HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-03-24, Page 17by' g s,l Com tg i ' lunteer Bureau ats non Volunteer to ' Id, we hope, be ,a t Will e to many of you nuch would like to take Yare pity to explain thing of neal " and the nature 'ment :in au is set up to been f Huron County. it j ` rs is an office in devisl,` et United Church rets' there are other thef ; offices in Exeter gn of m. Don'e , ou are not sure a "volunteer to re es, and why we ng to ,ursupport. )m so ° of the Huron Lima's' o find out what food' vices are needed !d fore residents of our to be :nd who can to provide those 0 half -1 with ead. irdle e !mint .+ tdside get :TY :E 'ER 9 .;cervices. It is also our job to know what groups and organizations are doing in the line of volunteer work, and to use these groups as sources of assistance. In other words, we try to see 'that maximum good is obtained from existing programs, and that groups are identified and com- municate with each other. This saves the cost and waste of duplication. Often a service is already available; people are simply not aWare of it. Many people get the im- pression that a volunteer bureau deals mainly with the elderly or the handicapped. We do a lot of work with these citizens, but we are really designed to help ANYBODY who has a ,request for any kind of volunteer service. Because this is a rural ere Corner wi nlop Women's ch meeting will !borne Township , this Thursday, at 1:00 p.m. with a pot luck embers should' own place set - annual meeting for 1977-78 will and secretaries ed to have their dy. 4-H Tiger up Leaders are ts, endance is hoped en interested in k are cordially NITY NEWS er Canvass will very soon. Your be appreciated. old are invited crokinole party, ing, March 25 at Benmiller United etgent. A cordial` extended to all to come and enjoy a night of fun.. If you have a crokinole board bring it with you. There will be prizes. Any ladies who wish to bring some lunch are advised it will be welcomed. Meet your friends and enjoy an evening out. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Young, RR "5 Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhaie, Bayfield, have returned home from an enjoyable motor trip to Arizona and other places in the United States including 'Texas. They also made a brief visit to Mexico. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon%' Kaitting over the weekend were Mrs. Kait- ting's sister, Mrs. Beatrice Geiger of Zurich who is just home from Florida and a niece, Mrs. and Mr. Elwin Simmonsr nd family of Exeter. We are sorry to report Frank Shields is a patient in Alexandra Marine and,, General Hospital, Goderich, having undergone surgery. mesville News By Blanche Deeves rd party uccessful card• d at Holmesville t Thursday 17th rich Twp. W.I., ables playing. e: ladies' high, art; ladies' low, men's high, Jim low, Frank Yeo: Helen Fuller. served by the social time was sonals port Cherri Lobb n Sick Children's don, Get well rri. otter is spending break with her Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Porter, who has been working in Fort McMurray, is home visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dick Porter. Soirry to hear so many are under the weather in Holmesville. Jim Angus, and Harold Jantzi are two, so wish you all well. There are several trappers in the area busy catching muskrat and report thecatch seems pretty good. Murray MacDougall and Herb McAdam travelled to Bayfield, taking a look at the harbour and boats. Also enjoying the bells ringing at Trinity Anglican Church. Sorry to hear of the fire at Blakes Welding shop in Clinton. CORRECTION appeared in the fire -arms is not encouraged the minutes of by the Ministry. nosh Township eClerk. The Ministry wishes to ort of the visit of keep private land available Officer, Bob for recreational pursuits, and al sentence of the . if concerned land owners hould read - "lie, have problems in this area, advised Council they should contact the sage of a by-law .Ministry of Natural e discharge of Resources for assistance. AVEUE'S GIrrs icing Out of Business 3 DAYS • APRIL 1., 2 3 est Ite r s, %s Price rand Bond,, K. .4; services area, widely spread out, we find a lot of our requests are for people to drive someone to.. a town for a doctor's ap- pointment; to get groceries; to make special trips such as to "specialists" in London. This reflecss our country;, living -- it is always necessary to go somewhere to get anything done, even if it is just a mile or two. We have currently, a program in operation, helping senior citizens with their income tax forms. One call came in for a group of volunteers to paint a building on the Square in Goderich. Another appeal is for tut ring; a young fellow who is artly blind needs extra help with his schoolwork if he is to be able to continue in the regular school system. A major project coming up • is our Friendly Visiting Program. Watch for more news on this. We will be holding an information workshop in Goderich, in April,. and we hope for a good public response. The aim of this program is to encourage personal friendly contact - a "good. neighbour" policy- between volunteer visitors and anyone who wants the t rvice: shut- ins, the elderly, the han- dicapped, or just anyone who wants some companionship. In some instances, it will be helpful if the volunteer can shovel a pensioner's walk after a heavy snowfall, or perhaps pick up a few groceries or a prescription for a neighbour, when down town. We want to eneourage the kind of easy, sociable neigh- ounty bourhood co-operation that 'should ideally come naturally in every community. The emphasis In this project is not so much on material aid as on friendly human contact. You can check on your neighbour regularly to see how things are going; this is particularly good in a case where a person has a chronic ailment or some physical handicap. Even if you can offer only an hour a week, please do. That hour could mean mueh to someone who is lonely and trying to manage on a minimum of outside assistance. We'II be telling you more about the Workshop in a little while. But please, even if you cannot attend it, give us a call and your name, if you are interested in the Friendly Visiting Program. If you nODERIC1(i.S1f3NAL would like W be visited, we want to know; if you want to be a visftor, we'd be glad to have you in' our group of volunteers. It need not take" too much of your time, and the personal rewards and satisfaction to both parties will be a fantastic return on 'your investment of time and concern for a neighbour. To volunteers in general, we extend a warm invitation to join- us. Do you have a special skill or interest you can offer? Even if it's nothing specific, give us a call. Surely we can find something for you to do. To anyone wanting a service -- please do not hesitate to ask the Bureau. 1f we can't help directly, we'll try to find you someone who can. Call the Volunteer Bureau at 48.2-3037, Ken Ke' speaker wen Herito e group meets Ken Kelly from Heritage Canada, which is the main federal department involved in financing and rebuilding significant historic sites, will be the guest speaker at the March 31 meeting of the Huron Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario. Mr. Kelly will be showing slides and discussing major historic restoration ,projects from Vancouver to Halifax. These projects include the -old Gastown area of Vancouver, Dawson City in the Yukon, Old Town Montreal, Quebec City, the rebuilding of Fort Louisburg in Nova Scotia and Halifax Citadel area. Perhaps the two most exciting and unusual projects are in Dawson City and Louisburg. Louisburg was built in 1727 by the French as a massive fort in New France. It was continually under attack by the British and American armies and finally sacked in 1760, For 170 years the fort lay in ruins until 1930 when, new interest was expressed by the ,federal government in the historic and architectural significance of the structure. Subsequently over $25,000,000 has been spent in rebuilding the huge structure which is now open to the public as a tourist attraction. ' The center fort has been completely rebuilt using craftsmen from France. Dawson City was a • boom town built in 1898 when gold was discovered in the Yukon. It had a population of 20,000 and was the largest city north of San Francisco and West of Chicago. When the gold • supplies diminished Dawson City died almost as rapidly as it grew. The• population today is 700 but since 1959 a large area has been rebuilt and restored to personify the history of the north. Parks Canada has to date spent over $25,000,000 on the heritage of the city. Everyone is invited to the meeting which will be held at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, March 31 at the Little Inn, Bayfield. Conservancy President Nick Hill promised a "refreshing and exiting view of Canada's history from coast coast", KnoxW.M.S.eartopi�s amiy The March meeting of Knox thank you notes from Mrs. the business for the meeting, on motion • of Mrs. G.G. Women's Missionary Society Emily Bisset and Mrs. Jean Several mite boxes were MacEwan and Mrs. G. Afternoon Auxiliary was held Croft. Roll call showed 27 mad available o anyof the in the church parlor, members present and two members requesting them. Stokes. Tuesday,.March 15. President visitors, theirMegeneral l enjoyednoa quiz onf Mrs. Clayton Edward opened Literature Mrs, Special thanks was extended general knowledge of Secretary to Misses Hazel and Flora W.M.S. and church work. The the meeting with an in- Enright had several books for Macdonald for the flowers in Rev. G.L. Royal presented teresting short reading on reading for the members memory of Una Macdonald, the topic for the meeting, "Worry" which . had a including heads bowed and to Lee McCallum for the "The Family, -The Church in message for all. - together, Jesus Christ Frees St. Patrick's decorations. The secretary read the and Units and This side of r interesting and which proved very minutes of last meeting and Tomorrow. . April will be a busy but foodforth t gave much correspondence included The President ,discussed interesting month and -food for thought. members were reminded of • Mrs. Girvin Young thanked the Synodical to be held in Mr. Royal on behalf of the Knox Church, Stratford, on members for this splendid April 12 and 13. The group's talk. April meeting which will be Members and friends en - Tuesday, April 19 with Mrs. joyed a social - half hour Jack Watson, as guest together at the close of the speaker. meeting with lunch served by The Annual Spring Rally of the lunch committee, the Presbyterial in Belgrave on April 27. Mrs. Lanaway and Mrs. Royal offered to help on the telephone com- mittee. Mrs. Straiton Supply Secretary gave a splendid report. The treasurer's report was presented and approved MATERNITY WEAR AT The Separate Shoppe MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 482-7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) OPEN 1-6 OPEN 1-6 WHAT'S NEW AT elticJ&Matit FABRICS • QUIANA • POLYESTER SUEDE • VELOUR • SCARF PRINTS • WEDDING & FORMAL • COCONUT PRINTS • PACIFICA patterns especially designed for Coconut Cloth and Border prints OLDTiMERS GOLD MEDAL SPECIAL KETTLE CLOTH $3.98 YD. FamousFor Sewing Machines Since 18011 THURS. - SAT. MARCH 24-26 EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR "yA PFAFF SEWING MACHINES aott,c1 6114,AmiLTON ST. GODElt,CN4 9t TARo f•1 t it PHASE Tv r We are now set up at 231 East Street,htily equipped for. Custom 6 Wholesale trade. "BEEF IS ON THE RISE" See us now for Sides, Fronts A Hinds at the old prices. PHONE 524-8632 or 524-7648 CO1OLNE Articles for everyday use in gay colours — created by leading Scandinavian designers. ' Functional and ideal household' articles, so beautiful that they will brighten the kitchen as well as the dining room table. For this reason they are used in homes all over the world. TtIF MINTDEE 14 King Street, Clinton 482-3871 WINTER MEMORIAL SALE SAVINGS UP TO 5OO°° Over 300 monuments in many sizes, colours and shapes. All available for delivery as soon as possible. All pried below 1977 prices. Plus special discounts for winter work and for cash. Some are one of o kind. Visit our Iorge new heated showroom or call our district representative for an appointment. Serving Huron and Surrounding Ares Sine 1919. T. PRYDE SON LTD. HEAD OFFICE EXETER, ONTARIO DISTRICT SHOWROOM 75 HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH, ONTARIO D.A. DENOMME REP. 524-2373 ow 524.6621 f9t d l lib