HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-2-10, Page 84' EXErE:QADVOCATE THURSDAY FEB., 1E15 1821 • Exeter Markets Changed each Wednfesday Vheet ,,, , 1.80 Bar;ey ........... ,.....65 to•.75 Oats Family Flour ... "...SAO Feed Feet- .-..... 3.00 Shorts - 2,00 Bran. .,.,..,,,; ... 2.00 Eggs . t 50. lefey Butter r 47 to 50 Creamery Butter ,.,, 62 Lard ., , .,,.,. ,. . $0 ?otat -'e. 1,25 Hey, per ton ,.,.- 22.0e. IIo_s..,........ „ 14.00 Mrs. R Gr S ldoz and Sattler, Mr Berry, a -e n ne..roe this week. • Airs Rou <' = of Toronto is visiting ng welt her t, :.e .s, Mr. and Mrs.. W. J. $:scete, • M.'s. Alma; °.e: le- a Dain r °an e`o^cse. mac:t'ee 1:oexeetioa in Losadon Sat week.. Mr. W. Ge Reeton, o: Brantford, a former we l enowe resident and m.r great o Letieer, lied ':is car stolen is thee . qty eist ,w e : e while 1'.i' was attending :a elle r h r eetetg. WILL. REMAIN A THIRD YEAR. At a we. 1.e, -iter meeting of the jasee.s Serest elethal;st Church Beard Q n eleacley e gist reports from the, c°;treous clep rt ,e:nts were.: presented, The \1.4s,ostary Committee, reverted tae possieleity of an .n reese on last year, The Sebbe h School had been ve y sntcce.ssful. The f manses of the t_?nun'h showed a nice ba e:lee. A ▪ eport of the membership of the 1 P. C. As of Exeter by .s1r, J. S. Har- vey showed that ;n stead of an indebt- ecli ess as rime pereon had beea r e. poet ,tag, a small surplus was on henci enclaves. lee ntenbers or. the roll. Thee' Board with words o; appreciation ex- te„n,ded ea unanimous otus ,•I41 tatIo7L to their p stor for a therd year. The e ccept a.ce o. Mr. Wilson was appre cerited cee ac.coene of et being known; i cit e. twoc ppe tu,°..ties had been open ler Turn to have gore to larger char •alentin" Social u,t Thanes Road l' llele:12n f hure's, Monday. Feb - r ry 14th et S porn. sharp. A. good paogrart° assisted by Mrs. Garnet Peeernore. i..tazeh served. Admission ear and lee. Et', Hamer; Male Quartette c 1 o, :dein, with Miss Jean Walker, Elo- V,it:0.1r1C,M will an Wednesday reght, Fee. 16:h, g,i,ve an entertainment to Eece:+::r Public, under the auspices o« the Y. The admission will be reason a.b°e, so that all may enjoy these wide- , ne:own artists. t eeETsoNee COMING. Steea,,'s Big Double Uncle Tom's an;xn Co. which is at the Opera House Feete:•, es the same company that plays Le the reg ceic, of the States year nese.err. They have just finished pete. e?tet larger towns and cities of Lenade ."sad are filling ere a week or so ea the smaller towns, It is seldom that a town the size of Exeter has n eh•tnce eta wetness a company, the rias and magnitude of the Stetson Co. \i:•. Gardiner wishes to impress urea ,,he rn .d of the public that this is no. one of the ordinary companies that play the smaller tows., but is pos- itivety cin extraordinary attraction. The. advertisement appears elsewhere in this issue, GET READY FOR LENT, { Order your .tislze at cnce as we have stocked special lines for this occas- ion,- PICKLED HERRING in 10 Ib. pails LABRADOR HERRING in" 25 lb Pails. SMELTS & SMOKED HERRING by tthe lb, WHITEFISH -Also some nice dressed Whitefish. Phone 56 C. L. WILSON. In future will commence chop- ping at twelve thirty as formerly. HARVEY BROS. HE IS COMING. -A, E. Almond, the noted eyesight specialli,st of Toronto will be at the. Central Hotel, Exeter, llth and 12th of February. -PEN FOUND. Inqu're at this • office, HIGH INVESTMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE Domes:on of Canada Victory Bonds Province of Ontario, Bonds, City a; London, and other .bonds, ERNEST ELLIOT Office Elliot •Building Exeter .BARN FOR SALE. 36x56, on N. Haef Lot 20, Com. 10, Stephen, frame barn with tin roof one • sides. For quick sale, price reasonable. LEO DIETRICH, Dashwood P. O. TURNING MILL All kinds of. Turning, Gumming Saws, Etc., done on shortest notice. FOR SALE. Massey -Harris Cream Separator, 500 lbs. capacity, nearly rnew. APPLE ,BUTTER AND BOILED Cider, first. -class quality, INDIAN PONY FOR SALE, 4 yrs. old: S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 se you have ateetheene to sell you - mit to buy, :try .T'he, Advocate Want Column , VIOLIN taught LESSONS S g by Mrs; E.' J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time -4 to' 6' o'clock; evenings Ito 8. Local Doings Monday next es St, Valentine's. Day. Ice cutting was commenced on the pond last week. Bayfield residents report that ducks have been, flying northward. Mr. S. W. Sims, we understand, has been appointed 4ssuer of motor licen- ses in. Exeter, During the week we have had some nice bright winter weather, with a few inches of snow. :Hiss Blanche Quancei has been off duty at the post office for several days owing to ilLttess . Belleville. bakers are Hoar selling a three pound,loaE of bread for 16c. re- tail and 14c. wholesale. \Ir. J. Cri Stansbury gives an ad- dress at ;the Y. to-nfight en" "Habits as an Assets in Man Building", Don't miss it. Tide ice that is being .harvest: d this son. so .tar as not very thick, being bout nine inches, but it is of excel - !eat quality. eI ss Horten, principal of the Exeter I'ub"„u School, is confined to herhome through illness and Miss Vosper is taking leer work, A Masonic Lodge was institutediast week. et Aelsa Crag under the rtatue of C:ai Lodge. It starts off with 3: charter members :about $150 was resat to China cn elonclay east .Ln response ,to an appeal by Rev. Wilson on ,Sunday. This is :he se:ond time James Street has •.o the China Famine Fund this year. The pancake social given in the par - eh hall Of. the Trivitt Memorial Church en Tuesday evening Was well attended arm sine even: ng was yens enjoyable spera by all. The p.oveeds amounted to about $25. The Presbyterian congregation of Thames Road, has invited Rev, G. el. t-hidley of Mount l3rydges to become heir. rrenister, and the call will come before the Presbytery at its next meet, ere .n Hensen, CHINESE FAMINE RELIEF FUND Further donations to this fund have been receved. by F. A, Chapman, lace reasurer, as .follows, -Mr. and Mrs. Pedley l0; H. Coultis $5; Miss Clara Vosper $5; Jas. Frayne $2; Mrs. Hunter ;2; W. Hooper $1 -Total 327. T. R. Carling, B. A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc, 3NVES'1 YOUR. FUNDS in Victory, Dominion' of Canada, Pro- vinciet and, Municipal Bonds, all legal Investment for Trost Funds. At existing prices, front 6 per cent. to 7 per cen,,t, ,can, be obtained from these+. bonds. Orders received by me.. etotiey to loan at lowest rates .of. initerest, Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter ENET1,R BOARD OF EDUCATION. The _eeently elected and appointed eseseBoard of Education, for Exeter held their first meeting in the office of th.e secretary on Feb, 2nd, The following members signed the declaration of of- (ices --R. N. Creech, J. S. Harvey, J, H. Grieve, .Rev, A. A. Trumper, E. M. Dignan, J. G. Stanbury, H. T.Rowe W.G. Medd, Wm. May, Greve -Harvey -That F. W. Glad - man being absent, R. N. Creech be chairman pro tem. Tine minutes of the ,previous meeting were read and approve& Business arising out of the minutes oe the .last meeting was then,. dealt with as follows,-- d ti lastly Committee, the thatath veantilatiag system was being completed that lir. A. E. Fuke was maikng plans for the porch. Rev, A. A. Trumper reported the'purchase of sixty chairs. Organization, Soy the year then took peace; as Sollows,--- Clnairman, F. W. Gladman; Vice -Chairman, R. N. Creech; Sec. -Trees., Miss K. elaekaul; Auditor, G. elawson salary $10. Representative to Library Board, W. S. Howey for 1921; J. ee Southcott for 1921-2-3. The Chairman nominated j. G. Stan bury, W. G. Medd, and Ren. Trump- er a striking committee., and their re- oo-t naming the following Standing Committees was adopted, - Insurance -J. II, Grieve, E. �I, Dig - nen, H. T.Rowe. Fuel -11. F Rowe, J. S. Harvey. Teachers and other Supplies, F.W. 1 Glaalman, R.Nt Cree;:h, J. S. Harvey J l and W. G.Medd. Building and .Grounds -Rev. A. A. J, and Trumper, , Griever.May, E. M. Dignan, Educational -R. N. t<reech, Rev. A. A. Trumper, 5, G. Stanbury, Scholarships -W. G. Medd, J. G. Stanbury, W. F. May and the prin- cipal. e The ,first named, on each committee to be chairman, and the chairman ` of the Board a member of all committees by virtue of his office. Dignan-Trumper•-That Mr, W. T. Collingwood be truant officer. -Car- ried. DIED IN WINNIPEG. John Drew of Snowflake, elan,, a former resident of Exeter, died 'en Sunday, January 30th, in St, Bonifac. Hospital Winnipeg, aged 78 years. He had been ill for some time and went to Winnipeg .two months ago to live with hhis stn, J. T. Drew, 199 Ethel- bert Street. Both :11r, and Mrs. Drew lave been afflicted with cancer, and Mrs. Drew is now ,quite ill. Deceased left Exeter forty years ago, and go- ing to \laniltaba he settled at Snow- flake, where for many years he farmed. and later conducted a general store, retiring mine years ago. The funeral took place to Brookside cemetery at Winnipeg, elr, Drew was a brother of the late \William Drew of Exeter ,and errs. Drew was formerly Miss Bissett, a sister of Mrs. L. Hardy of town. DIED IN THE WEST. "ir. and Mrs, Samuel Smith, London Road South, received the very sad news of the death of their daughter Mrs. Walter M. Baynham, who passed away an, Tuesday morning after a brief illness of only a few days. On Thurs- day she was operated on for appen- dicitis, and seemed to be getting along well, but being in a run down condi- floe, the great pains were .marc than she could stand. She leaves to mourn her great loss a 'sorrowing husband and three children,. the youngest only five, and her mother, father, three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. A. E. Richard- son and Mrs. W. IT, Aitken, Toronto, \f -s. Wes. Webber, London Road South, James Smith, Washington, Pa., and W. J. Smith near Centralia. The entire family are deeply stricken. Mr. and ,Mrs. S. Smith, Mr.. Will Smith and Mrs. Wes. Webber attended the funeral in Toronto. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"Jesus Led, up errata the Wil- derness to be Tempted of the Devin,,. 7 pen. -"Thirty Pieces of Silver„" Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURfIH Rev. James Foote, 13. A., Minister 11 aim„ -"Transformed by Christ." 7 p.m. -"The Pilgrim's Progress" -Fleeing From the City of De- struction. The supper to be given by Caven congregation, followed by a program by the Sunday School, has been post- poned from Friday evening to Mon- day evening, February 14th. Admis- sion 35c. JAMES -, ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 n m. -"Thy Kingdom Comae" -con- tinuation o.f lstudy of our Lord's Prayer., 3 ,p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. ,e 7 ., p m.- Haw,• we get our Names:'° 4 hearty :Welcoine Good music. MAIN STe •METHODIST CtftTRCH Rev ;Geoff- McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 to r 1104a,n: 741Th.e Mean iia .the .Land of a • 3 lem.e.Sunday .School and Bible Glasses 7.00 m: ' t"T1i Saints ' p _ e_ .. _ . ,an .. Caesar's Household."' • BETPIANereer30 2.30 -"The Unhindered Paul." Stanbury-Rowe--That the chair- man or vice. chairman and the secret- ary -treasurer he empowered to sive all cheques and borrow any necessary funds for the schoa1 during the year, -Carried. Medd-Dignan--That night of meet- ing be first Tuesday of each month.- Carried. onth-Carried, An expiring insurance. policy was left with the Insurance Committee with power to. act. Miss Horton's request for a map of Europe was left with the Supply com- mittee. I•Iarvey--Medd-That the chairman, -F. W. Gladman, be representative to the Ontario Trustees Association Meeting in Toronto at Easter.-Car'd. Trumper-Grieve-That this Board endorse the circueer letter re ,increas- ed Legislative Grants to Urbanschools and that same be forwarded,ta the Minister of Education, A general discussion, took place as' to the work of the various committees, and reports are to be brought in at the next meeting. A number of accounts were paid. I. ¥acFaul, Sec. Dr. Vining left Thursday for Sault Ste, Marie. Miss Ella Link of Walkerton sang a very pleasing solo with excellent ef- fect atthet evening service of the Triv- itt Memorial Church on Sunday ev- ening. ' • Mrs. G. Mantle spent a few days in London last week. Me and Mrs. Chapman and son spent the week end in London, Mr. Coleman. Moncur of Peterboro is visiting his parents here. Judge Dickson of God•erich spent Monday in town on business. Mrs. John Blatchford visited in Lu - can with her sisters, the Misses I;ee, last week. Mr. W. D, Sanders spent a few days ran Wao,dstock during the week with his brothers, Miss Marjory Seldom left Sa:turday night to visit her sister, Mrs. Newman in King's tee. Mrs. Jas. Swin,ertoa of Kingsville ie visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hogarth, Miss Ruby Parsons of London Bu-- aness College, visited' with her par- ents here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm! Newell and Miss Anne Sanders of Strantfard visited over Sunday here with relatives. Mr. Frank•Taylor who has been in Shakespeare .for same months, is vis- iting his'' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. q aYlor, here. Mr. and Mrs! C. Pascoe of Whitby are spending theiir honeymoon at the home of Mn and Mrs. 'Sam'l Parsons, London Road, .. south. Mr, Chas Wayv, eche sof Mrs. Net-.. son • Kestie-, Were .flee eei`i residing at their borne here for the past year, left: l'eldeyf=tifar Cinatham." Mrs, L - Halle who was oar a visit to, Detroit and other American cities, re- turned to h•er home .here an Wednes- day re venin a of last Week. ' : Mrs. Dan. Davis, who ;has beta visit ing in Ingersoll,' returned ,home lase' week, accompazjied by her daughter;,; Mrs. Irw:itn and Awe children, who will visa, here for a short time. eselessedlese..seilPeeellessielereeneeaseeeseeei PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Our Responsibility does not end when you have bought a You must be satisfied. If it does not give you style to make you happy; if it does not give you comfort beyond price; if it does not give you a wearing service that Front iirl Lacing ` t MET alone justifies its cost, return it. There is not a corsetiere in our corsetdepartment but will take a personal pride inyour satisfaction. WE ALSO CARRY NEMO, CROMPTON'S. LA GRACE AND D. & At BRANDS OF CORSETS, FINAL CLEARING .OF LADIES .A ND MISSES WINTER COATS All Coats must go, this month re g,ardiess of price, We are actually losing money on these Coats. Black Plush Costas as low as ..................... visa.. ,,.,....,. $23,00 Salts' Black Baby Lamle At .................... ,,... NEW MONARCH SWEATER YARNS All :the new Spring Calors in Monarch Down and Monate h Dove. The Pries much cheaper, Down, at 50c. ball $25,00 Dove at 30c ball. JONES & MAY ir• Mr. Wallace Hicks of Brantford, who was here attending the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. Daniel Smith of Centralia, called an friends in town,taai Monday. :lir, Hicks formerly resided in Exeter, having lived on Huranstreet for a number of years, he. having spent all els,school days here with his moth- er and sisters, all of whom are dead. Mr. Geo, O'Brien; of,Frabisher, Sask., is spending a short,time among friends and relatives in and around Exreiten. err, O'Brien bormerly resided in Hay Township, where he was born, butteft that township over twenty years ago and since going to the West has been one .of their best and most prosperous farmers. The sands of, time have been lenient with our old ,friend and he is enjoying 'the very best of health, His visit here will of necessity be a short one this time. R. N. ROTE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License, No. 210 Motor Hearses Service Phones 205 and 20W. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COM- DR. Ai, E. TENNANT MERCIAL SCHOOL. j Veterinary Surgeon. McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vinsafee Phoine 26w Our winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short - band or Telegraphy Departments at any time. ° Our courses are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue f D. A. McLac.hlazt Principal, Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery kine Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H: Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 January Sale of Cottons, Sheetings and Pillow Cottons TAKE ADVANTAGE OF T HESE SPECIAL OFFERING FINE LONGCLOTH, 36 inches wide BLEACHED SHEETING, 72 u1 w ide s Regular 40c.; Sale price ,........35c Regular $1.15;. Sale price.;::. 85c;, FINE `.CAMBRICE, 36 inches wide FACTORY COTTON, heavy quality Regular 35c. Sale ,price .....,... 30p 36 in, Regular 50c. Sale price .,, 35c. NAINSOOK ''FINE GUALITY Regular 50c. Sale ;price .. 40c BLUE;,GALATEAS 40 in CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON Regular 65c. Sale price 45c COTTON ,TEA TOWELING,- Regular SOc, Sale !price 35c Regi lar 20e. Sale price .15c, PI'.AID..;G1NGHAMS NURSE G1 G - it)egialae 5.0e values, sale price 35c'"Price . Regular 54c;• Sade pr">ce • 35c. S ©uth cott Bros. DR. SWEET Veterinary Surgeon All calls promptly attended to • day or night. Offige- Dr. Sweets old office Plione No. 120 Exeter.. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offlice-Batters' Livery. Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to dj or night. f i r n 4''is-1 Dr. G. F. 0Roulstomr L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST: Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Umivereity Office -over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, , Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fatter Stock Sales aS,peciaky. Office at Cocksbutt Walreroomrs, ¢Siert door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. FRANK' TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and . Satisfaction • Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario.. HORSES WANTED want an unjynnitrcl number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old up, w,eigrbing from 1500 - pounds up. Mares ,from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 rounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. • G. J. ,DOW :MONEY TO• LOAN , We have a large amount of private funds to- loan an farm 'and.. pnllage , ; property at low rates ; of interest. GLADMAN & ` STANBCJRY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter