HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-03-17, Page 7s�= ere$ted supporters reeman aid John Hodges, representatives of Local resented a cheque to recreation board chairman Mary Hy for $3,004. The union raised the money for the zroof project through a benefit dance held February 18. Ed Scruton and Hudson Warr (rear) representing Southern Comfort and Shannon, supplied free music for the dance. (staff photo) oor of Ind rly wr ave. E IN' a �r Editor..,. 'dfrom page 4. even a slight aietowards assumed ces of flying saucers 1n our area, notably nfietd around Ben- -the veiled assum- ominous things to hich made me go on Had the predictions a snow -bank from coast, I could un - But this is the month of March, far has brought us ce from the big 77. Still, according to in Ruth Norman, tor f for planetary vel, it is presumably e month where a looms very large ril already at the Will we receive in peace or will the f Damocles be per- cariously than ever eads? now, we are all so e always think that on from up above or r, will be swift and lar. Probably some ill find satisfaction in hat the prophesies of alypse suggest just enacing cure for our s. But without, izing on. the issue, t be that the greatest technological world ay is not one of in - us calamities but ernicious anthrophy ill be caused by ortages. ings me to the point I o to make regarding s article last week os and cons in the ontroversy. moment it seems to the implementation - ergy needs has our But what are those Ily? Are they simply needs resulting from more affluent life-styles ? 'A few years ago, we didn't even know what we were going to need .today. One example will illustrate this fact better than anything else. Presently the two new towers of the World Trade Center in New _York consumes at least as much electrical energy as the city of Ottawa, we are told. The heavy load conies in the summer when the air- conditioning of -the two office buildings is at its peak. Right now, we, the in- dustrialized countries of the world, are doing our darnest to teach the rest of 'the globe how to use more energy. Its a comniodity which goes with affluence, no doubt, and they will buy it. Now, about this new system of creating cheap energy by atomic fusion, Ron. Do you remember Leta, the concept of making use of the inexhaustible thermal capacity of the sun British scientists were launching so confidently a little over ten years ago? At that time a Targe portion of the scientific community was convinced that this was the answer. In fact it was very anti-British to have doubts in its prospects. This was .shoetly after their spectacular Laser discovery. But Lasers, like computers or other electronic gear are energy , gobblers, not producers. It is interesting to note that the ultimate source, ' and giver, is still the sun. The light amplification systems used in Lasers, in the Leta concept and in the present coil -ribbed monster doughnut Stellarato'r at Princeton New Jersey, and Los Alamos - are just attempts to duplicate conditions nature has produced on the sun. Will this adventure in plasma physics attain the necessary full second 180,000,00(1 degree heat required for fusion, and consequently energy production safely, cheaply and as abundanttS as predicted? Perhaps! Certainly it is a long shot. Something like the man who after spending all his money, goes deep into debt and depends serenely on his lottery ticket for a million 'dollars. What a carrot ... ! Louis V Stadelmann Reunion Dear Editor; Gledhill Public School, located' at 2 Gledhill Ave., in the east end of Toronto, is celebrating its 60th Anniversary this year. Plans are underway for the. week long celebration, which will culminate in an Open House on Saturday, May 19, 19 In order to make this event a success, we are trying to locate all former students and. teachers and ask them to contact the school at the above address. We feel that many of these people we are trying to find have moved out of the Toronto area, and it will be through your help that we will be able to locate them. Thanking you in an- ticipation of your assistance, I remain, Yours very truly, Arthur B. Kelly, Publicity Chairman., Electrical future Dear Editor: Planning Ontario's elec- trical future affects us all. SAVE $$$ is Weekend ON COMFORTABLE HOME FURNISHINGS FUR ITURE WEST ST.; JUST OFF THE SQUARE, GODERICH tti How are we going to be living in the future? Will our lifestyles demand greater supplies of electricity? or less? How will we produce electricity? Will there be a greater dependence on alternate sources such as solar, wind and methane? Will our centres of population be the same? What im- plications does this have for our dwindling supply of gopd farmland? These are just some of the questions which we are trying to answer. As the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning nears its final stage of hearings, scheduled to begin in mid-April, "Outreach" hopes to facilitate an ef- fective dialogue between the public and the Commission. Through this program, RCEPP isproviding in- formation concerning the'• Commission and its inquiry,. and will help those interestedt to plan activities around thise"' A large number of schools have already become in- gar Iie� • (cantinuecl from page 4 schools. It has to be one or the other." • Murray maintains there Was no "Golden Age of Grammar". He says, "The percentage of students who did well in the use of language 15 or 20 years ago is still with us and Is still doing well. Those whom the universities would Condemn today after welcoming them F., to their campuses, ac- companied as they are by their comforting - Basic Income Units of University fundings, would not have been in university or college 15 or 20 years ago." "The miracle is that our high schools have taken a vastly expanded mix of students and not allowed standards to drop'' says Murray. +-1-+ "Almost every factor you can mention about our Ontario school system has changed in the last quarter century - except one, the one - Tactor that has maintained our link with stability and with standards Murray went on. "I'm talking about the man or woman standing in front of a blackboard with a volved in this way and many special interest and com- munity groups have also indicated interest. The Outreach Guidebook, a 100 page document which gives background in - }formation and suggestions for Outreach activities, is now available,, free of charge, from the Commission. Our concern is that the people of Ontario are aware of this program and the importance of the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning to them. We would appreciate your help in fulfilling this goal by letting. the readers of your newspaper know about Outreach. An important part of a successful public par- ticipation process is the widest dissemination of in- formation possible. . . the media are instrumental to this. Can you help? Sincerely, Catherine Hunt John Neate SAVE SSS ON YOUR NEW * HOUSE * DRIVE IN SHED * ADDITION * TRUSSES ROYAL HOMES HAS ADDED A NEW LINE TO THEIR HOME PRODUCTIONS CALLED COMPONENTS This means prefabricating the entire building in sections; delivering these to your site; and all you do is nail it together. We can build anything - just bring in your plan or ideas, and we will quote you the price. THE HOUSE Everything is pre- engineered to help you build faster and better. slln 1..F.11111111 inn am i■n■�a■ .=- P -- ■■■ _ ta��■ Ideal for the farmer, home- owner and home -builder, for additions and new buildings. TRUSSES THE DRIVE-IN SHED • IIIIIIIOhI!„. i, Inquire today for your summer building and save SSS Call 357-2606 or Write To: ROYAL HOMES LIMITED P.O. BOX 370 - WINGHAM ONTARIO, CANADA r• — 1 am interested in your: Component House U Trusses 0 Drive-in Shed ( ] NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE "Great oe Small We i'ulJ'"hem All" 11 GQDE ,t piece:of chalk, . probably'. '',"4 little -chalk-stained where. he or she just.leaned into the blackboard, probably a little tired from marking ail those papers last night, but intent on getting the next point across to those rows of young faces and into those young minds because that's-- why they chose this profession in the first place." "No matter what or whence the winds of educational change, whatever change is discerned to be, the element that doesn't change - the clement that gets the job done and does It excellently . the element that listens to the educational philosophy debate and understands, and continues to'get the teaching done that element is the teacher supported by his or her principal. It has ever been thus. The winds of change neither will nor can change that." +++ This writer concurs with Murray's assessment of the teacher's role in Ontario schools. That's probably why my blood turned cold at a Toronto meeting of newspaper people when a speaker stood up and said that teachers are little more than "pigs at the public trough", whereupon 'ap- plause was heard from several corners of the room. Such disrespect for teachers can only breed discontent .in the classroom and dissatisfaction among students to the end result that education suffers. Let this week and every week be "Be Kind To Teachers Week". We.,should learn not to confuse educational debate and educational policy with the actual job of teaching done year inand year out in the classrooms of this province. { Weddift9S,< t Funerals Fresh Cut lowers • Dried Flowers • Plants call iti;oiu 24-X1;3; GEM BATH PAC MANICURE KIT S3 VALUE PENQUIN LIGHTERS 59C DISPOSABLE SECRET SUPER DRY 9 OZ. $1.49 CRAIG E'S 58T G aerwereich co-ordinated sportswear looks good on you styled right for you priced right for you Spring Pin Stripe Polyester Knit co-ordinated sportswear 4, by Tan Jay in turquoise or pink. In sizes 8-20. Pant- '18.98 Blazer - '36.98 Shirt - '16.98 Front Pleat Skirt - 119.98 Shirt Jacket - '32.98 LADIES WEAR LIMITED 0 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH