HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-2-24, Page 14 THMRT-FOURTH: YEAR, EXETER, 'ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEB. 24, 1921 tAJ SANDEleS ca•Ltcu Our Corner Cows dazaot do any buying, and:the automobiles go too fest.to read, so do not advertise on fences. Phone 81a TAMAN'5 For Ali Kinds of Men's Winterweax "'GLAD TO GREET you, old top, by Jove, you're locking Cute Where did you get such a swell elegant fitting sunt of clothes?" "At Tartan's, the tailor, right down. Main Street. Best be town, they say. At least, he fitted. me with the best suit II've ever bad. Not high priced, eit- her." ither." "Looks 'good to me, tee°, I'll order my next suit from them, Sure." 044,41.1414411111111141•414411444 SUITS .„... ...: $20 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35 RAINCOATS $15 to $30 W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher Grimsby is holding an.Old Boys°Re- union on August: 25, 26, and 27. if you are la -Wrested write, to the Old Home l Committee, Grimsby. Huron sends 125 students to the University of Toroatto this year. Only four counties serve a larger number,.- Simcae 189, Weeing.+tton 142, Went- !worth ent-Atorth 169, York 18Z... The man mete makes .0ogesk" oo for the betterment of the business in which he is employed, even; if he is dead wrong, is worth two of the chap wlio does as he is talc} and pllays� safe. dile we go press a meting is be- ing held Toa London, to discuss the mat - of .electrification of the L., H. and B. railway, To all outward appearance the protect, top us looks like a remote probebility. The Canadian Wheat Board, like other Union Government actions, re- ceeved a lot of critticiera; but it turns out that the Canadaian farmer got 25c. more a beshel for his wheat than the United States farmer, and at the same time the Canadian public gat flour at a lesser price.. The London Advertiser is gloatting over the fact that several of the Dom - non. Government supporters are sick and others have died an recent months thus making the, majority smaller. Tire poor old Advertiser is mean enough to wish that all pts .opposition would. die, end foolish enough to express the wish. Potatoes are likely to ere very cheap in the spring as the market price at present is very low. In Toronto last week they were bringing 90c to Si per lung in bulk at the track. One car load was sold by the railway company to meet a claim, for ;..bout 50c per bag The market is still.: going lower, and int all probability 75c. ,will be ;the prevailing price ret,. a shoat time,. REFRIGERATION MADI. EASY. Ur. Forbes Keith, a. Toronto man, has invented a refrigeration machete that will fill a long felt went in the home. The mhchine, which is design- ed to elii erette the need of ice jn household refrigerators, will be put on the anarket at a reasonable price and wilt consume only our cents wontle of electricity a day,, NEW CHURCH ,AT BRINSLEY Brsnsley will have a new elethadist Church in which the united congrega- tions of elar's Hill. and Ebenezer will unite. ,for warslpp!, The two old buildings have been torn down and the two congregations are at present worshipping in the Anglican church. The plans of the ,new .building show a square building with the main en- trance through the. left corner and, a separate square teeer at the left corner. It is estianated that the cast will be about $15,000. LENS - BENS - LENS HOLOPHANE LENS, tested to 27 - C. P. l3; JOHNSTON'S V. RAY, tested to 32 - C. P. B+ IccBETH GREEN VISOR, tested to 31- C. P. Bt. ... Good Buys in Used Cars 1 GRAY I2ORT, MODEL 9, SPECIAL, EXCELLENT RUNNING ORDER T 1920 DEMONSTRATOR, ONLY SLIGHTLY USED. 1; 90 OVERLAND ROADSTER, overhauled and in first - class repair'. • T. H. NEWELL Drum The World Over You Can't BEAT HARVEY'S FLOUR WE SHIPPED 67 HUNDRED TO A FARMERS' CLUB RECENTLY AND THE SECRETARY HIS COMMENT ABOUT SAME SAID, - "HAVE USED SEVERAL BAGS• OF YOUR MANITOBA AND MODEL AND CANNOT SPEAK TOO HIGHLY OF THEM" YOU CANNOT, BUY BETTER, WHY NOT BUY FROM YOUR. HOl<IE 'MILT:.' Harvey. Bros. Local News People are Lollciwving with keen in- tterest the reports of ,the Spreckliq trial at Sandwich, Auction Sales are plentiful again this season, and many of them are al- ready advertised, The list is worth reading in. this issue. Hydro was off for two cr three r ha us onWeen esda� morning, neve } g operations depending on this power 'evere held up en consequence. The`Exeter tree pend is the scene of special aet;:ety just ,now. Mr. Te Willis of Ceatralja and Mr. E. Hetet of Crediton have: several teams draw- ing their ice supply. Centralia Air Rex ;trills of Strathroy spent Friday at his home ,here; Mrs,. Thos, Willis visited en Londoe. fora few days last week. A number of persons in this vic'znity ate. suffering from an attack of the mumps. Mrs, E, Abbott visited in Loudest over Sunday.. The many eriencls of Mrs. James. elechell, who •recenitly had the min (Torture to fall and break her leg, ar pleased to know that she is recovering • Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millsoii and daugh ler Minnie spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence ::Nelson of Lucan. Mrs. Geo. Squire, jr,,, returned home` Saturday after spending the past week with her s is s e pa eat tar Tuckersmth. The Daisy Mission Band will meet next' Saturday at 1.30 pen. in the base- ment of the church. The social evening of the W.M.S. which was .held in the church on. Fri- day evening proved a great success. It wtas everyone's birthday party. In- ettatioais were sent to the members of the congregation and former mem- bers of the W.el..,S. Each person was io bring back their envelope with as 'nany cents as they were old in ;it. Children under ten years free. The plata was passed around at the begin- ning of the program, after which Rev. S• e:lair counted ,the money, $32.62. The chair was taken, by the pastor, af- ter which choruses were given by the children Several vocal duets, quar- tettes. mouth organa, selections, violin solo, also speeches by visiting men, who were former members of the church. Then a debate, "Resolved that the .good natured sloven was more preferable than the tidy crank." Re- sults were in favor of the tidy crank by one point, The affirnnative side was taken by dr. John. Hazelwood and err. Fred Risden, and the negativa by Mr, D. A. Johnston, jr., and Mr. Gor- don 'Morley. After the program a hunch was served by the ladies. hIr. and Mrs. N. Ogden and Mr. and eIrs. C. F. Hooper of Exeter attended the social ,evening in the church on Friday. Grand Bend 1Ir`, and Mrs. Ezra Brenner who have been visiting in Detroit arrived home last week. -Mrs. Perasue has bought the late Mr. Thomas efollard's residence, eche price paid being $1900 t• -Mrs. P. Baker wins called to Lucas last week owing to the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Sam Grattoni-Mr. Ed Wolper of the B. Line, was operated on for appendicitis last Thursday. -It is reported that Messrs. McPhee and Disjardine, who intended to open up u butcher yshop, level sold out to a Dashwood butcher. -Mr. McPhee has bought Mr. Nelson Stanttake's house. The price paid was $300, -The Oys- ter !supper ,giv;en by the U.F.O. Fri- day was well attended. Proceeds over $70. s' Thames Road A ''successful stock judging contest was held on Monday alt the barn of Mr Geo, Monteith under the auspices of the Thames Road Farmers' Club, and under the direction of ..A.gricultural Representative tiStothers ,and his judg- ing team, Messrs:. Wm. Etlierington, Elgin Rowcli,ffeand Wm. Smith. Score cards were used and the contestants were, required to place four cawsof the .beef type with reasosis. There was a. eood crowd. In the evening a meeting was held, in, the Town Hall, at ,Elimvele, when Mr. Stothers gave an address and 'showed pictures, ,of the resources of Catnede and of the visit of the P.ri ic•e of 3l0'ales. A good crowd was in apt attendance. McGillivray Council Tee council slur, arcs the Town Hall of Feb. 21st. All presenjt. A nnurriber of eccouints were ordered pane. Nic- kles-Maguire--That ic-kles-Maguire:That By-law No. 3 orf 1921 appoenting the assessor : dog tax officer, end that 10,0;tags .be, replaced by the clerk at 25 ; each, be .read a deed ;timeand passed. -Carried, Lewie--Allison-That the Auditors' report be accepted and the 'Clerk get 200 copies prineed.,-,Carried. • Lewis-Alleson Tliatt' By-law No.. 4 of 1921 appo. ntisig John Robinson, as rend overseer be read a third time and ,passed. -Ca riled. The Council there adjourned to meet n ,he, Town Hell .an Monday, the 7th of Masch alt cme o'clock. J. 0. •Drummond, Clerk. . Mount Carmel MeedeeddeTe Rev. Fr. Ri. F..Sullivaxt,. C.S.B., eell- ebrated his •first solemn, high, mass on Sunday at 10.30 atm•, assisted by Frs. D. Foster of La teen, F, Forster, C.,S. B., Sandwich, and Corcoran, pastor. After mass Rev. Sullivan,. gave /the congregation his blessing. At the closest of the service Mr. Frank Cougb- lin recti an address and T. Collies pre seated Fr S elltvaa. with a well filled purse int behalf of the congregattion. Fr. Sullivan. thanked the people and seed he would always remember them in his masses. A receptions was held att 5.30 p.n>• in honor of Fr. Sullivan at the home of ,his father, P. Sullivan, 12th con. of Stephen. Those from a distance Mho attended were, Rev. D. Fofster of London, F. Forster of Sandwich, Fr. Corcoran, pastor, efr. Jas, Sullivan and daughter Josephine of Osten Bey, Wis., Mr. and Mrs, J: Hall and son Earl,. 6Sr, 1,?. Collins of Detroit,. .Mr. John: Hall esf Sandwich. College eIisses :McCaffery of Dutton Winnifred Guinan. of London Mr. Jahn Rowlaxaddeposed of his 125 acre faznn to John Ragior, Goshen Link, Stephen, .for a handsome figure. Mr. Rowland has purchased the fine residence Here of ell's. Temic Regan, paying a merit price} Per it, Miss Geraldine McKeever of Lon- don, sent Sunday at her home here. air. and 'Mee, Louis Rowland of Park Hill <ailed on, friends here on Sunday, Death -The dem took place on Friday of ,Mrs. Jahn, Ryan, of heart failure Mrs. Ryan had not been fe l- ne well for ilia ,.past two, weeks, and coa>rtrtcted a bad ease of quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, were ,harried only four months ago, .and Hauch sympathy isex- tended .to Me Ryan. Deceasi ed s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \Talons Ziler of Dashwood. The funeral took place. on Saturday morning to the R. C. cemetery here, Crediton lfr. Chas. Zwt/ joker was in Toronto on business Saturday. \Iris. Henry Steinacher we are sorry to report is quite .ills ilia. Harry Haist, wiho bas been quite es. now on the mend. Mfr. and Mrs. Simoneforlock of Grand. Bend were visitors here pre Sunday. - Mr, Ezra Haest has ,been cutting ice for hir, Thos. Willits of Centralia, on .the Exeter pond. Rev, J. R.. Niergarth col Cleveland occupied the pulpit in, the Evangelical Church both morning and evening, the occasion being the anutiversary of the church. In the ,evening a union ser- vice of the two churches was held. Rev. Niergarth is an. eloquent sleek- er and his discourses were able, im- pressive and of a deep spiritual na- ture. Death of Mrs. Ryan. -This commun- ity was deeply and sadly shocked at the unexpected .death of Mrs. Jahn Ryan, who. ,passed. away en Friday Inst at her home on. the South Boundary of Stephen The deceased had been only a short time from an attack of tnafluenza,and an. Abscess la ithe throat. Her condition at first was not considered in the least dangerous and it was thought she would soon recov- er, bur it was willed otherwise and death claimed her. She was aged 28. She possessed a. kindly disposition and was among the most esteemed and respect- ed of the township. Mrs, Ryan was formerly Teresa Ziler, being a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcohrn Ziler of Dashwood. She had, been married only a few mantis. Besides her husband site is survived by :her father and mother, and a number of brothers and sisters. Her remains were interred in the Mount Carmel cemetery. A meeting was held in Crediton on Tuesday of Iast meek for the pur- pose ofentering into a campaign to eliminate the, scrub bull from the Tp. of Stephen, when officers were 'ap- pointed as ,follows, -W.' D. Sanders;• chairman; Alex. Neeb, vice chairman; Frank Coughlin, Secretary.. It was decided to hold' a public meeting in Crediton Town Hall on Feb. 25th to further .the campaign, when lantern slides will be shown ,of some of the most desirable types of the beef an- imals. In Darne Theatre MISS •FREDERICK SAYS AVOID GAUDY DRESS, Hating the' „replete -Eton of being' the best dressed 'woman an the screen, beautiful Pateine, Frederick is constant- ly besieged by letters Seam gerls all aver the world, anxious ;to get !lier views on the art oaf dressing,. "Simplicity acid good taste is the underlying 1peynote of the well-dress- ed woman," says Miss Frederick. "If women icauld learn this one eecret, they would be well on ,the road to real ,graosnisug." In "A Slave of V,,anity, the Rob ertson-Cole super -special which , will be shown in Dame • Thealt:re, ,Ereelher on :Thursday and Saturday sugets, Feb. 24th and 26th. The change.orf date has : been made awing tohockey match Fridaylnight and is far this week, only. Itindly have aright change, 37c;. and.. 27c. There will ; the 8 en 10 reels in the I,eseure, series and comedy of this most interesting production. Miss Frederick studied her pare fox weeks, in order. to "dress" ; it properly BIRTHS Walker - In Chengtu Sze Chuan, Croner. on Dec, 23, 1920, to Rev. John A,. and Mrs. Walker, a son -Donald Crawford, Auiy-At Conquest, Sask., on Feb. 12 to Mr: and Mrs. ElginR, Amy, a son. -T- DEATHS Ryan. -.On the South Boundary, Ste- phen en Feb. 18T hresa Ier, b:- loved wfe of John Ryan, aged 28 years. Bedford --lit Seruia, en Feb. 18th, Geo. H. Bedford, formerly of Execrr, aged 57 years, 7 months. Tyler -In Cargill, on Feb. 18th, .Rev:" II..D. Tyler. Stewardsont--in Lucas on Feb. 19th Sarah Jane Morgan, wife of John Stewardson, aged 74 years and 3 months. O'Ne l --In McGillivray, on Feb. 11th, Joseph D. O'Neil, aged 58 years. Parker --le Detroit, on Feb. 14, Mar- garet +toss, formerly of Brucefield, wife of Mr. Parker of Detroit, aged 22 years. ' Ch dney--In Clinton, on Feb. 10. Floe„ Chidley, eldest daughter f the :ate Joseph Ch_dley:, aged 6: years. olein Cinte.n, on Feb. 14, Elizabeth Cber bill. beloved wile of Charles Cole, aged 86 years aq l 3 months. Doziniou Seel Products Co., Ls ratted, Bra lttord REASONS WHY 1'OU, SHOULD BUY DOMINION LIGHT 1. The Dominion Steel Products Company, Limited, absolutely guarana tees the perform'aace of each machine leaving. the factory. Z. All the household appliances, washer, sweeper, Ghurrt, cream separator, e'.e:tric iron, toaster, ete., can be operated. Item its power. 3. It ;:s built to the highest standeed puss ble. 4. Only the large Prest-O-Lite Battery is used (161 annpere hours, 8 }nous rating.i 5. All DOMINION LIGHT Plants will etu use. their guaranteed load and 3n addition have a large reserve of power. 6. during the floe; est winter night;; one anuart of can! 0'1 per day will preside nnnp'e light for house end barn - ;ire r sk is ellmina'ted. 7. If you buy Capad awn Made code, Canada has both the money and the machinery. ' 8. It is Canadian Made by a Canadian Company. estly FRANCIS & WILLIAMS, Exeter MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS, DE LAVAL SEPARATORS, B. T, BROS.' GOODS; FENCE, PLOWS, WAGONS, CUTTERS, ETC. SHIPMENT OF BUGGIES JUST ARRIVED. J. A. STEWART Phone 16 This is the Last Week of the Great Price -Slashing Sale Have you filled all your needs? If not don't delay. NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY COLORED VOILES. Ladies. See our New Fancy Voiles. They are ,swell in all the popular shades, and the very latest New York Designs at Very Low Prices. LADIES AND MISSES' SPRING COATS. We. have a couple of Shipments o,f our .New Spring Coats and Suits. They are in the very Latest Styles and Cloths. SERGE SERGE • Remember, Ladies, you can still buy our Pure Waal Serges at exactly hail price. Don't mass this opportunity of securing enough for your New Spring. Dress or Suit: All shades to choose from $4.0.0 SERGE' le OW $2.00 GINGHAt4S G 1NGHAMS Now as the time to get your Supply of Ginghams. We have a complete ,range in .the very Nicest Colors. All sized Checks and Plaids. They. were •Regular 50 and 60 cents a yd. SPECIAL SALE PRIICE 33.. PER YARD. J. A. STE • • ART HIGHEST''PRICE PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE. *fie