HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-24, Page 9Id Bell of. RR. 2 Goderich:found this unusual tor-
n on an apple as he was sorting and claimed It was
r unusual. The apple does bear a resemblance to a
ng.face. (staff photo)
ass Club
ie. MacDonald moved.
to the lead' in the '
standings by winning
his games. Charlie is
defeated in twenty
Weary raised his
14 points to a very
ve .864 to take a-
hold of second
Louis Stadelmann
s to lead the club in
tories with 29 giving
d spot.
g into the top level sly
is 22nd win was Brian
rian is having by far
t season and has
that he can be a top
Brindley raised his
a points to maintain
oint lead over Sam
for third place in .the
vel 3, . Don' Bogie
p five wins to .move
points of moving up
2!! Bob Fitzjames
of three ,games to
ut of the honorary
into Level 3.
vel 4 play, Mo
W L D Pct.
C. MacDonald 20 0 0 1.000
D. Weary 19 3 0 .864
L. Stadelmann29 9 2 .750
Brian Miller-.: 22 8 0 .733
J. Kingsley ... 28 10
B. Dick 14 4
D. Brindley 16 12
S. Hassan.,.: 11 `8
D. Bogie.. ,....18 14
K. Lyndon ....11 11
Charles Cook .16 18
B. Fitzjames . 8 11
J. Gower .. , . ,10 16
L. Gower ..... 8 16 1 .340
B. Page 8 24 1 .258
Vanderlinde , . 7 28 0 .200
M. Jones 2 18 4 .167
M. Page 3 23 0 ,111
ked up a win .for ie r,.;. .
secutive week and is D. Little 19 5 0 .737
atening Mark Jones J. Kloeze 7 5 0 .583
place. N. Gantner 8 12 1 .405
standings as of D. Kloeze 2 9 0 .182
16, 1977 are as P. Herlufsen2 11 0 .154
ices dominate
ustrial :curling
day night, February
';;the night of the
This week's curling
fn'inated by white
stypes as - the
tit,; Financial .and
Offices all . swivel
r way to victory.
first matgh. the
Assessment .team
'nanhandied the
.2'.team 12-1. It was
ffart of the year for
sment foursome as.
inually join -pointed
sitots to the twelve
And then worked in
e:. four foot zone.
s' Lebrun often
riself with the
ob of throwing
for, • an already
It:: three of Mary
Gary -Miller and
Ion, all.. ,enjoyed
evenings while
p BevLindsay
li!zed 'that: his
lOb of trying to
:ore respectable
Ing almost im-
fi'ce skip .t -Greg
ie cutled:a'1ine
eActed d fading
rey teamlheir
ss dri& G
sb 'ifecond
ndittga Louise
loggett tem-
em-ended . theirs
to r adv'ersarlr s
cit. a ;blo fair.
A It
Organizers of the Lions .
Young Canada Peewee
Hockey ; Tournament are
certain that their tournament
will run as scheduled =this
year but ere net sure` of the
Unusually •severe weather
conditions have delayed the
construction of the Goderich
Memorial Arena and there is.
no firm'commitment that the
arena will be ready for use.
during .. the ". Young. Canada
Tournament.. March 1.9-26,
Original Indications -were that
the arena would be ready but
due , to adverse weather
conditions the project is
wife liberation as her superb
curling led the Financial
team to a convincing 8 to 3
triumph. •
Financial skip Larry
McGrath also had praise for
Craig and Caroline Cass as
the entire money team came
through with a needed victory
to boost them into sole
possession of third
place.Victoria and Grey skip,
Steve Willard commented.
that his foursome all curled
equally well to amass their
total of three points in eight
Amiable Jim Bolan turned
ruthless on Thursday night as
he constantly took excellent
shots by Kinsmen skip Dave
Cloet and turned them Into
second rates. It was Jim's
finest night of the season as
he expertly drew around
guards to freeze an op-
ponent's .r'ock, or executed
precision take out and roll
J,im's play seemed to in;.
spire his teammates Dave
Million, -- Charlie Crawford
- and Bill Haywood as the
DRMCo Office men over=
came an early 3-0 lead to
upset theKinsmean team 7-4.
The DRMCo win keeps
their hopes for an A"Division
finish alive and just about
eliminates any Kinsmen hope
of moving outs : ot the cellar.
Kinsmen's skip Cloet and
second Bill Durst had good
nights but Thursday,
February' 17, 1977 was the
night of the Office'; and of.
13oIan ; Hanson and Doggett., ;.
stili Le>i gue� ttlnding$
( 'ebruar r, l7 1977) ,
1 ;14/4
7 95%
7 8614
8 8714
8> 8l1
52/4 923
811/4 :616
approximately two Weeia< Couldn't even- get here." he
behind schedule, , :said. "When we did,' get here
we spent a lot of Our time
Recreation board .."mem-
bers, consulting 'engineers, 4 shovelling snow in the arena
construction personnel- and ',.but we are still trying to work
tournament: organizers .irnet ° to schedule."
yesterday' to determine the The installation of the steel
possibility `of •staging". ' t deck was completed on
event in the arena: ;:February 7 approximately 10
Joe Haggerty,• a totems ' days later than scheduled and
!kith Logan Construction of r the roofing was also two
Stratford; said the: winter has weeks behind schedule at that,
-had an adverse effect on the
progress of the arena but that point. The mezzanine floor
the "work was progressing to ',was poured earlier than
meet the schedule.. scheduled and would be
within a week of the schedule.
"The winter has been ex As of February 10 it. was
tremely rough' for use and estimated that most con-
there.were days that we ,qrolling operations were at
least ,one. week" behind
Schedule and it was'. hoped,
that weather' permitting;
some time could be recovered
during the remaining phases
-of construction,
The construction plans
were geared to meet the
Young Canada Week deadline
in March but the Lions Club
had . also: made : alternate
plans to hold the event in
Clinton. The ice time was
booked for Clinton last year
and a $1,000 retainer fee was
paid. This fee could not be
recovered even if the tour-
nament is held in Goderich.
Tournament olhatrrna'
Paul . Rivers said the
would like to use the:GoderiCh
facility if it is usalbut so
le tear
far plans are being geared to Cain e
hold the:. tournament in .: m s o
Clinton. - repori s D,
arena ei
"We have told all tile
participating teams to plan to
play in Cl(nton;and then if the.
arena in Goderich-is-ready it
would be easier to switch
plans for Goderich," he said.
"But we will soon have to
know one way or theother."
suggested, that only fixer ,ii a :;
surface and dressing rola(, s
will - be used . since
auditorium .will not be
completed. One thing .is for
sure, the -Lions:.. will hold their`;;:
Young Can, la Peewee
Hockey Tournament.
'76 Monte Carlo
Landau 'Coupe
Air conditioning. power sun roof, power
windows, power door locks, stereo radio
with tape, swivel buckets, posltractfon,
tilt steering wheel, cruise control, etc. A
fabulous car. Lic, KEU593.
'75 Chevrolet Impala
4 door hardtop, air conditioning, vinyl
top, AM -FM radio, tinted glass, electric
rear defogger. Lie. JHP933.
'75 Chevrolet Impala
2 door hardtop, radio, vinyl top, electric
rear defogger, low mileage, beautiful
burgundy and white. Lic. HNH389.
'74 Chevrolet
Vega Notchback
4a cylinder, automatic, radio, 27,000
miles. Lic. HYW668.
'74 Chevrolet
Monte Carlo
4'2 door sport coupe, radio, rear defogger,
„vluyllotop,= tilt steering wheel,: Swivel
bucket, radial white walls. Lic, HUA210.
'74 Chevrolet
Monte Carlo
Sport coupe, radio, landau top, rear
speaker. rear defogger, tinted wind-
shield, radial white walls, spotless. Lie
'73 Chevrolet Impala
2 door hardtop, radio, vinyl top, power
steering, power brakes, Lir. DHK892.
Before reconditioning.
'73 Chevelle Malibu
Sedan, 350 V8, automatic, power
steering. power brakes, radio, rear
defogger, 29,000 miles. Llc, BJVS83.
'72 Chevrolet Impala
Sedan, air conditioning, power steering,
power brakes, positractlon, radio, vinyl
top, tinted' glass, super low mileage
family car. Llc. BEP781.
'70 Chevrolet
Monte Carlo
Sport coupe, V8, automatic, power
steering, power brakes, radio, LIc. DH -
'69 Chevrolet
1/2 Ton Pickup
8 stlgit,iow mileage, being sold "as Is".
Lic. 096126.
'60 Chevrolet
Impala Convertible
29 Vs,autottutic,powersteering,radlo,
tinted windshield, a like new car fresh
from California. Safety checked. S new
wide , Whitewalls. One owner, Lie.
r 5 Chevrolet Belair
2 deo hardtop,':8 stttont*tk,'radio,'2
One', Mw wide whitewalio, 48,000 actual
„Mika, Another Cal forntan beauty: Lk:
LNY512. &Hey lmpeeted.
I/ Check this list for the car of your choice.....
and Come On
In -We'll give
You A Deal!
'74 Oldsmobile Cutlass
Sedan, V8, automatic, power steering,
power brakes, radio. radial white walls,
gold finish, 37,000 miles. Lie. HNL030.
'74 Oldsmobile Cutlass
Sedan, VS, automatic, power steering,
power brakes, radio, electric rear
defogger, 38,000 miles. Lic. FKC49S.
'76 Ford 1/2 Ton
Explorer package. V8, automatic, power
steering, power brakes, radio, just
coming In this weekend. Extremely low
mileage. -
'75 Ford 1/2 Ton
V8, automatic, radio, side rails, Ranger
package. 16,000 miles. Lic. C94114.
'73 Mercury Marquis
2 door,hardtop, vinyl top, radio, electric
rear defogger, white walls, beautiful
gold with brown top. Lic. DHL 539.
'73 Ford LTD
2 door hardtop, power steering, power
brakes, radio, rear speaker, rich brown
finish. Lic. DHA 221.
'69 Ford 1/2 Ton
6 stick with radio, being sold "as is".
Lic. 1126714.
'75 Gramlin X
Just 8,000 miles, 6 cylinder, standard
transmission, custom dress up, radio,
roof rack. LIc, JZE884.
'74 Mazda RX4
Station Wagon
Rotary engine. 4 speed radio, tape
player, electric rear defogger. 24;00e
mike. Lic. HNY 312.
'73 Toyota Corona
Station Wagon ,
Automatic, radio, electric rear
defogger, Lk,OH Jt78.
'75 Cadillac'
Coupe DeVille
Absolutely beautiful, full power
equipped. AM -FM stereo, air con-
ditioning, padded top, 22,000 miles, dual
remote mirrors, door guard, automatic
headlight dimmer. Ida. JFR305.
'75 Cadillac Eldorado
Luxury plus! 40,000 miles, stereo radio
with tape player, individual 6 way power
steering with right recliner, illuminated
entry, Illuminated variety, padded top,
automatic headlight dimmer, fire mist
paint, power trunk, almost half price.
Lic. JAW494.
'73 Dodge Polara Special
2 door hardtop, V8, autmoatic, power
steering, power brakes, clean. Lic. No.
FKA 768
'72 Plymouth Fury I
Sedan, V8, automatic. power steering,
power brakes, radio, rear defogger,
radial white walls, fully reconditioned.
Lic. DKW651.
'72 Plymouth Satellite
Sedan, V8. automatic, power steering,
power brakes, radio, tinted windshield.
rear speaker, vinyl lop, white walls.
wheel discs. A real goad ear. Lie. DH -
'76 GMC 1 Ton
Chassis & Cab
133" W.B., dual rear wheels, 4 speed
transmission, 750X16 Bret, power
steering, power brakes. LIc. C92661.
'75 GMC 1/2 Ton
6 stick, radio, blue. 32,000 miles. LIc.
475 GMC 1/2 Ton
Istick, chrome trim, 26,000 miles, white.
"75 GMC 1/2 Ton
6. automatic, radio, rear bumper. tinted
Windshield, 31,000 miles. 1.1c. 1127138.
-'74 GMC 1/2 Ton
$ cylinder, stick shift, rear bumper,
97,000 males. Lic. ('92972.
'76 Buick Electra
Limited Park
Avenue Sedan
Best Buick. you can buy! Full power
equipped, air conditioning. AM -FM
radio, halo vinyl top, luxury personified.
Lk. KHW892.
'74 Buick Century Luxus
2 door hardtop, Just 17.000 miles, V8,
automatic, power steering, power
brakes, radio, rear defogger, tinted
windshield, vinyl top. Lic. HAFI11.
'73 Buick
Electra Limited
4 door hardtop, full power equipped,
individual seats, Max -Trak braking
system, positractlon, stereo radio,
Michelin tires, vinyl top, air con-
ditioning, must be seen. Lic. DN008I.
'73 Buick
LeSabre Custom
4 door hardtop, dark brown, new tires,
radio, vinyl top, tinted windshield. Lic.
'73 Buick
LeSabre Custom
Sedan, radio, rear defogger, Michelin
tires, tutted windshield. Lic. LBR 375.
'75 Buick Electra Limited
4 door hardtop, air conditioning, full
power equipment, radio, vinyl top, black
with black vinyl top. Lic. JFR303.
'75 Buick
LeSabre Custom
d door hardtop, air conditioning, power
windows. AM -FM radio, individual
seats, vinyl top, tilt steering wheel,
bronze with black vinyl top. Lir. JFR256.
'74 Buick Century Luxus
2 door hardtop. V8, automatic, power
steering. power brakes, radio, rear
defogger. Really clean. Lic. HNL491.
'74 Buick LeSabre
Luxus Convertible
Air conditioning, stereo radio with tape
player, power windows, 455 engine. just
traded In. Lic. DHH852. Price on
1973 Buick
LeSabre Custom
Sedan. air conditioning, radio, vinyl top,
tinted glass, new tires, extra clean. Lic.
'71 Buick LeSabre
2 door hardtop. above average condition.
power steering, power brakes, radio,
1,1c. D11L762.
'70 Buick Skylark
4 door sedan, V8. automatic, radlo, rear
defogger, Michelin tires, Zlebarted, low
mileage. a way above average. Llc. DH -
'75 Pontiac Astra
SJ Hatchback
Very scarce model. 4 speed, radial tires,
Zfebarted, all custom features. Rally
wheels. 27,000 miles. LIc, JFR460.
'75 Pontiac Laurentian
Sedan, 21,000 miles, beautiful, power
steering. power brakes, radio, rear
speaker, rear defogger. Llc. JFR 478
'75 Pontiac
Gran Prix SJ
Sport coupe, air conditioning. power
windows, bumper strips, AM -FM stereo,
radial white walls, landau top, tiyted
glass. Lic. JFR34S.
'75 Pontiac Laurentian
Sedan, power steering, power brakes,
radio. 33,000 miles, blue, Lic. JFR134.
'75 Pontiac Catalina
Sedan, power steering, power brakes,
radio, vinyl top. Lic. JFR337.
75 Pontiac Parisienne
Sedan, vinyl top, radio, tinted wind-
shield, 25,000 miles. Like new. Lic.
'75 Pontiac Laurentian
Station Wagon
31.000 miles, air conditioning. tinted
glass, radio. Lie. JFR4i9.
'74 Pontiac
Parisienne Brougham
4 door hardtop. air conditioning, radio,
vinyl top, Zlebarted, extra tires, radio,
low mileage. Lie. 1INL342.
'74 Pontiac
Parisienne Brougham
4 door sedan, power steering, power
brakes. radio, rear defogger. Lic. DH -
'74 Pontiac
Parisienne Brougham
(door hardtop. radio, tinted windshield,
rear defogger, extra tires, dark blue.
LIc. HNL412.
'74 Pontiac Laurentian
Station Wagon
Air conditioning• radio, radial tires. Lic.
'74 Pontiac
Parisienne Brougham
4 door hardtop, power steering, power.
brakes, vinyl top, radio, rear defogger.
green and white. Lic. HNR1R7.
74 Pontiac Astre
4 cylinder, automatic, radio, radial tires,
tape players, stripe package, A-1 con-
dition. Llc. HNI 104.
'74 Pontiac
Luxury LeMans
Sport coupe, 24,000 miles, V8. automatic.
power steering, power brakes, ratio,
rear defogger, vinyl top, fender skirts,
immaculate. Lic. DHH853.
'74 Pontiac Laurentian
2 door hardtop, power steering, power
brakes, radio, rear defogger, bronze.
Lic. HNL422.
'73 Pontiac LeMans
Sedan, V8, automatic, power steering,
power brakes, radio, extra tires. We.
'73 Pontiac Catalina
2 door hardtop, power steering, power
brakes, radio, rear defogger, maroon.
Llc. DHH024.
'73 Pontiac
Astre Hatchback
4 cylinder, 4 speed, radio, fully recon•
dilloned. Lie. HDR'493.
'7, Pontiac Grand AM.
Sport coupe, extremely scarce, 400
engine, reclining buckets, power
steering, power brakes, radio, rear
speaker. tinted windshield, special
wheel covers, stripe package, full In-
strumentation. Llc. DHE393.
'73 Pontiac
Astre Notchback
Lady owned. automatic, 4 cylinder,
radio, nice. Lic. LDM512.
'73 Pontiac LeMans
Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio,
37,000 lady driven miles. Lie. DHH18S.
'73 Pontiac
Parisienne Brougham
4 door hardtop. just 20,000 one owner
local miles, air conditioning, radio,
power steering, power brakes, tinted
glass, rear defogger. LIc. DHH720.
'73 Pontiac Catalina
Station Wagon
Wood grain panelling. power steering,
power brakes, radio, roof rack, radial
tires, tinted windshield. Lic. DHH672.
'73 Pontiac
Parisienne Brougham
4 door hardtop. power steering. power
brakes, vinyl top, radio, rear defogger
being offered before reconditioning. LIc
'73 Pontiac Laurentian
2 door hardtop. power steering, power
brakes, radio, higher mileage bat le
good care. Llc. DD0970.
'73 Pontiac
Sedan, power steering. power brakes,
radio, tinted windshield, being offered
before reconditioning. Lic. F1tH4114„