HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-2-17, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. Our Corner' SUES TO RECO e.R WAR TAX. The .Dominion Government will at- tempt to recover from all manufactur- ers selling direct to the retail trade the amount of the two per cent. man- ufacturers' tax, which, under the Wax Revenue Act of 1915, and amendments thereto, they 'are supposed to collect from their custowners at the time of sale. Many manufacturers have refus- ed to pay this impost since May 19 last, and the Gorernunent purposes to make a test .case of the matters The case has been entered and will be tried shortly. This action. will affect thousands of manufacturing retailera ail over Canna b, including eortfeetlon- ens who sell at ,,retail. confectionery of their own manufacture, custera tail= ors, dressmakers, milliners, furriers, tinsmiths and men in;many other lines. The .penalty provided under the act for the first named offence is $500, and doubleihe amount,of taxes which ahould have, been collected, and the failure to take out', the required lic- ense $1000. Phone 81a TAMAN'S For All Kinds of Men's Winterwear -t• "`GLAD TO GRE1,.T you, old top, by Jove, you're locking fine. Where did you get such a swell elegant fitting suit oflothes?" ".At Taman's, the tailor, right down Main Street Best in town, they say. At least, he fitted me with the best suit IFve ever bad. Not high priced, eit- her." "Looks good to me, toc. Pll order my next• suit from them, Sere." SUITS 4.......... $20 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35 re RAINCOATS $15 to $30 W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher EXETER, ON'T`ARIO, THURSDAY FEB. 17, 1921 When is girl sees a mirror' she knows it's time to pause and reflect, Off celeanouneement places the national debt .of Canada at $2,302,723- 021. We Are at aloss to see w ty a Olin= t :ra rr castrate should come. 'to Exet- 1 e to try cases. This town should have police magistrates Once elle-in let us remind our readers a.anortymous Tetters go into the waste Mee basket: Furnish your -erne f you wish to. see your items in prate. After hearing several appeate against the assessntent in Clinton Judge I.., H. Dickson Inae advised the Council of that town to employ an, outsider; to assist in assessing the town. T;enefieiatries under the Mothers' Al-• lowence• Act will in future receive Pay- ments ,based. oat the cast of living in each city aztd town, instead of on the basis of the flat rate decided upon .for payment an all ,parts of the prov- ince. Itis Esaid the new plan will meant enincrease-ten the allowances in most places. 1. has beers a source o: sattsiae tion, tae those who were working in the 'tr is .. e ' n e s at hat kc. xinExeter to note the manager in which they have been supported by the general public. Each succeeding game has been witnessed by a larger erowd then the one before until oe Friday night last the seating; end isieneling capacity was taxed the lantit, and in *tact, some were u able to gain admittan. e. Q: Cour: $.ate 5 ns were disappointed that we wen. con able to wt, the round with Kitchener, but it.must be remembered that the Exeter-Zuricin combination was pitted against the two atrongest teams ;n western, Ontario when the y were lined up against ,Stratford to the Northern and Kitchener in the O H. A. 'the ho,nesters made a goad high., but were unfortunate in )navteg Seteram out of eche last two games, and we were else, handicapped as to the residence ,of our players, that it made practice games practic.,.t- lyimpossible. The players on the team were individually good, but The lack of team practice was noticablie. Although our league games are over for the season it es to hoped, that a few good exhibition games can be ar- ranged ion, and the team kept to- gether hrpreparetion for next season. Another year we are ,in hopes of see- ing a junior league. leant in town, as it is the only way in which we can bring elle boys up to ,play fast hockey. MUST S I'AY .AT SCHOOL.. Circulars which are being sent broadcast Sox the Provincial Depart- meat of Education announces the com- ing into force of. the Adolescent School Attendance. Act, which pro- vides ttor the attendance at school of adolescents :between 14 and 16 years of age, In conformity with this sec- tion, "pupils are expected to remain in Atli time attendance at school until they are 16 years p.E age, unless em- ployed on She authority of a home per- mit, or an employment certificate, as provided by the act." It is announced it as pot the intention to make the .act retroactive by endeavoring to compel those already in regular employment to return. to school, U. F, O. MEETING. At Hensall on Friday last the Town Hall was .filled by members of the U.F.O. of South Huron and friends, when the by-laws and constitution of the organization were discussed and revised. The meeting was quite in- formal and William Black of Seafarth occupied the. chair. Drum The World Over You ri Can't BEAT HARVEY'S .FLOUR WE SHIPPED 67 HUNDRI,D TO A FARMERS' CLUB RECLNTLy AND THE SECRETARY 1N HIS, COMMENT ABOUT SAME SAID,— "HAVE USED SEVERAL BAGS -OP, YOUR. MANS O JBA AND MODEL AND CANNOT SPEAK TOO HIGHLY OF THEM"' 'YOU CAiNNOTtBUY• BETTER, WHY NOT BUY FROM YOUR, HOME ,MILL' Harvey Bros, Local News Me Herman Prior of Portage La Prairie, .Man., spent a day this week with ,fr.,ends trend zelatives in town. airs. James Jewell has returned lif- ter a visit with her daughter, •alrs. W Bradt, in London. /The old play, "Uncle Tom's Cabins" which has lone since been worn thread bare, was put .an int. the Opera. House by the Stetson Co., on Tuesday night and while not largely attended the performance was of excellent merit and was considerably above the ave age, • GRAHA.M—GRANT. The marriage took place on Feb. 9, at the home of the bride's parents, at Becher, Ontario, when Mass 13uelah Jean Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Grant, became the bride of Dr. M. G. Graham of Exeter, the ' cere- mony being performed by Rev. Tart. The bride was assisted by Miss Bessie Scurr of Wallaceburg and the groom was supported by Dr. McKay of Tor- onto, After a shirt trip to Tsronte and other eastern points Dr. and Mrs. Graham errived here an Tuesday ev- en:ng and have taken up their resid- ence in The home of the late airs. D. johns. The Advocate joins the many friends in co ngratulattions and best wishes. 3R. HOSSACK, L *C; \, DEAD. rx/lowing a stroke of paralysis ,th th occurred at Lucan. on Feb. 1 Dr. Thomas Hossack, one of The oldeat residents of that towel, aged 73 ars. Tbe deceased came to Lucan • 1S67, was county coroner for Mid- dlesex for 50 years and a member of Ormiston Presbyterian Church here sine its Soundation. He was chairman of the first Public School board and of the first High School Board. In 1869 he married Miss Charlotte A Clark of London. Mrs. Hossack pre- deceased him in 1905 One daughter, Mrs E. F,. McL Smith, wife of the minister ot Knox Church, Mestere survives. Usborne Council Usborne Council held its regular meethrg at Elimville, Feb. 5, 1921. All the members were present and ap- proved the minutes of Jan, 10, but ask ed that the name of John Shute, which had been omitted in- the published minutes of last meeting, as one of the p}und-keepers, should epoear in. the February manures. Communications: That the Reeve and, Clark be instruct- ed to sign and seal the petition re, equaltization of price for hydro pow- er, and forward same. to' Hon. E. C. Drury. Good Roads Com., filed. The Auditors' Report, as presented by Wm. Johns, was received and approv- ed and the Treasurer be :instructed to have the requisite number of finan- cial statements printed. The Clerk was -instructed to notify all secretary - treasurers of S. Boards to have their teacher report all absente pupils with- in their section of school age to the School Attendance officer, Wm. Johns R. R. Not. 3, Exeter. That John Rawcliffe be the Arbitra- tor ,for Usborne to bear and consider the prayer of the petition, re. releas- ing of lots 22 and 23 and N. r% 21, COIL 1, from Exeter Union school, That the Assessor have charge of . delivering the tags to owners of dogs on payment of a fee. ,of 25c, and that lost tags be replaced by the Cattle and Dog Supervisors at 5c. each. Wm. Mfoodie was appointed Township Road Superintendent for 19241„ A special meetit g of Council was called for Sat. Feb. 12, to coa,siderand arrange a redistribution of the polling sub -divisions of the Township, in ord- er to have palling •places more conven- ient and less crowded. • Grants and bills were ordered paid to the amount of $647.78. By-latw. No. 1, 1921, confirming the appointment and ,fixing salaries for 1921 of municipal officers, and by-law No. 2, 1921, amending by-law No. 5 1916, =e. refund of Brock Creek Drain Surplus were read, adopted and sign- ed by the • Reeve and C1e,rk. Council adjourned to meet in .regu- ler t u aeti ug at 1 ;ioi'cJ ock, March 5, 1921. Henry ,Strang, Clerk. • Centralia On Friday evening the lasing side ;an the tautest put. up an oyster sup per ;anan en)oyabler program and e most len oyaible evening was spent by all. Miss 0. Davis a,nd Miss Eulla Ab- bott of -London visited with their aunt _Vers. W. Parsons, over the week end: Miss Dinah Wood of ,London spent Sunday with her aunts, the Misses Wilson, Miss Mabel Hearn* of London is visiting et her 'homeebere. Rev. I. Snider of Brantford .preach- ed both morning and evening in the church here, and gave an ` 'excellent lecture on Monday evening. Rev. San- der keret his audience in the height of humor with his "'Witty rehnarks: The address on Monday. was, "A Woman's Tongue,,, Lewis—Connor—A glee', wedding was ,solemioized 'in London on Saturn. day,'F.eb-^"uary 5th; when Miss Jessie, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. W. Connor became the erne oaf iYIr. R. Lewis of Lindon ;formerly a resident of Bid- dultflr. A young daughter has 'arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carlingl' Exeter Council Monday, Feby. 14;, 1.02.1, A. regular meeting ot the mould - pa; council, absent Councillor Davis. Tate minutes of the meeting held on Janizary 24th were read and approv- ed.;. Letters were read as follow$ From the secretary and treasurer of the Union and Canadian Munici- palities, Montreal. Filed. From tete Municipal World, St. Thomas, re rebate of income tax. Filed. From City Clerk S. Baker. Lan- noni re representatives to attend a meeting to discuss the securing tat Information on the question of the eleetriheation of the le H. s B, The clerk to inform the committee that four members would be in :attend- nce, A request front the secretary of the National .Sanitarium Association, Toronto, for the use of the Town Hall on Thursday the 17th. Grant- ed on motion of Snell and Elston. Carried. A, request front the U.F.Q. for the at the Town Hall on Friday the for the purpose of holding a banquet. Granted an motion of Snell. and Elston. Fee, g10, Carried. Letter from the office of the On- rio Safety League for a eontribu- u. Filed. Letter from Mr. Seaton Fitton de- clining the otter as ;a member of the Board of Health, Per Snell and Pen- hale—That Mr. C. H. Sanders be ap- pointed a member of the local Board of Health, Carried. The auditor's report tor January was laid on the table and accepted on motion at Elston and Peahale Carried. The following aeounts were read and ordered paid: Thos. Houlden, Intone rent for 6 nnotjths, $11.00; Advocate Printing Co., printing and supplies, 80,95; Grigg Stationery Ca., magazines for 1921, 61.31; Ed. Treble, rep. mist. 6.50: R. I3., 1.25: 7.76; R. G. Sel- don, cement R. 13., 4,40; coal, li- hr,sry, 36.45: 40,86; Toronto Stamp and Stencil Works, dog tags, 5.00: badges 3.00: tax and post .31; 8.31; Geo,. Mantle, coal, library, 27.00; atu;nicipal World, subscriptions, 6.00 Tile tender for municipal printing was awarded to The Times Office on motion ot Penhale and Elston. Car- ried. The following accounts for gravel. supplied for Wellington Street pave- ment were ordered to be paid on motion of Snell and Elston. Carried. Mrs, Alice Cudmore, 34.40; Ni- chol Beavers, 12.00; Charles God - bolt, 4.80; R. R. Skinner, 83.20. Adjournment by Elston. Jos. Senior, Clerk. • Crediton Our butchers harvested their icelast week. Ezra ,Haist cut the ice with his gasoline engine and a circular saw. It made quick work of what .s usually a slow and tedious undertaking. There are. quite a few cases of the mumps in this neighborhood. Mr, W. H. Wenzel is taking orders these days for nursey stock. He is agent .fora good company which sends out the best of trees and plants. Mrs. Levi Stahl to i11. Her daugh- ters were called home from Kitchener to wait on her. We hope her condi- tion will impravei. Next Sunday special Anniversary Ser vices will be held in the Evangercal Church. The speaker of the day will be. Rev. Niergarth of the Publishing House, Cleveland, Ohio. Special re- vival Ise_rvioes are being held in the church this week. Harry binkbeiaer is drawing ' brick from the station at Centralia to be used in the erection ,of his dwelrng some time this summer. Quite- a number of hockey fans were in Exeter on Friday nightto see 'the match 'between Exeter -Zur- ich end $ itchene.r. The visitors were ton fast for the local team. The game was clean throughout and all certain- ly got the value ,of their money, as the excitement was intens e throughiout The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church bad a sales of baking in Clark's shop last Saturdays Quite a nice sum was realized. Trevethick and Hodgins are gettin„ in some buggies. for their spring trade Emery Fahner'has bought himself a Saxophone. We wish him every suc- cess Ein this studies, The . orchestra ought to he able. to. give us same good music ea there ,ins quite a variety et instruments and all the players are good musicians. On Thursday evening the Evangelical parsonrage was the scene orf a pleasant event when about 75 of the 'nembers of the congregatiion met for the eur- posa of giveng Rev. Hauch :find family a surprise party. Mr. 5, H . Holtz - mann acted es chairman: and called on different members of the church , to deliver short addresses. Songs were sung by the male chorus, and towards the close of the program, Mr. H. E., Eilber 'read (the presentation' address to Rev: Hauch; and -Mr. Ezra Faist. handed the pastor a. cheque .for anice sum af money es a .mark of a,pprecia- tine. (from the congregation. Rev. Hauch was wholly averrcome and with dstficulty 'expressed his thanks to his peaphe. A splendid lunch was then served by the ladies after which the party brake up and returned' hoape well pleased with the .eve,nin.g as pro, fitably spent The Women's Institute will have a sale of baking in,Ewald's Shop on Saturday afternoon and evening of this weiek. SANDIlks 8 CREECU' and :Mrs. Thos. Isaac, a daughter: Glavin—At Mt, Carmel, on. Feb. lath, to ,Me and Mrs. Charles Glavin, a SOC. Zurbrigg.—In Lucan, on, Feb,. 7, to Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Zurburg, a daughter Grace Marie. Ainklessoa—At St. afarys, on Feb. 1 Whalen sr. and Mrs. Alex. Anderson of An- derson twins—son and daughter. Doupe--In Usbarne, on Feb. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Doupe, a son. Rte. Sandy Duffield entertainedabout seventy People to a dance last Wed- nesdayevening.-•.The regular monthly meeting of the W. 1f. S. was held at the ;haeme of Mrs. Geo. MUjson ort Tbursday afternoon of last week.—Mrs. Jas. Squire returned Saturday right from the London Hospital, where site has been for the past six week.. She is much .improved in health.-.•Mr.end sires.. Frank Gusm ng spent _Monday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Gunning in St. .Mary s.—Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Squ're spent Saturday and Sunday in Exeter with the latter's mother, Mrs. N. Og- den.—A socia], evening will be held in the church Friday evening for the congregation. Proceeds for the W.li. Cromarty The sudden death took place on Feb. 4 of Mary .Ann Simmons, wile of 1i: Henry Haggarth, at her home on Gibson --In St. Marys, on Feb. 6, Mary the 10th concession of Hibbert, She Mitchell ;evict et the iate John, Gilt - was out doing some chores ixt the yard sou. in her 37th year. when she tit*aa found lying prostrate McGillivray, on Feb. 11 on the ground, havaang rete nee a Joseph D O'Neal, aged 58 years ix'4., Mrs. Hoggarth was born in John ilkwlcet s , MARRIAGES Graham—Grant—In Becher, on Feb. 9, Ds M. G. Graham of Exeter. to Miss I3uelai't je:ca, daughter of rake au,d Mrs. Neal Grant of Becher. her. \$Lean--- Bake --la Test;kc:rsmale en • Feb. 2. by Rev M . 'IcLeaa of Eg:-. mcndv, le, Evelyn Mildred, daughter of ;fir. and Mrs. T. E. Blake, to °Mr. • David 14"l-ean. son of Mr. Jahn Mc- Lean DEATHS o;; arth-..in Cromarty, an Feb. 4/11,..Mary Ann Simmons, beloved wife of Henry Hoggarth, aged 46 years, 11 months and 9 days. ii:bbert townshae and. was married tet�t Joseph's s Ilosone$ I,oadon, o art Feb. 11, JoJ. Hockey Iver now bereaved husband about tit of 1'arllt4 ee t years ago. During her i., the deceased was 4t valued member of the -- Presbyterian Church. She leaves to mss -n Iter loss besides her hu band IN MEMYQRIAal aid eine son, levo siste s, air:. , Far !; Moire—Ira Io4in, remembrance ba-rr: of Tuckerssnit3t, alis. WG. 'terse N. E Hone �vho died on' ye lake of Usborne, three brothers. John and Will of Hibbert, Wesley of Fill= mere, Sask., and, Fred of Hersall. The rematxns were interred in "ii'cTaggart's cemetery. BIRTHS Carling—In Centralia, on. Feb. 13, tit Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Carling, a daughter. Isaac—At Greenway, on Feb. 6, to Mr. a February X17. 19Z0. `" ;sr ago Not as a child shall we again behold her, For when with rapture wild; In our enbraees we again infold her,. She shall not be a child; But a fair maiden in ,ler Father's mansion, Clothed with celestial grace; And 'beautiful wash all the. souls ex- pension; Shall we behold her face. Parents, Sister and Grandpa. S - LE1S -LENS UOLOPHANE LENS, tested to 27 - C. P. R. ... 45.50 JOHNSTON'S V. RAY, tested to 32-C. P. B. x.....$1.50 1i<•I3ETFI GRELN VISOR, tested to 31 .- C. P. B. ..46.00 Good Buys in Used Cars 1 GRAY DORT, MODEL 9, SPECIAL, EX(.ELLLNT RUNNING ORDER 1 1920 DEMONSTRATOR, ONLY SLIGHTLY USED. , 1 90 OVERLAND ROADSTER, overhauled and in .first - class repair: T. H. NEWELL l/ a •rLL J. A. STEWART Phone 16 This is the Last Week of the Great Price -Slashing Sale Have you filled all your needs? If not don't delay. NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY -. COLORED ,V'"OILESa Ladies. See our New Fancy Voiles. They are well in all the popular shades, and the very latest New York Designs at Very Low_ ,Prices. LADIES AND MISSES' SPRING COATS, We Have a couple of Shipments of our New Spring Coags and Suits. They are in the, very Latest Styles and Cloths. SERGE SERGE Remember, Ladies,.,you can still buy our Pure Wool Serges et exactly half price. Don't miss this opportunity of securing ' enough for your New Spring Dress or Suit,. All shades to choose from $4.00 SERGE NOW •$x2.00 GINGHAMS .G 1NGHAMS Now is the time to get your ,Supply of Giinghaans. We have a complete trange in the very Nicest Colors: All sized Checks end Plaids. They were Regular 50 and 60 cents a yd. ,;,ay,�l9kd SPECIAL SALE PIRIICE .33c. PER YARD. J. A. STE • ART HIGHEST PRICL, PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE. llosteenwensaaasj,