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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-2-17, Page 3
GOOD HEALTH SND GOOD, SPIRITS c: The Boy Scouts Association. " A Plea. Provincial 'lesi le lum far ing• ot tee • eery life is what I made it, god or The Tenth Annual Meet Ontario of tee! ill Boy Semi :kssociatian held in ',reroute Let me forever know this, and be etill, on Friday, January 23th, was the moat : I: would not lay to destiny or fate largely attended meeting that ,body , The ,failures that are ,mine, er Deter- Depend ever-De .end upon the Condition of bas ever bed, some fifty members oti rate the. Council and representatives from Thosefrutttess efforts made. the Dlood--Keep it Rich, various seotions .of the province beim i3ut looking on Gilt , life as bat a. evade, in ' attendance-. ear. J. W. eliteltell, I would.•tivitll contrittrongly strive To let what geed there is 4n nee star- vivo 2teU an 3,111 . Vice -1 resideut et the Council, pre-- 1W:renae..doctor tells you .that you are .side's in the absence cf the President, 'anaemic., iso simply means, In plain M. Gilbert F.,. Fauquier, who is spend- English,. that yoetr blood is weak and lug tile winter lit Italy. watery, But ::leis eteentlon is ane ; Reports presented to the meeting in- W ELL QATEFIED WITH h t a ' into a hopeless dlcated that the organization in On- r� deal to it prompt steps are not taken • taria is now tweeting InacticallY ;1,000 to enrich the blood. Poor blood, Neale. boys, there fraying been a substautfal TABLETS # a may , easily PASS t P watery blood is the cause of headaches ;increase bout in ti number of troops and backaches, loss of appetite, poor . and ill' Public interest in the Scout digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, nttr movement rediae the early summer. It vows irritability and litany , other was - also stated that the Provincial troubles. To poor b1ooH is clue the Board or Honour which deals with all fro os .rts la otcheq the muddy ccon,: applications for awards for life-saving, plex..�ra that dasftgures so tiaany faces.! etc.. dealt with sewn meritorious cine to atonal there for any of the many ed fibre. To lh.ts• e goo cases duriff� the iixsi six rrfontbs it f it f h'1$1 d {' ion anti a eileerfut manner, the blood; was to office. Of these, two were aver utast l e ke t lith, red and are. Tlris saving persczts from death by lire, four is easil., done tttrougil tee use oe a• l, for gallantry in wt� ter accidents, anti } P Used Aut.osl l? RB 4K1 Y SEI.I,S 7"I?1L1 ; irisi n cars sot aft r'y'es; ail curs. sold sav- feet to delivery up to. 300 rubes,. or teat run o1C:ssimt distance of you 'wish, in as trot!" order as purchased, or purchase ice re ended. RING mechanic of your own choloa to look them over, or left us to take any car to •city re2areelezttattve for Inspection. '`leery large stook pewee% ea eland, areakey'a Uteri Car. Market s4i mere Stzest,,• New Uses for Papez. �-_ We have heard ot paper suits, .and w.Q have all donned paper hats at children's parties, but Germany is put- ting paper to an ovate more unique ue, 'Mita . travelling in Uermeny re- cently an Englisbnluat wile struck by Ottce a mouser bee used Baby's Own the curious window straps in the Ger- 1 Taleete for her little ones sloe' Will use man trains. Instead of being the ' nothing else. Tier use of them leads . orthodox leather ones they appeared her to believe there is no other neat- to be made of some very strong twlet l 1 hea1tl , a good eouiplee : g t ne nor aliments o c r .leo . ore Later lee was able to procure a por=i eerntng them hire. Eugene Beisvert, tion of ono of these straps,. and, on in - East Aldiielcl, Que., writes: ''_31y baby vestigatiug, found that they were' was terribly constipated, hut after the stonply made of paper. It had been ialoctl erariafliug tones like Dr. it use of Baby's Own Tablets be is eat twisted into ting strands. and twieted e t ' one for specially gcod services ren - Barns' P ul;. fills. The whole mission i tiered to the cloy Scout elevement.' tirel3• well again. 1 hili so well salts. again and again, then probahle treated?! of this utetiielue is to help. enrich the ., One bol saved two children from eer-fled with the Tablets that 1 lose no op with something to strengthen It, for blood which reaches every nerve and, Will death in a fire which destroyed portunicy in recommend rig them to the straps must needs be very strong every organ es site body, bringing with , their borate in which they were (roar- other ntothe s. " The Tablets are sold to hold up a cat• age w iudaw, especial - entitled t strength eiv Activity.; entitled because they were suffering by .u:edicire dealer.' or by nail at 25 1 • a those in the German trai are i it health,andn 3. s t lit That es why people weo oeeasioxaily i from scarlet fever. Tho scout not only cents a bon; from The 1)r. Williams' of a large and heavy type; ! use Dr, Wilivama' Pink Pills :alwaysyPerformed the rescue at great ri.�n to ttIed:eine Co., Brock ille. Ont. The Feats in litany of the tralus are „ reel We lit `Ware and strong, i laiftaself, but in doing so contracted u - - also covered with the sante substatie ute„.,• la le mole Sinucoe. one, give$ severe attack of the disease. To Study Pain in Than- `4 while baskets and chant' other articles o E President, and lit, W . K. George, tie 1)e. 0. Jefferson, of the Meal Iu :Hire, %here are nf:ly' tate eta the family' is la art anaemia cpndation, silo says. . , - Porte c f 1921 Mr. Gilbert E. ", . v f value cot Dr, t the y a „ the seine way. s#lror)b # .t talon, to heLimbs.are made in e t "4t'iiiiauss' pew Polls when Lha blood � I'alaquleL•, or 4ttaw'a. VMS re-elected. ,, cam. ' t "l have been a sufferer for some years Toronto, Provincial t-omultesioner oil lirmare• 'at 'iTenetteet r lies just re- , . J. lI'.ailtcAell, of 'Toronto, and Rev.! calved a grant for the purpose of Keep It Dark. JoknG,on--"De Brown never seeaJ of kis family tree." I3ironsoft---"I expect it's. emelt too edaady." - - Pining Out, "Where is the ratan w'lro keeps this restaure.ut?" aid the ei%''usted pat- ron. '.He's gone tett to Inns b. ' replied the ziaiter. A Compromise. Patient--"I)uctor, 1'id eornpron ise with you opt t?tat bill of ream" Doctor-- '•comproini e! What do you metro " Patient --::Wil'., re pa • for your mediaire, else r't:,t r. your vieit8: Model Husband. :Ire. ; etebriee---"Ole elearie, I meant tills to be a eo.t'g pudding, but it wouldn't t i ie ," Tette Ii elte,.l _..That's all right, weete t, :1.::92 ase c:tU it a tett purl - ding?" One of the Famty, Mee. Puff (ac tat'$ t' plaid) --"But. His Hearing Restored. . Mr. Puff and nl eir. WSW tad !,...on .1The luvislhle ear tlrnan inventedset pia+ e . frail ttllr e trout a rent clown condition of the sys ; Fate Hebert, of Ottawa, are the Vice- stufiyin- the after-3ristery or amputa- A 0. Leonard, 'walelt Is a aufni»tu T::er N4Tes•:t:,it,I ••I.u?, nta'.int. the 1 'tem. I suiferot} from ItatTis Its the t Presidents. and integre. H. A. Lane- ti Con cases. partic:uka.rly tl;n ;.= in irldei: megephon. , fttttng inside the ear ea, rook. f 1 tato tl„at t. 1:z.1• a pewee body, tweeting of the nerves. and t ,; #hely out of sight, is xestntitlg the pias': i:- r tc boost,; muscles, nay appetite was poor, 1 had °nee and G, N. hoots respectively are , pain ie felt in phantom"' .ansa,. the Cagle in New .� r vitae a led crrlret alaeatl i as ee c: au • , z r� .Scotch Thrif It was dirm'r ti:ile tee .-- wedding. r4 Indigestion and woule get drowsy ea; the 1'. 0 1 t Sec • i try• end ?rovin'I f 1 e ^ •lti'h longe • teat •t 1 e k City: hundreds iuveutea toll$ ter eating; ;sly hauls and feet were • elal Treasurer, The flew ExeeuttovQ Dr. George iiiddurli, cf Lnncicn, in die• drum to relieve himself ot deafness alruo t always cold, and though 1 was Committee consists of Sir John Fat n, eu itts; '";ahau#t fu limbs." sass: e constantly doctoring, the Pled:ciue I. G. CS, Ellis, A. B. k�ieber, J. E. Galleng,;! t1`]r u a person Itis an anipinwtiOn Fnd .Lead atdse„ and it does tilts so teak did not beIn sue 1 had pneeeticat-` J. G. Gibson, Lt. -Col. 1"Ienclrie, John of a leg nr an tarn it is a feet that ite mtceesslultY that no one could tell Ite s tail C. 13. ie a deaf man, It is e:dective eviten ti ,; dean -wee is tau: ed by catnrrii or by ix. given ftp hope est good health, until G. gent, 1.t, Col. Noel Mar, l , often colaaplaJns of pain ..i the mr,alug tt friettol frau% Hazuilton came to visit • Aic\augld, John A, Northwa, . A. J.; member, 1Ie lnd; be was, rg it colt er rile "Where re til s?., •.4 i ;+l.teT�tvise. ,ate 'ren faze:" perforated. or destroyed nature line ye."etewede fruit:" veled hie kilt,. -Demi ite Me and urged one to try Dr, Williams' %Kellen, J. F. 91 I. Stewart, 11. U. Taco-" leg at the time. but the feeln.y; le that p "1teleg 1, I tor." .teplicei eieeTa'riele hoe A. J, (lough auH. J, J. �'au ]t;tla. the a'e+:t ,is still tlteri�. ateeet?natee al drams, A request for information s c, ` �,. Pink Palls. it tools some pereuasion, - " to A. ia. Leonard. Suitt 4;T, i© k`iftit, "BM what li... } done 41.I3 .svalla but Rum: l' consented. to tale them, I' Testa. Frank Arnold], 1�.C., IL A., ale s pemilar:ty i. diceratte.,; ;ate. al- "B w -t' at bee iia:. a zeaeou to be grateful that 1 did.' Leurenee, T. Albert Broevu :tied :*r- T. though it may feet cantly a few Avenue, New York City. will be given for after nexus seven boxes 1 felt like Reid were re-ciccteG to the Beard of inrttthR. cases are ls: ewe !:f ;sltieh : a prompt reply. advt. a new pereon. 1 have gained la, Honour. weight. have a better color and any 1 '- — work. is now a pleasure, For this cone' :,.Thrifty Boy, dation my 'haulm are due to Dr. Wit- Mather Me eddy .I thought Sun llanls" Pinot frills, nut) 1 cannot praise were trying to economize, and here 1 them too highly." ! find you with both jam and butler tea You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ; your bread." through any dealer in medicine, or by Freddy- -"Why, of coulee. another. Mail at 130 rents a box or six boxes for One piece of breath docs :for both:" S2.50 (rent Tee Dr. Williams' %editMel --M•-�----- Co„ i:inzei:eille, Out, 1 It is not Christianity that to <r fail 1 ure, it is the lack of it. There are practically no women auto .frill>rs its. Argentina. 1 Minard's. Liniment Relieves Distemp Surnames and Their Origin JACKSON Variations --.Jacks, Jaxon, Jakes, Jake, Jacor, Racial Origin --English. Source—A given name, Iiere'le a group of family names, the derivation of which scouts quite en- vious. As u matter of fact, it's only half ubriow . . You think theso names all trace back tsar tlu given name of John, So they theyall 1 t back to PACKER Variation --•Packman Racial Origin --English. Source—An -occupation. The family naiiws of Packer and Bats sleep head downward, hanging Packman come down to us from the by their hind claws. Birds, with few exceptions. I.leep with tlteix treads turned wi ward over the back and tete beak thrust beneath the wing. Storks, gulls and other long-legged jae, tens who have ltaal tali;,' flue arm : for year, foal` a c.a.tlt'„iii vd of Mr. Paderewskl's Title to Fame. ache;e and puffs in the times they had The foot. h. patriot and Peutiet, Mie.; lent.” I'aderewsel, is keenly interested in -- - •, ��•�• - farm stock. Ile once bought s nue Make It .:bunJant! !61✓19IV T1 V�11y Tee Eft C Say 'our 1-12iil " ascarets" If Sick, prize pigs in E' sex, a. transaction to which the newspaper�i gave mucic Bilious, Headachy ;;utilesty. Not long after he lead made;; 'lett-night sure: net a ple :slant, harm- the purchase he was lookiug tato the c• 1's ('aacaret work while you sleep pigsty at a certain farm, when the; u.d have your liver late, Lead clear, ! farmer carne up and began to tale'. k stouru'h sweet end bond l moving re• Being anxious to impress. the visitor wear by morning. Ne greofeeg or in-„tvftlt Itis importance, the farmer led convenience. 10. 2a' end oil Cent buxes.1 flint to a sty that he had not seen and. Children love this candy cathartic too. pointing to the inmates, said, "Do you see them pigs? leve seld the to to Mr.; How Animals Sleep. jtaderewaki, the great pig dealer from 1tepbente sleep stancdiug up, When abroad,'„ in a herd a. certain number will aiwarg *' starts watch while the others sleep. Most Wonderful Thing. for the big, powerful bensts are tirutd "Tell me, Janete, what was the most and cautious at night and will not go • wonderful thing yon saw while at to sleep uuguarded. sea?” "I think the strangest thing 1 saw I was the flying fish." "Noo. laddie, dinna male a Pule o' ver luitlter. Wha ever heard o' a fish iieein' ?" "Another strange thing I saw when; crossing the Red Sea. We dropped author, and when we raised it again there was oue of the wheels of Iiha- roah's chariot on it." "Aye, laddie, I believe. you. We've ,New York City leas a foreign -born; population :amounting to 41 per cent! of the whole. Only 3 per -cent. of London's population is foreign born. „ express nteu and pttrel.as]tig agents of the middle ages. They wove not, of course, followers of calling strictly parallel to those of the modern expreesmau and 'lurches - Jug agent, yet the slinilarity is close birds sleep standing oaf one leg. enough to warrant the use of Meet Ducks sleep on open water. To tio. But a lm race teruls "with reservations," avoid drifting' ashore they keep dad - pi the fndi^i'Idtiut family it is lnipos- rho given name of :Tames In the ease Tlteir economic reasou for existence tiling with one foot. tuns malting them bible to determluino which, unless the of the family can be traced was the result of poor commutation move in a circle. taellitfes in the middle ages. Tlae foxes and Wolves eleep. curled up, ,hack to rho; person from' whom it took housewife who lived just outside Lori- their noses and the soles of their feet rhe surname; and then the res+' scab don or any other city could not run close together and blanlheted by their into town to da a little shopping as bushy tails. easily as she could today. A journey Lions, tigers and cat animals stretch of even a few miles was a fairly seri- themselves out tat Moor` the side. ous and time-consuming proposition. Their muscles twitchand throb, indi- Nor did all of the ladies who had the eating that tliey are fight and restless funds and the desire to spend them in sleepers. - the larger shops of the cities have the Owls, in. addition to their eyelids, servants and horses at their disposal have screens that they draw sideways that their more wealthy sisters of the across their eyes to shut out the light, four they sleep h the daytime. Pape's ,Diapepsin" Corrects Stomach. 'will fall unless there is enough of the )tistory otthat individual available to eleternine whether his medieval neigh- 'bors called him "Jack" because his 3aame was John or because it was Janes. The nickname of jack was, it any- thing, more commonly used for the 'given name of Janes than of John in ;the middle ages. And really the dis ;cession gets more eonfusing as we go loin, tor we pause here to rem$ k that ::the name ot James -in the middleegos ways net James at all, but "Jacobus," 'sod that to -day the French form of the flame is "Jacques. That is why the n.telrnanee of Jack n•as more often the ;variation of James than of -John. The manner in which the family :names of Jackson and Jaxon were evolved from Jackis, de course, ,quite clear. Ji eox, not a very soannlon aria - tion, has been developed from Jack in the same way that Hancock teas built tip on Han (tram Jolla); er John), through the diminutive ending "cock." nobility had. Renee the "packer,” or "pacl.n7an. " The "packer" was. a trustworthy in- dividual of sound judgment and repu- iation in his own community who act- "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest, ed as the go-between for those of that surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, community who wished to shop in the Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer- city. Re gave "express" service by •rtdiug a horse instead of driving a cart. ells customers trusted flint with their money and their tastes, and he brought their purchases back_to totem do his• saddlebags. As the name appears in the Writs of Parliament and other old records, first as purely descriptive of a calling, and later as a family. carne, 5t was spelled "Paltkere," "Peckere," or "Pakeinan," ttr tte teretesteetemets ,n mess of Wheat aila Halted. Barley is the sweetness of .. ot 4,t eteeetrese ;ea! YMw A emelti\ e -e7 st6 3 °Thec elicately ` rich Flavor,• hat ural ti the grains,is developed. through' 20` hours' baking. Grape=Nutt; needs no added. sugar, and is rich in noun- ishm nt of a Form easy to digest:. This ready -cooked Food is economical "ThereZs a Reason" mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A. few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat favorite foods without fear. Large case costs only 60 cents at drug store. - Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Largest sell- ing stomach coxrecter: in world.—Adv, -- Qua'raritine. "This child, has the scarlet Lever," cautioned the doctor, picking' up hi§; hat, "and must be kept apart from the other children. Do yqu understand?" "0i cl.o,' replied the father. • The next morning early 'the physi' clan again called, Whei the Irishman observed the doctor glancing around the room`, he said ... "01'11 soon hov him here, doctor. Ye towid me t' keep 'im separato from the rest, an' seen' as we hov only -the wan bed ter the'fove iv us•, 01 sent em over t' Cape width' tad next cloorl" No Acquaintance 'Kith Water. "Could you do something for a. poor eltl sailor?" asked the seedy -looking wanderer at the gate, "Poor old sealer?' echoed the wo- man at work at th-e„tub, "Yes, ma'am. 1: Followed the water for slsteen years." iVeli," said •thc �youiatL ''"yeu.cer- tainly don't Iook as if ycn .ever caught lith withit." - There are twoRinds of religion: creeds and deeds. scripture for that, You don't have to suffer A U EN1UF relieves pairs of headache, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES $1.00 a tube. THE LEMING 6i1LES CG., LTD MONTREAL Agents for Dr. Suras Bangui.; RELIEVES PAIN l.n,,.eLn., w, a.., s , s, v,.,+„•„^., •,r\ r\, vRm,n,,w,.n TREEZONE. Corns Lift Off with Fingers i""" ""1"1"."”" Drop a little "Freezone" on an edit ing corn; instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift ft"right off withfingers. It doesn't hurt a bit. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft cont, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without a particle of pain. RHEUMATISM 1,umbago, Neuralgia., or any otht r't:z,. apply Minard's Liniment to tiro ztehing spot and get quick relief. aa: d 5 is he remedy your grandmother usc;d. roano i, notiing to equal it. T'4i1 SALE TEVOR k W -LO to . JI" rn •e• fie . fs S' +: Immediately after a "Danderine" massage, your }lair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems to fluff and thicken.l Don't let your hair stay Melees, color- less, plain er scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35 -cent bottle of delightful "Dan- derine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair, This stimu- Child's Best Laxative toting "beauty -tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful bright nese and abundant thickness.—Ail est. druggists! Classified Advertisements. I�elll TORONTO leleElrl fereaf'ITAZ. 4 • near Weston, Ontario, in p,giiliatoat with Bellevue and Allied .];3;'ospitels,: New York, offers to Young women desirous of booming- qualified nursers a three- year course of genera/ training; ettrpa tike residence; single rooaiaa. for apiary' and other intormatiof 1%11,10 Lady Sup- erintendent, Toronto ree Irosp*ta3,. Weston, .Ontario Two Stratus. The vik'a;r's name was Smith, and he had recently been honored by tb�a de- gree et D.D. The doeter of the village was also named Smith, A. stranger came one day to the pIaee and asked a native the ;gay to Dr. Smith'& house. "Which Dr. Smith do you mean. Sir?" was the repo'; " 'int what >i:.t;,te'.es them, what practices?" MONEY ORDERS- Tile safe way tosend-Mouey liy mail by Dotminion Erprese Money order, .After many years of work that Pyrenees reountairs have been pierced with a tunnel that will permit french. :end Spanish /railroads to be eonneeted. Minaret's Liniment for Dandruff, Among the 241 delegates of the 41 nations represented at the League e et Nations, rot til, sign oc a military or, naval w'iform was visible. ASPIRIN oyer" is only Genu ne Warn:rig! its et1u sal to lane a ebaree on eny PIlli lLozute for g1?n'a:roi "Bayer Tablet-, of epirin.." pre:scribed bF phi:sletins for twenty due y,?:ars mei proved :sift- by millions. I'nit;e.i post eta+ the name "Bayer" on eaekego tit' arca tiztblues yon are not getting Aspirin tat Wil, In ' eery Beyer ptehuge aro directiene for (.'alta. iieedxcbe, Neure algia, lriieutuatisnt, Earache, Tooth 1.alnbago 044 for Plate. Bandy tin boxes of twelve tablets root few eenttt. Slrargrtie,te else sell larger pneii✓ages. 141ade iu Canada. Aspirin is the trade Roark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture elentete.etleachlester ulteeltetteet else Cause o Early Old Age The .celebrated Dr. Michenhoff, an autho.ity on early cls age, sayatlrat itis "caused by poisons generated in the intestine." When you rstomach dictsestsfood properly itis absorbed without forming poisonous matter. Poi - sans bring on early old age and premature death. 15 to 3y' drops of *'Soignee Syrup" after meals 0 makes your digestion sound. io !� si'vr6i•�3•Qi•efr9�7►•"abt!-'Ra•�'C,m'iy+f! GO 0 MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Figs", MONTH OLD BABY HAD SKIN TROUBLE On Face and Hands, Itched and Burned, Cuticura Heals. "My baby was only a month old when her face and hands started to gat red and scaly. The * eczema started in the form of water blisters and itched Cy' and burned. She was so 1B cross and fretful she could not sleep. "This lasted nine months when i tried Cuticure Soap and Ointment, and I used three cakes of Soap with two boxes of Ointment when she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. --Oscar Mon, Amherstiourg, Ontario, May 7, 1918. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- c are all you need for all toilet :uses, r`3athewith Soap, 000the with Ointment, duet with TalCurn. Soap 25e, Ointment 2t and 50c. Sold thr�oughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: L,. ons. Limited: St. Pana St., Montreai. ;'a Cutixura Soap shares'e thoiat'anug. Send for fist of inventions wanted by Manufacturers.. or tunes have been mode from sinapie idea, "Patent Protection"' booklet and "Proof of Conception" �n request. HAROLD OLD C. $I:llreMAN Be CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS 20 0HIP4IAN CHAMB£i.e - h OTTAWA, CANADA INVENTIONS America's :Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOD DISEASES and Row to Feed Mailed Free ,to any Ad- 4, dross b:y the Author. i , (gay Glover Cn , rhe., 115 West 81St Street J Ivan `Stork, Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only --look for the name California en the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Chit leen lave its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." "Pain y" °°171say itis. \ Ji1EM you want quick, com- forting relief from any •external" pain, use iSioan'a Llnitaent> 3tdoest5eiohwith- mrxt staining, robbtns', bandag- ing. IThe frofetorreeumat ii!, neuralgia, 'acnes end onto*. moraine and strains. l ackeche, ocrosauscles tet_tea. ate ISSUE No. 7,—'21.