HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-04-28, Page 6a,. • PAGE 6-- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1977 Dear Editor..:...... (continued from page 4 wildlife organizations, we have found that they agree• with most Canadians who feel strongly that effective ways must be found to combat the growing trend towards firearms misuse by irresponsible, often troubled people. To deal with the problem of firearms misuse, we are proposing firearms control policies and. legislation designed to do three things: to keep guns out of the hands of people who might be dangerous users: to reduce the criminal misuse of firearms, and to encourage responsible gun ownership and use. We feel that these are goals which all responsible gun owners can agree to and that they can be met without unduly interfering with the legitimate use that people make of their firearms. At present. anyone, even_ those with .a history of con- viction for crimes .of violence or records of treatment for mental instability involving violence, can buy firearms as easily and as quickly as one can buy a pair of socks. In our view, this is an undesirable, often dangerous situation. It has led to serious incidents in the past where innocent people have been senselessly injured or killed. We propose to correct this through legislation which provides that anyone aged 16 or over who wishes to acquire a firearm, whether through purchase, gift or any other` method, must first obtain a Firearms Acquisition Cer- tificate. The -certificate would he issued by a f-ircarms, officer ( usually a policy officer) once a check has been made to verify that the applicant hasi no recent v cord of criminal violence, firearms misuse or treatment for a mental disorder involving violence. Provision would. he made to allow provinces to authorize hunting licences. gun club membership cards or com- petency certificates to sub- stitute as F irearms Acquisition Certificates under certain circumstances. The new legislation would also allow provinces to ac- tivate a provision requiring proof of competency in firearms handling as a condition for issuing an F.A,C. The Government recognizes that many gun owners teach their children to handle firearms responsibly' at an early age. 'Therefore, the bill provides that persons under 16 may use firearms without a permit if they are in the -presence and under the supervision. of someone. such as a parent, who may lawfully use the guns. Persons under 16 may not purchase firearms, bui if they are between the ages of 12 and 16 they may receive and use rifles and shotguns if they first obtain a permit. The permit is free, but an ap- plication for it must include the written consent of parents or guardians. It may also have conditions of super- vision attached to it. Those persons under 16 who must hunt or trap fur food to contribute to their support and that of their families may use a long gun without supervision it' they first ob- tain a permit. A problem about which we are becoming most con- cerned is the accidental misuse of firearms, especially where children are involved. Too frequently incidents occur where youngsters . pick up carelessly -stored weapons and injure or kill themselves, playmates or family mem- bers. To deal with this situation it is proposed to make the careless use and storage of firearms an' offence. In ad- dition, we intend to work with provinces, police, and gun ow ners to promote respon- sible firearms ownership across Canada. To actively discourage the use of firearms by criminals, it is proposed to introduce stiff now minimum man• datory sntences for crimes where firearms are used. These are some of the, major elements of the Government's proposed new firearms control legislation. We believe that all Canadians recognize the need for such measures which combat firearms misuse while in- terfering as little as possible with the legitimate use made of guns by responsible owners. Yours truly, Ron Basford, Minister of Justice. Francis Fox, SolicitorGenera(,of Canada: Gift subscription the world chartered under the program originated by the late President .,)wight D. Eisenhower to further world understanding and goodwill, I was pleased by our parade role, however small, in carrying the word of Goderich's Sesquicen- tennial in .1uly to this nor- theastern area of Michigan. And we're continuing to push for promoting the Sesquicentennial throughout Michigan.. We in Bay City, your sister city, already have plans to have delegations both for your U.S.A. July 4th program and the parade day July 9. Mayor John R. Willertz and othA. city officials will at- tend. American Legion Post 1R, Bay City St, Patrick's Day Parade Association, and Bay City Chapter I, People-to- Pcople International, will be represented. We also hope to have various aspects from our parade, our' parade queens, etc. W e cannot reach everyone personally who were here, some for two days, so this is our way of saying thanks for contributing to the success of our parade and Irish weekend Within the next week or two, our city commission will formally act in officially adopting Goderich as a sister city under our People -to - People program, and we hope o have this official .leclaration ready for your luly"4 event, The name of Goderich will go on our sister city" signs-. at en- :rances to the city, alongside iur previously adopted sister pities, Mechelen, Belgium, Ansbach, Germany, Lome, Togo, West Africa, and Poznan Poland. One sign fronts our city hall and another is in our "Inter- national Avenue of Flags" on Dear Editor: At a time when the media 4, was reporting souring relations between Canada and the United States, Bay City became the proud host to a wonderful delegation front). Goderich, including Mayor Deb Shewfelt and other public officials. for its. 23rd annual St. Patrick's Day parade Sunday. March 20, and we are sure many friendships sprung from this joint activity.' As._grand marshal for this parade, and as founder, first president, and for the past year, president again. of Bay City Chapter 1, the first People -to -People chapter „in Dear Readers (continued from page 4 females in -the human race. But it was no more hush-hush than a study of the pollination of plants or the mating habits of the grey wolf. All are facts of life. +++ It is 'possible hoard members feel that sex education in the schools means teaching moral values, and it may he that 'in some isolated incidences this is so, Teachers these days are encouraged to gentry teach moral values to their students by example and by inserting a word or two here and there, maybe, if it is clear someone is headed for personal , dif- ficulty. Yet the greatest respon- sibility for teaching moral., values remains in the home, It is the parents who should set the guidelines for their children's moral behaviour. You would not want me to impose my moral standards on your children any more than I would want you in- structing my children . in morality. It's our privilege as mothers and fathers to teach our own children about how they should live their lives. But the school docs have a very definite responsibility to educate children - my children - with regard to the truths of life, whether it he that two and) two are four or that a vasectomy is a surgical operation to make a man unable to cause conception. Judging from the test as it was outlined to the hoard of education, that's all the school's health teachers are attempting to do. Hot Air Blowing off some steam. Richard Haas, a grade five student of St. Mary's school does testing on wind velocity during demonstration of science fair project at the school. The projects were on display at the school during education week. (staff photo) riverside in Wenonah Park downtown. One drawback to our foreign sister city program we've found is the distance to get delegations there (across the Atlantic), a handicap to good communications and exchanges. With Goderich, this will not be a problem and we look forward to exciting exchanges for our cities have much in common in a tran- sition from lumber milltown to today's bustling com- munities. As a further gesture of our interest in closer contacts, I am enclosing a check for $15.50 for a year's sub- scription to the Signal -Star. Please send the paper to me, Leslie E. Arndt, at my home address. In my position as copy editor -columnist for The Bay City Imes daily newspaper, I rite a Saturday "Post- sc ts" column and will publicize the Sesquicen- tennial and other Goderich events from time to time. (We in Bay City also wish to congratulate your Oldtimers Hockey Team on winning the "gold" in world cham- pionship play in Switzerland. With best wishes, I am, Sincerely Leslie E. (Les) Arndt - Bay City Times -,Bay City, Mich. Editor's Note: The Signal - Star appreciates Mr. Arndt's interest in the Goderich sesquicentennial elebrations, and was pleased to put his name on our list of complimentary subscribers for the coming yeatr, This newspaper and the people of Goderich look forward 'to the visits of residents from our Sister City - Bay City, Michigan, - during the summer months. Guitar gal Jackie Dalton of St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge offered her own version of Country Roads during a skit put on by the grade seven girls as part of the education week program. (staff photo) FOR FAST, EXPERT PHOTOFINISHING leave your films at... S O BIECK -O fi•.Pharmacy AS` QUARE Dietary (Intl Dietetic (:entry NOW FEATURING 11BORDERLESS PRINTS on all colour photofinishing SUPER SILK FINISH on all prints from colour negatives ROLL OF REPLACEMENT FILM at no extra cost!!! O S 52,1-72,11 Finn' (;o:Kntt'1i1'.. *tim7 ltfPLLAS JUMBO COLOUR PRINTS PLUS• REPLACEMENT FILM' 12 EXPOSURE ROLLS s,ze. 110 725.620. 11220 and 127 NOW ONLY 5 4.99 20 EXPOSURE ROLLS •��/ NOW ONLY "replacement film included In price FRESH DATED REPLACEMENT FILM at no extra charge wah each aroll o1 Pr lett for develop g ,printing All regular 11211 colour or b110k end white, BORDERLESS S1 K IIN1SH ON ALL COLOUR PRINTS • Adds snap and 'W1, 41 • fora new "Proteasmnar Look" • Wont Ilngerprint or mark. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE REPLACEMENT FILM` • BORDERLESS. 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COTTON SHIFT TYPE HOUSE DRESS SIZES 38 to 4 $5 SIZES 46 to 54 61 3 ROLL PACK CELLO TAPE; REGULAR 11.47 VA 944 PKG,01 MEN'S STRETCH BIKINI BRIE BIG VALUE ,, • ,884 PATI MENS ASSORTED' SHORT SLEEVES' T-SHIRTS xi.44. MR, BRIEF MEN'S SUMMER UNDERYI TOPS AND BRA, $1.4� EAP, PEOPLES STORES LT 146 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH. 111 visi you she you the Cci asst the F et to 3�