HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-04-28, Page 17anted ay 15,' God comm ling R ion ANI ration, xperieeq echanitrl !fellatio , andalw. rich„ :TOR 01 RATION OSPITIj, Tenders MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION INVITATION TO TENDER interior painting of O.H.C. or Citizen Units at various ects in Bruce and Huron ties. er Reference TS 11-153 ed Tenders will be ived for the above until •a,m, local time, May 1977 by Ontario Housing ration, c -o Court House gistry Office, 80 Dundas P. 0, Box 5600, Postal ion "A", London, Ontario, 2P3, attention Branch ager, from whom details specifications . may be ined or telephone (519) 7110, quoting reference bers as above. LOWEST OR ANY NDER NOT ESSARILY ACCEPTED. NATIO lithe iuire a oyee to •ge of fables to ind Aacflee follow of cal alerted e appli lull ri fits, ry glutei I. Boz ortgages' ECOND MORTGAGES 14.9% on amounts over $8,000 FAST SERVICE . No bonus, brokerage or finder's fees ol{sehold Realty me on in or call the nearest Tice of Household Finance k for Mortgage Services 35A West Street GODERICH 524-7383 uction sales lent w ny home cage be also Phos fent wit acting. sitter., 17,18 udent. lymect by the s And ly to IEA AGS be 10vof of mat, wainsta est ted,t ldi) i Ids Igo LI( ell !CI 100 6,1 Iv lieu 111 CENTURY RM AUCTION. WED. MAY 4 12:00 p,rn, SHARP e held in Fullerton nship 2 mi. W. of elldale, Hwy 83 and 2 mi. past the high Bell hone tower. Country Spire Church que snop, family ooms from the late John and earlier generations. of these antiques known 125 years old. e selection of rare old tore and collectible farm ments, further information on listings contact auc- Wright, Kippen 262-5515 y TWILIGHT action Sale iques, household effects contents of a gift store Lucknow, Bayfield and rich at , the Auction s, Hwy. 21, one mile of Goderich day, April 29 7:0O P,M- nion organ and stool; 2 nd wood burning stoves; showcases; Victorian er;• washstand; tom- e chest of drawers; @ -back chairs and 2 arm S; 2 pressed -back s; 2 Victorian chairs; n•coop chair; rocking 1; pressed -back high, 2 wicker chairs; n kitchen cha irs; 2 spool 3 dressers; small Is; 2 swing i mirrors; ephone groom Sion tables; Walnut oval 12 kitchen cupboards; 2 phones; mantel clock; s, cedar chest; treadle I machine; scales; flat I bookcase; oak desk; 'mps; lanterns; floor I; rollaway bed; 2 T.V.; hire electric stove; Me; chesterfield and S Pc- wooden kitchen looks; frames; bottles; .Stamps. 3 store islands; cards and stands; Nara; dishegquantity pressed lawn umbrella stand; chairs; 2 small ail tattachments garage 'Id , etc. • Cash • tiers •'Mail* Salm - 527.0/94 I Cummings Ith 5144064 17. Auction sales AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 30 12:30 p.m, to be held on the Main Street, Zurich first house past Liquor Store. Large selection of furniture and household effects from two homes. Owners! Mrs. Deehard 236- 4951; Clarence Farwell 236- 4973 ,_ Auctioneer: Percy Wright 262- 5515 ATt4WELL•S AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS APPRAISERS Specializing in all types of auction sales. * Business * Farm * Estates Free Verbal Appraisals Professional Sales Assistance PHONE 482-3120 or 527-1336 16 tfn 17. Auction sales LARGE ESTATE AUCTION SALE SAT. MAY 7 11:00 A.M. Miss Jean Ivison Estate in Kippen, Hwy. 4. Antique furniture, china, electric appliances. Automobile, 1970 Nova, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, 10,004 miles, one owner, certified. Morris piano. Both items sell at 2:00 p.m. Vast amount of aptiques. Full listing next edition. Executors: J, N. Torrilfce 482-3266, J. I. Torrince 348- 9011. Percy Wright, Auctioneer - 262.5515. 18. Services available HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis 'w,ash.ers, dryers," refrigerators, dishwashers, rang*, GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges lf r AUCTION SERV! E AUCTION SALE Of furniture, antiques, appliances, garden tools and hand tools and equipment from Clinton, Seaforth and Goderich homes on Sat. April 30 at 1.p.m. at 77 Main St. Sea forth. cabinet; flat to wall cupboard; rope bed; 9 pc; walnut dining cainnet; flat to wall cupboard; rope,bed; 9 pc. walnut dining room suite; cherry bonnet chest; 2 extension tables; 6 oak diner chairs; 2 buffets; dressers; chest of drawers; press back chairs; 2 high chairs; washstands; commodes; 2 chicken coop chairs; 5 rocking chairs; trunks; blanket boxes; child's commode with gallery; small round pedestal table; brass and iron bed; serpentine front dresser and washstand; Victorian dresser; portable television; music - stand; fernstand; paper rack; velvet chesterfield suite (like new); wicker chair; lamps; picture; large quantity of glass and china; two 30" electric stoves; 17 cu. ft, freezer; hand and garden tools; 2 lawn mowers; roto 4iller; 5 ladders; shovels; rakes; etc.; cast iron pieces; lawn furniture or- naments; 180 amp electric welder; acetylene torch and cart; pedestal grinder; table saw; pedestal buffer; and many more pieces too numerous to mention. TERMS - CASH No Reserve RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers - Liquidators - Appraisers BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 or 527-1336 INTERESTING ANTIQUE AUCTION We have been instructed to sell by public auction, the household contents of the former Mrs. Fred Beatty home, Church St. Seaforth, to be held at 77 Main St., Seaforth on Wed. evening, May 4, at 6:30 p.m. Featuring a 7 pc. heavily carved Victorian Parlour suite (Loveseat, ladies' and gent's chairs, and four side chairs); round oak pedestal table; 6 oak diner chairs; china cabinet; small walnut sideboard; heavily carved mahogany server; Chippendile style small walnut sideboard piano; with fluted front; oak 3 pc. bedroom suite with washstands; small rosewood china cabinet; black walnut bonnetchest; but- ternut 5 drawer chest; Victorian dresser and bed; 2 brass and iron beds; cherry and walnut,5 drawer chest with jewel drawers; 40" tilt top pedestal table; brass parlour table; walnut tea wagon; 54" brass bed; cherry,harvest table with drawer at each end; cherry drop leaf table; cherry small table; 2 pine blanket boxes; spool child's cradle; spool bed (full size); 3 rocking chairs; wicker rocker and chair; 'Vic- torian hall stand; drop front desk and book case; small spool parlour table; trunks; 5 plank bottom chairs; 5 oval back chairs; quantity of glass and china; crockery; brass pieces; oil lamps and parts; copper pieces; older gun parts; picture frames, 3 oval; tea and coffee tins; cast iron pieces; wall telephone; fiddle; 4 mantel clocks; jewellery; 2 Axminster rugs and other items. • VERY OLD OIL PAINTING AND FRAME - not signed, (24" x 36" approx.) water color and pencil etching by Leila Byggins. BOOKS- Statistics of Ontario and Canada - Volumes (1080's) and other older books. TERMS - CASH NO RESERVE ATTEND EARLY RA1'-HWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS • LIQUIDATORS - APPRAISERS BRUCEFIELD - 482-3120 or 527.1,336 18. Services available 18. Services available GODERICH OLDTIMERS WORK DRIVE Let us help you to help ourselves. Wo can do almost any odd lob you have to be done. • PAINTING • ROOFING • TRUCKING • CLEANING UP • CUTTING TREES Money earned to be used to support Oldtlmors Hockey In Goderich. 524-7237 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 524-9093 A Wrought Iron Railing WILL PUT YOUR HOUSE IN THE SPOTLIGHT FOR GODERICH'S TRI JUBILEE For estimates call FRED SCHMID WELDING DUNGANNON 529-7922 Specializing`fhOrnamental railing and. other steel fabrications FURNITURE STRIPPING & REFINISHING APRIL SPECIAL . CHAIRS STRIPPED '12.00 CANADIANA REPRODUCTIONS IN OLD PINE CHURCHOUSE AUBURN E. NIBLOCK 526-7272 FERANCO.STEEL LTD. -Custom Steel Fabricators -Bin Plate & Tank Work -Structural Steel -Stairs, Handrails, Platforms -Elevators -200 Ton Press Brake Forming (up to 12 ft.) -Flame Cutting • Portable Welding (C.W.B. approved) -Steel Erecting 5th AVENUE VANASTRA 482-3551 LAWN & GARDEN MAINTENANCE • ROLLING • EDGING • MOWING • FERTILIZING • LEAVES VACUUMED (in fall) • HEDGE TRIMMING • PRUNING Now fully licensed & insured for weed spraying CALL RAY HALLAM 524-9166 S.M. FINK MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING HENSALL 262-2114 • BULLDOZER & LOADER WORK • TRUCKING FILL • ALL TYPES OF GRAVEL • BACKHOE WORK FARM DRAINS & BASEMENTS • SEPTIC TANKS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ARNOLD iTOTHERS R.R. 6 GODERICH 529-7403 SAVE MONEY! On Your • EXCAVATING • ELECTRICAL • GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • SEPTIC TANK AND AQUAROBIC SEWAGE SYSTEM • TRENCHER AND BACKHOE SERVICE HURON PINES CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agents for G.N.C. Homes 86 KING ST., CLINTON 482.7901 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THIIRDAY. AT'$II 2(3t 19,7' 18. Services available 1/4 LIGHT delivery service within a 3 mile radius of Goderich. Load limit twenty-five lbs. or under. Phone Telford 524.8624.-17x I3I•:RE BROS. CONSTRUCIION. General carpentry, no job too small. Phone 529.7894, Gerry and David Here; RR 7, Lucknow —17t0 LAYING and finishing concrete floors for basements, garages, patios. Call George Barraclough 524-8158.-43tf FOR INSTRUCTION on ac- cordion, piano, Organ or guitar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments supplied.1-26tf GET your garden ploughed. Call Scott Mahon 57,4-6361.-16,17 STAN'S INTERIORS • Painting, paper hanging. Neat clean work. Phone 524-2376.-14-17 • • RELIABLE man available for all lawn and garden maintenance, Reserve now for lawn mowing and garden tilling. Call 524- 9166.-12-26ar SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales—Service, Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd, W. Ph. 524.7871 ---5710 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks to serve you. Phone H•.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. WALLPAPERy M I AND PAINTING ' Neat, clean work i Call after 6:00 p.m. - 524-7961 ;• ••'S..•• •• •• •.,3.'S. i FOR YOUR Carpet and Upholstery .Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free tstimate Call 524-8892 257 Warren St,, Goderich 18. Services available } DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates MnGEE's Goderich Phone 524.8391 •19tf • SCOTT FARM DRAINAGE Laser Controlled Plastic Installations Free Estimates PHONE JACK SCOTT 395-2992 RIPLEY MATH ERS LANDSCAPING AND LAWN MAINTENANCE SHRUBS ROLLING • SODDING AERIFYING GRADING AND TOP SOIL R.R. 2 GODERICH, ONT. 524.2401 or 524-7044 BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced , FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich - 524-8668 J.A.M. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED • General Contracting • Jobsite Management For 'All Your Home Im- provements And Building Ideas - FREE ESTIMATES CALL 524-2916 Wm. R. Nelson CARPENTER Area Representative for TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS and vanities 528-2949 FREE ESTIMATES GRAHAM ELECTRIC LTD. 62 EAMBRIA ROAD N., GODERICH Electrical Contracting APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE AL50 Commercial refrigeration sales & service 524-7501 524-8670 HOME ,RENOVATIONS - PHONE • Interior & Exterior • Additions • Recreation Rooms • Roofing 524-2062 For After Six Free Estimate • SANDBLASTING BRICK, STEELWORK, PAINTING • POINTING & WATERPROOFING • AIR HAMMERS, DRILLS, COMPRESSORS AGENT FOR ACORN POOLS & INSTALLATION ARNOLD STOTHERS R.R. 6 GODERICH 529-7403 g i7 18. Services available GODERICH ALUMINUM & HOME IMPROVEMENTS LYALL MABON, REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER DOUGLAS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CLIMATIC ELITE SIDING AWNINGS - WINDOWS • DOORS INSULATION SALES at INSTALLATIONS "MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP . GUARANTEED" GODERKH Call... R.R. 2 GODERICH MAITLAND ROOFING CO. • Hot Asphalt Roofing and Repairs • Shingles • Eavestrough FREE ESTIMATES Phone 228.6283 or 230.4913 LAWRENCE ROOFING We repair or replace any flat deck roofs. (HOT PROCESS) For Free Estimate Phone 524-,7'728 I'�X1►3►1,1►J►.Y:�►'1CJG.1Cy►'X1CX. I BRIAN STOTHERS BRICK AND BLOCK LAYER FIREPLACES 529-7309 GENERAL PAINTING & EAVES TROUGHING FREE ESTIMATES Phone 524-7490 or 524-2725 PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING WITH "STEAM" • Steam gets the dirt other methods don't reach • Removes old .shampoo • Carpet dries quickly • Steam Machine Rentals. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street S. Goderich 524-2440 r - BOOK NOW FOR,,, 1 In 1 FERTILIZERS 1 LAWN ROLLING AERATING 1 ART'S 1 1 Landscaping-Nusery and Garden Centre 1 1 116 Bennett, Goderich 9'fll dark I OPEN SUNDAYS 1 /1111111t111111 au= Now IA_ 524-9126 rr: