HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-2-17, Page 4The Exeter Ac vocat : Sanders -ase pre.prietors • Subscapogeesr-piloaai l'sge-la advaace $1.50 Mer year its Canada; stip is the: lentted Stat, All saeb scrir)t1Qne :riot oaid In advance 50e, extra charged: ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made. known +Qts. appiicataoee Stray Animals -One insertion 50c,, three insertions $LOQ. Farm or Reg Esta3a for salve 50e. each insertion for orre month of four insertions llissceliasaeaous atrtifies of not more then flee lines, For Sete, To Rent, Wanted. each msertionr 50c. Lost and`. Routed Itecale 25e. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc„ 1.0c..per *AA ger Wertion, No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanes 50e. ' Auction Sales 33 :for one ii sertrb and $13Q for each subsequent lee sertion if user five inches in length,: Legal adves,ng 10c, and 5c. aline THURSDAY, FEB- Iith, 1921 Mount Cay lel Mr. Bas,:t Stay" of Sandee'ieh' Col Lege, eon of Derck; ,Sullivan. Sr„ 12!h concession of Stephen, will be ordain- ed to the priesthood by Bishop Fal - ton, of London, oil Stutrday, Feb. 19. i fetthesv O'Laughlin. returned to tine hesue of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland, after -spenci'ng • several weeks % th his parents gear Godeeele- t'ss McCaffery of Dutton is a visitor at the home of her • aunt, ht:se Ellen Sullii in, near [Vden_ -Mr. Joseph Carey of Sandwich Colio lege returned to his home here owing to a severe colds„ Joe's many friends wish for hien a speedy re,coverY.-lir. London, forayer- Dennisf?'Cotisiell of ori n. •i;+ of this neighborhood, had the mis- fo«tu'te to slip on the ;cy sidewnnd1 -and break hiskti 11r. O'Connell was xeina%ed to St. jeseyah's Hospital,Lon- - den. where tic is doing as well as can ,be expected. --Mr. and Mrs. Tim. Col_ • ,ins :etitrned borne on Saturday. after a.p"eesant visit ie. Detroit, -$Ir• Dante Barry has been bid up for the peet two weeks awing to a very SOTO aria. -Mr. Charles Obvert es wearing a stale Hasse days, a sere having arrived at bis home, Fele Seita-•-Messr.i, N. end 1. 1)11oii of Dub, rt, ere spetelit% .d feei days w:th their sister. lits J. Caaupbe'l A number from here e- tendel the dance at Parkh A last as el;. -M-se W,.a red Guinea of Lnu:lon v s• lied her sister, 3oirs. Mike Ryan tae r Sunday Dashwood .a• ,fere* days k lawn last valuable NEWS TOPICS OF W �3a R Baker last a valuable cosy tlirouh death last week, Ors. Tough O'•Coitnor and children; of Dente ars. visiting' with Mrs, Elliott. Mee David Faust of • Micbig i ing 'i'riends n the neighborhood. NI`_,-"Oetarge Edighoffer leas purchas- ed a Chevrolet Sedate (intended for tact vrc�ek.) Meal -Ks . Gxoetz left Friday morning fee_ cliacago, where he es visiting. is children. Mrs. F'nkbeanker and daughter 'Cath ere are eisiti;ng wifth relatives In Sar- • • r. Herman Ireland of the Bank staff rece'ved word. to go to W.?ratOni We are sorry to. lose "Irish." Greenway ele. and ;firs. Thos. Isaac welcomed a little slaughter to their home on 'the tot. inst.-Ma Frank Turner hbs re- turned from the hospital and is rapidly reea:ang his health« --At a meeting sof ?re Official Booed of the Methodist hureh 4t uns moved and carried un•- n:ruously by standing rote that a vote epprekiati u Jae extended tee the pester. Rev. D. W. W*neuers, D. A., also an. -.nr_tetion to ,rema n for the ela'rd year. The invitation was accept- ed eubleet to the will of tine etat on - ng eetnru.ttee. Misses Enima, and Ad- rli e.#ePhersen Qi 1,e44on are spending vee-- clays ' ieit'ang their 'events, Mr, .-ad Mrs. A, hiePhersoze..-,sirs. Wm. `$leery tt was ;ae leendon lest week. - There was no sera the ,'eletho- Clti Belt Sunday a,fterr-oon on aCCOuAt of lite. Manes of tate pastor, Rev. 1), \'{t�'.a,l.3�yy;..I;li sue, enpd/�famity'. All hope for the,. epQ bdy Xecov'ary- FOAL CSN:TIPATION Retention of the illeconiunt in Foals Very onion.. iyretptonts Deneritaeal-AtttteIpation et the Trouble advised mill 51erhtttt• lent Treaitsut'nt i`lrtggestr'd -- live S1Od Notes.. t0antributed by Ontario Detaartniettt of A;; rit•uttuare Toronto) 1'IflN*i Uwtal life the liver or the feat is votive. tt secretes u lirttata'i quantity of tile, which after being conveyed to .he small intestine becoutee formed .oto darlt-coloredballs of various sizes and different densities. These pass baekwarde and occupy the in- testines. The substance is caned the "meconirnn." At birth this rection is usually full and both the l.riege and small intestine contain a considerable leentity. Uinder normal conditions i. quantity of this substance is voided tfloi'tf} atter birth and at frequent intervals afterwards until It bas all been voided and the excreta voided afterwards is of a, yellow color. The appearance of yellow faeces always tudicates that the meconium bas been :e' Harold Kellerman has an egg re : 'rd 1t-trd to beat. During January front eleven hens h' gathered 165 eggs and during .four,eea days in Feburary ave gathered 100 eggs. Who an iJ at tills Last week firs. J.reeb Engiand' gathered a hen egg m.asuri ng nine in- cbes its c:rcumiereace, lengthwise and six inches the other way. It weigh- ed four tunes. Some size. Sunday was 'observed as misyana:y day en the Evangelical Church. The ee rviees morning and evening were taken in part by the laity. Splendid offerings were received. A 'bus load bf our young ,people took fat the skating at Zurich Satur- d ay nicht. Bliss Matgaret Hanover is this week .opening a dressmaking shop in Hart• lerb's block. Miss Hanover Formerly did dressmakii g in Buffalo. Our business people have received tlre•r lee supply. Mrs. D. Bettchen, is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Our Public School ccneert was an- ttoun ed O be. held the 28. The cor- rect date is Friday, Feb. 25. Ke:p this date in, mind. lir. Hartman Elsie and daughter, Thelma of Sarnia, visited with rela- tives here over the week -end. Miss Ada Fassold is visiting in Lan- don this week. • 1Ir. A. D. Mcl:saac of Detroit spent The Yellin Mother Youth, with its •vital ty% makes for the young tmother's 'kealth and bappneSS. But later, materna, experiences bring a dif- ferent result if- ferentresult multiptied,;h very often th womanly di the su• ffering lescence a sl 'Many women -perhaps neighbors-- ' nee oaxperle with. ; voritePresc • ., t1^ye.xrrospect cents to Da t' e in B •Ho.,1 trial package of tablets. - ONT.-'d 1 was advised nurse to take Dr. Pierces` • Prescription as a' tonic during and 1' have had every reg on to be grateful for her 'advice, be- ill voided awl that the excreta ap- pearing is the effete material of toour- ishnient taken after birth. This con- dition should be present at about 24 hours atter birth. in many cases, either through want of sufficient ex- pulsive force or by reason of some Imams of meconium being so large that the animal cannot force tht.tn through the anus, the substance is sot voided. Retention of meconium probably causes more deaths in foals than any other condition. Symptoms. -The foal elevates the tail, .arches the back, and makes in- effectual efforts to defecate. At first he does not appear to suffer acutely, but as- none passes he becomes un- easy, the efforts are more violent and more frequent, he refuses to nurse normally,, and later on will not nurse at all; lies a great deal evidently suf- Tering acutely, becomes more uneasy and weak. and dies'in a. variable time. Treatiinent.-Some breeders give a taxative .or purgative immediately after birth as a preventive. This, we consider, is a mistake, as it often anusesacute diarrhoea, which is al- ways serious and often fatal. When we know that the trouble £s in the rectum and that drugs given by the mouth have little or no effect upon the contents of this organ, we can readily see that. by' • increasing' the actions of the interior intestines, but not removing the cause of trou- ble, is very liable to cause serious complications, in cases where reten- tion is present. In moat cases the -trouble can be rerrovad mechanically, by, the attendant carefully trimming the nail of his forefinger (in order to avoid scarifying the lining mem- .bratie or the rectum) inserting the linger into the rectum and removing all, 'pf. the .eineconiud he can reach. hen giving an inflection of ,a few ounces of warm soapy water or water and oil . or glycerine. This to be re- peated at intervals of.4 to 6 hours, or oftefier• if Symptoms indicate a necea- site,, until the faeces become _ yellow. 1the +coaditiori is not so often -noticed in foals .:whose• dams have had con- siderable grass. before parturition, as. have been,on. s who Lit those of dam w dry.food... • • It is• probably wise for the atten- dant to anticipate the trouble and mechanically remove the meconium of all foals shortly after birth. When carefully done it cannot injuriously ,affect the -,colt, it. avoids trouble and at' leastr'elieves•the foal of the neces sai•y 'efforts to void the substance J. H. Reed, V.S., �. .:A:: College, • tsrie1ph. Tire" "Harmonic gait , Quartette •af' Jean IVa key Elo- odoa M s a with,s1 , at:a ,w>stt on Wednesday,; n ht, P'eb l ; give: ani entertaiittnerLt,, s„to c e auspices of @. - Ll 1 .a 1'b a r.tlr r . 1 1The a : s • will be reason- fife . = dxrl,s tan 1 i e so.that all mayenjoy these wide- 'y known artists. important Events Which "Havas. Occurred Dotting the Week • The BUsy World's happenings Caye fully Compiled and Put Intl Handy anal _Attractive Shape for the 'Reade*'of Oar Pape-.- A So#id Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. The new Directory i iyes Tore WS population as 597,386. Charles Crone collapsed in the To- ronto post office and dies suddenly, Eleven inches of snow fell in the Maritime Provinces over the week- end. The Kitchener 0. 11. A, inter- mediates beat Stratford on the round by6to3. British yachtsmen are not enthus- iastic over the proposed trans -Mian - tie contest. The Canadian Soo N. O. ff. A. team beat Sudbury on the latter's ice by 4 to 2. Mrs. Cecil Sottillier, who died at Sandwich East, aged 87, leaves 187 f lineal deseenda ts., It is repoitea that Donald (1'C:ii- aaghan :viii, leave toe United States oil Februasry 1 Complete .cessation of army re- eruitittg in the IL S. has been order- ed by Secretary Baker. Pour persona were injured, *airs. P. R. Bowen maybe faatally, its an automobile collision at Windsor, its West Peterboro Federal by- election the Liberal candidate, Ger: don, won by about 1,200 majority, Au agreement between itaaly and Czecho-Slovakla for common action an Balkan problems is reported tram Route. Col. the Hon. C. D. NeFhet•son, new Minister of Public Works, was retu••ned in the Lakeside, Man., by- election, Derrick Tennant, aged 79, finally shot his niece's. husband, Robert Wood, aged 45,'at Ca.intown, near Broeltvilte, The President of ! tee, le expecte,: telt 1ssttti a deare' .natztiit n. coinniis- ;;ao.. a ,• ka .•;i;r a oP Ute sale et ,sugar erop of 1920-21. Thousands of British, says ez- Contrftlier Halford, of Hamilton, are corning to Canada next, means, the majority" wanting to farts. The Ian 8, Congress unanimously* passed a bill authorizing' the eun- struetion of Pave hospitals for dis- abied war veterans at an estintated cost of $12,500,000, WEDNESDAY. Fifty-eight rinks are competing in the annual bonspiei at Pe -fathom'. Laiior M.1'.P, advocates ttnitorrn marriage laws in neighboring pro- vinces. In an N. 0, B. A. senior game the Canadian Soo team. beat North Bay by 7 to 2. The administration of the Moth- ers' Pension' Act was attacked in Legislature. Lawyer Switt broke the world's record, for the Sive-mile pace at Ot-: tawa on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary ,.E11en. Smith declined the Speakership of the British Co- lumbia Legislature. The British: Food Minister says the present decline in prices is likely to continue for some time. The Dreadnought Canada and three destroyers purchased front Bri- tain have arrived at Iquique, Chile. Results in the 0, H. A. senior ser- ies Tuesday night were: Granites 3, Aura Lee 2; Kitchener 1,1, Argo- nauts 1. A carnival ball in a 'Munich hotel, in Bavaria, given by members of the former royal court, was stopped by the police. Chief of Police Sebastian Flynn has resigned his position at Water- loo, owing to ill -health, after serv- ing 28 years. Mrs. Edith Rogers, the first wo-. man elected to the Manitoba Legis- lature, will second the reply to the Speech, from the Throne. A corner's jury returned a ver- dict of criminal negligence against Stanley Hallam, who formerly was an officer in Rev. Mr. Spracklin's squad of liquor license inspectors. The Hansa League, the largest association in Germany, representing economic interests, is urging a boy- cott of France and Britain in favor of goods from the U. S. and neutrals. Robert G. Eyre, aged 70. of Yonge Mills, and Fred Young, 33, Brock- ville, were instantly killed by a pre- mature blast on the provincial high- way construction near York Mills. Joining with Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist churches in an evangelist - tic eampaidn. Tvya young bandits shot Benjamin Nunn at the Imperial Oil Co.'s gaso= line station et • Main and Qatherine streets, Hamilton. Richard •Kntichel,•e a farmer of Grande Prairie, Alta„ luta,. been er,, tested, charged with mtirderftias•^f'our men in Tune, 1918 = Ltent.,„yesipa, formez;ty•inettuetor an the 'Rffalt, Air ''F r'ee In Eneleue and at Toronto, is reported killed at Ste. Anne de Chicoutimi, Que. I BIDAY. Canon Lionel St, George Lindsay of Quebec dted at the age of 91. Wilson has intimated that he will veto the Emergency Tariff Bill. Premier Smuts has 22 of a ma- jority in the South Africsa election returns, Taft's brother scouts annexation talk at Bar Association dinner in Toronto. Two Bala rinks qualified to play in the Beatty Cup final at the Parry Sound- 4iiskoka, bonspiel• "Johnny"Wilson, middleweight boxing champion, knocked: oat ;Navy i os'rei in the second round. Thomas ttlassates died at Parry Sound as a result of behest crushed nineteen months ago at Nobel, Lieut. Vezina, the aviator, report- ed killed in en accident *ear Ste, .lane ife Chicoutimi. is aitve aunt well, Miss Gladys Robinsons et Torento beat Rose Johnson of Chime% chem. pion lady skater of the 'United States, Rego Stinnes, the german million- aire, is seeking to obtain from the Soviet eontrol of Russia's largest iron and steel plant. All oilleiais and enipleyea of the municipality of Sairtr,a have been re- quested, to'apply to writing if they wish re -appointment. While being malted to tlre•hospital for an operation Mrs. Marie L. Dodg- son of Frisby, Alta„ met, bear death in. an automobile 'wreck. Fake vaccinatiob V'ei <ttl+eates'be,ve been found presented by passengers on" railways through Quebec Roto Ottawa and Hull districts. Mrs, Jose'p'h` Lae:W+rt dyed at St. tiehola, Once.. aged, 109 years and tour months, and Mrs. Notion Rens and died at the „gs of Se in East Sandwich township. (Ma e it kept e p me in perfect health and,, practically no suffering. The en fits the ion not only benefits • I am positive' the child is too. I would net hesitate it this `Prescription' to .aria mother.0=Mss. 0. Hess Strentt,,;N. a..t. r.... .•, SATt'R1D 1Y Kitchener beat Aurst Lee Friday night by 5 to 1. Fuel Controller s'iys ems; ptlees in Toronto) are net exeeasir., C. N. Gordon, M.P. for West Peter- bore, urges immediate general elec- tion. The report of °°''lie eonr:nittee on Rural Credits i's. o.ibled la the Legis- lature. Pope Rene/Bet ,aa wires the new car- dinals to visit Rome to receive the red hat. Miss Gl;ulys Robinson, Tortanto apeed skater, eon two more recite at Lake 'Placid. 'rhe lliulster of Education has en- dorsed the three collegiate Inatittttes plan fosehLaudo'. An iuquest In Toroato bus been adjourned) eight sietes, because of the absence of a reit,, ss. The Hull 0 ':.s `ns" League has launched an tartlependont campaign against !nitre It i°w selling. A. J'. D tw s of .,tontreal, president of the loll Telephone Ca,. Ltd., and of o'lier corporations, is dead, aged 73. British railways are claiming 1.15x1,000,000 front the Government as a result of its control during the war. The Thorold Braverboard Co. has decided, or ing to a strike of the em- ployes, to keep an open shop hence- forth. Goods valued at over 21,000,000 were brought into and carried out of the British Isles by air service dur- ing 1920. Lightning rods are to be installed at the fort at Grenoble, to prevent powder explosions during electric storms. Mine workers in the Cobalt district have agreed. to a reduction in wages of 75 cents a day, taking effect next Tuesday. Nearly double the quantity of snow has fallen in Monti eat up to the pres- ent as compared with the same por- tion of last winter. THURSDAY. Ottawa defeated Hamilton. 7 to 4. St. Patrick's ' beat the Canadiens, 5 to 3. St. Michael's College beat De la Salle C. L by 2 to 1. Capt. Joe Thompson, M.P.P., hopes for a Tory -Labor coalition. President-elect Harding has com- pleted his holiday in Florida. Indians have discovered imporiant lignite coal outcroppings near The Pas, Man. The Board of Education, Toronto, rejects, teacher because of his Mor- mon faith. . The Canadian fleet has : passed through the Panama Canal on its way to Esquimault. " St. John's, Nfld., is using 'a whip-; pet tank to crush down snbwbanksn its main street. University of Toronto put Hamilton a • nnrn beat- ingTigers ..out of the - running a by a ing them' 5 to 2. Large U. S. steel man says Can- ada's industrial outlook beats that of the United States. ,, von Field Marshal Hindenburg says that France is anxious to get the Ruhr,. district. • The- second>:chamber of the Dutch States Ueneral "has, refused , to allow interpulldtioiis s "Irish Republic The Fe�.erel i.C,rovernment will try to recover all •the manufacturers' tax tlitlidter;; tre",T97j15 War Reve:hue Act.; Arrangements are'haiii made-!to, have a Scottish soccer 'tour Can- "` t summ e tat '"'ne a s da and United d S �� e Robert R. Valentirrel MONDAY. McGill's senior hockey team beat Queen's, 15 to 3. ti, Granite beat the University of To- ronto by 2 to 0: Benno Scheuer, a well-known To- ronto je' eler, is dead. The French railroads are losing 8,000,000 francs per day. H. P. Blatchford, a prominent To- ronto business man, is dead. Niagara Fails Chamber of Com- merce is being reorganized. England beat Ireland in an inter- national rugby match, 15 to 0. St. Patrick's best Hamilton, 6 to 4. Canadiens defeated Ottawa, 3 to 1. Miss Gladys Robinson of Toronto, 'won the U. S. speed skating title. Two were killed and five injured in chapter of week -end act4dents. Laborofficial charges there is great waste in Dominion Shipyards. Metal trades workers of Toronto plan for direct trade with Soviet Russia,, Saskatchewan "'Church Union plans are being evolved by local co-operat- ing committees. - ' ' Aga. Khan is on his way from In- dia to attend the conference in Lori - do Near.Easter' Lon- don n questions., Fresh eggs sold at Woodstock Sat- urday at 40 cents a dozen, a drop of 25 cents from the previous Saturday's price. Bishop Fallon says the Privy Coun- cil's decision in the Trembley -Des- patie case does not affect people. in OnSeveral 'distinguished Frenchmen are exlie'cted. to' ,: visit. Canada next summer to inaugurate the French ex- hibition train's tour:: .. _ ::. „Joseph -. S. Johnson; n^of :. ,Galt, f a G T •R.'eingineei•, for 45. years with- out a single acciden t ogginst him, dibd;tsitddenty in hit sleep., o • Kingston;s Winstom' `€)try's...... aye'• tite'inrew becoming insane oven' f° igion lror-: eprrncipiealeveloprng•in Inihaerlalrele. ribly maltreated his :wif"! ' who njarestidbi"is homri'roll•,f tai sultd idnl'Yi�ong. die. ;,s,7 f , tee. Empire '4''metnb *S £'e icdtfik'-ithe A Hamilton _ Anglican church is . difficulties of zany'' one of •them. .. lt'armasi with Sales ,Notes will, be well advised to tura. theta over to'this Bask for will, The Bink will relieve you of all trouble. in mak* Ing preseatatio n, ,andel payments will be credited to your account promptly. sea Sales Notes supplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - ' $15,000,000 RXETRR BRANCH, F, A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated In 1855 GAPITAI RESERVE $9.000,t:00 Over: 130 8rnnehee MOLSONS BANK THE O The =t><olsons Bank gar..:. every farmer to feel. that :he has a real friend its the manager, that he will receive a hearty. wele(ue and can, safely discuss with hire his looney needs. HXETI1 R BRANCH T. S. WOODS Naneger, Branch open for business :laity. Safety Aepos t 'Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch, i Persuasion ?iiIed Jli�lovk #n %rce! SHE was so proud of her first cake. It was so light so tempting! But her young bro- thers had an eyeon it. too, and You've simply got to hide the cakes and bread when they're made from Cream of the West Flour. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Winnipeg 13rand*n, Halifax You can procure Cream of the West Flour in Exeter from R. G. SELDON Canadian THE LATEST PRICE ON THE Fairbanks Morse Co'y. Engines 1 1-2 H. P..ENGIN>.S $110,00 3 H. P. ENGINI.S ,..y..S1195,00 6 H. P. ENGINES 1285.00 These engines are equipped with the Bosch Magneto, the finest ig- nition known DOUB•LE GIsAR PUMP .JACK...:, »,, .» ,»,» i 41.5'00 INTERNATIONAL GEAR JACK.» .................».,. ,,..»$30.00 FARM LIGHTING POWER -48 LIGHTS $525.00 WE SELL THE CASE TRACTOR EMERY STANDS, SAW ARBORS, PULLEYS, BELTING• HA,NGERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOTICE ALL lG1AKES OF ENGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED Olt GROUNG NEW PISTONS MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS OXY - ACETYLENE WELDING DONE. The Cochrane Machine Works EXETER ONT. INTER WORK ON • CARS -7,-. I am in a position to handle all makes of cars for overha ul>ing this winter. A: . a .: e' ..._. 'r.deal to all. .We Sharpen Skates-: . prage I: Lots . of. em -us! Exeter