HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-05-05, Page 9one,
Spring is undoubtedly, the finest of the
Spring weather accommodates a wide
scope of activity but for a sports en-
thusiast it is an unlimited paradise. Not
only for participator sports but also for
the spectator sport. Now that's my
Television programming at this time
of year is just flooded with sports. The
Stanley Cup playoffs, the world hockey
championship in Vienna, golf tour-
naments, tennis tournaments, baseball
games, car racing, rugby and bowling
for dollars provide a pallatable menu for
armchair quarterbacks.
But for just as many men who are
appeasing appetites with delectable
sports tidbits from the tube. there are
undoubtedly just as many disgruntled
wives who are foresaken on weekends
for Howard Cosel and Danny Gallivan,
They don't seem to forget either. Several
promises made in the fall to postpone
physical labors to accommodate 25
football games, 15 playoff games,
championship games and a smattering
' of bowl games, creep up again in the
spring. But now it's time for hockey
playoffs. They will just have to wait.
The wqrst possible fate ever inflicted
upon a sports enthusiast happened just
last week. White watching a semi-final l
game between the Montreal Canadiens
and the New York Islanders the power
went out late in the third period.. I was
furious. Take my car, golf clubs,
anything; but don't deprive me of the
lifeline that feeds sports into the
Watching sports on television is an
affliction over which the afflicted have
no control. I have even forsaken menial
tasks such as lawn cutting to watch
rugby, a sport I can't even comprehend.
But it's sports and it's on television and
LL ,.
as one of the afflicted it is my duty to
I have wondered what powers hold a
man's eyes glued to the television set for
a whole weekend. 1 convinced myself
that it. was actually enjoyable. 'Others
cooly referred to it as laziness.
"You will never amount to anything
sitting around all day and watching
football and hockey, my dear mother
used to repeat.
Looking back on it I have to give her
credit for an infinite amount of wisdom
and foresight. She was right.
Television sports is entertaining and
under the right circumstances cannot be
rivalled by any other television
programming. But it only leads to the
conclusion that the majority of sports
buffs, television oglers, are frustrated
skinny, little, would-be jocks.
But the beauty of the spring season is
that it' draws out the children, the
housewives and would-be jocks Into
meaningful activity and exercise after a
long dreary winter when the beer begins
to settle in the mid-section. Spring is also
a season that makes many, youthful of
spirit, light, of heart and dhildren out of
I would enjoy nothing better than to
join the hundreds of children who have
returned to streets and schoolyards for
road hockey and baseball. But for fear of
being conspicuous and just a little bit
childish I manage to suppress these
athletic urges.
But oh! to be young,sagain and enjoy
the spring season with wild and youthful
abandon and without the pressures of
responsibility. I sure wouldn't mind
getting in a little road hockey but it
seems the grass and weeds are licking at
the doorstep. 1 will have to settle for
hockey television style.
What a season!
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on County Board of Education.
om was overflowing last
vening as a cross section of
students, principals and
tended a special meeting to
it support to books used in
ursesln area high schools.
blic meeting was prompted
d Barth, of Blyth made a
on to the boardat its regular
eeting in April and called for
gation into the filth in 'books
nglish courses. Mr. Barth, a
cher, read some passages of
and members and called for
action on the type of material that school
students were exposed to.
Approximately, 200 people jammed the
board room and listened while teachers
and English department heads asked for
trust in their selection and subsequent
discussion of reading material in school.
Barth's main criticism and allegations
were directed towards 'Of Mice and
Men' and `Grapes of Wrath' by John
Steinbeck and "Catcher in the Rye' by
J.D.S.• Linger.
Spoklesman for the teaching group
lauded not only the literary value of the
works but also the valuable moral im-
plications raised that acted as an ob-
jective learning device, Audrey Tiffin,
English department head at. F. E. Madill
Secondary School in Wingham, ad-
vocated use of such literature claiming
the language was realistic and that
literature was basically a mirror of life.
Books selected for an English course
are done from an approved list from the
Ministry of Education and the final
decision rests'With teachers, department
heads and superintendents. If a teacher
elects to use a book not .contained in the
Ministry's approved list, then approval
of the board of education is needed.
Tiffin raised an important point at the.
meeting claiming that one student ad-
vised her that although students did use
abusive language..at times, their school
books were hardly the source. It's"im-
possible to attempt to shelter students
from abusive language in books, when
that would not get to the root of the
problem. Tiffin also explained that when
such words were found in the text books
they were not used in the classroom.
Elizabeth Twiss, English department
head at Central Huron Secondary School
in Clinton, said that' literature offered
ideas on humanity rather than reflecting
model behavior and that students were
capable of evaluating the situations on
their own merit. Twiss explained that
the evaluation of words in a book was
futile but rather must be studied in.the
context of the message they convey to
the reader,
John Stringer, Goderich District
Collegiate Institute principal, said that
the -groups objecting to the books in use
should have their complaints aired and
added that it would also,force teachers to
re-examine material selected for a
course. But he also upheld the
educational systems responsibility to
educate students to face life with an open
mind and acquire the knowledge that
problems can also be solved,
Students supported teacher claims
that theTbooks were more literary value
and offered a human learning eic-
perience..One student claimed that
classes delved into themes, characters.
and plots, comparing them to their own
situations and philosophies. Board
member Dorothy Wallace threw her
support behind the books and their
literary value..
Board chairman. Herb Turkheim
expected the board to make a decision on
the matter earlier this week.
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ued on
tario Conservative Party's
on of election plans backfired
as the Liberal Party forced
of an election three days
Premier William Davis had
al Party's determination to
nereases in the province in
with allowable wage in -
w the defeat of the Con-
overnment Thursday night,
mpted the calling of the
riday. The Conservatives
t to be defeated on the bill
and had hoped to call the election
Monday on the premise that the party
could not govern properly while having
to depend on the support of weak. Liberal
party against the strong opposition of the
New Democratic Party.
The Conservative cabinet was
responsible for engineering the cir-
cumstances which brought on the
special debate Thursday night on the bili
to extend rent controls to the end of 1978.
The Liberals had introduced an
amendment to the. bill and the Con-
•servatives were sure that the Liberals
would back down on the non -confidence
ators of the federal anti-
oard Continue to shuffle
uickly as players on an ex -
key team.
onfhs Jean -Luc Pepin, head
resigned from that post and
wage and price controls will
Canadians for some time.
nister Trudeau confirmed
a weekly press conference
d said that Harold Renouf,
rmer Atlantic Provinces
ve on the seven man board,
d as the replacement to
was quick to point out that,
vote as they" have done before to avoid
defeating the government,.
But the Liberals stuck to their
amendment and joined by NDP sup-
porters in the Legislature toppled the
minority Conservative government : on
the vote. Davis decided that an election
would have to be called this year after
the NDP party openly criticized the
budget and that the government would
have to fight for implementation of the
bilis proposed in the budget to complete
the budget program laid out by Darcy
The Liberals had promised support for
the budget from the start but Davis knew
that their support had become suspect.
Evenetbefore the budget the government
knew 'tlf opposition to the rent control law
by Hugh Edighoffer, MPP from Perth.
The Conservatives were anxipusly
looking for an issue to call an election on,
but Davis was content to call an election
on the basis that the Liberal support in
the legislature was unreliable. He
claimed that while the Liberals
'technically supported the government
they also voiced strong opposition. It
',was more an excuse than an issue. '
The government thought originally
although many would take his
resignation as a sign that the anti-
inflation program was about to end, it
was not true. He claimed that wage and
price controls would remain intact for,
some time and that was his reason for
deserting the pbst.
Pepin's new duties have not hcen
announced but the Prime Minister in-
dicated that he has discussed several
new duties with Pepin that touched on
economics, national unity and foreign
trade. Pepin appears to have his choice
of duties and an announcement on his
post is expected within another week.
The Prime Minister was also quick to
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United States President,
on, has regained the news
the first of his four in -
h British television's David
ew with Frost that was to
nesday, was the first in a
les, that marks the end of
Imposed silence on the
atter since he resigned
4 Time and Newsweek
also featuring Nixon this
°ries included generous
°m the Watergate tran-
New York Times and the
add .that the program was not faltering
and that' Pepin's resignation was not" a
result of failure. The program in-
ntroduced on October 14, 1975 was to run
through October of 1978 but Trudeau said
that the anti-inflation controls could be
lifted sooner if business and labor can
agree on „some forms of voluntary
If the government can get assurance
from the business sector on
voluntary restraints it was hinted that
the wage and price control guidelines
-could begin disappearing as early as
next .January.
.lune Menzies. a Winnipeg consumer
advocate, who replaced Beryl Plumtree
as AIB vice-chairman last summer, said
that although the final decisions on the
hoard's fate rests with politicians the
end of the controls would be phased out
no later than January of,1978. She said
that the anti-inflation board has
recom ni ended that the controls progra m
be phased out over a year and that
Trudeau and the cabinet would likely
support the recommendation,
•Menzies claims that the controls
should he lifted now while the program is
still vital. The success of the program
will be realized when the controls are
lifted and she suggested that the controls
Sunday Washington Post also featured
front page stories based on the tapes.
In the interview Nixon said his im-
mediate actions after the Watergate
burglary were engineered not to try and
cover up the criminal action "'but to
contain the scandal for political reasons.
He claimed the action was to eliminate
potential damage to innocent people. But
it was determined that Nixon was in-
volved in the scandal and secret money
payments earlier than was previously
The transcript of an unpublished
White Rouse tape indicates that the
former president was aware of the
money paid for silence and in another
tape he wondered if the American people
would impeach g president on the
testimony bf John Dean,
The tapes shed little new Tight on what
was already known of Nixon's in-
volvement in the scandal that began
June 7, 1972 with the break-in at the
Democratic party headquarters in the
Watergate office building but they
reinforced the stand that he was
preoccupied with Watergate from the
Release of the transcripts also earned
the entered of t'135 s be Minutes who
devoted ;i segment of the show •to an
interview with frost and also spoke to
news division presidents of NBC and
CBS about payments to Nixon. The
former president is believed to be get -
ling $600,000 as well as u share of the
profits from the interviews. The Frost
organization sold the interviews to 145
independent television stations,
Charles Colson, who served more than
four months in prison for a Watergate
related charge said he is suspicious of
the whole interview claiming the
transcripts were inaccurate and
that the rent control bill could wait unti,1
after the election. But since the rent.
control laws expiffd July 31, and the law
required tenants to receive 90 days
notice of increases, then landlords could
take advantage of the situation during
the election and hike rents to their
satisfaction, That situation would only
mean bad news notonly for tenants in
the province but also for the Con-
servatives who could easily lose the
tenant vote.
The Conservatives were sure the
Liberals would cave in on the rent bill.
he waved on an individual basis. She
supports a phasing out program related
to the expiration of labor contracts so
that' as individual contracts expire the
controls would he lifted.
The advantage of her recom-
mendation is that all labor contracts
would not he coming out of the controls
at the same time .and perhaps would
avoid an explosion of wage and price
demands at the same time. At the same
time companies would emerge from
their price controls at the end of their
fiscal year but would remain under price
controls in cases of excess revenues.
misleading. He added that the media has
manipulated old tapes and used in-
formation that has previously•proven to
he inaccurate.
• Nixon said that his motive in the whole
affair was not to cover up the criminal
action but that he didn't want people in
the While House and people in the
committee at the highest levels, who
were not involved, to be smeared with
the,wholc thing. He saidhe was simply
trying to contain it.
The New York Daily News suspected
that the interviews were only the first
step in an nmhitious proernm by the
They are running third in the popularity
polls in the, province and were the least
likely party to seek an election. But.
party leader Stuart Smith had to
maintain party credibility and instead of
giving in to the Conservative.,bill party
members stood firm and voted against
Davis claims that the government was
defeated on a motion of non -confidence
that forced the election. He would not
admit that the party actually engineered
the defeat in seeking the election. That
shouldn't fool too many voters,
Pepin was regarded as a smooth
tongued charmer who acted mainly as a
conciliator on the •board and said
publicly that he would leave the post of
chairman as soon as a replacement
could •be found. Renouf, a Halifax
chartered accountant and 'only one of
two original members on the AIB, is a
business -like scholarly contrast to
Renouf, who joined the anti-inflation
hoard two days .after its inception in 1975
has been a strong enforcer of the
program and under his direction wage
and price controls will be enforced to the
disgraced ex -president to rehabilitate;
his image. Time maga-zine said that
Frost consistently pumped Nixon with
quote after quote from the tapes and that
at the end of the interview, Nixon looked
like a beaten man.
The second interview in the series will
be shown May 12 and it will be a
discussion of Nixon's foreign policy. The
third program of the series to be aired—
May 19 will deal with war, home and
abroad and Nixon's final days will be
shown May 25 and will deal with his lite
since leaving the office of the President
of the United States.