HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-03-17, Page 1X16
if the problermssC oeltnl„ #fie
a in time foll'�the g of
da Ween ,this F,rlda
h, arena manager Bill umby wag
d with the problem of a power cutoff
arena Monday and the t rent ;Of
stile ice,
e compressor, had been Inoperative
noon Monday and after a lew,hours
problem took.on on new proportions.
Goderich PUC, was called in and.
ugh the disease, was- - quickly
osed the problem was to find a
part to replace the defective one.
C manager Dave Rolston explained
a new pole and underground cable
installed at the' arena about a year
Since a new exit door was being
d at the east side of the arena the
had to be moved and the wires and
-joints ° of : u e zo .ca
„ " �� r, ., r max•
On.Morldayones'�ot ,tie exteitctedJ oablea:.
shorted, etit. at a new connection and.
;scorched "the other two ,eables. As luck
'.would' have it the PIJC ,did not have a
spare termination joint `and . a frantic
search for one ended with aphone call to
The termination joint wase rushed to
Goderich and the three-man PVC crew
worked until 10:30 p.m. to reconnect the
power. Rolston explained that .the join
was installed as a temporary measure
for ?CW.; and additional work Will be
Well one crisis was averted and arena
staff and construction crews are.back to
the grooming. For the , time being
rd agrees to
h Minor Hockey submitted a finandia! Napanee in the future and the
e granted use of the statement to the board at the bus costs would be $350 to $450
Arena until April 11 •end of the season. and minor hockey should not
g as they are in- Reid initially requested (continued on page 22)
MHA playoffs. that the board allow minor
derich Recreation hockey 100 per cent of the
ed unanimously to gate receipts from playoff
ice in the arena games held in the Goderich
the Young Canada Arena as well as the $1,000
hockey tournament grant due to the precarious
1. Members of the financial position of the minor
t with Oliver. Gaf- hockey association.
ogan Construction "It has been a difficult year
who was agreeable for minor hockey since we
the ice surface in had to play out of town and we
it was not used are in a financial straight
day. jacket." he said. We were
told members of counting on the playoffs to
that replacement of make money and finance the
wood floor in the teams still remaining in the
could be delayed playoffs."
nded them to con- Board member John
r other priorities Doherty explained that the
itments to groups board would revert to the
to bookings and arrangement of a year ago in
n of the auditorium. which the gate split was 60-40
otion passed at a in favor of minor hockey.
eeting last Wed- "I realize that minor
ailed for night use hockey.is in a bind but we will
ena only and ,the have to ,go with the original
Minor Hockey terms of last year's 60-40
n hopes to book arrangement," Doherty said.
ames during the "The arena is also in a
ays during YCW. financial bind and there is no
)lowing a lengthy other alternative."
with Bill Reid, a Reid then explained that
key representative, the OMHA automatically
decided to split the receives 20 per cent of the
eipts from playoff gate receipt from a game and
40 in favor of minor the cost of referees was ap-
fter expenses and proximately $100. He added
would provide up to that the cost of sending teams
minor hockey to out of town for games was
y ice time expenses also a financial burden.
the association "We may have to play
Y, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. town council meets in the
chamber at town hall.
day, March 23 at 12:00 noon the police com-
meets in the council chamber at town hall.
sday, March 23 at 8:00 p.m. the airport committee
n the council chamber at town hall.
ay, March 24 at 8:30 p.m, the. recreation board
at the recreation office with the public encouraged
, March 25, Huron County Council, at 10 a.n'i, in
unty ,building, second floor, county council
Ready for Yc`un�
anada tournament
John Hanly and Dan Maillet sprinkle the newly; painted ice' surface in the
Goderich arena in preparation for the opening of Yining Canada Week
March 18. The ice surface and dressing rooms are almost complete and
arena manager Bill Lumby`expected his surface to be up to standard by
Thursday. The arena now features a mezanine standing area above the
dressing rooms on the west side of the arena that provides a good vantage
point for viewing games. (staff photo)
Qr r
19 YEAR—I 1
Vote 5-3 against extra copies
A heated debate flared up
Monday evening at the end of
town council's deliberations
when Town Administrator
Hal Walls reminded council
that packets of the meeting
agenda and related letters
and committee reports were
left unused when no in-
terested citizens 'of Goderich
attended the meeting.
-.> `These represent about, $5
each; he told council;
holding one packet aloft.
At the March 7 meeting of t
town council, a motion
was passed to prepare up to
three of the packets for the
convenience of spectators in
council chambers. The
motion was approved after
Rock Robertson, a regular t
attender of council meetings i
this term, told council that he
and his wife would appreciate
copies of the material so they c
could more easily follow the
discussions and deliberations
of council. Administrator
Walls was not present at that
meeting. '
On Monday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Robertson were
absent from the council
chambers and no one made
use of the prepared packets.
"I'll do whatever council
wants me to do,'" 4said Walls,
tog I just want you to kno14,.
that it is costly to prepare,
materials and then just throw
Councillor Elsa Haydon
questioned Walls' estimate of
5 per packet. She charged he
had "pulled that figure out of
his sleeve".
"We should be gratified
hat people are taking an
nterest in our meetings,"
Mrs. Haycion said. "Mr.
Robertson has asked for
opies of the meeting
materials. Last week we were
in agreement this was fine.
Now we are turning him
"I think we are nit-
picking," agreed Councillor
Stan Profit.
"If we can save $5 or $10
per meeting, then I make a
motion we rescind the motion
made last /week," said
Deputy -reeve Eileen Palmer.
"We have twice sanctioned
Mat motion, oncelast week
and once again tonight when
we approved the minutes of
last week's meeting," said
Councillor Profit. "This is not
a normal, routine way to do
business. Legal by all means,
but not normal."
Councillor Bob Allen, who
was also absent at la.. t week's
council meeting, said it was
"treading on delicate
er Dunlop dollars available
erich Jubilee 3
e announced that a
coin known as Tiger
Dollars will be
through Goderich
on March 15.
e of the coin depicts
of Tiger Dunlop and
se side carries the
flag. The coin will
ased by Goderich
who will in turn
sell the coin to the public. The
coin will be considered legal
tender for its face value in the
town of Goderich from March
15 until September 15.
After September 15 the coin
loses its value and may be
kept as a souvenir item only.
Some merchants n:�y retain
their unsold coins to be resold
as souvenirs, but money may
not be refunded for the coin,
after September 15.
Sales personnel in Goderich
will be urged to ask
customers if they wish to
receive a souvenir dollar as
part of their change.
In, preparation for the
myriad of activities planned
in conjunction . with 150 bir-
thday of the town local
merchants have also been
asked to decorate window
displays or merchandise in
the spirit of the Sesquicen-
tennial. Residents of
Goderich may obtain an-
niversary buttons free of
charge in the Town Hall or
bumper stickers in the
recreation office.
The Jubilee 3 Committee
jias also invited town mer-
chants to add a special
grooming touch to both the
interior and exterior of their
premises to make the ap-
pearance of the Square as
attractive as possible. The
committee anticipates that
thousands of visitors will be
in Goderich during the
celebrations and would like to
ensure that the motto of "the
prettiest town in Canada" is
lived up to.
and suggests 577,250 budget
oderich Recreation
ave tentative ap-
a4'net budget of
r 1977 .at a special
eld last Wednesday.
rd's subcommittees
d•, their budget
for the current year
total budget will be
at the March 24
meeting of the recreation
The budget is down from
last year as expenditures
reached $182,312 and when
combined with a revenue of
$94,784 resulted in a net
budget of $87,528. -
This year the board has
budgeted for expenditures of
$179,270 revenue of $102,000
and a' net budget of $77,250.
Recreation director Mike
Dymond said the budget was
trimmed to the necessities
this year and was fair.
"The budget is an honest
one that was trimmed to
exclude frills" he said.
The budget does not include
a capital expenditures budget
that includes $6,000 for new
tables and chairs for the
arena, $4,000 for a new floor
scrubber, $700 for an
auditorium floor buffer and
$:100 for a french fryer in the
canteen. The total capital
budget is $11,150.
The proposed expenditures
mers u ndefeated in Swiss tourney
erich Oldtiniers still have a of the first'. period against the Swiss
gold medal in the International getting some help from Gary Taylor: Bill
tournament .the team is Fritzley made it 2-0 with an unassisted
competing in,,n• Switzerland effort with Goderich playing shor-
have a one win,. one tie record thataded and Bob Alexanderof the
° starts. The Odtlm
lers-edged insurance marker on an unassisted play.
will 3.1 : in ihelt
and tournament Goderich jumped to a. 2-0 lead against
tied Saint John, New Saint John:.but couldn't hang on and had
k 2-2 on Tuesday:' to settle for the tie. Bob Alexander
er netminder Jerome Jeffrey pushed Goderich into 'a 1-0 Lead four
utes away from a shutout in his minutes into the first period with Bill
rnational start. Goderich, took a . Gallow getting an assist. Gallow seored
lithethe final. minutes of the latee",in the period with help.from
t final Swiss got on the board just 'Alexander and Don Elliott but Saint
buzzer sounded:., John took over from there.
auow Went in ;the' 'Goderich Late in.;'the first period. Jerome Jef-
s g e team's fire „If; ereyskate i tut to the Goderich blue line
0:U2 +, corrttlta loose puck and Collided with•
New Brunswick player. The check in-
jured Jeffrey slightly and he Was unable
to go back in the Goderich net. Mike
Russelo came off the bench cold and
with no warmup faced the Saint John
shooters. He gave up one quick goal
before he get hi$ adrenalin flowing and
held off numerous New" Brunswick
charges to help keep his club in the
game. Goderich smacked a • couple of
goal posts in the final period but couldn't
grab the winner. "
The Oldtimers face Summerside,
Prince Edward Island, in their final
tournament game before the playdowns
Sum merside was beaten b ...Saint John
win for' Gode ,i ' .., .
so a r Cit-altosi`'-it59
., , . ores
them a bezth in`the.tourneyt'i is
of $1 9,27J) includes $36,526 for
recreation administration
and salaries $85,700 for
arena salaries and ad-
ministration: $28,350 for pool
staff and maintenance:
'126,000 for recreation
programs and $2,500 for
The estimated revenue for
the year was set at $102,000
and consists of $71,000 from
the arena, $9,600 from the
pool and $21,000 from the
The net budget of $77,250
will be discussed at the
March 24 meeting^'of the
recreation board and
following approval at that
level will be forwarded to
town bouncil for approval in
their overall budget.
Town council did give
approval to the board to
pUtcha'se tables and chairs at
approximately $6,000 and a
floor;scrubber for $4.000.
nal Smile
est is crazy arith, y
te."'it multiplies when you
�v�lde itI:
ground" to supply spectators
with copies of all council
business. He felt that at any
moment, council could decide
to go into committee -of -the -
whole to discuss matters
privately, and it wouldn't be
sensible to have copies of
correspondence on the
subject, for instance, in the
hands of the public.
Councillor John Doherty
agreed. He said it was "not
Councillor Don Wheeler
asked for the recorded vote
on the question. Those voting
in favor of the "motion to
rescind the motion from last
week were Councillors Allen,
Dave Gower and Doherty,
Deputy -reeve Palmer and
,Mayor Deb Shewfelt: those
opposed were Councillors
Haydon. Profit and Wheeler,
Reeve Bill Clifford was ab-
sent for the meeting.
Deal for land not final
Members of town council were sur-
prised to Learn Monday evening that the
purchase of a,piec'e of beach property
from Marathon Realty has not gone
through. When Councillor Elsa Haydon
inquired into the status of the deal, town
administrator Hal Walls told council
he'd telephoned Marathon Realty this
week and discovered there is another
offer on the land formerly occupied by
the Esso storage tanks at the beach.
"Everybody on this council thought we
had bought the property," said Walls.
"If I hadn't telephoned, we'd not be any
the wiser."
Council decided early this year to buy
the property for $20,000,a figure quoted
to council by the Marathon Realty
company, acting on behalf of the
Canadian Pacific Railway.
Just recently, Marathon Realty wrote
Lo the town council, asking that a $2,000
cheque be sent along in connection with
the deal, representing 10 per cent of the
agreed price.
"We agreed to their terms and sent the
cheque to them" said Walls. "But at no
time did Marathon actually say they had
accepted the offer. We signed the
agreement but it Was never returned to
"If they've cashed the cheque we've
got the land"observed Mayor Deb
"It doesn't seem possible they won't
agree to their own conditions', said
Councillor Bob Allen who asked that the
matter be referred to the town's
solicitor, Dan Murphy. Council con-
curred with his motion.
Young gourmets
Elizabeth McMillan, right, and Jennifer Dunn have, along with their classmates at Vic-
toria School, been busy recently collating a Tri -Jubilee cookbook. The cookbook is a
collection)of family recipes handed down from generation to generation. The recipes were
gathered by the students of Marilyn Brulnsma's home economics class at Victoria:The
books have been sold as fast as the girls can get them together and are available for one;;
dollar each. Proceeds from the project will buy some newsewing machines'
for the:
classroom at Victoria. (Staff -photo)