HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-04-28, Page 31ittin ng parents should let do, nor is it something ster should do just to oney. Uabysitting is a responsibility and be taken seriously igto Prov. Const. Bill of the Goderich ent of the Ontario- ial Police. joined public health anet Reid and health Hortense Happel in a ype discussion with I;,' and 8 students at e School recently to t the importance of g that children ting know what ping. re entrusted with must valuable ion," said Reid. hat in mind when you foF babysitting ysh'ting no small task, care is essential 111 showed the students that put the basic s of potential ters into actual Wilson conceded film may have shown at are common only metropolitan areas )tly added that it only ppen ince in a rural 0 have happened too, the first concerns a r should have when thinking. of working eone they never or before is whether evy really want the sitter should try to s such as number of hours expected, pay • other duties ex- nd the age of the before offering to job. Once committed should attempt to parents and children rriving for work. he sitter encounters wanting very young cared for or where hildren require n or other special the sitter should consider turning down the job. Medication should always be the responsibility of the parents. They should administer any medication prior to leaving and not ex= pect another dosage to be given the child until they return. Before the parents leave for the evening the sitter should ask for a guided tour of the house so they know "where stairways lead to, where the children's rooms are;• where things like radios, televisions toys for children and other things are located. This is 'also good in the case of a fire. emergency.'"This is.also good in the case of a fire emergency so the sitter knows the quickest route to the children's rooms and the quickest route out of the house. In case of fire the sitter should get the children out of the house immediately. If the youngsters are not dressed do nut stop to put clothes on them, Get .them outside and phone for help from a neigh- bor's phone. Parents should he sure to leave a complete list of phone numbers at the sitter's disposal. Numbers for police, fire, doctor, hospital, am- bulance, neighbors that could help the sitter out, the phone number of the place the parents are going to he and iilso leave a complete address written near"the phone. 1f the address is urban the house number and street is needed. 1f it is rural the lot number, Brookside babysitteras instructed Public health nurse Janet Reid (left), health teacher Hortense Happel (centre) and Prov. Const. Bill Wilson of the Goderich detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police took part in a panel discussion on babysitting with about 250 Grade 5,6,7 and 8 students at Brookside School recently. The 11 discussion centered around a film that showed the im- portance of babysitting and the need for extra care by a sitter to do a good job. A show (*hands indicated that about 5 percent of the students in th.t' four grades had experience as babysitters. (staff - Photo) ATER SYSTEMS BE CURED -• _ E DOCTORS, SSURED Hi there pal! Rob MacEwan of Goderich and his friend Julius captivated a young audience at Suncoast Mall last Saturday with their zany antics. MacEwan, who has created several of his own puppet characters put on several shows during the day. (staff photo) /I.�1ri �1�II�'�Iv;• More people than ever .want to own their own home. Ontario has a flan to make it easier. HOP/HOME (Assisted Home Ownership Program/ ome Ownership Made Easy Plan) is a federal- ovincial program designed to bring home nership within the reach of moderate and lower come families by offering financial aid in the form loans, subsidies and grants. How much aid you ceive depends upon your household formation. come and the monthly carrying,charges fir your w home All types of new houses are eligible for ass stance long as they are AHOP qualified by Centra rigage and Housing Corporation and are s d .� hinthe maximum AHOP prices in your nicipality. Through an AHOP Interest Reduction Loan. the tyear's mortgage payments are reduced to an 8 erest rate. An AHOP subsidy of up to $750 is liable during the'first year of occupancy so you not spend more than 25% of your household °me on mortgage payments and municipal taxes to rna also qualify for a Provincial HOME Grant of 50 in the first year should your mortgage and tax payments still exceed 30% of your household income. Subsidies and grants are not repayable. Loan repayments begin in the seventh year of the mortgage. - If you are Interested in buying a hope under the AHOP/HOME Program, look In the real estate section of your newspaper for participating builders. For more detailed program Inforrf ation. write: Communications Branch Ministry of Housing 56 Wellesley Street West. 2nd Floor Toronto. Ontario M7.A 2N5 John Rhodes, Minister of Housing William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario GODE RICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1977—PAGE Ilq' concession number and township is needed, Once on the job the sitter should always clean up if they make some snacks for the youngsters or read the newspaper or anything else that may he untidy. Noise should be kept t , a minimum so the sitter qan hear the children at all times if the youngsters should call or cry out. The sitter should never puke his or her nose into people's private things such as drawers, closets an9i, trail The sitter should never tie up the phone any length of time. If a call must be made it should he kept short so that -anyone trying to contact the house can do so, If a stranger does call never indicate you are hahysitting and are alone. Just say the person asked -for is not home and ask for a message. Never answer the door if you don't know who is calling. Chain locks are ideal for this situation. Wilson also advised the students against advertising their hahysitting offer on bulletin hoards in Laun- dromats or shopping centres: The wrong person may make a call for a babysitter leading to potential problems for the youngster. 1 Anstett Jewellers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482.3901 OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience. HOURS: Monday through Saturday, • 9 a.m. • 6 p.m.; Friday nights 'till 9 p.m." YJAG • AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS a,,WRINGER WASHERS • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People at:- HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524.7831 `H&R Block has seventeen reasons why you should let them prepare your • income tax return. Reason Number Fourteen: H & R Block people are human and once in a great while they may make an error. But if that error means you have to pay additio,ial tax, you pay only the tax. H & R Block pays any interest and penalty. They stand behind their work. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME fAX PEOPLE 3 DAYS LEFT 19 VICTORIA ST. N. GODERICH Hwy 21 beside Presbyterian Church Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays, 9-5 Saturday Phone 524-8658 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St.. 524.6253 Goderich, Ontario -DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 Cards For All Occasions • Gifts • Books • Stationery Supplies ▪ Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST St Goderich CHISHOLM FUELS Distributor. For U NOC PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, " INDUSTRY • 24 Hour Burner Service • Furn.ca Financing • Oa•olin., a p1••40 Fuels • New Furhac• Installation 1 Mot water Pollan 524-768 1 OR, 529-7524 R W. BELL OPTOMETRIST' The Square 524-7661 KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WINGHAM ONTARIO 357-1087 For FASHION, RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Sgoare Guder,f r1 • WEST ST. COIN -OP LAUNDROMAT' & DRYCLEANING 54 West St. 524-9953 Open Daily 41 7 a.m. - 11 irrn. Drycleanie�y 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. Peter S. MacEwan INSURANCE AGENCY Residential • Commercial Auto. Life 38 St. David St., Goderich Ph. 524-9531 or 524-2522 fL�tt z� f, <�lOJ Eft SEI 524-2011 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario - Ez P.O. Box 307 'MacGillivray & Co. . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT MANAGER 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. 524-2922 Science and Fashion In Hair Care • M'Lady complete hair care services • M'Lords hair. cutting & styling— Tues., Thurs. evening • Senior citizens discounts Wednesday afternoons Plus • Nucleic acid & protein hair treatments Where??? AT The Beauty Lounge ' 81 East St., GODERICH "Naturally" 524-8994 71_ �uHdctcc�irly Custom Von & 4 Wheel Drive Accessories Sound Systems • Air Brush and Stripping Artwork 'Quality Custom Work is our Tradition' Mitchell Ph.348-8169 n n ^ THURS. NIGHT MEN'S NIGHT CUT, BLOW DRY, STYLING MONTH OF MARCH $ 5 00 /n� ori-o4n REG. •�,» BEAUTY SALON Phone S44-9337 34 Newgate 8t.. Qod•rich, Oat. ) 11