HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-3-17, Page 1e. THIRTY-FQURTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAR. 17, 1921 SANDERS CREfeCH• Our Corner Canada stands seventh place among tate (nations ons of the world as a ship- , builder, with 170,625 gross tons under • ean;struation. Pitons 81a TAMAN' For Al Mads o Men's Springwea '"GLAD TO GRL1s,T you, old top, by Jove, you're locking face Where did yougest such a swelliiiiii* . elegant fitting suit of clothes?" "At Taman s, the tailor, right down Main , Streets Best in.town. they say. At least, he fitted ' me with the beet suit lave ever had. Not high priced, eit her.""Looks good, to me, toc, I'll order my next suit from them, Sure," SUITS 520 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35 RAINCOATS $15 to $30 W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher building materl,,aas are coming down -n race, and, it may sown be ar thfn i r each of the ordinary ,man to hada house of his own,. In Fort William, for exanapte, e4 dealers iaave announc- ed a reductions of twenty-five percent. Alae. the price of {tressed and building iurnber. The:- ;s every appearance at nres- exat, that Spring is here. It Ls only the middle of Marea, but Easter is early Iles .year„- The robins and the klacl:iaards are .here at plenty, khae g: ss cs grean;ng, the air has been «Sachs and pleasant, end the darner :s busy mait;eng maple syrup. °'The frost is out of the grottad, and the roads are all broken up, so that trav- el by car is ver} difficult, while a buggy as a heavy tui, for a horse. ADVERTISE YOUR S ALBS, Tire day of plastering the country- side with postern to advertise auction axles, etc;., is eauto -t past. 'A :few bills ale the towns and villages are necessary taut there is iso eeus'e lrta the farmer wast t daya sti kg g. them up on concession corners. The way to get Dm attention of the people is through the soluuns of the local paper. People er.e.fiadreag the out and doing more of it every day. DEPAItTNIENTAL ta,AMS. The recently issued timetables of the Aeparttuental Baena::Ratiosys give sane following dates, -Lower School fd Entrance into. Normal School Juste Stn tit 17th; Model Entrance: and Sen- ier T.'ublic School, Graduation, June 7 io 17; Sr. High School E trence Juste 7 to 17; Middle Sehool'Entrance into Normal Seboo!s, June 20 to 27; Pass \itttriculatioa, June 13 to 27; Upper School Entrance into Normal Schools Pune 10th to 28; Honor and Scholar shag elatricuiation, June; 10 to 28. Tho Junior High School Entrance will be I held on June 28, 29, 30, and the Jr, Public School Graduation, June, 24 to 30. A LETTER FROM TeleWEST. Mr. J. C. Hogarth, writing from Pur vis, Man., says :-"While renewing lair your valuable paper for another year, I will snake a tow remarks about t engs In general let Ilea alert of the cou retry. Last season our craps were rather Iigbt owing to dry and hot weather; thus lea.vitte .the distract somewhat short of coarse .feed is the Iine of straw, oats and barley. Hay es seii > ingg ;from twelve to. ,fifteen dcllurs per ton. At the time of writing there fere, Lew straw stacks ea be seen in the tliatriet, We have -had a very mild w':nter as a whole, although lots of snow. As a general (rule. the , stock has come through the winter in fair: ct+ndition. Itis begittning to look and feel as though spring wasn't far off, as tlteartow has been going more or less daily. Last ,Call being favorable there was a Lair amount oaf plowing one, which wiil give the farmers a. ood chaYa.e this spring. Wishing you all a prosperous year. d g LENS LENS - LE HOLOPHANE LENS, tested to 27-C. P. B, JOHNSTON'S V. RAY, tested to 32- C. P. B. ...,....5 McBETH GREEN VISOR, tested to 31- C. P. B. ,.. . $3_50 ..$1'.50 Good Buys in Used Cars .$6,00 1 GRAY DORT, MODEL 9, SPECIAL, EXCELLENT. RUNNING ORDER 1 GRAY DORT MODEL 9, BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. T. H. NEWELL Flour . . 7 eed I OBITUARY. IThe funeral of Mrs. Robert diner, of Farquhar, took place Sat day afternoon from tete lion a sb bad loved for r many years, and w . largely attended. Site was laid rest in Roy's Cemetery beside tier be- loved husband who predeceased her by six years. Rev. Dr. Fletcher can - ducted the services and spoke kindly words of hope and comfort, Mrs. Gardiner had been in failing health for dive years, and, in her weakened condition she soon suc- cumbed to an attack of broucliitia which seized her in February. She was a daughter of the late Mr. arid, Ms. David Turnbull and was born i a Lanark County. When one year old ane was brought to 1.'sborne. by leer parents. in which` township sate resided until four years ago when she left for Battleiord, Sade., ter maim her home with Iter daughter, Mrs. T. l3. George. She was the sixth Qf a family of twelve, only three or whom survive; Rev, Dr. Turnbull of Toronto and William, Turnbull and ears. John William, of Usborne. The deceased was married in 1881 and reared a family of six, all of whom are atilt living. Arthur at the old home; Edwin; at Locltwood Sask.; Tsabella, (Mrs. George), at 13attleford, Sask.; Rev. William at lam, Ont.; and Anna and Lindsay. (Mrs. Reid). at Toronto. The deceased was a member of the Thazues Road. Preabyterian Church and a good Christian woman in prae- tiee as well as profession. Her bright t;indl face will long be remembered. d Rev. Rev.v. Gr. ;Vfc & stex of Haiti Sltr�eet Local News l Cal -eh and Rev E. Cr PoelJ of can wtil lex.ehan e• pulpits next Stn - as day. t Mr. James Jewell has returned Dome after visiting with his daugb- tern in London. While there he at- tended the Poultry Fanciers' ban- quet ia, honor of Mr. McNeil, veteran poultryman and judge. Crediton firs. Ferman Oestreicher and Mr. Ezra Oe[stre:cher .are in Durham at- end?in: the funeral Qf the former'« brother, the late F. S, Morlock. A meetiagg is (ailed for nest .%f • eas day evening in Ewaldts shop when the baseball eltib will be or.:ua. zed for the coating season. It is requ:st- %eat ;there be a good attendance as matters of considerable impo.rtanc?e will be discussed. We trust arrange- ments rrang- rrtents well be made ,to have a league Pewee as the. games proved a Brea% hep to our, town and we; knew cur boys weal give. a good account: t' ..eemselves this season. -" Jos. Hast ,and Ed. sFahner's sales which were held an Monday and Tues- day brought good prices and were largely arl:tended. llettey Either was in Toran.i o the s ev,ele on business.. Gottfred elg- er heel the insfortune d;ave his hand badly bruised in, the f4ax-m:31 hreal s Pone dby last vv a k. mile .heavy rein on Tuesday has sti:d� the -roads one mass of slush, :end sa «Dene placers the wheels sink to the a n:es. ver. fleury Stei Acker has moved to Remittent, where the w.Ii ,reside with his daughter, Mrs. Zurbrigg, We are :o-ry to lose hila as a res:tcient a aha place. It es twttee y,.ara s taxa he. moved acre with I:. wide and dur- 'n g that time made many trends Tar. house and lot which he occupied have - been purchased by William Brown, s The classes iheld by ales McTavis,', e In,tructor in Domestic Science, at the Institute rooms, arc well attended and much interest is taken thereat.e The man of the house is now pleas-' - antsy surprised when he gets home y for lees meals by seeing some new ex- tteriment .n cooking and baking. The men, as •t rule, have lost that grouch avpeartnee and are looking on the 1 hr gree ,sale of Iife agvtnt The se -.es or classes will be closed by a-brncuet on Friday night -a St. Pat- rick's Bane;uet-in the Town. Hall from 6 to 8, Tickets 50 and 35c, Addres see by ,Revs Haugh and Rev. Bretk, as well as alass. McTavish. Mr. Herb Young and bride, nes Miss Stock, stave arrived; and arra comfort ably settled in. their rooms over Clark's shop. We extend congratulations. Exeter Council Exeter, Monday 14, i921. A regular meeting of tate miunt©i pal council with •all the member present, Tho clerk was unable to b in attendance. Elston and Penitale--That th reeve and treasurer are hereby em powered to barrow the necessar mottles to meet current expenditure for the year. Carried. Mr. Jolts Hind, chairman of the public utilities eonimission board waited on the council and presented a cheque from the Hydro -Electric Department for the sum of seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars and eleven cents ($7769,11) being the re- bate due the village from the street lighting system for 1919. After dis- cussion this sum with. an added a- mount of $230.59 was transferred to the water works department to go towards the payment of the hydro- electric pump, being a total of $1,- 000.00 Motion per .Snell and Pen - hale. Carried. Auditor lefawson gave his report for the month of February. Accept- ed on motion of Snell and Elston. Carried. Mr. Howard Taylor asked for a rebate on taxes of 1919 as he had not been a citizen of Exeter for the full year. No action, The clerk was instructed to write Barrett Co., Toronto, re prices of tarvia. The report from the board of ar- bitration re adjustment of assess- ment for school purposes on lands in the 1st concession of TJsborne township and being the north half of lot 21, lots 22 and 23, in all 250 acres. Said lands to be assessed 60 per cent. of the assessed value as made by the Usborne township as- sessor for general purposes, and to apply for the Exeter school rate. Re- port was accepted on motion of Pen - hale and Snell. Carried. Letter was read from the office of S. Kovinsky, Chatham, re taxes on old foundry property: Per Elston and Davis that the clerk return the re- port to the county treasurer as un- paid municipal tax. Carried, The following accounts were or- dered paid: C. Ford, labor, cemetery, 7.50; W. J. Heaman, acct., 17.28. The clerk was asked to prepare a evasion of the village bylaws and ave the same presented to the coun- i1 with a view to having the same onsolidated and printed. He was also asked to have a by- aw prepared allowing the chief onstable to retain fees for cases rosecuted within the corporarion. Adjournment . by Elston. Minutes written by the reeve. HARVEY'S FLOUR ISS GOOD I r c 0 •: FLOUR. 1 0 YOU NEED SOME REAL GOOD P FEED TO PUSH YOUR PIGS • •. • ALONG. YOU CANNOT PUSH THEM WITH OAT AND BARLEY CHOP THIS YEAR, TRY OUR SHORTS, FEED. FLOUR OIL CAKE OR TANKAGE: TRY FEEDING YOUR COWS SOMI, SHORTS AND WATCH RESULTS, Harvey Bros. Farquhar Airs. James Rallantync of Exetervnsited at the bonne (of her' son • John over the week end. , ,Miss Jennie Passmore of Exeter ifs visiting this week at, Mr,. : William A. Clo tiles Pin Social under .aus- laces''oi1 the': Women's Institute on 'I'datarsday ,evening, March 17. Ladies kindly bring two clothes pans caress- ed the same, Mills Bros. of Woodham and ;several others vwi11 .assist. Mr, C. W. Rob:nson of Exeter chairman. , A anneal «itil be served. :Adrniseon 25o, and 11)c. r-ge,t the play to be g,ew'l .i.n the Hall s'vereon/Tuesday evening. ^'a -ch 22, (by the ,young people of Itusseadale Dashwood Mrs. J. Schaefer and daughter, Susie of Parkhill spent the ,week -end :tet itown. Mrs, G. Kellerman is at present vis- iting with her son in Walton. Little Reta •Hayter and Ruth K1ein- stiver axe visittin:g their aunt, Mrs. H. Zimmer in Stratford, Inspector Tom of Goderich paid our school an official visit last Thursday. Mr. Wm. Tiernan, of Stratford and Hisses Emma and Salome Tiernan of London attended the funeral of the late ,J L. Kraft tom Saturday,. Mr. Ferd. ler has acceptled a po- sition with Mr. Peterson at the cream- exy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer o1 Strat- ford spent the week -end with rela- tives here. Wm. Musser of London is visiting at his home here. Haugh -Musser. -A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Evangelical parsonage; on Wednesday, March 16 when Laura Mae, youngest daughjter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Musser, was united lin marriages to Arthur S,Haugh sin. of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Haugh, Rev. Yager lofficiait`ng. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of navy blue. Alk and georgette, with silver bead trimming. The groom's gift to the .bride was a beautiful . necklace, set with a diamond and pearls. The happy couple will reside on nave groom's iame farm east of the village, and voila have the best wishes of their many ,fr-ends, Death of John L. Kraft -The death of Mr. John la. Kraft, which took place here on. Wednesday of last week after a lingering illness, has caused much deep regret among a large circle of ,[rends. The '.deceased was born arid raised in the neighborhood, and by his kindly disposition, his honorable., un.- selfisa and unassuming disposition en- deared himself to all. For .a ,number of ,years ;he clerked for Mr. Jacob Kellerman. Later he purchased the business, and ;,Ccts the past ten years fl by his honorable: dealings and cour- teous and obliging manner, enjoyed a liberal patronage. He married Mss Tillbe Widle-t, and besides his sorrow- ing wire he leaves three children -'two v°ris ,and one son; also- his father and. mother, Mr, end Mrs. Pester Iiraf't, and �,hree sisters and one ,brother. De- ceased was aged 42 tyears, 2 'motflhis and 23 kdays,. The funeral''Which took plaice to the Lutheran cem;eitery +iota Saturday was•,very largely attended, MARRIAGES Haugh.--Musser-At Dashwood, on, Mar .16th, ;Arthur S,. -Haugh, to Laura May daughter r of Mr. and Mrs,.; An- drew :Musser ,of Dashwood, Parkinson-Mc%night-In St. Marys,on March 9th, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, Joshua McKnight, to ,Allen Ed- gar Parkinson ref St Marys', BIRTHS Penhale--ln Ez,eter, on Marcia 11. to :K_: and Mrs. Luther Penhale, a song. Ke slake --.fit Centralia on ?tfarcla 15th to .','1r. and Mrs,. Walker Kers?abe, a daughter. DEATHS Kraft --In Dashwood, on Mar. 9th, John L. K:.''t, aged 42' .years, 2 months, 23 days. IN »tXEMORIA31 lin lowing memory of our dear mezher fieri ��rxl: m Dav s), who passed ;sway t•vo years ago to -day, March 14th. 1919.' Wine the rev.n:rtg shades of heaven'. are falling And we are sitting ,all alone, To tour hearts there comas a longing, If ,she only would come home. Often and often our aearts do wander To a grave not far ,away. Where we laid our dearest mother Just two Years ago to -day. Her loving Acing and daughters. IN MEMORIAM Uarsey J loving memory of Mrs. C. P. i#arvey, who pasted :this life on;: year ago to -day, Mar. ,14, 1920. This day brings back sad memories Of one who has gone to rest;. The ones who think ,af her to -day, Are those who loved her best. We think of .her in «Mene And her name isle Taft recall; But we've notating left `to answer But her phata on, the goal?. --Husband. Father, Mother. Sinters. Mn. C. 14 Wawa ,lags bad hard anti` soft water ,piped o his restaurant which will be a great .coshes ence. PARKIIILL--?4 rs, David Bice died' at her borne on .,the Centre Road ow lfarch fl, after a brief illness from pneumonia. She is survived by her` husband and three young childreni. Prest-O.Lite. Batteries BRAND NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN-- ORDER N. ORDER NOW. Taylor Tire and Battery Dant Read This Unless You Need Fence WE ARE OFFERING FOR CASH UP TO ALA.RCH 31st -. 8 WIRE FENCE, 12 STAYS TO THE ROD FOR 60c. THIS OFFER CLOSES ON MARC}[ 3lst. WE WILL TAKE CARIte OF ALL ORDERS UP TO THAT DATE. BUGGIES. -AVE. HAVL A FEW BUGGIES LEFT AT PRICKS THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. DROP IN AND SEE THael. B. T. LITTER CARRIERS, WATER BOWLS, PUMPS, TANKS, STABLE FITTINGS AT SPECIAL PRICES. HAY CAR GOODS, ROPE ALL SIZES, PULLEYS, ETC, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE B. T. SINGLE RAIL STEEL TRACK- DE RACK DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS, REPAIRS ALWAYS ON HAND. AGENTS FOR DOMINION ELECTRIC SYSTEM Massey -Harris Show Rooms FRANCIS & WILLIAMS Honesty is our Policy. , Lire and Let Live our Motto J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats A. most refreshing collection or New Spring Styles in Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats, in all the new and popular styles You who know what constitutes the Best, and who apprec- iate exclusiveness will make it a point of seeing our complete showing. New Spring Wall Papers Our Range of New Wa11 Papers for this season is by far the nicest ever. We can suit any room lin your home. They consist of beautiful Tapestry Patterns in Light and Dark Shades; also ani plain ,colorings, and nice Chintz Patterns for Bedrooms. See our nifty stock before doing y our decorating. Rugs Rugs We have a cJioice assortment of Roam Rugs in Wilton's, Velvets, Brussels and Tapestrys in sizes 21-4 yards 'x 3 yards to 4 yards x 4 1-2 yards, They ere ani, the Latest Designs and Colorings. Let us cover your floor with a rug you will always be proud to look at. New Spring Goods in all Depts. ARRIVING EVERY DAY AS FOLLOWS, MEN'S & BOYS' SPRING CAPS MEN'S SUITS` BOYS' SUITS NEW FELT „HATS BLACK & COLORED SILKS FANCY DRESS VOILE SPECIAL--Ginghams in some lovely Plaids and Checks 33c yid; FRESH GROCERIES AT SPE CIAL REDUCED PRICES. J. A. STEWART HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE,