HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-2-10, Page 7ppm
Attacks on Military and Police Are Frequent Day and Night
--�-Pitched Bathe in County Cork --- Crown,
Forces Drive Rebels Back.
A despatch from Dublin say*az A concentration,. it is declared, was in -
pitched battle occurred in County Cork tended fora rai';h on the Rosearberry
on Wednesday* night in which Ave barracks. •
Imata+ed Sinn Feiners fought with a . For the twenty-four hours ending
contingent of police and military. Thurs:la ' evening, despatches from
It is officially stated that the Crown various parte of Irelaand reported ninth
forces suffered no losses and it is police and nines eirilians killed and
estimated that six Sinn Feiners were ton poli.•- ani twenty-two civilians
killed and twenty wounded.. The lat- woundea,
ter removed their dead •a7nd wounded Two ptaieenien were shot at Bal-
in boats. The Roseaeberry police were. briggan, 3relai 1, Thursday night, One,
informed on Wednesday night that a died in a hospital,
body of .civilians, had concentrated. at� Two lorries of pollee were ambush-
Buraatia, a mile south of the former ell Thursday night between Oronakeeia
town,. and 'Newpalas. Ore gut through safe-
Twenty Irma- were sent out to die- • Jy but the other was riddled with bul-
perse them while another force was lets. Nine policemen were killed and •
drspatehed to • the scene • from Clome two wounded,
akilty. At Limerick city* Thursday night
When the Roscarberry Contin gent the bridges over the Shannon River
arrived on the scene, they were fared leading to County Clare were held by
on from both sides of the roads by the police and na. one was allowed to
the Republicans- The pollee took pass over Olean,
to cover and when the Clonakilty Dublin now is one of the stores,
party arrived to two farces closed in centres for ambuscades, Attacks all
on the attackers from the north and the military and police aro so fre-
east, driving them We% to their head- quoit night a :d day that the alew s-
sluartes papers have difficulty in reporting;
At least six Sinn 1~eirers fell in the all of them.
course oi'.• the engagement but the The object of the Sinn Fein a.etivi-
party avenged to make its - escape ties is said to be to force General
under stover of darkness. The -Crown •MacReady, , the military eornniancler
forces captured rifles, ammunition, an. in Ireland, for political effect, to ex-
autoreobile, boxes of combs and other' tend nrertial law to Dahlia.
equipment. Every police and military l:.r ey here
This unpreeerraented ltepublicananow carries a hostage.
Britain's Tax Twelve
Tines Germany a
A despatch from Paris says:
, -A comparative table of taxa-
tion in Germany. and three of
the allied countries, Great llri-
Halt Thousand Persons H a.l R • all.
way Train and Attack
A d >patch from London says;
timber from the camps
to a big lora
er scene in Neetheru On
The University Professor..
Oecaeionally* there are evid�dazc
that the ancient idea, that a university
professor scvrks only about half' as
long and half as • hard as do •other.
eople is not yet entirely dead. Thio
idea WAS liaeeel on the false assume -h
tion that the. professor weeks only
when he is before his classes • and is
• actually engaged -in teething. Though
traees cf the aid notion still rernain,2
anyone. wh:a knows a university prea,
:lessor of the twentieth century real-:
izes that he works harder ant longer:
•than most hutaness rnen anti that his
hours of labor are rot fewer than
those of the farmer. .Some people
say that the feranea, does not. work in
winter; the farmer indignantly de-
nies this, end l,e ie, right. Sorge pea -
pie also tihy that the prefessve does
no work in. szarnuler; he denies this
just as indignantly as d.,es the farnxex
Rowel a is equally right,
The prefaseees teaching is not even
half of the work he is called upon tot
perreerne, Dealing always .rath thee'
brightest of youthful intellects, he-
Carnot- afford to fail in preparation of
his work; he mast be aleveys up to
n tyliacaeP Fant the minute in 'his inforanatie.n. Fi•,e.
Lours to twenty hears of preperatien
r.tly precede one •hour of letetur-
Semnaers provide a • tame for
, for researeh, for dvaaieee
pt in lenow le ge.
'Theo there is the reading and nt u4 .
ing of essays and exereises-ehundreds
of them. Also the reading and valu-
in, of •examination papers—•again
hu';dreds oi? then'. Mao committees
foa• di.seusslon and settlement c+f
coaaraes, ofadministrative details, of
the hirn•ited and one :natters. large
aril• smell, that have to be e•ansidered
Raz the work of a great institution of
leaar ;rig;.
ber'iain, speaising in l�,iraraing liana on' irna,?Hess. There is one art that the averege
Tk:1a.s:iaay night, made an aarrPoalnce-p He mai.-n:::edd she excess profits awe, ua•.:tiersne profGsaor does Hat under--
rrl, r:r important tint to Eaig'l sln eaaeleas - was open to great 04v:ti le. It eves stand --tire :art of self -advertisement.`
mss', that the tnuaharevilea ea?e=s to as large c> :tent, arbitrary it he ata- He does his vevr""; fa hfully, marks hi
the evenings and often on into thff
reeraing , ',Narita when his ntighhors
think he s resting or holidaying. /,'..;T:
a yti i .ale FLOW., it. lie is one of these
s •lay rale geed ins stealth:" Pea•'a:nps
this is a Misteate,e m -tee ee le ewe
Cr* are in,;liaed to believe -
Gxl et the;; actually see., 3 .
elve Per Cent. Export Lem
is Not a Direct Tax.
A despatch from Paris says: They
Reparations Conllnission estimates
that the total damages of ell the Ale
lies collectable from Germany will be
between 210,000,000,000 and 250,ej0i1,-
000,000 gold marlks, aeeordinf 'to a1n
iloiaal announcement. The Mime -try
f Foreign Affairs calculates that the
uprerne Couneirs Axed i:edenanitiee,4
if capitalized, should yield aabont7:d,-
00Q,000,000 gold mange.
The figures of the Repar•attons Co-
naissiean, which just have been totalled,
slow that France's daana,ges aanoalnr
110,000,000,000- gold m rte of
ich amount 5,000,000,00 gold
thin prance and hall•, i'a us,Ni to t r ova the peasants marks ;.re ehart ed to tlevastateal re-"•
g p
tires ctan,auue. among,
shun Gernzaliy"s ability to 13G111 of the united Provinces of Agip; anal grows and 3,000,000,000 gold marks for
a greater burden, in a joint oat, British India, =tearing to ;a.! pensions. The estimate of ;5,0003-�
statement issued by the various' tic. patch to The Lon'lon Tinu's from; (100,000 gold marks, as �eaapatal re.pre
delegations of experts who par- Aliahab ad. Agitators are reported to 4 seated by the 22b,Pi1Q,0tiQ,Ot'Q gold;
ticipated in the Brussels sels con- be currying on a violent campaign ii merles fixe►] by the Supreme Couneil.1
tr, tan,t the Government,despite the" although approximately only Date -third'
Chancel or of the Exchequer Cha nherlaixa Took Unusu
Course in Announcing Budget Intentions in Advance—
All Businesses Except Than Begun Since the
War Pay Tax for Seven Years.
A ciespatwlt from London rays; es, but there definitely will not lie any
Chancellor of the Eaeliequer Chain -2 sew revenue-pr(Idueiaate impost Itpnn
preaflte duty will be diieeentinuet this aide/aae, tended to creturaage extrav4-
yeaar. The duty is charge.' on the ani- garage in iedasrcy, and .ie •t.'arag e
cunt by: ee aiCh the peeet,e fame entereriety, ansa the orly to taf east on
treaee. rood bueine;sts exceed by mere for it um; to he ftaaar.a in the ereeial
than a2a9 the pre-war star,d;ard of Lead for tr.a7re7 ant in t e fawt that,
prot�ilt,e. TIiC* daty S'. equal to 60 per at the Orae when ,Plots F,t"reae were
cent, of eu.etees pra►t'ate. Fer• the year; suf%rfir;; I055 taf i"oarae. certain f:eo-
191; -20 it brought- a200.095,0ttii into, ply. 1113."!nilnt' e'.1rate cra;r.t. c wsaar.
• tine Exellecgaser, and revealne wren the; ; were earn:ng a'Uror•Ia Tal Itaarsa•
same source for the year ea.aiin€r1
, Moab 31 Lem, as estimated az i'Aefr. NAVAL HOLIDAY FOR
..renGe, + , of the damage:', wall be upplementi
The per capita taxes, except .I fact• tha.,legislation has been pram- p: cent. German export
charges, for the current fie -wed to remeale their grier use , b • the twelve per po
In the latest instance of disorder a tax*
cal year in Germany are xJ9 thousand pets etas lay down upon the At the ministry of foreign atl'„ ins,
marks; in lire,
France, 390 francs; in railroad track in order to halt a train it was explained that the twelve per
Italy, 200 lireand in Great Bri-
tain, £22, the statement says.
On the basis of recent New
York exchange rates the per
capita tax in dollars in Germany
is $7.30; in France, $28.08; in
Italy, $7,34; and in Great Bri-
tain, $83.87.
i can which they believed their leader,
Britain's New Aero Engine
Has Wonderful Possibilities..
A despatch from London says:—
The successful testing of a 1,000 -
horsepower aero engine, which is said
to be the most powerful known, has
opened. up claims by e: pests of the
possibility of a regrlar London -New
York aerial service, and a complete
passage within 24 hours, either direct
or by charging aircraft at the Azores
It is being recalled by the experts
that Capt. John Alcock: in 1919 flew
from Newfoundland to Ireland in less
than 16 hours, using tevo 375 -horse-
power er engines. The new engine is
nailed the "Cub," It was ordered by
the RoyaI Air Force. It is understood
that the Titania, a flying -boat destroy-
er which is to be used in long-distance
patrols, will be equipped with two
"Cubs," and have a range of 1,500
miles. For war time the crew will
number ten, and for civilian use the
eraft can accommodate 50 passengers.
The Cub's 18 cylinders on a test
indicated 1,057 horsepower in 20 hours
of running. The engine weighs nearly
a ton, and -costs about x5,000.
Britain Obtains
Steamer Von Tirpitz
Aa despatch front London says:—
The newly -completed German steamer
von Tirpitz, a vessel of 19,200 tons,
was surrendered at Immintigham on
Thursday in accordance with the
terms of the Peace Ta•eaty.
Ptivh$r, Po!
WM4TS '(oca "(O
511tN1.7tS 140TE
cent. export tax was rot intended as
whohadlacer arrested, was being direct tax on exports to be applied
l to each shipment out of Germany, but
When per...uasiton failed the police
a figure that the Allies demand thaat!
1.•x711 -forted.
were ordered to clear the track.'i'he Germany shall pay in a lump sum in
eroacd then made on attack na li addition to the fixed indemnities.
stones, whereupon the police opened
fire with buckshot.
Mr. Chamberlain annulled all pre -1
vv it bueiresetee will pay a tax for a9Ironer ial Defence Committee
yaer Rad of sesta nate, caving; ertem
floes irst, ac oatntaarey 'peri a in yriateli R@CC mrne> IECIS Stay i#1
they fell within the seope of the taxa Shipbuilding.
For all new busirer es it nail cease
as from December 31 last. The draft of the report of the Imp
Further, he undertakes to impeaet int Detente Sub -committee bus bean
new tai : in satbstitaitioil. Theis h e'Onaplktecl, and it reeoraarlends alestcn-
ialay., the said, be some neer urtica 1n; .r.,
a tiona,a3t1 a big s,l1ip11aii1a"erg p£agraFaa
flee Budget for anti-dumping purpos-„ for a period of twelve niontlaa.
The (Meet of the delay, it is learn -
A despaceh from Lond2n Bays:--
Weekly Market Report E•l, is to give tame for offleiai nena-
•'•unions among the lar'ittel Statex, Ja-
Ilaan. and Great Britain for a natail.
tient of their mates.
Toronto, pans, 8e; Linla�s, '1l,t:lagaecar. Ilia e•; • There will be n a :1s,tioat oaa the re -
Manitoba vobeat—.No. 1 Nortlwr . California Limas, 121',e. port for aev't s!,-il nitenths y°tt, and at
1;75; No. 2 Northern. $1,72; No. 3 Maple products -Syrup, , per imp.
Tortheria $1.671•; No. 4 wheat. $1.62. gale P•40 to 43.00; per ;, an1p, tees. t any event the ttt•:isiean of the Gortrn-
Me aitoba. e. -its --No. 2 CW, •hilae; $325 to $3.40. Maple sugar, lb. '27 Ment will heed the ratilleatiorl of the
No, 3 CW, A42?8e extra No. 1 feed, to 0c, Inai.ii,al e orftre 1 e, avhleh le to be Canada's Youngest Mayor.
42%e; No. 1 feed' 40%e; No. feed, Honey -60 -30 -lb. tins, to a e iter, held in June. Faulk U. Pant. who was recently
,3G11:c, - lb. Outerio coria looney, at G7.50 Pori Meantime the First Land of the Act- eleetu l Chief :11atistrate of Ottawa, ti: Manitoba barley --No. 3 C\V, 78e; 15 -section case•, 51:-2's4b. tins, 20 to t anl.alty+ •will xec.ue. t the Nome of "an7,r 87 sears of uge and ceptor ea tai
No. 4 CW, 65.:; rejected.64e; feed, 54e. 26e per lb. ' c'oalantons to agree to a postponement be the st�ungc>st liayaar in the Do-
t All above in store, bort William. _C,hoke heavy steers, $9 tie• $10;1 of in navaal estimates. ; minion. He w:as formerly a news -
Ontario wheat—F.o.b. shipping flood heavy steers, $8,50 to $9; Ina-, ,
ehers cattle, choice, $8.50 to 5,i50; Australia and Camilla are elosel paper roan and is now bead of a big{
wattling every move in the naval manufacturing lelant.
Stork Helps French
Ontario N 3 white, 47 50 to $7• do corm, $4 to �5• feeders n:o Tlnnrsda•, in ^a.�Iiiela be ea -Pressed eon-
aceordin to freights outside. •to $8.75• do, 900 las., $7.25 to $8.-5; t A despatch from Paris says:
Ontario flour—Winter, in jute hags, do, 800 lbs., $55.7. to $6.75; do, can'„ fide,noe that he in i erna1 slate tien
Prompt shipment, straight run bulk, $5 to $6; •canners and cutters, 43 to will to mel: Austraikes ie tiivigration — For the first time in a number.
seaboard, $8. 34,50; milkers, good: to choices, $85 to policy.
of years .he population of:
Barley --Malting, 80 to 85c, accord- $150; da, •eom. to rued., $50 to $60; Aust• ali•a warts a recognition of France shoe an increase,
• ing to freights outside. lambs, yearlings, $9 to $9.50; do. the status quo in the Southern and Official figure~ p1"oa;e that dttr-
Peas+—No. 2. $1.50 to $1.60, outside. spring. $11.60 to ."11.?+i; calves, gonad. Eastern 'Reifies a:ohieving such •a jng the first fpilarter of 39 4
Dui— roc t, Toronto: , , , community tern of interest that the Ina
$10.20. • to $1550• do weighed off ears $15 to
naval than deaths. Then births num-
Buckwbeat—No. 2, $1 to $1.05.
Rye—No. 2, nominal; No. 3, $1.55
to $1.60.
i4lillf eed—Carlots, delivered, Toron-
to freights, bags included. Bran, per
ton, $40, firm; shorts, per ton, $88;
points, according to freights outside,
No. 2 spring, $1.70 to $1.775; No. 2 do, good, $7.50 to $8.50; do, real., Sid
winter, $1.80 to $1.55; No. 2 goose to $7; do, corm., $4 to Sti; butvhera' situation. Senator E. 1'). Millen, Act-
wheat, $L60 to $1.65. bulls, choice, $7 to $8; do, goal. $tJ to Mg Premier of Atastr•allae, who left
American corn -•-Prom t shipment, $7; do, corn„ $4 to $a; butchers' tows. for Melbourne free], London on
No. 2 yellow, track, Toronto, 88c. rhoiaae, $7,60 to $$.50• do, gond, SeR.B Sa a.rday�, gave out a statement on
oats o, w r e, to c, , e e,c
Manitoba T 1 to choice $1654 to $1750' sheep 6 d thele were 67,946 more births'
First atents, $10.70• second patents. to $7.50; hogs, fed and watered, $13.70
p : a • 1 race between the Occident nod
Heads Social Service Council
of Canada.
Dean. Lewis Norman Tucker, of St.
Paul's Cathedral, London, who has
been elected President of the Social
Service Council of Canada. Dean
Tucker, who was born in the Province
of Quebec and started his ministry as
a travelling missionary in the Eastern
Townships, is a divine of international white middlings, $41; feed flour, $2.40.
"repute and has represented the Church Cheese -New, large, 30 to 31e;
of England in conferences lir the twins, 31 to 32c; triplets, 31ys to
United States, Great Britain and the 82/c; old, large, 32 to 35c; do, twins,
Continent. Heenjoys the distinction, 321/ to 35yf c.
of having occupied .put its in Paris,BuctermFresh dairy, choice, r to
p�50c; creamery, No. 1, 55 to 59c
58 to 610.
Margarine -29 to 35e.
Eggs—No. 1, 68 to 70e; new 'aids,
76 to 78�e; new laid, in cartons. 78 to
$15.75; do, f.o.b., $13.75 to $1•1.50; do,
country points, $13.50 to $14.25.
Oats—Can. West., No. 2, 66c; do.
No. 3, 62c. Flour, Man., $10.70. Roll-
ed -oats, bag, 90 lbs., $3.30. Bran„
$40.25. Shorts, $88.25. Hay, No. 2.
per ton, caritas, $27 to $28.
Cheese, finest easterns, 27 to 2714,c;
Butter, choicest creamery, 54 to 55c.
Eggs, fresh, 78e,
Butcher steers, med., $7.50 to $8.50;
fresh, butcher heifers, med., $7 to $7.50; but-
eher cows, hied'., $5 to $7; canners,
$3.25 to $3.50. Butcher bulls, corn.,
$5 to $7.
Good veal, $13.50 to $16; med., $10
to $13; grassers, $5 to $6. Goocl lambs,
$12.50; sheep, $6.50: -Hogs, selects,
$16.75 to $17, with $4 off for sows.
France, and of having preached in the
French language.
Sarah Bernhardt, the famous ac-
tress, has been made an officer of the 80c. -
Legion of Honor, of whom the num- Beans—.Canadian, hand-picked, busy.,
ber is limited to 4,000. $3.75 to $4; primes, $3 to $3.50; Ja-
the Orient would cease, but where bend 424 668 the deaths 356
this race proceeds it is vital to Aus-
tralia that the British interests in the
Pacific should be safeguarded.
Newfoundland Suffers
Severest Cold of Winter
A despatch from St-. John's, Male],
says—The Newfoundland coast is ice-
bound as a result of the severest cold
of the winter. The northern bays and
Conception Bay, ten Hailes north of
this city, are �solielly frozen over and
the mail steamers have abandoned
their service. St. John's harbor has a
thick Coating of ice, which makes the
movement of shipping difficult.
- �. REGLAR FELLERS --By Gene Byrnes
'e s ;
722. These figures include the:
devasted region and Alsace -Lor-:
raine. The population of France
is given as 41,476,000.
The Paris newspapers declare
these figures the most encourag-
ncouraging symptom of the country's re-
coveu. from the ravages of the
war that has yet appeared.
The Delaware State Senate has jus
passed a hill making the penalty for,
highway robbery forty lashes on filial
bare back, not less than twenty yearts'
imprisonment and a fine of $500. The,
vote on the measure was unanimous.'