HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-03-17, Page 25qte. t1 nine lite !en: Atha to unt; ITE Irep St4. les !. I Out 11 NG :E PIP INGALOW 4TIQN 3 Fr 1, or e cans De nee :finish! t9s 161 „ I" Dur :osh Incl 1 lit rch for the past by Wallace and group of volunteers have been working for over months on a special 208 page publication covering the 150 year opment of the town of Goderich. The staff is diligently working to a meet a March i6 deadline and the book will be on sale in Goderich In June. (staff photo) ok an historical excursion the past four eluded several reminiscent collecting photographs, rothy Wallace has pieces. typing, sorting and layout and on a historical Some of her resource Mrs. Crocker, Mrs. Nel that began with material included the Set- Coates, Arnold McConnell, 's dream to .form'' tlement of Huron . County Mel Bell, Ron Pennington and a Company and written by James Scott at the Rose Hill have been in- to the crippling request of County Council in strumental in supplying in - the early part of 1966 and Sam Strickland's 27 formation, researching, years In Canada West that identification, proof reading, cursion that has was published in 1856. The and writing headlines and (lace and an en-. main source was old copies of cutlines. volunteer workers newspapers in the Signal -Star Everyone is learning, not eeks of research, files and the research oc- only of the historical ling, writirig and cupied most of Mrs. development of a bustling- s will end with the Wallace's time as well as her harbour town on the shores of n of a 208 page volunteers."The research has, Lake Huron but also the in - of the town of occupied most of my time r A historical the last three months but it of the building of a has also been a real pleasure 150 years. to do, it; ." she said,. "It has ept originated with been a real learning ex - e 3 committee in perience but at the same time e when organizers it has been a pity to leave out priority to a book many interesting yarns while the history of writing within the confines of Wallace was then a precise story." d to organize a The weeks of research, committee to take examining ,,thousands of. e publication, negatives, gathering and little coaxing sorting hundreds of pictures rued her sights to and finally laying out the 208 ory pages and pages has involved the work an eager crew. of several volunteers. nal plans for the Rev. Royal researched and n called for em- wrote a history of churches in the history of the Goderich; J. K. Sully that was,"altered to collected and wrote a history date a com- of the harbour development view on the town's and Frances Worsell con- nt with an equal tributed a history of on the pictorial Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. ought the book Joan Van den Broeck has better job if there been involved in research, eral pictures to d with the nt of the town of ' Wallace said. "It irately a pictorial obstacle from the was obtaining a of old pictures that ptly depict the nt of Goderich. onths pleas were the citizens who pictures in their several people back issues of tire he Star and the r and thousands of swere made. eople in Goderich some outside the most co-operative res," Mrs. Wallace "We have just of pictures here to m". d Mrs. Mac Cam- e responsible for a large portion of re collection apd pbell was even able• a collection of s by R,R Sallows, ted Goderich her at the turn of Sallows y. ictures in calendars locally d and Mr. B. Wilson e Township, whose drugstore_in during Sallows rendered several has compiled and Most of the history Will comprise one - book. The history t `of GDCI con - It .considerable research and W.E. Goderich was also listable source of - aterlal and pic- !nber the Jubilee 3 made the decisionrd cover glossy that would be' Ite1y ., , Plctorlal, Ote the bu!k`of• the the book that in G #?y a4 tricacies of magazine production and layout. "We are all learning here and right now things are hectic working to a tight deadline," she said. "Our deadline is the middle of March and we will be glad to see it done." Thirty-eight pages have already gone to press, Intercollegiate Press.. in Winnipeg, and the remainder of the pages are being worked to a deadline of March 16. The book should be available in Goderich in June and 1250 copies were ordered in the Advertising: lets good little products compete with the biggies! CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD e first printing. Arrangements have been made for a second printing if sales warrant. For Dorothy and her diligent crew of •--workers deadline is approaching much too quickly but as the last page is produced Trom the numerous cluttered work tables, a collective sigh will emanate from the basement of Knox Church. John Galt never dreamed it would come to this. Glad wouldn't have sfven-us feet if he didn`t mean for us to use them: Walk. We'll show you how. $4.00 registration $3.00 a meeting, Call Free 1-800-261-0573 ) Q (counterweight d PEOPLE WHO CARE r lnnd.nq All Cn.ladw, W e.gnl Control 0,gx,,,n1,011 5t. George's Anglican Church 16 Nelson St: W. Goderich, Ontario Monday: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. Wesley Willis United Church Victoria & King Sts. Clinton, Ontario Tuesday: 7:30 p.m. OF GUITARS—CASES—DRUMS BANJOS --ELECTRIC GUITARS BASS—STRINGS—ETC. *We need the room, weir.. expanding our keyboard.displays. USED GUITARS 55• UP NEW TOGUITARS 50%OFF *Come early for eye-popping savings! PULSiFER MUSIC MAIN ST., SEAFORTH 527-0053 ff you are employed and going to ��) have a baby, you're entitled to pregnancy leave. This is what Ontario is doing to make certain you receive it. We have a law in Ontario which permits,ny pregnant woman, married or not, to take a 17 -week unpaid leave of absence from work to have her baby. This law covers part-time as well as full-time employees, provided that they have been working for the same employer for at least 63 weeks before the expected date of birth. When she returns to Work, the new mother_is guaranteed the right to her former position or to a comparable position with no loss of seniority or benefits at the same salary. Naturally, pregnancy does not prevent an employee from being dismissed for valid reasons not connected with pregnancy, but pregnancy alone cannot be the cause of dismissal where an employee is eligible for leave. An expectant mother is required to give two weeks' notice in writing of the day she intends to leave. She is entitled to begin her leave any time within 11 weeks before the baby's birth but she must take at least six weeks of her leave afterwards, tf the employer wishes the employee to begin her leave before she wants to do so, the employer mustprove that she is unable to perform her normal duties adequately. The employee is eligible for Unemployment Insurance - w'44u s.r g �f Y''yy •V;y ',,ff 2• �vX^� benefits during her pregnancy leave (even if she does not intend to resume work when her leave expires) if she had at least 20 weeks of ensured employment during the year before the birth. At ),east ten of the 20 weeks should have fallen between the 30th.and the 50th weeks before the birth. _1f you would like -more information about pregnancy leave or other labour legislation of interest to working women, write to: Employment Standards Branch Ministry of Labour 400 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario MTA 1T7 and we will send you a brochure. Bette Stephenson, M.D., William Davis, Minister of r — Premier Labour Province of Ontario =ter a •, ann.`s �I 4 ;".'L; W\fid cc...y.IJxi... t\1,�.�:.}fit<i�'<''•'.ti::,.,\vi:;u".�, Mad Your 'P<otdesai to will 60 ,w onswod'prowd.d o is enclowld, Some of nl+aeret ins►±Nt wax eta^,PS�Watse{fy;", tetters must a wa'edbut hro r,y iilgt ri sus ► "Thos. Oaa►ians and Answ ora Neshad to lothiti ws i atai M On/itty .w ' pu oris? f t tv w w. .4 aav sts• try to apply octortavtef the tow percept trot' aid and. advka .f,. troinad */**fit wh. In.ws tha . tons. *ince the facts of each cs .ivy thanye the' r: application of II,* law.- NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE T. Pry . , i District Representative. i Don Denomme. 75 HAMILTON GODERICH MONUMENTS - MARKERS ,LETTERING !' 524- 2373 or 6621 call BILL MELICK at your COLLISION REPAIR CENTRE e ltt�t 1� '' SOUTH END BODY 524-9181 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH, In your column you published a letter which the reader thought might be interpreted as "rather morbid." Well a question that's bothering me is in the same category, the making of a will. My parents claim that at nineteen years of age I am now an adult and should therefore have a will made, but since I own very little personal property and no real estate i really can't see the sense. What is your opinion on this matter? Though making a will at your age is not essential, it is nevertheless a wise idea. A will lets you give your property to whomever you wish (with some limitations if you are married), whereas, if you die without a will (intestate), the Devolution of Estates Act decides where your property will go. It is up to you who you want controlling your property after you did• If you die unmarried and without a will, your closest next of kin (your parents and brothers and sisters) will take the property under the Act. Remember, a will is freely revocable, destructible and„ alterable. It costs very little and lets you appoint who is to manage and distribute 'your belongings. Before making any will, have a chat with a lawyer first. The advantages of having a will at a young age are not always present — especially if you do not own something of significant value. EVERYDAY DOWN - TO - EARTH VALUES Furniture W GRANGER'S TV SALES & SERVICE ADMIRAL, ELECTROHOME & RCA. COLOR TV RECORD AND TAPE BAR MAJOR APPLIANCES rld IN THE SUNCOAST MALL OPEN: MON.-FRI. TILL9 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 5:30 JOHN JEFFERY' & SON call the lumber Number 524-8171 amfteete .Glee 'Seeded 63 ELGIN AVE E.GODERICH Help! My husband signed a mortgage when he was in great need of money. He was told that the finance company would charge a bonus, which was to be included as part of the principal sumAt turned out to be a bonus of 51,000 on a 55,000 mortgage! What can we do? Generally speaking, the law says that a person is taken to understand and accept the contract to which he puts his signature. However, there are a number of statutes which protects us from unscrupulous businessmen and here we are dealing with just such a statute. While it is legal to charge a bonus for a loan and to state it and the principal as one sum, no bonus can be harsh or unconscionable, in all the circumstances. You can apply under the Unconscionable Transactions Relief Act to court for relief. The risk of the loan, the level of understanding of the mortgagor who signed the loan and the presst e upon him to sign quickly are some of the things taken into account by the court to see if the transaction is unconscionable. Also, bonuses must be a true bonus and not a penalty for failure to do something under the mortgage, This area of the law is extremely complex. Always consult a lawyer before taking any action. 1 III11'I III dnrl eT SCHUTZ MSA ESR Your Full line CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH - DODGE 4)4 HURON RD. GODERICHa CA. Swam holiday — 5 24-831 1 — I went to a bank and asked for a loan. The manager said that I would have to give the bank some collateral, as well as my promise to repay, as apparently my credit rating is not the best. I have a car which he said would be suitable. But what are the consequences of giving him collateral? The law in this area is now covered by a new Act which came into force on April, 1976. If you give your car, or anything else, as collateral this gives the bank further "security" for the loan and it has a "security interest" in the collateral, giving it certain rights if you default on your payments. So long as you pay the loan off properly, your car is safe, but if you default on your payments, the bank may take possession of the car and either dispose of it (eg. sell it) or keep it in satisfaction of the debt. You would get the surplus if the car was sold for more than the loan required. In short, if you do not make your payments, you will very likely lose the car one way or another so that the bank will satisfy the debt. CHiSHOLM'S FUELS & SERVICE 20 ALBERT N. 5 24-768 1 BRANCH RR 2 LUCKNOW DUNGANNON 529=7524 SUNOCO OIL PRODUCTS BURNER SERVICE 24 HOUR CALL Complete line of Farm and Industrial Petroleum Products. Install 011 Burners and Furnaces. �yS oragr GODERICH 524-8532 FOR YOUR PAINT WALLPAPER CARPE'TiNG FLOOR COVERINGS & CUSTOM DRAPERIES EXPERT INSTALLATION 3Fi WE$T 11 47.. P