HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-04-28, Page 11Del '1(1143 „0 .;• 0 11 • t TO i• • t • • itt.t..1144 44itt RAIL& is is where I live rja School students in AI Lemott's class had a ,orprise recently when a teacher from Mon- droppcd tn to their class. The teacher, Dorothy here points to the map of her tiny native island ing cp-Lat1 (left( and Trevor Erb, John Freeman, Bev mi and 1 kd Morgan. where she came from. The two are participating in a Project School to School and • • e" • 1. are much like penpals. Green \t-tis tt ,‘ ,t(anala for a teaching conference C0n1ertnc i \ Nianimba and felt that .hen she was so close it \t ould he .1 shorm. 114)1 to visit. Shc said the main problem her children have is 10 imagine Oil. siie of Canada. 111ontserrat is about :19 sciuo to. utiles ,intl is home for 111,500 people. ( skift -photo 444, ind woman speaks to W.M.S. read 111111(1thonk. yoti ft'•111 (nil 11r- K. Cutt an f(ont :\Irs, -Ann l'••ottrta..4 It•tter: 14001 Seitforth Auxiliary with' 111 invitation to their looth an- niversary ind it letter rtgirding W .M .S . Presbyterial in Belgrave April Roll call showed 29 members and six Visitors - present. Mrs. A. Young preseMed the Fellows -hip of 'the Least Coin. Mrs.. E. Bogie," Friendship and Ser- vice. reported several ladies had visited •Huronview and called on for mer m ern hers, Several members had attended sessions of the 1;(.rm/lio•••11 1-1((lti i(1 • (.41(• 115)11 April 1 :'th and I:1th and it was interesting to hear what thy found.especially interesting. Mrs. Lce McCallum in formed members of the Arthur Circle Children's Fashion Show Saturday April :10th at' p.m. and showed scimplis of the garments that will be (in display for sale. Devotions were conducted hy Mrs. Ron McCallum and taken from the Mtirch Glad Tidings Faster worship. krrrrrrrrr rrr.PrIrrrTrIele ONLY 40 TICKETS LEFT • I 41. 04 071 1=4 , FOR THE 0-1 JUBILEE 3 SPRING -BALL FEATURING , 41 41 44 04 Remaining Tickets Available ONLY at Schaefers Ladies Wear, Goderich ,=4 nrrrrrrrrrrrrrIrrri-rrrr.r.mr.rrrrrrr.rrprx•-rrr-rr-krr-r-r T,T,Tc1T"T,PPrPrIrle 1 • Guy Lombardo MAY 19 (luring which ,t group of tidies song "In Joseph's I is\ ttl 1.1t1 \\ trrci then i 11- tr4'titiced the spt•aker, Mrs. .140110 \vho spoke on the handicap of I)ting the \\•orkings of the (NJ. 13. inid the ;help that is oh ta Limbic. Her ,••pt,,,ch \vas \ cry e(Im'ational and in teresting, Mits. Jas. Wilson 'thanked the '11431 kt,r for her N,plenditt nti•ssage, After singing it hymn ano the closing prayer the. hadies enjoyed a social half hour \vith hutch served by the social comMittee. Wilkins dies in Montserrat A for m i•t• w vl I knot\ 0 resident (tf GTiderieb. d. Alex Wilkins, died sudden! Monday April ',lin r'lymouth, Montserrat in the British *est Indies Wilkins had" been a Goderich area farmer for !moldy ti decade befit:re he became Snug Harbor ;Marina manager in 1910 ,i position he held through the 19 1 season He retired in the 11'est Indies in the winter of 111 ! where• he MIS living • and operating a chanter hoc' 1. 114 !-(UrViVi„`d by his lean. three daughters and one grandson. A native of England Itt served \vith the British security forces in Palestine, pen Sundays nd Evenings 1 mile NlocLennan has 1-4 tat 41> 1 home from hospital Inghiin• fIrrishe has 1•• , 11 a 1'' 4111)1 for about t \vo \ (Hong host. lrorn:lhts urea •Ittr.n..1.•41 the Enster I t. 114,141 cring no•rt in)), 41 th•• -.1.\.t0ri‘sn(huruli in ! •• \IA s 1 V itt 1‘.1,t(•1 e)rl. '\,1 • v•,',11 • •••• s I bol,•1...1 !son.pson, .111,-,1.1•tinii,-- M'rs. 1)olig 11, \Its, NL.clolosh .101 \.1 is, 1 !ow ‘t•rt.. I 1,I k ,„ l'hon 111.141 irt ' • tie. po. 'pants the 1 , or, solar day \11 Holt Intosh is a 5 11! 11 1 >14 4.1.'sity 110hpititi aot• here she was Library I s season at .1"140.41 'attains o !Ian -titer • • .,1;•• thit,' with in . • r • t 1••11.11 flo \ our. Tile ' ',ono! :1! I'd, 1ort.1 • • • (I .1 Li I it• t unci tiot 41 tla. Thir(1 '.''ill •114.41 in 4 his year. • • akes tt roan • r1"5.- include Much 01(1() ,•,• Niiilstmtmer .1,. 11,, ,1111. All'. VN 1 1111- omi 01,4 1 1, !itts flay Fever t the interest id' i conieciy ' 1,•.•titIsto•in 5 set 111 .• •!,- 1.1i. wtin;i ;i1 1110 Will of '!10 0011:;11': '1 the serious viewor. ala• .1.0August St 4114. i 144.411 I.' to be 31 HI( Tht• SWOtilSil author plIty received ito 11otiot1,11 rec'tigitilittn in, N., (irk s. It12111(P111 of this season " • 1,4,1(111Hk Ibsen's Ghosts. 1 „•4-4 aro-I lisyclailogictil ci it sin of tile modern 11 is •„.1 scary and 11;: 4..1. County I ibrary has. .t nu' 10 of these ji.1*".44, Ask t 11.4' Ootit.rieli liratic11 for tiles, • 4. t.,••., A t selection of records \N 11 lie lit to the (iticlerich Bran( \lot la Right Al\N,4,4, 4111\1 to the right 111 Mu, 0 hill. not tile ('till 1' ,inn'. the Ontario S,ifety I • ( rrseen traffic o\o•i• , rest nmy require 111/4,15is, cat ta)>. GODER1CWSIGNAL-STAR, THURSD• AY, APRIL 28, I977 --P• 46k n 1817' CULBERT'S BAKERY "77 • Mrs transferred front hospi)ol in Wingliarn. Mr and Mrs R (A Finlayson and (mit, wero. • guest .01 Mr tind Gordon Finlayson during Oa past N.\ eek while Rod dal the spring planting Mr.. and lMrs 11,i rold 1. 1phick,in(1 co , , tertameu on sunuoy honour of her mother 1t s Gordon Sloth). as it \va,, het I)Itotal,Q., 16•cent 4 1,i101'•-• ¼ 1111 Ni ,ind ..V1(1 t1,1110,, S101'1' 'MI. 111141 "dr,. 19 •ococ1, of 1)etroo. 7\11. ono Mrs .lim ('its'. and Nn. I)(ffi (d. Dodd of London. Mr. and :11 rs 11 (4 ',,,lticTas,i.sh of Montreal, Mr and Mrs. Keith It urine ,i1101 fam*,. ttt Pcirolio. dn.{ 1)onald 141c Charles and family of Chatham and 141 t and Mrs. ,John '.1.1c('harles Petroli,4. 1)r. Jolin \ Toronto and fortner1;,- 441 this commomitNt be coming to 1>'.t' in LucknoNN, and \t ill 1, ossociateciwith Drs 1.1cKini and Corrin, Attending the District Horticultural rneeting itt Auburn on Saturday from this 1 1131 w ere M r s \N 314) MacLean on(' 'Mrs. Oliver NIc('harles from the Riple,N.. "Ifortic•ultural Society, along ith Mrs. guy Oshorne. 111rs. Gordon Farrell, Mrs. 1)on m obeli ancl Mrs. Glen' Stanley. Your will assures that what you leave goes where you want I he w a\ to make sure 0111 aseI,s are 41ktri- buted us volt wunt, to itiV a willlhc wti\ to nuke sure \ our will is proporl atlininitered is, to appoint View' ia and fills( OW' CV:ClItor. 1)o it VICTORIA and GREY VG 0, '.. 4. ••, • >011 Manager A.A. Weatherby 524-7381 Goderich "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" 49 west 51 Goderich, 524 7941 CELEBRATING THEIR 100th ANNIVERSARY THIS YEAR • Homemade White and Whole wheat bread sliced and unsliced • Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Banana cream, Chocolate Cream and Boston Cream Pies • Mary yarieties'of donuts every day. 84 • Birthday, Anniversary and Wedding cakes a specialty. by Paui Brown tic 0 L 1 A CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR Tennis Tip No. 2 55 As a beginner. the choice of a propel' raquet 5 co» fusing. By asking experienced playiers or knowledgeable salesmen, many pitfalls can be avoi- ded. Most manufacturers produce a variety of qualities Brand names in wooden raquets you can rely upon tti Dunlop Maxply Slazenger Challenge Wilsor• Kramer and. Spalding Davis Cup. There (,)1 _specialized models for women and tumors that lighter,,onei fit smaller hands. Further variat•,..44., raquets occur in -oversized 'leads and unique N•tr -.4;ato arra,ngtmlents designed to- increase the siz0.• ,4 tt sweetspot or hitting centre. For the Weekend player expensive toque's :'• the answer A lesser priced model is a good b.., t, •t••• strings are tight and the grip comfortable ,• tic les will expapci on good raquet choice by 1001;... 111 the grip strangeand frame. WILSON TENNIS KIT Stan Smith or Chris Evert Raquet; Lever Press; 3 Wilsoi• championship balls. ' REG, 527,99 SPECIAL ROD LAVER TENNIS SHOES REG. 524.99 SPECIAL BILLIE JEAN KING I TENNIS SHOES . REG. $22.49 SPECIAL '21." si77, he r4 $9.) hoi i 1°4 hit/ZAN 106 sport shop 524-2822 iuncoatir man Remember Mother at Finder's Gift Suggestions We have a selection of HURONIA AND CANADIANA POTTERY FROM FINCHER'S • Cups and Saucers • HoIIy Hobby Novelties • Tumbler Sets • Hi Ball Glass Sets • Vases • Salad Bowls • Coffee Sets • Tea Sets • Spoon Racks • Flower Pots • Plant Water Sprays Satisfy Mom's 'Sweet Tooth' with a BOX OF CHOCOLATES 1( • Turtles • Dairy Box • Black Magic " Quality Street • After Eights LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM We have a lot of different styles & designs WOODEN & METAL PLAQUES a gift idea for mother TILLEY LEATHER 1 0 0/° OFF We have a Large selection of WALLETS and KEY CASES to choose from Keep Mom 'On Time' THA TIMEX WATCH PHVW, , V.tIUNK Plp rifildan 121COr Fill Mother's • Leisure Time • With A PAPERBACK From Our Large Selection • Come In And See Our MELBA HORSES Come in and See Our Selection of "HOME SWEET HOME" GIFTWARE 16 Shoppers Square Goderich • t.i SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF MOTHER'S DAY Carlton CARDS and GIFT WRAP FIGURINES Ranging In price from 5.98 To 31.98 51( Come in and have a look around -There is something here at FINCHERS for Mother • • •