HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-04-28, Page 2A.• • lt• 1‘44. lit <44 t. :'/ 4 1, • sit <4 PAGE 2—GODFR ICH S1GNAL-STAR. THURSDAY, APRIL ?R, 197 Club praised for contribution to retarded Kinsmen open new $50,000 facility 1 44 \A ha 11 V, 4 in the -‘,111( 1,111 \ ord /one lets el tin the Goderich 4n,n1 ,t, of field II> ,11).<1 Nlonday toning The Vt'1.111'l• ftlf• \11;111,111 R.1,1111111 ,11 111C 111/ Oct' (11 K vays and -,11. < , 04,4-, 4111ClIt'd „ h" V.,.,444 I 14.14 .1 1'41 11'1 I I\ 414.,41.4.11 1/1,:riej i /41; .11 :44`.4.1 11.! 1;4411 smith and It14411 ti444 ernoi 1 I 1'',<11.1 11,1101%141g a an41 '11<•!. 41.4.1 h. gi‘, 1. (1,0 • ',14N14 1. Ict<1 1111c", 10111 11. It t, 111, n,nion who d iilunteer labor !„ hull,' I ,t 44 .,14.114' 11 11 11111 1,' 1 lit' OM et' with 1'4< 4y kill tit 0141 44 11 .41,H. 1):1 lift I IR' l41i 111 I h, d ttion - orkshop ari ,edtint floor 11. (Li 4)1111' d11)' the i11 14, 04,11 41e41 sidalt, and 1!, 1\1r, 1x CAI• 1.4411. ho rc , e day, a ,i.i•et !lois \‘iork, ', 111'T', This floor a..111'td1)111 LI( 4r handicapped -.di, and a ...mall kit et floor are la 4•1 li I . ,( la ri.te kitchen the itiot..\1.,,,I,•1 4 , 1,1 1, hil i hit t•.illi lf,lit'llis. ,iiiling, OP other hail worked In EIW past some t. 1,1111/1C11.' 1.1.44!) 11,111141' .111(1 11 lll 1.1.....,O11',O11• f•R'llilik'' 441(1 4 <1I 11 told the I: n1,1111,12111 1:)1 ''.1'‘Iiii:Ise itre fere nce 4 ,i, :11„,ticuitttekrirdwwat4.;)r'k:;4xilp°FP,est\EN.'i:jheit.)kf' ••<•%1•1111)1111'111,111\ 1\ 111,111411 1 1111) 400111 T ht. i (Appessed for living WW1. Olt' 1'Si/1'1.4111Y for use by the sorx Rai 1,.. roiliedded 111 (4111. helping. these 1'' 4)0111111) spet•ific4itions, ae, ke,. note ,141411 i',, - -1nd this ha, 1411.41 a laliiii of Ito e -.Mankind , h"Po f))1 "Lidilmc°' -f°". Pc()Ple wore the expectations were too paretjts. (irftgimg ilitt:sik:in,,thht: 11)1,1,(iintliveiintd,mpsit(.)nyl.t°11.erlint' v..c,h(ie14-11.(': , omplete f,icilit> 4Lts built to... .. to by corn ploteci is a oaring one lot another, he members, thtis pllcing a ihni1giht .tlinsc mentally retarded men Id 11, l'Ct,11'1.1t.(1. i• a rt. of theft retarded . ramp trout outside to the e;ontinued. -quite nipart from ,‘ od t rem endous burden Will) persons %vim v, e ry a idNi 4 oninind,110 ,A hocichairs. fic,A itt1:1(1't41...1114;1.4 ttl',11(1.:•11111.1 4(1:111411174 • 1 (1 Cal) 14t11./%‘••11111/ .11.1'.11 to it('' •,(•,11•1•1s1Y 4111Y 1'V lief upon those either tbrough • profe,ssional help or organitational 1F.cili:ingi..'(11it1:s1.1.-assistance n con,anct ion itiitg for „the 40411)4<4' rgg1k.‘;s1't111:11'Sixt•;'14t11tlad no other ith family concern .ere the 111•k11 ) .11111 11111101/1` 111 ,4 1;; 1;:' .:14114. 1,111)(•'1- il/011 pttri)) beyond their most able to reach out for la 144 einem-, . 1)1(11 11., the o‘ennig. four It 1.1.4)0f141.111(.1 111,11 liPll('1111(....N, p)rt'llt,.. the director 4441 assistance. the niost self, Ninsmen4,..re singled out for 'sold Hon 441(1,dependency ‘istk'''''ilt11 R'\4 options to family sufficient (11 (.4 the n-inst4' .e.mird in hi, -,:,.nonyintiti, special mention in cotmoct ion vslth the mentall% retarded if) I)¼10g. (ht. t•eta 1 ded in pleasing in appearance. V, ith the project since the alternate situations were Reconlnienditt ions which beginning 5t 14114 ding the Ontario \\ ere nlade following the The stud \. 41<1.4 ,4! that '5 found to be isolited from study stressed upgrading and original decision to huilti thie• (4oreent „i t1)' reiarited tneiningful con taloa with ,1111.11111/11 10 OW ' K111S11101.1 111,,l/IUYV11 .1 11.U1110111/111.1`, 11C1..1.1 111111t1.'", eNeltaled iron, 1111,y traMingt progranls with the 44)4) 44514(4(1 huildini4 chairm:(0 tor :ts,.i.`,l,1111V 141 ,11)4)014.11144. 1.,1111,4 circle. limely told community, especially for Bob N1c1)ouga 11 and his co deprp•Zsed. Thw“. living alone \\ omen between the tlgeS of 18 pi(t)1114,,.ti•iltean 1 i ness that 1 kN ere 1 (it a II,,,. treuhently faced poor shelter the ages of 5 to 30. Day care elm irnian t; len Maclian and and 30 and for men between r'"..111`1li" <,epenent ootherfor facibities. little financial iteai prograns were encouraged11;ii,,hor(ctitition aspotaHon 1e404144 41)1.4 P1 r 5041 11 iac. for the lt)wer ctipzicity per- t erenion> ,. the Rex . G 1. holm., , that. 5 to ,13 percent in.idequilte food. clothing and si'ms rnen from 18-.'4 (11(1 3 1- 1111.4,,(1)1a 4),(1,:lii1):4..etsish‘:iicorltlfirti.:Iunt.iitp.-, \1 eri.e dienendent on others for im*dical care. idea' soopping and ,icti‘ities 11/ \vonten from :1 1-40. -The irony tliscovere(1, I r a n s p o r t it t i o n w 1', 01 %hi1 itism en for • the ot thitiv li \ in; th;t1 only 511 ho\ke% cr.- Cruifned Gregg. pro\ ision of the ranxv modern facility percent had adequa to home "indicated that these Pelle assktance (ha a mre t ..e :13 1.44)1.4 the a lest rettircled, tit.'4, ili "i'hank you on behalf of percent had opportunities for :4141)(i)slit self sufficient 1111414,1 had. inany for opening mo ittly scial acti‘ 'ties or interacted, 1 he lieo )igst vocationalinsrnuil A .01 Nlill Mr. RU ti In ti al. ;VI ;1)1),(01,,(1t' It Vol 41144 k (.0,,..11 C.111ed the project. in- k ()UK 1. X1)1,1121F:NCE raise' prayer of thanksgiving. Mr, "other peopli., and that only ':i ‘i,ihle motivation.' for the percent were \Am: king, either full time or nor( trine. revealed [hot :,,-1 petvent of ,,I'mployment opportunities funds ,,,,i,,,,, of lix ing condit ions !he " rei a riled I i‘ 1-1,1 ‘v it h \k 4'1'1' limited.. Gregg ex • relitti \ es and of that nuntl-ter. plant('d. Villy percent had .'.10 4)1.114)111 11 \ k'd V\ 1(11 )111), ) 44* 111'1•I'1' v, (irked ara1 :5 percent .1 pUbliC ki t1)11121'‘,S ''C'harily er William Gregg, 1)irector Id Goderich Kinsmen Spring Stag was held Friday, April Winners of $25 each in order of draw were: T,G. Crabb, Roy Linklater, Ron Horton, W.O. McLean, E. 13onn6'ille. Bruce Crawford, Glen Phillips, Gerry Walter, Telford Bissett, Bert Worsell, 1-htrold Lamb; Bill Garrow, Carman Fie-Ider. Darryl carpvnter, Marilyn Ban- nister, Dan Reihl, Ed Jones and Nortm Leddy' 'Ken Meriam, Lorraine Buechler and Ron Goddard. The r‘:500 winner was Bill rry.' The mohey raised goes to the Kinsmen Center for Mentally Retarded Adults. necessary around the com- munity. special activities %%Cll.' suggested to broaden their interests and their field of experierwe. and to develop mow (if their potential. 11(11 144)41 progranis for the Hon retarded were a lso encouraged, to change at 40 concerning ex- pectations of the, retarded, -Our sense of superiority must he levelled by coming -to know ourselves and 4110 retarded better,- said Gregg, • "Above all we must not st apart and forget the retarded whether they live in in, stitutions 00 in the family home next door.' ' 01111('NITN' (' %Alai P Some of the things the community can do to help were listed b,vv,' Gregg as ac- commodation.- options for the retarded at all levels: a training program for the parents of retarded: short term relief for families of thy re t it rdect nteg ated workshops: continued work level reassessment by task analysis rind product search: n c'r ea hOd COM M 14 n t y - fa cility liaison: integrated social activities. and public (continued on page 20 LIONSTV WILL BE HEL WE NEED BILLE A large number of people are expected to antii Jubilee 3 Celebrations. To handle the overflow we are asking for citizens of Goderich to plio 524-6600 or drop in to the log cabin in Court Square and leave their name if they can billetv during the Jubilee 3 festivities June 29 to July10. MAIN CORNER, CLINTON iPHONE 482.7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) Pant Suits! 44 OPEN 1-6 OPEN HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH, GODERICH, ONTARIO.' • BABY BONUS DRAW APRIL WINNER '1The new Kinsmen Centre for Mentally Retarded Adults was ficially opened Monday evening. Here Bob Smith (left) Go.‘ ernor of District Ontario and Mike Hoyles, (third from loft ) Deputy •Governor of Zone 13 held the ceremonial ribbon lk Mav or 1)eb Shewlelt (second from left) cuts it to ,mark the official opening. Looking on is Kinsman President (.eorge Hiles(right"). (staff photo) GIVE... 1% more fro% HEART FUND Love is... Giving Something Special On "MOTHER'S DAY" That She Will Remember All Year, Show Her You Care With a DISHWASHER SIMPLICITY BUILT IN REG. S339.00 FULLY 275 DISHWASHER LOADED GENERAL ELECTRIC SPECIALLY PRICED I BUILT 'IN DISHWASHER. $339 • 95 1 1 1 GRAHAM ELECTRIC LTD. 62CANIBRIAID. N. GODERICH 524.8640 We service all types of appliances Your Florida Island hotel awaits you! • Our Breckenridge Resort Hotel is located on the Gulf of,,Mexico rust 40 rninute.s. from Tampa International Airport, In addition to a world-famous beach, there's 11 heated pool, a 4-sta4 restaurant, it patio buffet and bar. a iameroorn, and a lounge wilh live entertainment till all hours Arid every room (some v,,ith kitchenettes) overlooks the sparkling \/.!aters of either the Golf or the Bay. Nethby: denpsea fishing. sailing. theaters, tennis golf and racing. Within easy range: Walt Disney World. Sna World, Cypress Gardens, Come ,to tho Brockenr idgo and enjoy the Florid a vacation you ve always dreamed of 41(14, For information, call toll-free 1-800-237.2877., Or mail coupon below.' __RESORT Mrs. H. Clements R.R.6 Goderich y ci Re Pictured above are Bob Tabatand' Lance Farrish representing the MET Dept. Store and A & P Ooof Store as well as John Varty,001f, of Furniture World, representing* Mall Merchants Assbciation, Thef Made the Monthly "Baby Bool„ Draw" Saturday, April 23, N determine the winner of the $160, N7 f, <'00 (-wit ri..mino.rrd 1;4 Potprr,t,urq Bedr.h FL 33706 1,r Please semi froP br(,) huro ,m,14.11e 11(4/141, Name Congratulations to the winner with compliments of: • Garb 8, Gear Sport Shop • Sandy's • Furniture World • Met Dept. Store • T.D. Bank • Glen Mark Home Centre • oplrerinetnseahnoHdpiy,s ll Ladies Wear • •