HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-24, Page 26,04 PAX As part of their Jubilee Three related studies, Ron Ritchie took his Victoria. School class on -a short field trip recently to have a close look at the accommodation Huron County pioneers enjoyed. They visited the log cabin, now located on BY THE REV. A.F. GARDNER RETIRED The Square, and in the days since have been involved in producing a replica of• the pioneer home. Measuring 45 cm by 60 cm, the cabin will be complete with furniture, window curtains, sleeping loft and fire place when they finish. FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY WHY OBSERVE LENT? Why observe Lent? This is question that is often asked. :an we give an intelligent ut,swer? Lent is so old that it ought to need no ex- 'lanation. From the very leginning Christians felt they seeded a period of meditation o prepare themselves to ,bserve Easter. At first the period was very hort, forty hours .before. :aster -- then the week iefore Easter -- and finally a onger period of forty days, aken from the forty days •esus spent in the wilderness ��o asting and facing temp- ation, was observed. This ieriod was officially set aside iPSSB.... continued from page 3A) was given permission to enter under the guidance of director of education John Vinter, separate schools in Perth and Huron to present the Young Olympian program if teachers and pupils were interested in the program. Attending the Ontario Separate School Trustees Association conference in Toronto March 30," 31 and April 1 will be: board chairman, Mickey Vere, and trustees, Michael Connolly, Ronald Marcy, Arthur Haid, John O'Drowsky, John O'Leary, Gregory Fleming and Ted Geoffrey. All will be accompanied by their wives. Absent from the meeting when asked about attending the conference were Vincent Young, William Kinahan,and Keith Montgomery. These three trustees will be phoned as to their intentions. Several trustees indicated they were interested in at- tending the Canadian Con- ference in Edmonton in June.' The property committee was given permission to spend up to $15,000, until the budget is drawn up. Trustee Connolly asked if trees could be planted at some schools which lacked them: The property com- mittee will look after it. by the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. as a season of spiritual preparation for Easter. Many people feel that this period of preparation is essential if Easter is to be meaningful. Without this period of preparation Easter Sunday would be just another Sunday. On Ash Wednesday we begin a TIME that brings us face to face with a Cross. This Cross, like the cross at our railway crossing says "Stop, Look. Listen." 1. Lent calls us to stop. We need to stop. We people today, are continually on the go, to the point where we have no time far spiritual things; no time for the eternal things; no time even for God. It used to be that the excuse for. not attending church was ."there are too many hypocrites there" or "I'm just as good as those who do attend". Very seldom do we hear this excuse given today. It has been displaced by "I haven't time." Usually such a person goes on to tell just how busy he or she is, as if that will excuse them for neglecting God. One wonders if such persons ever take time for prayer or meditation. There was a little boy, who like all little boys,,,.. was usually very noisy. One day there -, was no noise, so his mother set out to see what was wrong. She found him sitting on a chair doing nothing. She asked, "Maurice, what are you doing?" He indignantly answered, "Can't you see, I'm just living." When we stop what we are so busy going and relax, we begin to live. In solitude and meditation during Lent we may find our life in God. 2. Lent calls us to look. When Jesus went into the wilderness He stopped to look at himself and His work. Three great temptations came to Him; to be a 'bread' Messiah supplying the people's needs; to be a 'wonder working' Messiah casting Himself down from the pinnacle of the temple without harm ; or to be a 'conquering hero' Messiah establishing an - earthly Kingdom of power. But when Jesus looked at Himself and realized He was COME TO THE HEALING SERVICE IN STRATFORD SATURDAY, MARCH 5 flATUtlNR' BRENIVY�HINN WHO HAS -ADYNAMIC HEALING MINISTRY Paean reeeerretleets end leefeernoheleseetiateHatitD.wartte. ses 524 -$*53 • the Son of God and then looked at these temptations, He realized that none of these, was the way He was to do His work on earth. He turned instead, to the service of mankind, giving Himself for man to the point of self- sacrifice on a Cross. We look at ourselves, we know that we are not the sons of God in the way Jesus was, .but we are God's children; and because we are thea children • of God, self -glory, self-aggrandizement are not good enough. We see, too, if we are to fulfill God's purpose 'for us, we must give our- selves for others to the point of self-sacrifice:- 3. Lent calls us to listen. Our world is a world of noise - radio, and television sets blaring all- day, horns honking, and tires screeching. Our world is noisy to the point that, if we are not making noise we think we are doing nothing. But Lent calls us to listen. Remember Elijah! When Elijah fled into the wilderness God carne to him. First, there was a great wind - noise, but God was not in the wind; then a great earthquake - noise, but God was not in the ear- thquake; and after the ear- thquake fire- noise, but God was not in the fire; and after the fire - a still, small voice. "Be still and know that I am God". Lent calls us to listen, listen to what God has to say in Jesus Christ who was crucified for us. Lent - time to stop, look and listen, that we may prepare ourselves for Easter morning and for life. OXFAM .a detergent? for , tfurli,a4,1, ,J1 OXFAM W.,rk any W,Ih I'er,p'e Who Are II,_Il,iny Themset•es- P.O. BOX 18,000 STN. "A" TORONTO M5W 1W2 Lutherans observe special event Berea -by -the -Water Lutheran Church, Goderich, will join Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. congregations throughout the United States and Canada in celebrating Lutheran Hour Sunday on February 27A. The Rev. Marvin L..Barz Said the congregation will observe the day with special prayer and thanksgiving for this worldwide radio Gospel ministry. More than 1,100 stations, including CKNX locally, carry the program in the United States and Canada. Overseas outlets number more than 800. Offices in the U.S., •Canada and J8 other countries produce programs in 45 languages that are heard by millions of persons in 125 countries.' Dr. Oswald Hoffmann has 'been the speaker on the worldwide and domestic English language ,`program since 1955. -In addition to the English language program, More than 50 stations in the U.S. and Canada also carry programs in several other languages, including Spanish, Finnish, Slovak, French, Japanese and Chinese. The Lutheran Hour first went on the air in 1930 over 32 stations of the CBS Radio network with Dr. Walter A. Maier as speaker. Dr. Maier served as speaker until his death in 1950. Dr. Lawrence Acker and the Rev. Armin Oldsen then served as speakers until 1955. The Lutheran Hour is sponsored by the Inter- national Lutheran Laymen's League, headquartered in St. Louis, Mo. The League radio ministry also includes Day by Day With Jesus, a five minute daily devotional program, and JOY, a' half hour choral music- - commentary program. In addition, the 145,000 member organization also sponsors Preaching Through the Press, a print ministry utilizing newspaper and magazine advertisements, and is co-sponsor of the television dramatic series, "This ;s The Life," with the Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod. MONUMENTS MARKERS- Bronze Plaques -Cemetery Lettering For expert counsel and a fair price rely on a firm you can trust. T. PRYDE & SON LTD. Serving Huron and surrounding area since 1920. Head Office -, METER, ONT. DON '•DENOMME Full time representative - Appointment any time. PHONE; 524-2373 oR 524-6621' -Visit our showroom at 75 Hamilton ot. in Goderich and ask Mr. Dinotnme about our Seasonal discounts now in effect. ,1 0.4iyK 7!! ildmc'd Jesus must have raised several guffaws _when he painted the word picture of the hypocritical . scribes and pharisees carefully straining their wine through gauze to avoid, swallowing a microscopic gnat and then going on to swallow a big, dirty camel. (Matt 8:24) In vivid language he pointed out the impairment of their spiritual vision, and also, their insensitivity to what they were swallowing. They , were men who had completely lost their sense of proportion. The practice of gnat straining and camel swallowing is still very much alive in the 20th century. It seems especially prevalent among us Christians. Most of us have the in- trinsic ability to spot blemishes before we_spot the beauty in a neighbor's life; we walk in the posture of humility while looking with cold contempt on someone we regard as a sinner. We fail to see the arrogance of our own opinionated views but despise another's action and "opinion. just because it's different. We miss the depth and breadth of God's grace and spend our lives as gnat in- spectors while omitting the weightier matters of justice, mercy and faith. Sometimes we go to church and miss the blessing because the minister's sermon was too long, the choir sang off key, an elder's son hair too long or hisdaughter's dress too short. Gnats for the • most part. '" I heard recently of an elder who, when he entered the church recreation room and saw the young people playing Parchesi stormed out in a l r f FUNDAMENTAL REV R Pastor 1 ES ) "; r huff because they were playing with dice. Gnats, gnats, gnats. Some folk are thrown into a pious ' dither because com- munion wine is served: in- stead of grape juice, or because the church walls were painted green when they would have preferred blue. The affliction spreads. The liberals call the evangelicals narrow; and the . fun- damentalists brand the social minded liberals - as humanists. What a waste of time. ` Some of the problem of gnat straining arises because we tend to turn needful vigilance of our own faith into un- necessary suspicion and make non -Biblical" matters a test of faith and spirituality. We often magnify form and tradition as a substitute for - personal relationships _with Jesus. Thus, we are actually saying, "No one can really be spiritual unless he adopts my life styles and practices." It could be that gnat straining is a cover for our own personal spiritual deficiencies, Hyper -criticism of our brothers could just be a smoke screen to hide our own frustrations. The cure is Christ. When we focus our energies on Him we become far less occupied with the minute dufferences and failures of those around us. When we respond to Him we find the mundane and the trivia less attractive and are able to exercise a proper perspective. There's certainly nothing wrong with straining out the gnats, in fact it's often recommended; but not to the exclusion of being able to recognize the camels in our lives. • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle. Affiliated with..the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS Pastor: C. Fred Day Bus Route to all of Goderich Phone 524-2893 or 524-6453 WORSHIP SERVICE 11 A.M. Our WMC Ladies will be in charge Ladies'Ensemble 8 Soloist Sister Barb Day will be Speaker • EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. Testimonies, Singing, Sermon by Pastor ... SPECIAL NOTICE . COME, HEAR AND SEE: -"REV. HUGH MUNRO" Pastor of Calvary Assembly, Cambridge MARCH 3 & 4 at 8:00 P.M. MARCH 6 at 11 A.M. & 7 P.M. "Everyone Welcomel" i CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Family care .Workers meet The Family Care Workers held the FOruary 7 meeting at the'board rooms in Clinton Public Hospital with a good attendance. Roll call was answered by suggestions for speakers . for the meetings. The guest- speaker for the evening was Mrs. Kenneth Devereaux, a Nutritionist at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Bob MICA, . RsprNent 11 Cambria Rd, 5x4.7 THE FAMILY IN THE 70 ..r.r,.�.. �.,. AN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM The Sunday Evening: of Lent - Starting February 27 at 8 p.m. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH James St. Clinton Minister Brethren in Christ Church FORDW ICH SPECIAL MU "EVU. PREVAILS' WHEN D000 11481 DO NOTHING'`'' BEREA-BY—THE—WAT LUTHERAN CHURCH Meeting at Robertson Memorial School (Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderich) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27,01977 9:30 BIBLE HOUR 11:00 WORSHIP OF G SERMON: "ONLY ONE KING" WEDNES6AY, MARCH 2 7 LENTEN WORSHIP - AT 198 WIDDER ST, .f I Marvin L. Ban, Pastor . "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" IETHEL iHOLINESS CHAPEL BIBLE MISSION SAYrIELD ROAD AT BLARE STnEET EVANGELISTIC— R. BRUBACHER 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL'AG For Free Bus Service in Goderich Call -524-949 11:00 A.M. GUEST SPEAKER: REV. DAVID S. IRWIN CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF THE LONDON BAPTIST SEMINARY 6 P.M. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE WED. 7:30 P.M. - HEAR REV. JAMES RENDLE RE - CHURCH PLANTING WELCOME TO THE -FRIENDLY CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHv\�~ ( Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET (near The Square) Rev. W.H. McWhinnie F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - SERMON 'PRAYER GRASPS ETERNITY' 1 t Come Pray for Revival l You will be welcome l 18 WATERLOO ST. S. ri Ij CHURCH Sunday School.. 9:50 a.m. Classes for all ages Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Prayer 6:30-7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Matt Huron St. & Walnut St. Kennison W. Lawton, Pastor - )0. North Street United Church The Rev. Ralph E. King. B•A., B.D., Mini fr Miss Clare McGowan,•Visiting Assistant t.....,1) Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Music • 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for ages 10 and over. Sunday School for ages 3 to 9 from Worship at SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1977 Worship at 11:00 a.m. A service of gospel music NUG SERMON: "ODRSER, Y BLESSFACILITIES MY ENEMIE 7 p.m. Confirmation Class Come and Worship with us ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH First Sunday in Lent 'February 8:30 a.m.Jfoty Communion 10:00 a.m Junior Congregation 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Children's Program 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Beginning a sermon series on the Lord's Prayer I. "Our Father in heaven." 7:00 p.m. Youth Group 7:30 p.m. Study Group - in the chapel Wednesdays in Lent - 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion chapel - Thursdays in Lent - 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion in the Friday, March 4th - 2:30 p.m. World Day of Prayer Rector: the Rev. Robert J. Crocker Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Herdman THE SALVATION ARM Knox Presbyterian Church �• SUNDAY SCHOOL— 9:45 A.M. j FAMILYWORSHIP-11,00 A.M. t t EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 7:00 P.M. THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A.; M. DIV. Minister THE REV RONALD C M CAECUM c Assistant 7 Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30P WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise t OFFICERS CAPTAIN G. HERBER CAPTAIN M. Mad, WEEKDAY Home League Mathes) Wed. 8:00 PA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1977 1i All Are Cordially Invited to Attend 10:00 a.m. Young People's Class .11.00 aim. Divine Worship "YOUTH PARADE" 1 Vittoria Street United Church (All Youth Groups parade to service) (Sunday Schbel is withdrawn for today) (Nursery Facilities) HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP P.Y.P.S. Host St. George's A.Y.P.S. 7:00 p.m. MAItINER'S 7 Organiet and Choir Director: Mrs. J. Snide „ 1 HIP SERVICES AND SUNDAY: St (Broadcas C.K. N.X. Radio) 1.20 PNMILLER`WORSHIP SERVICE SCHOOL, ANNUAL.SERVICE .7:30 p.m. Minister: Rev, John D.M. Wood, B.A.B.D. MUSIC "'THE HARBOURAIRES 1 A.M. WOKS t .M, bE � Enter to Warship Depart to Serve SUNDAY ers nil d Il WI hicl ate he l n o pre n int( en and nd es 1 ed. d thf n a. r" era re ons cMa ave sfo is: ull3 orte ideli ant vi pla3 ss G y ed c s foi oma