HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-05-05, Page 23;they
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troit Marine Historical
the lakes, a chapter • ofnumcrous.
r• Canadian marine history f. Although satisfactory
pril edition of my came to an end. Some forty-
arineHistorian", I 'tts.o'floatingcigars' performers, the pigs' never
urine Detroit Marine gars' were attained the expectations of
Society will holds launched between 1888 and their originator, They
$ocie in Goderich 1898 at Duluth and Superior possessed distinct disad
This meeting will isconsin•. Sevehteen of these
conjunction with were self-propelled; the
upcoming Jubilee °guilt ers cnba1896 by the
eaAmerican Steel Barge
was suggested byPen- Company at Superior, the
canon, John Ericsson always
worthy proposal,
g retained her original name.
will add a further
of interest and The design of the
to the
inte'stivities. 'whaleback' was the brain-
ngton's suggestion child of AlexanderMcDougal,
me to submit the a ship's engineer who im-
migrated to Canada from
aterial. Scotland in the mid 19th
ograph was taken century. He sailed the lakes
north„ pier of the and became a master in 1864.
harbour sometime
His thinkingwas that a ship
early 1950's. It is
that two "round in the belly and
s� or `pigs' are shaped like a cigar" Would
e vessels, John offer least resistance to wind
nd the* Barge 137 and heavy seas, A barge, the.
first ship constructed, was
d by upper Lakes,
Company, were christened 101 and launched
isitor to this port, on June 23rd, 1888. The
odericbuys ex• Rocckefellets came to be
seatimc aboard interested in McDougal's
design, Financial backhitg
was provided and
'`vhalehacks' became
he Ericsson was
attire service on
vantages. With rounded hulls,
they were unable to carry
deck cargo, and had small
hatcttes making them,
relatively difficult to unload.
Crewmen risked life and
Iimh, moving from cabins aft
to the bridge forward, during
any kind of a roll at sea.
It is interesting to note a
comparison between the John
Ericsson of yesteryear and
today's maximum -size laker
Quebecois, owned by the
same company; The port of
Goderich wa s officia11y
opened by the Quebecois. in
April of this year,
John Ericsson: length 390
feet: beam 48 feet: depth, 27
feet; cargo capacity, 180,000
Quebecois; length 730 feet;
beam 75 feet; depth 39 feet.:
cargo capacity„ 950,000
The John Ericsson had
many eventful—days during
her f,, year lifespan. Even in
el ship admired
riks and Christina Lovett of St. Mary's School were fascinated with this model
Ip that was part of a science project on the history and development of ships by
rd. (staff photo)
At Popular Prices
-Great for Wine & Cheese Parties
Excellent Selection of your glost,.
rorite Cold Meats and Cheeses:
neat Lunch'Sparkers as well"
- •r
society to meet in .Goderich
the twilight of her career, she
faced excitement, suspense
and adventure.
In 1963, Upper Lakes
Shipping Company, broke
away from the powerful
Seafarers' International
Union (S.I.U.) headed at that
time by the iron -fisted, tough -
talking Hal Banks. It was a
bitter, violent struggle.
Dockworkers in Chicago
refused to load any vessel
owned by Upper Lakes
Shipping. Another company
ship, the Howard L. Shaw
waited months but received
no cargo. In late September,
she suffered damage' when
bombed while waiting at
dockside. Crippled, the Shaw
left Chicago empty.
In early October, the
Ericsson moved in to take her
place. Dockworkers refused
to 'load her. Waiting until the
end of November, she too
cleared Chicago light and
sailed to Fort William
(Thunder Bay) for her winter
storage load. This was her
last cargo.
The city of Hamilton in-
tended to make a marine
museum of the Ericsson.
Even though" the ship was
given free to the city, this
idea proved .too costly and
was abandoned. The
following year, the gallant old
lady of the lakes fell victim to
the wrecker's torch. Only one
'floating cigar' remained, the.
American tanker Meteor.
When the John Ericsson went
to the honeyard, tlip era of the
Canadian 'whaleback' ended..
Yours truly,
Glen I. Gardiner
Sources of reference:
- Great Lakes Red Book
Toronto Daily
Star,(Shipping News)
- Along The Lakes by Doug
Ship -Shore News,
Goderich Jubilee Committee
Mr. Harry E. Worsell,
Dear Sir:
I received your letter of
January 1, 1977 regarding the
150 Jubilee of the founding of
My father, Mr. William
Clucas was born and raised in
Goderich- and while he was
living, our family spent many
happy vacations at the Sunset t
I. still get the Goderich
Signal Star and both my '
husband and I enjoy reading
it, I guess the paper has been
coming to my home for 75
I especially enjoyed the
article in the paper that Mr.
W.E. Elliott wrote about
MacEwans finding the salt
,When it spoke of a man
painting a picture df Mr.
MacEwan on his boat, that
man was my grandfather,
Mr. Harry Clucas, and
another place it spoke of a
young man drawing pictures
of steamers on the black-
board, that was my uncle Ike
Clucas. So the article was of
great interest to me,
I would like to go up to
Goderich- this summer, 'but
myhusband and I do not
travel very far from home
any more,
I hope the Jubilee will be a
success and everyone will
enjoy the festivities.
Dorothy Clucas Diocn
some 1 0 hospitals in the
province. The professional
organization of nurses' in this
province is the Registered
Nurses Association of Ontario
(RNAO), The standard-
setting body is the College of
Nurses of Ontario.
The union is at this very
time engaged in a crucial
contract arbitration that
could affect hospital
province: wide.
3. A key issue in that Lir-
hitrution is the union's efforts
to obtain greater control over
workload, and therefore over
the number of RN"s that
hospitals must employ,
4 Despite budget con-
straints, and the fact • that
Ontario's RNs are among the
highest-paid in the world, the
most recent hospital
statistics show no significant
reduction in the ratio of
overall nursing services to
patients in
Most of the allegations of
"mismanagement" and
"waste- made by the nurses'
union actually tell a quite
different story of the efforts
of hospitals and the people
working in them, to adapt to
' the demands on. their limited.
facilities. If there, are any
"horror" stories, I find them
in a surprising lack of
compassion shown by some of
the nurses quoted, for people
who look to thein hospitals for
There is no question that
pressures upon active•
treatment hospitals and staff
would he eased by creation of
more alternative services,
particularly for long-term
g'riatric and home care
patients. „ v.
A word of warning,
however. The public must not
he misled to expect dramatic
financial economies from
such moves. The difference in
average daily costs bears no
relation to the money that
might he saved by moving
patients from ,acute-care to
long-term hospitals. In fact,
,there is really no evidence
that nursing a chronically -ill
patient in an active -
treatment hospital is .more
expensive than anywhere
cisc. The .important con.
sideration here is not
mythical dollar savings but
he problem of placing
patients in the settings best
uited to their needs for
Dear Editor,
Hospitals in many parts 01
the province are presently
being made thb scapegoats of
an orchestrated attempt by
the nurses' union (ONA) to
discredit health care ser-
vices, The union's original
brief contained some
reasonable recommendations
'to improve health services,
particularly in the circas of
public wealth and preventive
health care.
Recent attacks by local
iuiion officers upon their own
hospitals for the purpose of
publicity. are quite another
matter. Are the(?te ()NA
reprvscntatives really
speaking for the riany
1housands irf trnfes?iional
nurses working ,in° our
'(;here are some important
points the public s iuiuld hear
in mind:
I. 'i'he ONA is neither 0
professional association nor,t
standard setting body. It is a
certified trade union, with
hal-gaining rights for RN's in
treatment and rehabilitation.
That's a tremendous
challenge to any health care
system in a constantly
changing environment.
Some significant efforts to
improve long-term care
arrangements have been
promised by the government.
Meanwhile, our public
general hospitals remain un
the front-line, coping with the
needs of sick and ailing
people. That's their joh.
At one point, the Minister of
Health was quoted as saying
that hospital employees may
come to him anonymously
with complaints; Our
association is glad to have
received this assurance
since, that he agrees with us
that this would be both
regrettable Lend unnecessary.
If any hospital employee has
sincere concerns about
conditions in his or her
hospital. there are internal
channels available just as in
any other workplace.
The Minister, the public
and hospital employees can
have confidence in the ability
and determination of hospital
hoards and executives ,,to
continue managing their own
operations fairly and in the
Fine form for fling
Carrie Crawford, daughter of Bill and Donna Crawford,
'entertained with the highland fling at Saturday's
children's fashion show in Knox Presbyterian church
A Special Gift
For A Special Lady
iO1hOf [Jay
An Excellent
e ection of
Dresses, etc.,
-for that Special
Lady at • 4..
best interest of the patients
they serve.
Yours sincerely,
J , W . Ostler
Ontario Hospital Association.
lose four
Sired stakes
'rhe Goderich Trotting
Association has lost out on
four 'Ontario Sired stake
races due to the cancellation
of racing nights in the town,
The cancellation came
Lifter the condemnation of the
grandstand Although the
association plans to rebuild
the grandstand and regain
the regular racing dates next
year they will lose out on the
stake races in the 1977 season.,
The stake races, previously
scheduled for Goderich will
now be run at Frontenac
Uown.s, July 10: Dresden,
July 1 : Kawartha, August 11
and Barrie. August 19,
The condemnation came
after the Ontario Racing
Commission requested that
the Ministry of Consumer and
Commercial Relations in,-
spcct all grandstands under
its jurisdiction in Ontario. An
engineering report from the
firm of Morrison Herchfield,, ,,.
Burgess and Higgins Limited
of Toronto showed that the
Goderich' grandstand was.
structurally. deficient.
The Clinton grandstand
also felt into• this category,
hut their racing dates will not
he lost as anew grandstand is
being constructed..
Just one suggestion
from our
Mother's Day
Now at
Squire Gifts
Day spoon
For her, on her own special
day. A silver plated spoon,
4'/2" long, with Mother's
Day 1977 engraved in
v;e also carry
Cups & Saucers
and China Roses
for Mother
the home of
distinctive gifts.
Sgrui'te %iiIis
Monday to Friday
10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
90 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.