HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-03-03, Page 19it 'to
its t
t, its
club to
lovely leading lady
... strong performance
... great comedy
The Bruce -Grey District of
the Ontario Collegiate Drama
,,,`Festival, going into its sixth
.,,,:season, continues to expand
PHIL MAIN its horizons pAtd open doors
... terrific for fuller creativity . and
development`of skills.
The curtain will go up at
eight o'clock at the Meaford
Town Hall on March 2 for the
first of three consecutive
evenings. School participants
will be from Port Elgin,
Meaford, Kincardine, Owen
Sound, Hanover, Goderich
and Walkerton.
The purpose of the Festival
is to privide a showcase for
the dramatic talents of
teachers and students, and to
improve thestandards of live
theatre in the high schools.
Several innovations in the
organization promise to make
this an exciting year for
drama in the district. The
auditorium, the first to be
used outside a school, is a fine
example of Canada's ar-
chitectural heritage.
On Thursday evening there
will be, at intermission,
dramatic exercises for
entertainment. On Friday a
spectacular assembly
prepared by The Bruce•
County Audio-visual
Department, is planned in the
Meaford School for the
students and their guests
from other schools.
The adjudicator for the
Bruce -Grey Festival will be
Frank. Canino, currently
directing Waiting for Godot in
Ottawa, coming to Owen
Sound .to direct Guys and
Dolls in March, going to stage
the premiere of an opera at
the Guelph Festival in May,
and continuing on to direct a
documentary at Theatre
Passe Muraille in Toronto in
The winner of the District
Festival will compete next at
Trent University on April 21,
22, 23 -- in that case the Host
School will be Lakefield
College. The all -Ontario
showcase is scheduled for
May 12, 13 and 14 at the St.
Lawrence Centre, Toronto.
The Ontario Collegiate
Drama Festival is sponsored
by Simpson -Sears Limited.
This company provides the
trophies° for the district
festivals, sponsors the
regional festivals, and un-
derwrites the entire cost of
the Final Competition, in-
cluding awards, travel; ad-
judication and " ad-
;;"� .��w the Fantasticks.
ted standing ovation
RLEY J. KELLER so much reality that one could
almost see it materializing.
Fantasticks was ab- Marianne Frayne as Luisa
fantastic at the GDCI and Earl Salter as Matt made
orium last weekend. a suitably sweet young
e most fantastic of all ;,..,couple. Miss Frayne, • a
1 Gallo -, or as his 'talented" soloist, carried the
ch friends know him, part well and was at her best
in. in duet numbers with Salter,
ut a doubt, Phil Main, a good singer and- a corn -
standout in the GDCI petent performer. Especially
club presentation of pleasing was their version of
pular musical that Soon It's Gonna Rain and
the scene at some time There Was You.
ost drama groups Playing the fathers of the
here. Main is corn- young couple were Paul
at home on the stage; O'Brien and David St. Jean.
and Jack _Broumpton, Lon-
don, the percussionist added
immeasurably to the total
Director Philip McMillan
said he was pleased with the
show. He expressed his deep
satisfaction that from
Thursday evening , to
Saturolay evening, the quality
of the performance im-
"Sometimes performances
tend to go downhill and I•don't
tented actor who has Together they were very good Co unty CO �} o pe rate
RadishThey moved easily in
sty to make audiences in Never Say No and Planta
im and love him; and :
like this to happen because I
feel it cheats the audiences,"
said Mr. McMillan. "But each
night, in my opinion and in
the opinion of the musicians
who accompanied the cast,
the show got a little better."
Assistant -director and
stage manager was Leslie
. Hogan; stage manager was:
Marva Jackson; costumes
were by Margaret McMillan; and lighting was by John
me er to boot His sin '
g thea rtines, singing lustily
ber was certainly :noya:e. onRural. Outreach _osion of Try To ndinne throughout. Most
able. Seldom ,has the h f i two
een sung with lunge,64.44
enry ant"'
David Smith as Mortimer -
lloalso captivated the,, added just the right touch of
e in It Depends On humor to the show. Bundy is
ou Pay with Paul ' always a strong actor in
and David St. Jean
Round' and Round
e only female in the
ctiorlk Marianne
In .his black pants
and his large black
Gallo stole the show
er he appeared on
hile El Gallo was the
xciting actor on the
stage, he was well
ed by the seven other
cEwen as The Mute -
asked pantomime
er - was excellent.
hitt spoke not a word,
manded the attention
e audience as ,he
d the props for the
ecame a tree or a *all
oment's notice; and nasium. Louise McGregor,'
imaginary blocks and Clinton, the pianist; Mary ..
imaginary wall with V Hearn, .Clinton, the harpist;
comedy parts and Smith
managed to "die" with some
elegance for the audience's
Two things gave the
production some additional
polish, taking it somewhat out
of the""realm of the usual high
school shows.
First of all, the stage was
tastefully and expertly
decorated. Miss Doreen
MacKenzie and her art
students take the credit for
this and deserve much praise
for a job well done.
Secondly, the musical
accompaniment was
delightful, although
sometimes a trifle over-
powering for the singers; in
the accoustically bad gym -
Everybody does love Opal
Huron County has agreed to
co-operate with the
University of Guelph in a
Rural Development Outreach
Project to be carried out in
the county over the next three
to six years.
County councillors voted to
give the project their support
when they met in regular
session at Goderich last
The project, funded by a
$577,350 grant from the
Kellogg Foundation, is aimed
at developing means by
which resources and ex-
pertise at the University can
be put to use in the rural
development process. Huron
was chosen because it is an
area already in contaotpwijh
the University of Guelph and
one which is advanced in its
planning process.
Now that the University has
been assured co-operation
they are expected to appoint a
project director in the near
future and County council has
athy Jenkins
tan one adequately
the authenticity and
Kathy Jenkins always
to Goderich Little
e production in which
ays? There'sonly one
hat suits Mrs. Jenkins -
Y Jenkins was . what
"Everybody Loves
so entertaining. While
ther . five performers.
in good,; strong;
efforts, ,, Kathy
sparkled like a
diamond amid clever
IS. From , the second
p`ed onto the -stage
t final hoist of the tea
athy; Jenkins was in
and, of the audience.
lied her.
cted by Jennifer Black,
involves�,an aging
bilector named Opal
,Jenkins ' who ,rents..
ln.her out•of-the-way
fta, three . shady
Berg Gloria :Gulock
wean) • Brad Winter
Nicholson)-. and
Bozo ;(Frank
his trio of by dera'�
aplin to insure Opal's.
life for $30,000 and then see
that she is the victim of a
fatal accident. The plan was
to split the $30,000 three ways
to allow Gloria, Brad and Sol
to have their chance at living
it up, each in his or her own
But Opal whose motto it is
to ' look for the good in
everyone, loves her three
tenants and one by one, she
wins them over. As Sol puts it,
"First I wanted' to kill her.
Now I'm thinking about
marrying her. Funny thing. It
'usually 'the other way
Frank" Bissett as Sol turned
in a 'solid performance. Not
quite so convincing as Sol the
crook, he.was just excellent
as Sol the softie. His proposal
to Opal was tender yet fitting.
"I' want to pull;: your wagon."
Perhaps; his best scene was
the one in whichhe actually
hauled Opal's little yellow
junk wagon across the stage..
in "a. 'purposeful demon -
titration of his deep feelings
for^the lady -
t'o K ai the...
c ew a :
Gloria., gave ih audience
appointed Goderich Reeve'f
Bill Clifford as its
representative on theproject
advisory board.
The county planning board
is to act as the liason agency
between the council and the
University team. Annual
progress reports are to be
submitted to council and the
agreement approved on
Thursday provides that the
County or the University may
withdraw,from the project if
differences are encountered
which cannot be resolved by
adjustment or dialogue.
Council also voted to
establish a subcommittee to
conduct a review of the
Ontario Building Code. It was
agreed that this sub-
committee should consist of
three members 'and G.H.
Stirling, R.M. Williamson and
H. Knight, along with Warden
D.A. McNeil in his ex officio
capacity, were appointed to
the new body.
1Ima Young. (right) of Goderich watches with interest as Barbara. Moerbeek completes
the elderly woman's income tax forth. Mrs:'Yo'ung. as: one of about 20 senior citizens In
Goderich who took advantage of the Huron Volunteer Bureau's income tax service
operated Monday morning at MacKay Hall. The seniors were able to catch the Lions' bus
tor a ride to the hall to have their income tax form filled out. The clinic will be open again
from 9:30 a.m. to 11: 30 a.m. on the four Mondays in March. (staff -photo) -
Seniors tax clinic open
The Huron Volunteer Bureau is
helping out senior citizens once a week
through the month of, March by setting
up weekly income tax clinics at MacKay
Hall in Goderich. The clinic will operate
from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. through four
Mondays in March and is open to all
seniors to come in and have their income
tax forms completed.
Isobel MacDonald, spokesman for the
bureau, said similar clinics will be open
in Wingham, Clinton, Seaforth and
Exeter, all operating on volunteer help.
She said the service is sponsored by the
bureau which operates out of a Clinton
office which can be reached at 482-3037.
The service kicked off last Monday
when about 20 seniors brought their
complicated invome tax forms and their
Queen of GLT c�medy
good insight into the
character she portrayed.
Although she may have
carried the Brooklyn -type -
accent just a little too far for
the taste of some in the -
audience, she did show that
Gloria was a product of a
loveless background. She also
did a terrific job of allowing
Gloria to accept love when it
was offered, and the audience
couldn't help but, be touched
by ,.:her performance when
Opal drank the kerosene to
save;,Brad's hide,
The author of the play in-
tended for Brad to be a pitiful
character, but Don Nicholson
in the role just missed the
mark. Nicholson didn't come
across well as the educated
refined chemistry professor
who through a stroke of fate
had been sent to prison where
he developed lung problems.
Instead of portrayingl3rad as
a bitter man wliro held the
good of the world in con-
tempt, Nicholson made Brad
into sor'newhat of an egotist
for whom the audience never
realty did develop any. warm
'-feelings a Was by' far the
most believable` as a villan,
,but he just didn't bridge the
gap to become a repentent
soul who understood and
admired Opal's efforts to
_. save,his life.
The cast did co-operate well
together to make Opal's hit-
and-run accident into an
hilarious moment. And the
Amy iENKciNS
scene with Opal and the
doctor (Dan Worthy) was
probably the best in the entire
show. Although the program
noted that Dan had stepped
into the part when another
actor had become ill, Dan
managed to carry off with
some style the role of the
doctor who was to do Opal's
physical examination for her
insurance policy.
In his minor role as police
officer Joe, Chris Cavanaugh
made another appearance on
the GLT stage. His per-
formance was adequate for
the part although the
audience might have
preferred a tougher approach
in his final scene where he
finds Opal lying helplesson
the couch in a room doused
'With kerosene and Brad
ready to strike a match.
"Finally, set construction by
Rtith Leonard, Andrew
'Telford, Kevin Telford, Terry
Toombs and Dan Worthy was
"'absolutely excellent. It was a
tricky set, requiring a portion
}of the, roof to fall in. and
Completely hide Opal who
'gS�Hv y
makes an astounding escape
and emerges through an•
opening under the stairs. Not
only must the ceiling cave in,
it had to be quickly and easily
raised again for the following
scene. Mrs. Leonard and her
assistants did a great job and
deserve the commendation of
the audience for this bit of
All in all, Everybody Loves
Opal was a treat for GLT
goers. The audience on
Thursday night received the
production well and as ex-
pected, gave raves to Kathy
Jenkins whose talent as a
comedienne is appreciated
and cherished by her many
GLT ' buffs now hook for-
ward to the next production in
the spring which is to be
directed by Frank Bissett.
There's lots of rush seats now
that the troupe has moved to
a four -night format, so plan
right new' to get out to the
third play ,to ' e a look at
local th atr
T-9 earning slips into MacKay Hall for
one of seven volunteers to work on. The
helpers include Barbara Moerbeek,
Mary Robinson, Vera Larder, Frank
Washington, -Carl Worsell, Auleen Currie
and Mrs. MacDonald.
The service is open to people over the
age of 65 and in some cases to disabled
people getting disability pensions.
Mrs. MacDonald said the volunteers
will go to homes. to help with the forms
but if it is at all possible the people
should come to MacKay Hall since the
volunteers can work more efficiently
She said the seniors can catch the
Lions bus for a ride to MacKay adding
that this is the fourth year the `no
charge' service has operated in
Frank Bisset, left, plays the part of Saul, the head of a
crooked perfume company and here schemes with his
head chemist, Don Nicholson; on ways to continueathett
operation of watering down perfume and selling it
door in London without attracting the attention}