HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-03-03, Page 4PAGE 4+GUDERICH SIGNAI,STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 3 197
Time for honesty
Recent word that the Huron County
Board of Education will be involved
with the Ontario government in a study
to determine how the people of this
county really feel about all aspects of
education here is good news. All that
remains now is for all participants in
.the study to be objective and honest.
There is a nagging fear however,
that the study will not show exactly
what the people feet. It has happened
before. A few years ago, Dr. Ted
Hadwen of the University of Guelph
conducted a study of the county
ratepayers' reaction to Huron County
Council. Most laymen would have bet
the outcome would have shown the
average citizen in the county was
- disillusioned with county government.
Instead, when the results were in, it
was reported that the people of Huron
County have great admiration for
county council, implicit faith in their
county elected, officials and a strong
allegiance to the current system of
Studies of the opinions of people are
affected by many factors - the kinds of
people interviewed, the type of
questions asked and the way in which
questions are phrased, the attitudes of
the interviewers and perhaps most
important, the frankness and truth-
fulness of those interviewed. Very
often, people neglect to express their
real feelings during an interview
because of an uneasiness about how
that opinion might be used against
them. Needless to say, such fear is
groundless and yet Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Citizen from RR 3 Huron County are
apt to be much more agreeable and
pleasant during a recorded survey
session, than chatting over the fence to
the neighbors. What is truth in that
There is indeed, much general
satisfaction with the quality of
education received by students in
Huron County, from the elementary
level through secondary school. There
is much general commendation for the
teachers in the•system, too. There may
even be considerable approval of the
county _system of education and the
concept of a central administration
office. But there are pockets of
dissatisfaction - such as remoteness of
board members and administration,
methods of decision-making, the
growing education versus the seeming
absence of improvements.
These are the types of problems it is
hoped the survey will pinpoint, along
with some concept of the aspirations of
Huron County citizens where education
for their children is concerned.
One more word of caution. The
evaluation of the educational system in
Huron; should not become a pre-
election salve designed to soothe old
wounds for the moment. It therefore
behooves all those persons involved in
the study to be intent upon getting to
the bottom of hostilities and
dissatisfactions here in Huron County
so that relationships between the
Huron County Board of Education and
the, taxpayers of Huron can improve
along with the quality of education for
the future. - SJK
Inside Trudeau
Canadians in Goderich and area are
watching the developments in Quebec
with, interest - but definitely from the
sidelines. It is almost like viewing a
movie drama - seeing the plot unfold,
forming opinions and attitudes and
then being totally helpless to alter the
outcome cr. events.
Those who saw Rene Levesque's
appearance on Wall Street have mixed
emotions - depending on pre -conceived
ideas about Quebec in general and the
French in particular. Some called it a
triumph. Others dubbed,it a failure.
But practically everyone agreed it was
a masterful attempt on the part of the
Quebec Prime Minister to take the first
step toward independence and
'Just last week, the Prime Minister of
Canada went to Washington and
successfully charmed government
officials ihere. Pierre Elliott Trudeau
told them exactly what they wanted to,
hear - that Canada, the USA's friendly
neighbor to the north, would remain
unified and strong. He repaired
whatever damage might have been
caused by Levesque's golden oratory
and returned home to a nation that was
generally proud of their sophisticated,
somber statesman.
But Trudeau is a Quebecer, you say.
What does Trudeau really believe?
How does he really see Quebec's future
when he is among his own?
In late January, Trudeau was at
home - in Quebec City. He made,
another speech which should be, to
Canadians, as important if not more
important than the speech made to
In that speech, Mr. Trudeau said (in
part) : -
"Like the adolescent who can't
forever wonder if he is going to be a
fireman or a politician, or a
businessman, at a certain point he has
to make a clear choice. You can't be
everything, just as you can't want
federalism and separatism at the same
time. I might even say, although it's
not what I came here to talk about, it's
not at alt sure that you can want in -
dependence and association at the
same time. We have to consider clear
"We know family life causes
problems, and difficulties, and that
doesn't mean .tjiat we are going to
abolish families. Democracy raises
problems and difficulties. Freedom
itself causes some funny problems and
difficulties, starting with sin and
crime. If there was no freedom, we
wouldn't be bothered by sin and crime.
Just the same, it's not worth abolishing
"Now we have to think, in"an in="
dependent Quebec, wewouldn't speak
Tess English, we would have to speak
more because Quebec as part of
Canada means that we can require that
Ottawa reply to us in French, that they
operate in French, that they give to the
minorities, the French minorities in
other provinces.
"And when you have a Canadian
government, you can have Ministers,
Members of Parliament, you can have
generals in the army, you can have
heads of administration, deputy -
ministers, who are French Canadian
and who can speak to us and work in
French. You might even from time to
time have Prime Ministers or
Governor Generals.
"But in an independent Quebec,
then, of course, the rest of North
America is not going to start talking
French more in order to communicate
with this new country. It is the new
country that would have to speak more
English than now.
"There is a crisis in Quebec. There is
one in Canada. It's a great danger, but
it is also our chance to affirm ourselves
as Quebecers, and as Canadians too if
you like, because we can be both, _I
think. Others can think differently. But
let's stop talking and agonizing about
our political future. Let's be grown up
enough ato either choose to be a
Quebecer or Canadian or- to be both. I
hope that in the near future that we can
say if clearly that ' we want to be
Canadian, and that we -are worthy to be
Canadian." — Si K
Zije iobttrttIj
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Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. SHRIER — president and publisher
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EDWARD J. BYRSKI stelyettising manager
Mailing Address:
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Winding way
By Dave Sykes
Not iong ago, I wrote an
editorial about a matter
which hit Huron County
Council. That was the debate -
not too hot it must be ad-
mitted - about the kinds of
books which are in public
libraries for people to read. It
was Bayfield Reeve Ed
Oddliefson , who was most
concerned about the "filth" in ,
literature (?) these days, and
he said so for the world to
In the editorial which I
wrote, I acknowledged that„,,,
"filth" and "obscenity',!-IiVI
and television, are offensive
to many people. I neglected to
mention that such Ihings are
most embarrassing for me
because, I suppose, I was
taught that some things are
private and personal and
should be kept that way.
What I did say in the
editorial was that the best
defense against such things
was a good offense - and I
stated that by teaching one's
children what it means to live
a clean, moral and decent
life, they will be much less
influenced by the filth and
obscenity with which they are
to be confronted in this
modern worlcl.
Some people commented on
that editorial to me, saying
that they were personally
surprised that I would take.
such a stand. They felt that I
would be the one person who
would stand up against filth
and obscenity. Some even
went so far as to say they
thought I really hadn't
written ttie eptorial because
it just diorirt :01.rxid" like rue.
Perhaps those people will
be more pleased by the stand
take /against profanity
which was the topic of
discussion around this office
a week or so ago., The subject
came up again after the
movie "One Flew Over The
Cuckoo's Nest" was halted
mid -showing in South Huron
District High School in
In an interview with the
Exeter Times -Advocate, the
principal of the school, Joe
Wooden said he was told
people had been offended by
the language and said he
really couldn't understand
why since not many people
seem to be "concerned"
about such things today.
Well, Mr. Wooden, here is
one poor soul from the
middle -ages who is concerned
crusader for less profanity id
our everyday conversation
not to mention books, radio'',
television, movies.
About the last movie te,
which rI 'subjected ,rnys
(apart from Df§ney
productions and the like) was
Soldier Blue. That movie as I
recall, had an excellent story
to tell but thelanguage in that
movie was absolotely in-
tplerable . as far as I was
concerned. Every time the
words "Jesus Christ" were
uttered along with an
assortment of other
references to my Lord and
Saviour, it was like a knife
piercing throtigh me. There
were other choice four letter
word§ in the dialogue, but the
ones which left me cold were
the ones which in my dic-
tionary are classed as
"profanity" - utterances
which show irreverence to
I realiie that among you,
dear readers, there will be
people who will be muttering
things like "self-righteous
broad" under their breath
about now, but I tell you in
complete openness and
frankness that I don't par-
ticularly care what those
Jal *Jut me in pis
from %eat
section of people that the kind
of language to which I just
referred is hateful and up-
setting to more than the
fanatic§ and backwoods do-
gooders usually associated
with this type of complaint.
Many readers will be well
aware of a move afoot by the
major religious
denominations in the world to
curb the use of profanity as
ikell as pornography
today's literature and
forms. May I please stat
views here on such actio
abhor profani
am admittedly embar
by pornography, I am
posed to censorship. It
been my experience that
something is forbidd
becomes all the more
triguing and interesting
One ' young person
whom I was spea
recently made the com
that pornography
profanity in books,
Apo.. on television will "
course" like everything
-The tide, will turn ag
naturally and without
unless something is
trodubed to prolong
lifetime. That somet
. could be censorship,
person felt.
I am not opposed, how
to working openly
positively toward cha
attitudes about profanity
Last fall, the Presbyt
Wrong stream
Dear Editor,
Regarding the story about
the electricity generation at
Benmiller in last week's
Signal -Star I believe that if
you check you will find that
the "Mighty Maitland" has
yet to be put to work and that
it is Sh,arp's Creek that
produces the water power as
has been the case since the
mills were established by the
Yours truly,
Glenn McMichael
Country Fair
Dear -Editor,
The year 1977 is hopefully
going to be the most out- former residents, relatives
standing one in the history of and friends that Goderich is
our town. Each week your not only the prettiest town in
Jubilee 3 committee meets to Canada but also the one with
plan ways and means to make the most hospitality.
your birthday party and mine The "Country Fair" is to be
one long to be remembered. a replica of -fairs in bygone
The "Country Fair" 'is but. days and is to be held in the
one -small part in the calendar Goderich Memorial Arena
of eventi, but nevertheless is July 7-8-9. We would like all
one which cannot take place schools, church groups,
without the support of men's and women's service"
everyone in our town .young clubs„ clubs and
and old alike. All the events organizations of any kind plus
are planned by a few individuals to participate.
dedicated citizens and are
goint to be put on for the -
benefit of all.
This is our 150th InDay so
let's become involved.
Involvement creates more
interest and without each of
you doing your part we can't
carry on. Let us show our
Would someone care , to
organize a quilting bee? And
has anyone a butter making
outfit they could operate and
show us how butter used to be
How about making a quilt
special for the event? While
you are in the sewing mood
how about some old fashioned
costumes?We'd like a fashion
parade of these for men,
women and children provided
-we have enough entries.
We would also like to see
flowers and vegetable shows
etc.; and for those of you
young or old who have a
special hobby why not display
There will be a baby contest
and a cup for the Jubilee 3
baby. There will also be a
freckle contest, prizes for
best decorated bike, doll and
buggy and wagon, all these
for the children along with a
pet show and a fish pond and'
balloon board. How about
that kids?
And for you older ones how
about a pie eating contest?
You can see now why we need
help and quickly such
judges and folk to org
the above events and oh
your ideas.
We are planning spe
entertainment each dayal
with all the displa
Everyone from Yo
children to senior citizens
asked to please become
An editorial by Mrs F
Russo in last week's Si
also worthy of your
sideration and needs som
to act on her ideas. D
hesitate to call her
agreeing with an fclea do
get it accomplished and
you know -tempus fugit'
Please let us hear from
right away. We can
reached by writing to Box
(continued on page
s in
e po
for t
of i
The big thaw last week
interfered seriously with
boat building operations on
the island as much of the
timbsr being used is being
brought into town from
Wawanosh and Stanley. The
present state of the roads is.
such that half loads cannot be
moved any distance either by
sleigh or wagon.
Weather permitting the
Berlin and Goderich hockey
teams will play an exhibition
match the West Street
arena next Tuesday evening.
The Berliners have been
defeated but once in three
years and with the close of the
hockey season it should en-
sure a crowded house,
Mayor Cameron, Major
Beck and Editor -' Admiral
McGillicudy travelled to
Toronto to engineer a bill tO,
ineoapprate the Huron, Rruce
and Middlesex Railway, that
was to be considered bY the
Legislatures ,RailvOay
Corrimittee. It, was decided
that the company shodid haVe,
poWer to build in Huron Bruce
and Grey:
Queen Eliiabeth and her
Consort, the Duke of Edin.
burgh, hive cut short their
commenWealth visit to fly to
Grear Britain where the new
Up the dutlea
Of her late father l(ing George
QUein's."11On;.Printe Charles,
whe aVer three years
Ord ia ,the new het
" The Industrial=
COM isifiOns rieun did that
'Coalolder4tiO0„:Aibeing Oren
to the possibility of im-
plementing a town .plan for
Goderich with zoning bylaws.
The subject was discuSsed
with a view to prOviding
orderly expansion of the
community:" when expected
hneerwe.industries begin locating
The Wilding of. a' regional
workshop for retarded Adulta
„near Clinton ,comprising the
retarded for •Gocie`rIch: and
EXeter Was1 'vetoed by the
Goderich group.
Paul Carroll, fund rat
campaign chairman for
project said that gr
corn muni cation proble
because of the infor
structure of the Godt
Association was the It
reason the concept of
regional workshop
turned down.
Ron MeIntosh of Gode
one of the organizers ot
cable television systett,
Goderich was gran;•,d
"hearing hy die Con
Radio and. Television
mission • in Niagara. r
April 11
the p
in du
qer of