The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-24, Page 33a1. 1,11' •t;f,, 1A,A, 't14' LAI the 11toot .; ci 13 lch Gt CA 4 • Colborne Snowmobile Clubsirial race was held February 6 it the club on,the property on Feagan near Carlow. Whirlers of the eight to 10 age group competition were, left to t, Murray Clark, fourth, Darren Connelly, third, Rick Thom, second and Jeff ll'hOtni t. ome Snowmobile Club trial race winners vrt February 6, ln the 10 to 12 age group, , left to right, Kevin Clark, first, David Fisher, second and Cynthia Smith, third. tt Wilson, left,,placed first, Randy Thom, center, placed second and Barbara Clark ed third in the recent Colborne Snowmobile Club field day broomball competitions at the group's club house nearCarlOw. '..-- ...'. : the 14 to 10 age groupdlvlston at t e Colborne Snowmobile dub trail race held 6 are, 'lift to right," Terry Sowerby, third, Kevin Jewell, -second, and Scott kni, first. The race was held at the group club house on the term of Don Feagan near . _ "Established 1076" McKILLOP MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT Mrs. Margaret. Sharp, Sec. Treas, Ph. 527-0400, FULL COVERAGE Farm and Urban Properties Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft Various Floater Coverages Hoinsowners, Tenant's Package,Composne Dwelling Direct* and Adjusters , Robi.Althlbald,R.RA. Seetersh 527.1817 Ken Carnoehan, 1111.4, genforth Lavern Godlcht, R.R42, "WWI 527.1545 527.1877 Sem LeonloarAt,11.11.1;Wilibeire 345.2234 John-IVIcEwhig, LIU; Myth 523.9390 Stanley Melbrida, RAU, Cederieh 524.7051 D'mald Mekertifee, ILIA; Dublin 1 527.1837 Wm. Pepper; DriMettela J.N.TrawartInt,flot 401334 661, Casten 42-7593 AdEuTS ham Kea, st.st.i, Seiler* Wm. Lelper;11,11,1, Lonatofiere Steve ). iestneda 5274467 523.4257 . 345.2172 , . . The best Registered Retirement Savings Plan is the plan custom built -for you! Don't miss the 1976 deadline for tax credit (March 1) If you can't start with a lot - start with AS little as $500 But enroll right now! • PICTORIA GATE, VG fOltitt C'elPAPANY S1Nelt lee* Alloirogor A.A. INootherby 444881 Goderith „t. • When the Colborne Snowmobile 'Club recently held a snowmobile broomball relay, this - team of youngsters emerged on top of their class. Left to right are Paul Kerr, third, Kevin Clark, second, and David Flitter first. rrr 1.1 IN / r1 ,3,Arri.A.,N.,0,,,tlire,ir -••••' Sirkli VI tsp ibatnlerzys cirdwoz,S4y. rnon4 mulhern. 222 „eljuz axe,'we'st yoderich,ontartol appotntor.ant or ly c.4euzcte 3;t4-14,51 \ \ •1•N''.. \ \ %%% \ % \ %%%%% • % vSt. John Ambulance Association FIRST AID COURSE MARCH 2 - 1:00 PAL MacKAY HALL For Information Phone S24-2484 ALL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 1 0 CY 0 OFF RUGGER SHIRTS • LIMITED QUANTITY REG. '12.95. $10• eb,•.; tf: , ft - 5 FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLOTHING PRICED AS MARKED - REGULAR '13,0-200 95 $79.95 $89.95 ALL TOQUES 1 0 % OFF HUNTING JACKETS REG. '1 19.95 $69. 95 WOODS 1000o DOWN FILLED •••*•,• CKETS REG. ' 109 95 5 n 95 '70 CURLING SHOES (SECONDS) REG. *18.00 0 40 • PAIR TRACK SUITS LIMITED QUANTITY 6.95 DERICH SPORTS 172 SHOPPER SQUARE GODERICHr ONTARIO 524-2287, • rir !A41, •.•