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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-2-10, Page 4
.................-............... ..._......... The Exeter dvocate.. Sart3exs & , Gr e b, Proprietors Subscrfption Pi ce,-aa advance $$1,50 Per year iu CaAa,3a; n2.0 1 la the' Unite1 States. Ali sttbscripliotas not !?6 in advance SOc. extra charged, ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known oo alpisca.ticct. Stray Animals -One insertion 5Oc., three iiiserteh"s $1:Q0. Farm or 104. Est 4e for sale 50c. each insertion for one moath €out insertions Il.seellaieotts articles of :tot aware than nee noes, For Sale. To Rect. Wanted, ra 1`-esext;,ost Pe. Lost and Foaled. locals 25= a3: ertion. Lieai readily. notices, etc.. Pe. _Per rine pee insertion No notice less than 25c. Card of TSenk-s ;•le Aueeeen S i s $3 for 'aloe 1..sertien a 3 $1.5+i far ea h subseque tt #ate An alert coaductor prevents s:all- sort va under "as`ironies ^gn;t• Tour 3 will thank.... 1DOX Cas reaetun Toronto from Leen' sitnentente,, Inc. end ne. 3 lineit you for Scott's eavertan. inns Man INE SS TOPICS OF WEE Our' boy needs an. abundance of nourish•• ing food to bulla np. the body and sustain it in fullest vigor, FM1iIIuIN S , SGOTT'S Important Events Which' Hav3 Qurred Puwing the Week. The Busy World's Happeninge Care, fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper Soiid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY, Bread at Belleeilie dropped from 24c to 20c a three -pound loaf. A strike of izee gold is repa1eel tat the Rex e1ine, Hez'b Lake 'Tan. s_ The Canadian All.s Ctianibrrs Co. announces eut ira ettt131tr'os , . ee. The touring Canadian curlers won should be given to your two' :hatches in Scotland yesterd. r". b.. everydayduring A Toronto ,girl misting nearly e boy d g week. is located ` reallieg" is to xlty the trying school -term, 1 I hospital. iitileRSDAY, FEB. r 1; ?4»n Greenway .i Sts d Ceres t' eseee eleineen. haze to M -M e.. Jenae••en ear:.. :§Dt, t<c. tt • its r, .lee:, Feet t.4'4.! en a en .... e -e a 4 :ea _ ° t' n teen: `i to t tae, ai. t`n,,,n4 *.l e re. anon . . i.ax ttlttoi. swra, -Y ax t,.ane.t. I liteee who treeeed neat- ee Rev- J. a Bythen ez the : Dia 1 .l' : s 4r; , wee... ti 'aa:ut 4 very «. k 4lrW a-•. „ne; ,P,'� &Y4i Lb :t'aitc *..gne• 'S ild.at ie„IS le. 8i. a e a troa araeYt Y'.b her net:'., went ,'n :;: a -.'t;, a apie- °a1 e It to w�,.,,, So )=i. Lct tis : - 1t .t4.4 1"e?,1 c ,'bti. $�1aa I~.�.'I:. oft area een �ir . j either. 6t etV wi 11.w :. ti 1eM en mans::,a.--Mr'. A R91,7, nod .lte`inn.or. teat tc� breek a Crane io nee e eft late wetre --nine. Arthur Br alley ;s re sower « '.:Scent Lee rSt;tne. Roo ken here c+ Leet hex spelt. a is s: y °• President Wilson has reftistti to :.`trultlolE when �� �anitittitta file prison Ce�tea C? of En- . becomes 4 .r4 Teo, geait V. Debs. 5co t4Bowen To re.t?a Italy is likely to pr«.'a:hase Ran men e- A%SGMAteERSOFA....., 1Newf•i•nnilland wider the revitiol re- gulations. The Creek P'rer:nie r Will be a t?t', gate to file coaliere;tce in Lon,,,' t ten t"le Seeree tra i t4. Granules) ES'lON Fol 1 A d+ tuft to I, 'till's ee,ts Ttee'tew'• teyrpet is z•xDee t ue-ti to ratify r ;:�a tt, zie I'$aoct with Di limn 3pr »arit a .$. Mee e etal three ciiil•1reu perished in a lire which tie- ." Greet in Lo ee?t3, The embargo o f unv„ ct ivaatec p, er- soe"e trey -line tt'or'a Otte : e.:I,I.-end tee where into Quebec Provanee le in Toren zlt.antate a 0. H. A. intaerraae°•t.iatee ret e . Fr.:taeis Of Toronto out tit the t Si«at $:ag. lay be atit«g them Morelia'. 5 to 1. !it erp?$•tai'ites'iel treille ie liquor in tF,•a I" rovi est s of Alberta, Sask.atelre- waza and a a reititea ce.:sed to b, leeal u t :tsIIw»iglu. -Tex" x" RIO:aril in now sole pro- ta.'t h'. 4Ai! the ,r a ,,e,i metier +t. r De•ini . heeveleteleein eli:e,tep.a$ ...i, boxing none. aiieliaeelee College 0. H. A. jun- Serra woo the "Inetin Sebooi t:re3,o;bi title, tie iWaating; il:111 et ity of Toroa- • Selitioat. 5 to Clifford Hough, 13 y.: ars o' atone s•t'a, o1 his four v4at Fr lretlc"ft anti ie' to xs from a tY ee . death i;t their itaoaaa> at Ross I•Iete. neer E^1reoleia'n. Walter Shaver. lice tse? inspector of North Oxford Fix April, 19u5, and of Oxford since 191.6, is sup,er- ane acted, and ex-Clilef of Pollee Wm. C. Killing aueeeeds hint. 11'EDNI':: DAY. ton nein. Jr. Pt. 11.---.Z,. Nadiger 54t); R. leitenetisei• 744: D. Edighoffer 497: V. l urnensite: 493. Sr. i't L-#±. Fisher 393, a attire else; M. Ite:i'a:ueyer e67: V. Kletft 359; II IClutapp :t17; E. Held 242; ti Miller 210 t !..ss ?a. ----.M Z' :ita 3t44: 1. Gena- tt er ° +ia: E{. S litertfl tile: H. Rine leer tear. P. Tiernan, teacher Lucan 1I: F tan Boo,.lp has m t:Anent 0- -c?. 1?. SHAVOI» Siellt)UI. IU title: nene 3 a ne abee to r tura Bone., ! :n :'.: ,:n. s.,,'*e;I ie",,en ti . + a at a. -Mr,, Bent'hoed bane s aid :snit her S°Sters. law nee, ,:. y L C 1 a � 9a s R cell a. r ..! v apt Q ee fee- dee .'.latexrigg. : Ito .,a.1 He e leni a he; :e ,'vtal'trod e , 'beta ,,. Ila SS.A1I , :� 1 lD. `.? :i eon.I3ltratt7a, ere a jit"tag aware s stet, Mr Thwntpraazs a. f�Itethamn. nbs`x Mat -lore' Barnb,: ;; .neone"ci ;peat a few days with "-tee I iii Hies e; ' and oche- ¢r'etxds. '•Ir;, ray;or of Kirkt'sn v:>ited with her pa•e tt;, Mr e.ns. W. MrH. bent 'to nee,: -Mr. P. Henn or Windham: e eel -e sprat a few days here with his e,aaad, nett week. ZuAiiuA64$t:ta4.17, fiat" otifool, 4v- a r u Read., jell,. a ..tall. S t.i (Comp., a t Io Snell-. 'tar alai.. QaF rL h• "-M I{ et "Litit;t o7; E. lar. ei.,r tt a ee. C. So entitigen 67. er. 5th. t :attic 77" i. ii,arQlaile 7U; gt t .ac:1IIt 43ueaatlter 69; P. Itivineettver 67; :ll. Jennison 66. I. Jtw elle 65: J. Guen- ther 54. Sr. 4th. (Same subjects.) -Ii. nt:o«i en: L. Eveland 33; A. Rader 69; C. Sunt 67; L. Willert 62. Jr. 4th, tSettte subjects.) --L. Reid 8O; V. 13irk 32: E. Qraupner 79: V. Baker 76: M. Rinker 71; A. Kellerman 62: L. Laker 56; E. Zim- mer 53. G. S. Howard. Principal. ROOM Ir. Sr. 3 d. Total znerks 525.)-L. 1; tint r 424; C. Fisher 349; H. Kel- lerinan 3415; Il. Hartleib 21.5. Jr. 3rd. Total marks 4S6.1 -.A. Tiernan 4510; E. Tiernan 424; F. Iilcinstiser 387; K. Wein 379; H. HoEnian 336; G. Guenther 318; A. Willert 296; -k. Steinhagen 295; #A. Miller 253; E. Wilds 239. Sr. 2nd. Total marks 450.-E. Hartleib 32; A. itestameyer 300; C. Burmeister 294; E. Merrier 270; M. White 263; E. Hamacher 249. Jr. 2nd Total marks 435.-T. Hayter 348; I. Lipperd 306; F. Guenther 279; G. Bender 275; L. Zimmer 256; L. Bender 246; G. Sh1 ka Burmeister 242; M. Merrier 241. I P C. Edmeston, teacher.' The U. F. O. iroace a g:van 'n the ROOM 1. 'Hell oa Friday eseaing was well as - Jr. 2nd. -M, Graupner 600; N. tended. air. Geo. Marks of Gre.,nway Fassold 549; E. Witmer 503; P. acted as chairman. and kept the crowd Bender 469; W. Evelund 473; F. .n good humor by h:s wit:y remarks Wein 471; S. Genttner 463; A. The program consisted of a number Stire 387; L. Staubus 384. Mount Carmel Mr. fl e:l: Carey oe Goder: •h is enneae ?i'•s 'ether Mr. Thos. Car - e3, be \les rs. Mike Ryan, Joeeph °av ea made a bus).eas trip to Lon - the ei a week \I,. and Mrs. Tina. 4..'o line s vie .L'?g 9riendh at Detroit for a fes ••e'ks.-Mr. J. Hall of :le:nevi. ea lad on fr'en s here lest ,see°; -A ,number from her: attended the U. F. 0. vont: er t and dance field et Sh"peta Feeley evening. All repoet a ;o rd tare, -Mr. Jos. Guinan is sen hes manual nou.e,-til. Mlsdden vaned t.n Oaexit • :n Louden Saturday. of dialogues, songs, readings and rio- Sr. Pt. II. --H. Nadiger 616; E. lin puss, a due by Mr and Mrs. Iireft 613; E. Rinker 585; W. 'Wein 'rhos `Iawlhaney, solos by Mr. Patrick 498; I. Guenther 384. Wilds, .eic. -.M_ ,and Mrs. Wm. Mc - Intermediate Pt. II, ---G. White Ine;le.• and Mr. and '1lrs, E. Mason mo - 486; V. Kraft 468; A. Morenz 340; toed t:o Lea1on on Wednesday last. R. Vincent 312; Y. Schade 286; A. tee and Mrs. Ezra Truemner of Mason 266; O. Staubus 254; R. Stat- Sebesa;,ng, rich., have returned home after eerie -ruling a week vvisinng their uncle and aunt, :1 Sr. and Mrs. Jacob Ga'ser and other relatives. - Miss 1 V•e:'a Gooier is visiteag at Mr. Nelson Scixenl~s: Exch mens. aii Grand Bend t. !I= . Harmon G >'Il has scold his house . to Edward Gill, jr., possession, given A Man is just as Young 15Ui...pf May. The prce paid was neaz and Strong- as his the two tbousand mark. -S Some around , he s. are begina ng t'o put up ice, - Blood "''=s: wilds and Mrs. Frank Ail st- No , er and fam?ly v�sslied neaz Ailsa Craig o man can fight the battles of Sunday. It is reported tlia:t we are life and hold his own if hisbloot , L ,nave a la tcher at the Bend.- We isnot ore for rich, --red blood andersian_lather 'that sloe Dssjardine has pure,re.nte3 the store that was vacated by is what strength is based upon}.' o»s & Rave'le four years ago, and When you see a strong, vigorous e i use a tar li ares taurdiaEtt.-Ilsessrs pian, who never knows when he- a_t tilnaay bessre in Dash - .is licked, you may wager that Ilie, Grand Bend Red Cross Circle such a man has coursing through_ hat c lie d, the a aaitrural meeting and de- c,ded' 'oo aiiscon{tinue the Red Crass his veins rich, red blood. Many wA' epee of thanks sues tender - people have thin, pale blood. e;:.1. --k- ' the o filers. The Treasurer's Re- They are weak, tire.easily, be= •Pi68 s �w td", e balancefrom 19200 of come discouraged quickly, and ;n, ti.'a 1-ir3a7o; sent S,oldier's A`;,d sometimes feel like giving up the 4oisam;sson, London $50.00; to the r t' war P Y it Eni 're Straggle. Such folks need - Dr, Pt ,..e :et Fund the ggsum a� c123 29. w:,ih epostaige lOc, Pierce's Golden Medic 1 Discov- to"ak ci73.70; Balance left, nil. cry, which is sold by druggists ;Vr. and Mrs. mark W'�d. let last liquid or tablet form. W ednesday for Sarne , haviing gonein- q to the grocery bus ions Htga1 Send 10 cents to Doctor Pierce's arr's'ed here ease week to visit her Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., htoklae_ John. Roas w.ho.is i 1 at p;es- 'for a trial package of the tablets. en,t;-_„Yfr. Arthur Baker treated some NIAGARAFAT,L9,ONT.-"I have used pf,t'1:� relati.vea at his fat:metes home Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to an oyster supper on Thursday eve times for the pact three years with `en' in Mr,, and meseWelter England' anderful remelts, and I take great P;• .�ev.sa „ d at.P. ,ackers onTuisa,vrM . Sib/oh Nlvrdak andsasure in sayings vordto boostthe tense of `Freedom from Illness.' 1 be:de. arrive1 here. on k+..'b, 1st, On $man byoccu ation, which Fe:a Zoe ihe, boys gave. the the a res k .. r}f ,P ib quite fatiguing'and injurious to the tial tt elc�o.ne w to tun, pans and guns., q tary District 'Nc,, 2 who are openly preaching sedition. A Polish delegation, including Gen. Pilsudski, has arrived in. Paris. to dis- cuss the probable Russian offensive against Poland in :the siarl a ,. .,•., A British outRoat in, Perstae attach- ed. by Red troops,.tlgfeeted the invade ing two and in _ a coenter-attaek Milled 12 Bolshevists and captured 27. The Paris newspaper, the Temps, advocates seizure of German customs on: the left bank of the Rhine if Ber- Lin rejects the Paris program of the Allies. FRIDAY. The new express rates may not be put into effect for a week. Ti Granites In Hamilton gets beat G t v. an O. H. A. senior game by 4 to 3, There is a proposal to unite all "boy work" organizations in Toronto. D. B. Hanna is firau in his decision that discharged employes are out for keeps. J. edge Latchford in the timber probe scores Ontario colonization chente. In tla.a fourth test curling match at Eni'iburgh. Canada defeated. Scot - lent. 137 to 108. A Labor member made- a bitter at ',CI* trn Mr. 31. M. MacBride in inn Legislature- Hosea. W. A. Charlton, M 1''., sue-- eeeds the bate Sir Wax. Gage on the a-aarni:titan). Board. Edward. liaydon, ter Brampton, 70 ye ,ts alit, sari i^.s<nni1y killed by a train •at Brampton. ,t. Thomas Bos a4 o8 i ctuea(on is in treatable over rte•lueing idta estlinaips anti ohrs+atened rcrignataons The Doeheas of Marlborough, for- merly Consula Vanderbilt, is prepar- ingto leave England for gang. A mire explosion at efountain Park. near Edmonton. killed two men and ,seriously injured six others. Hamilton Librt •y Bond will ask the Minister of i duea ti4a tor a Mor- er�tgh investigations of its affairs. +1rQripl co-eds defeated Qna''n's istlies' team 33 to 14 in the Inter- collegiate Girls= Desetbtall League. The 0, Ii- A. lye reels^'4 its sebe- tltalte o sa,•sad awl laird round games in the in: -r'ueedl.:te and jaauior series. The Irish Sinn Fritter. a Valera pewee sial is Mitt the British sub - non -a iC .e sats sunk by an Irish e» c r�aa, A merry bread war Is on in Belle vine. Shortage of Anglican clergy Is noted in Toronto diol ese. The Queensland domestic loan of two million sterling bas failed et flotation. The touring Canadian rinks !de- feated the northeast province rink try 147 to 38. Mrs. Ruby Cross, shot during a niggle between the Hallam broth - et as, Is dead, Angus M. Lott, of Sarnia, died while, watching a hockey match at Owen Sound. The University of Toronto senior team beat Argonauts in an O. H. A. game by 7 to 4. English crews are unlikely to cern- pet€e in the international regatta at i'onighkeepsie i u Jame. Rev. John Se.atmens, a. pioneer Methodist missionary in Northern Manitoba, is dead, aged 72. ?rye Benedict received Archduke Jcaeprh Franz of Austria, to whom royal honors were accorded. An organization is being formed of milk producers in Ontario. It will have a membership of 100,000. Sixty-eight Russian radicals were deported from the United States on Tuesday on the steamer Esthonie. The dead body of Charles Edwards, a returned soldier, was found lean- ing against the wall of Windsor Sta- tion, Montreal. Miss Helen O'Neil, aged 18, and Norman Rinkler, 30, were drowned when skating on the Welland river at Orchard. Grove. In the first of a two ;game series to decide the group title, the De la Salle C. I. O.H.A. team tied with University of Toronto, 3 to 3. Sir William Bull,M.P. in the Brit- ish House, said al- the London Meat • Traders' meeting Tuesday, that 'the. embargo on Canadian cattle will soon be lifted. The. Quebec Government refuses to reconsider its decision not to buy the liquor stocks of the wholesale finds in that province. The dealers have till May 1 to gest rid of their stock. THURSDAY. ' .at &WI'3:1a.'iL ire a i e amine. team defeated +� r. I. t atii ICitrli aeia by 3 to 2. A e:,z;'nu of Ant eieen coal has been ltttlei:ede ,i itt 1 *an;'on ha 1,or, t t• SR Great .Britain, and .A a aI#a have claallengett for 'D.°v.g Con. • Canadian clod et., defeated Edin- burgh rept .;efte .ves by 102 to 98. For the pt ist fear: ononths massacres in Moscow Imo been on tho inere .sfe. A small swordfish is reporte 4 to ltstve been t::ae�; rtd in Burlington Bay, Hanhilton. Sir J;«nes Caul; sueceedc Sit Ed- ward Carson ;IA trader of the Ulster unionists. 'Phe Onterio HortIeult'irnt Society to+ill tante a frac ,>v r ilex tttternpt to Import n etebi t seas. The B :item `t terienn Oil Co. an- nouneed .t f;a:th.. elron In the wire of gar dine at ne eetreatl. `1 "''o's Pr'si 'cwt Is coating to the Can.�ui an `eiiottal Exhibition to court trees* with Canada. :lira. Hugh He ge le, wife of the City `itagistr;;te of Vernon, B.C.. was suf- focatrcl, with her babe, in a fire. German sailors thrown out of em- ployment by delivery of the merchant fleet to the Allies aro to be re- imbursed. The ititrolle of the parties in the 7' eels: C i'rnbia Legislature mow is; I._ke:tris, 27;; Conservatives, 13; In dependents, 7. A Provincial Board of Conciliation for settlement of difference: between teachers :end school boards is to be tried in Alberta. De la Salle won the title in "B" section of the "prep" school group t'y beating University of Toronto 9 to 5 on the round. The four -year -611 son of Fred Ray of Guelph was drowned in an old quarry behind the rubber factory. where others were skating. MONDAY. The Canadian curlers won two more matches in Scotland. The Willard -Dempsey bout,'carded for March, has been postponed. A remarkable revival spirit is shown in Presbyterian churches.. Hamilton beat Canadiens, 6 to 5; Ottawa beat 'St. Patrick's, 4 to g. The Ontario Temperance Act was severely criticized in the Legislature. A meeting of radicals in Toronto stated their views as to, ideal condi- tion. A drop in the price of eggs, pota- toes and flour will encourage house- wives. Ratifications of the Rapallo Treaty have been exchanged by Italy and Jugo-Slavia. n r ti -n o e a al Western C hu 8' C soh g� azid Dale Presbyterian Church,Toe ronto, will unite. , Hona'Peter,..McSweeney, a member. of the '.Senate- of Canada, died; at Moncton, in his 7 9th year. 'Owing to the prevalence of scarlet fever in St. Catharines, ciatldren.•uli- der 16 are barred from theatres. Jack Putnam, aged 38, of Detroit, shot himself on .the rail of the ferr - boat Promise and .sank at once, ''A Gerenan $lam h ;s been, banned by the n`e • Censor Bar and it. has BY MAIL Regular saving will soon show a hand*. some balance in the depositor's account, It may be difficult for you to come to the bank always when you want to deposit. Send in deposits by mail -they will, be as carefully handled as though you handed them over the counter.. 77A CANADIANTHE .. F CO SERC PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE.FUND - $ 15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, P A. Chapman, Manager. Scotland beat Wales in rxgby, by 14to8. Sterling is quoted at $3,823¢ in New York. The Burnley soccer team beat As- ton Y'iila:by 7 to 1. In the fifth test curling match, Scotland defeated Canada by 117 to 104. Janes G. Cane, Toronto, promin- ent in lumbering and political circles, is. dead. Toronto Communists demand the release of comrades . arrested in Hamilton. The debate on the address in the Legislature may last throughout the present week. Enid Pakenham was drowned while skating on the Otonabee river at Peterboro. Potatoes at (Kalamazoo, Mich., were being sold on Saturday at 25 cents per bushel. Oshawa is dumping skimmed milk into the sewer after sending the cream to Toronto. Germany lias receivee officially an. invitation to send' delegates to the London conference. A deputation appealed to Premier for national assistance to bieighext 5s Chinese' famine sufferers. Immigration restriction legislation is held tip by the Senate Committee of the U. S. Congress. The Irish Bishops their'Lenten pastoral letters condemn both the shootinacof police and reprisals. Ten;,stjiident9 at Victoria Hospital, London,- Ont., offered their . blood to• save •E. Kilmaster, of PO Dover. jlatio l Hockey Lentde results oeir Sat`ti May were: Ottawa'' 1, Hamil- ton 3; St. Patrick's 10; Canadiens 6. University of Toronto+; enior team them us- Y beat McGill University 3 an Intere e toHockey zaii ra ., Lea game,b , o.ue n our ho � r+ . g g ,. y cov- e � • Dig , s o - the � `t ey t km_ y r ,, ,.: t ice awawa:, a... tea but n g n .� .3 to 3, .Sm er` ' business bas no drawback for T(t�.t.rsda.y:-entl tee ;r adeb ibeemee iurrd yb e 6' cl Loudon a' SEssors star out to -da y , Y Three cheers for Doctor Pierces beige haar, j>u,t up ‘th,e,r ,.ze _ ,.,Ik�•�;was � been withdrawn, by Toronto theatre. on a.'n©r✓ sysEetu, wsseseiitng buildings medicine i'r=yglLLIA1 1i. DSMPs Y, a v rs-y and quabti>,-Mrs. Bruce Bos; - firi Gen. Wililanis, '0.0.C.; •asYs-puller, ni ;tan 'tial to being too , d . Yi s b ng fixed in Je ..32 Bridge Street,'vho vas all ns improv ng. be has the names of 14 men ira i,iilk- Assessment''0113ce. Ineotttoratpdin 1855 OA.PITA.14 RESERVE $9,000.000 Oven 13x1 Branches THE _. t LS OATS BANK `hero is ,no: safer or sur,:. ai' safe ;tzat'cilng your sur•- pItaS inaitey titan plaein tin a seeing.; acc•ouat with The ;poisons Bank. Why not begin today ? EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Mapaager. Centralia Branch open for busixaess daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rant at the Eteeter Bt rr • FL0uR 1 pta p+ 3 The ;ph flour you "knead" for bread Maple Leaf Milling; Co., Limited Toronto, Winniprr Brandon, Uialitax it 44 You can procure Cream of the West Flour in Exeter from R. G. SELDON THE LATEST PRICE: ON THE Canadian Fair -banks Morse Cu'y. Engines 1 1-2 H. P. ,ENGINES 3 H. P. ENGINi.S 6 H. P. ENGINES .,These' engines are .equipped" nitin known... ' $110.00 ... .,„ 1285.00.. , With the . Bosch Magneto,. the ftnest ig- : DOUBLE GLAR PUMP JACK.......« ......... ......„., ...,.a» ..;�15.oe fI'a' INTERNATIONAL 'G1 AR JACK «.... �....,:. 130.09. FARM LIGHTING POWER --4e LIGHTS ... .. $525.00 WE SELL THE CASE TRACTOR • EMkRY STANDS, SAW'4R13ORS,' PULLEYS, rn LTING• GERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOTICE ALL MAKES OF 1.NGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED OR. GROUNG NEW PISTONS MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS OXY - ACETYLP,NE WELDING DONE. The Cochrane Machine - Works EXJTER ONT. 'INTER WORK ON CARS• • I am in a,•position to handleaTl makes of cars •for o erhaulti;hl Winter r r' -i. yen Skate .� Lots 'f eltn T +i L rmu,:~ra�cr, 4rra, eter e iSlar l'crd Garage. ,5