and set in the oven, where a moderate fire is kept for one hour. This is the entire nteal, with the exception of bread and butter mid a dessert. W omen! Use "Diamond Dyes." Dye OM Skirts, Dresses. Waists, Coats, Stockings, Draperies, Everything. Eacli paegage of "Diamoud Dyes" contains easy directious for dyeing any article of woo. silt, cotton, Mee, or taixecl goods. Beware.; Por dye / etreaka, spots, fadea and ruins ma -1 terial by giving it a 'dyed -look," Huai "Diamond Dyes" ouly. Druggist bas , Calor Card. Whole villages in Jago-Slaela or& composed of wouten. MInard'a Liniment tor Burns, etc. The White Hat By Sax Rohmer The erwear You 11 Eventually -7 Li y MADE 1N CANADA BY CANADIAN ,PEOPLE MODERATE IN PRICE FIRST GRADE IN QUALITY Ask Your Local Dealer. ON EVERY GARMENT "In his office upstairs, eh,. Ile will be down in a moment." The waiter hurried away, and Har- i ley stood glowing up the stairs as if in doubt what to do. °I ean't imagine 'how such a place in this district." can pay," he muttered. "The rent must be enormous! But even before he ceased speaking I became aware of an, excited conver- sation web was taking place in some apartment above. "It's scandalous!" I heard, in a wo- man's shrill voice. "You have no right to keep it! It's not your prop- erty, and I'm here to demand that . you give it up." A man's voice replied in voluble broken English, but I could only dis- tinguish a word here and there. I saw that ar ey was nterested, for, cateh- ing my questioned glance, he raised his fingers to his lips, enjoining me to be silent. "Oh, that's the game, is it?" eon - timed the female voice. "Of course you know it's blaekiultil?" n sat dowfacing me and got into eon- burned it. I thought it was playing A flow of unintelligible words aus- veNailon." the game to do so. It wouldn't have wered this speech. “Describe him." • helped you mueh, though," he added; "I shall come back with some one," 'He was a lulu) rather above me- "it was an ordinary common envelope, cried the woman, "who will make you dium height. I should say about my posted in the city, address typewritten give it up!" own build; dark, going gray. He had and not a line inclosed." "Knox,' whispered Harley in my a neat mustache and a short beard, "Registered?" ear, "when that woman coulee down, and the look of a man who had travel- "No." follow her! l'm afraid you will bungle ed a lot. Ms skin was very tanned Hampton stood looking at us with a almost as deeply as yours, Mr. Harley, curious expression on his face. Not at all the sort of flap that goes "There's one point," he said„ "on in there as a rule. After a while he which my conscience isn't easy. You made an extraordinary proposal. At know about that poor devil who fell fleet I thought he was joking, then out of a window? Well, it would never when I grasped the idea that he was have happened if I hadn't kicked up al suddenly banged open above and a serious I concluded he was mad. He row in the street. There's no doubt he respectable looking woman, who might asked me bow much a year I earned, was leaning out to see what the di- e111"e • been sonic kiof nd u 4 PART III. I ed in my trunk there, with the ten "Right," replied Hampton, "I win."' which I received in the city." Ile half closed his eyes reflectively. II I 1 k d hi "M I "I was having tea in the Lyons Cafe, the envelope in which this money ar. to which I always go, last Monday rived?" he asked. afternoon about 4 o'clock, when a. man "Sorry " re li d B m ton= "but I the business, and I would not ask you to attempt it if big things were not at stake. Come back here: I shall wait." As a matter of feet, his sudden re- quest had positively astounded rae, but before I had time for any reply a door anu i. toIumin reters e ers pal me £150 a year. He said, give you a year's salary to knock a man's hat As Bampton spoke the words be glanced at us with twinkling eyes, but although for my own part I was mere- ly amused, Harley's expression had grown very stern. "Of course I laugh- ed," continued Hampton, "but when the man drew out a fat wallet and counted ten five -pound notes on the table I began to think seriously about his proposal. Even supposing he was cracked, it was absolutely money for this man in the Lyons Cafe?" nothing. Hampton reflected silently for some " 'Of course,' he said, `you'll lose moments. "Nothing much," he con - your job, and, you may be arrested, but fessed. "He was evidently a gentle - you 11 say that you had been out with man, wore a blue topcoat, a dark tweed suit and what looked like a regimental tie, but I didn't know the colors. He was very tanned, as I have balance of £100 will reach you on the said, even to the backs of his hands following morning.' —and, oh, yes, there was one point— "I asked him for further particulars he had a gold, covered tooth." and I asked him why he had picked on "Which tooth?" me for the job. He replied that he "I can't remember, exeept that it had been looking for some time for the was on the left side, and I always right man—a inan who was strong noticed it when he smiled.:" enough physically to accomplish the "Did he. wear any ring or pin which thing, and some one"----Bampton's eyes you would recognize?" twinkledagain—"with a bit of dash in "No." hint, but at the same time a man who "Was there anything queer in his could be relied upon to stick to his speech or voice?"' "No: He spoke like thousands of other Englishmen." Harley nodded briskly and button- ed up his overcoat. "Thanks, Mr. Hampton," he said: "we will detain turbance was about when the accidenti came quickly down the stairs. Witht' occurred." I out seeming- to notice our presence, "Did you actually see him fall?" she brushed past us and went out into asked Harley. the street. "No. He fell from a window sev- Off you go, Knox!" said Harley. eral yards behind me in the side Seeing myself committed to an un - street, but I heard him crsr out, and pleasant business, I slipped out of the as I was lugged off by the police doorway and saw the woman five or heard the bell of the ambulance which six yards away hurrying in the direc- came to fetch him." . tion of Piccadilly. I had no difficulty He paused again and stood rubbing in fallowing her, for she was evident - his head, ruefully. ly unsuspicious of my presence, and "Mire," said Harley; "was there any- thing particularly remarkable about. when presently she mounted a west- ward bound bus I dila likewise. Though she found a seat inside, I went on top, and occupied a plaoe on the near side where I could observe anyone leaving the vehicle. At Hyde Park corner I saw the wo- man descending, „and when presently she walked up Hamilton Place I was not far behind her. At the door of an imposing mansion she stopped, and in response to a ring of the bell the door was opened by a footman and the woman hueeied. in. Evidently she was an inmate of the establishment; and conceiving that my duty was done when I had noted the number of the house I retraced my steps to the corner and, hailing a taxicab, return- ed to the Cafe Dame. I inquired of the same waiter whom Harley had accosted whether my friend was there. a few friends and were a little excited, also that you never could stand white hats. Stick to that story and the guns and not to give the game away. "You asked me to be brief and P11 try to be. The man in the white hat was described to rite and the exact time and place of meeting. I just had to grab his white hat, smash it and you no longer." i face the music. I agreed. I don't deny As we descended the stairs where Granclfather smiles that I had a couple at stiff drinks be- the smell of frying sausage had given - ..t , , . . fore I set out, but the memory of. that place to that of something burnina— Vhile Baby tells him hov7 nice. his £50 lotked. up here in my room, and probably the sausages—Harley- eels and how sweet it sm 11 teat -cif s. the further hundred promised, bucked ''1 was half inclined tothink said: that . .,„ . e me up. It was impossible to mistake Major Ragstaff's ideas were traceable • 4 .he secret is the trtorning wash aeith my man; I could see him coming to- to a former touch of the sun. I begin Baby's Own Soap—the soap Mother ward me as I waited just outside a. to believe that he has put us on the sort of little restaurant called the track of a pretty unusual dime. I am uses for herself and for the children. Cafe Darna As arranged, 1 bumped sorry to delay dinner, Knox, but I pro - Roses of France and other natural into him, grabbed his hat and jump- pose to call at the Cafe Dame." ed on it." On entering the doorway of the ' /Per.Nine$ give their aroma to m.1.21 He paused, -raising his hand to his . IBA WI'S 0 head reminiscently. "My DIEM was a bit of a scrapper," he continued. "I've never heard such language in my life, and the way lie laid about me with his cane is some- thing I am not likely to forget in a hurry. A crowd gathered, naturally, and I was pinched. That didn't mat- ter much. T got off lightly; and al- though I've been dismissed by Peters & Peters, twenty crisp fivers al e lock - Cafe Dame we found ourselves in a narrow passage. In front of us was a carpeted stair and to the right a glass paneled door communica‘ting with a discreetly lighted little dining room which seemed to he well patron- ized. Opening the door, Harley beck- oned to a waiter. "1 wish to see the proprietor," he said. "Mr. Meyer is engaged at the mo- ment, sir," he answered. "Where is he?" spssamsmisim. Forestall Colds, - Chills arid Influenza Take 1 BOVRIL Use Bovril in your cooking. It flaiours, en- riaboe, nourilsies more. The Body-building Power of Bovril bas 'been proved by, independent scientific experiments to be from 10 to 20 times the amount of Bovril taken. with 3,1r. Meyer," said the MAP. "I think a goitleman is upstairs1 Measuring Quicksilver. "In Ms odiee?" 1 Quite:silver is measured by flask, "Yes, sir." ; Quit weighing 75 pounds net. ow, half-open dor paused. Ilaeley's Yokel MI:lard's Liniment ----..a------ I mounted the staire and before a , A woman Neill pardon cruelty and was audible 'within, so 1 linoeited and' inngtebre,da.n AI IndiesrcioevaenreddeskII.atuieeysidsetainlidnal justice, but never indifference, in a revolving chair, whiela with the desk, constituted the principal furni- ture of a tiny office, eat a man in a dress suit 'which had palpably nota been made for him. He had a sulleni and suspiciously Teutonic cast of countenance, and was engaged in a, voluable but hardly intelligible speech; AS I entered. 1 4Ha, Knox!" said Harley, glancin over his shoulder, "did you nutnage? 1 "Yes " I replied. , i Harley nodded shortly and turned again to the man in the chair. "I am sorry to give you so much • t bl M . M ' ' " h ti I Yl• should like my frie d here to see the LOOK OLD? When ane oppl.loa. non Or 3altotv. =air itostorativim mery 2 month* keeps the hair naturta. NG 0$1, tto dtrtt the hair <Pea be wash's% when destraa. 'I'm It. 131aOk or Brown. Prioe. $2.00. Sent prepaid to any address In Canods.. rowel'. Aye.. Ottawa , • , room above." At this moment Inv attention was attracted by a singular object which lay upon the desk in a litter of bills and accounts. This was a piece of rusty iron bar, somewhat less than three feet in length, that once had been painted green. (Coneluded in next item.. y „ „ COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF • TORONTO 0101111100110001.0.00 Send for Book of Recipes, FREE! 2,5,Itt and 10-16. tins )jrakes every dish—even bread pudding r-1- —more- popular with children and grown folks. Rich, pure, wholesome, economical. To be had at all Grocers. THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL Crown Brand Syrup Che _Great Sweetener" 25 45141.. saa Iv? Have Your Cleaning Done by Experts Clothing; honsehold draperies, linen and delicate 'Cabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh and bright as when first boUght. Clearing and. Dyeing Is Properly Done at Parker's It makes no difference where you live; parcels can be sent,in by'rnall or express. The,sa Ma care and atten- tion is given the work as though, you lived in town, We will be pleasedto advise you on any question regarding Gleaning or Dyeing. WRITE US. Porkers DyeWorks !km Cleaners &Dyers lSIYonge St., Toronto 4.= r4r4 1=