HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-17, Page 31fi I RITA6I Y w.H. MCWH1NN1 FIRST �APTIST CHURC1 e Readin# revs 10:19.:25 ., subject of church' rship" is v,eti.' much Important titan some ars think. If We are to d in the Christian life, solutely necessary that uld have a spiritual y believer should link a local assembly of ns for three reasons: glory of God; for the g of others; for one's ssing. are very many true rs who, for one reason er,,do not link up with la bel�Rg many who .belong to a Iteluit(r: the FIoly 4,2,Onot belong to is tie kind Of:Church tO.IOlh-- 0010.i. the prayer meeting church! Everyone who --6:44%;church,:iliat isnot-onbr the Church ,should link U e4ngelical',.but evangelistic. with Et church OFt4 247), That is to say, ,not nnly sound and here 'are some (because you can be sound suggestions as to the WIND of and Yet.asleep), but sound in church to join: - belief and at the same time 1. A church where there is reaching out in its ministry to found a .true spirit of those who are lOst.- We Must 'Christian worship and not only hold fast the faithful fellowship, and a sphere for Word (Titus 1:9), but we must ere' :Ives1.18.1‘.apicture ot:a:mr ode prayer, st Christian service. There are hold forth the Word of life our three great needs - (Philippians 2:16). worship \ - (John 4:23,24 1, fellowship (Malachi - 3:16; 2. Goderieh- Township' an Marray. of Clinton: four. ,- 42giandchildren and fs two •• grandchildren; and- one sister, Mrs. Edna Dobe, Kitchener. tspe) - Funeral ' service was mSactcuradllauym, February 12- • at George ;s m FuneraliHome with the Rev. Robert 3. view Wednsday, February9.- ShC The. ;Wirer Eva Isabelle Inkster, she was.the daughter Of the late Capt.James and Margaret (Bor(thron) Inkster 'and was 'born October 20, 1.888. She had been a resident of Goderich and of Colborne Township before moving to life„ G°4erich ' sity Crockerit o tc at Bayfield Huronview two years ago. ' • = )1 n ermen wasShe was a member of the Cemetery. Pallbearers were- 'Women s Institute and of KnoxPresbyterian Church She was red ce ed b until moving to God, years a$0. . He servedeiierrseakir Ross Miller, Reg Miller, Arlie the f6ist :Battalion Lockhart,. Alvin Dutot, World War 1 '0911-109)10e -.Howard McCullough and was. a Member of St. Georges Clayton Cox. AnglicanChurch. ' were,1131etoabreerrst He was married September M le r and David Riley, 25, 1936 in St. Paul's -Anglican grandsons of the deceased. Church,Clinton to -the former Florence Elizabeth, Lawson MRS. E. I. MITCHELL who predeceased him February 12, 1974. He is Mrs. Eva Isabelle Mitchell, r survived by two song, eith o Huronview, died at Huron - Hebrews 10:25;)• service (I an.assembly of God's people An invitation to church Thessalonians 1:9). Seek out where you feel "at home" in urch or assembly and to themselves,is very quite apart from the t others experience.. • of God's children good and genuine for not joining a • others have reasons not good, and are in orthy. are some Christians perience a genuine y in finding a God - ng ministry - a Bible with which to join. It o true that there are owns and villages in d that are devoid of e evangelical centre of a truly born again join a modernistic or a worldly church rinthians 6:14-18)? hristians, due to the ork in which they are , are prevented from ' ty of worship and, e, they do not join a They should have a I home, however, and be a great blessing to find one. some Christians.feel e not good enough to church. The Church, , is meant for sinners sinners - and if en - the Church was only those wholeltZgoba. none of us should • of course, there are o feel that no church nough for them! This st obnoxious form of pride. You will n a perfect church because having you will be there there are some ns who at one time to a church, but some ' unfortunate ce they have severed anection, and there eat many who do not to •assume any bility with regard to ..,service or giving, o join a church for ani's very' unworthy. t you do, avoid spiritual gypsy - from place to out any permanent important to the difference Church and A tch is that great 1, universal, living consisting of every aigain •,person ars 1:22,23). .A IS the visible, local y of people who eall Ives Christians s 16:5; I Corinthian.ti 19; Galatians' , worshipping the Lord, in fellowship' with His people, and in service for Him: 2. A church where mem- bership is not made too easy. Not, of course, that there should ever be an exclusive spirit in a church. -On the other hand, you will, wish to join- a church where the minister and the members require to know that you are really born again (John 3:15) and are seeking by the grace of God to live a consistent Christian life (Ephesians 5:15). When a church sets a high standard for . mem- bership, God is glorified. 3. A church which stands wholeheartedly for "the whole counsel of God" and that makes much of the Bible. Always remember that we are living in days of apostasy (II Timothy:3:1; Jude 4) - days when there is a great departure from the truth. The true Christian, therefore, will desire to join a church that stands for the full inspiration and authority of the whole Bible (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:21), and that honours the Person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ - His full Deity (John 20:28), His perfect humanity (I Peter 2;5), His virgin birth (Mat- Tf1,8),'We' inraltibilitSr" His teaching (John 5:22, 23), the reality of His miracles (John' 20:30,31) the sub- stitutionary nature of His death (Isaiah 53:5; II Corinthians 5:21), His bodily resurrection (John 20:27), His glorious ascension (Luke 24.: 50, 51), His present exaltation (Acts 5:31), and His second Advent (Acts 1:9- 11). Whatever you do, avoid being a heresy hunter; but whatever you do, do NOT join any church that does not stand for the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). 4. A church that is Christ - centered and not denom inationa 1 ly- c entered. To join a church will mean linking up with one denomination or another, or one assembly or another. Remember, it is .the local assembly of God's people you are linking up with, but in that assembly there must never be an over emphasis on denominationalism, which only leads to the "I am of Paul" .or "I am of Apollos" • spirit (1 Corinthians 3:4-7), ' which is carnal, sectarian and sad in the extreme. When you come to think of it, the kind of church that we have outlined above is only a New Testament church after all! 5. A church that em- 'phasizes the ministry of the • Holy Ghost and the vital 4.1.)N MEI4mrS AARKERS. Sionite Plaqiits4emetenvLettering you can trust. 1*H counsel onalifiikprIFerfly#!p! - , 41 ijotiiIvading iiria(..ifileir 112o. • Hud Offlcs exelen; ONT.' „ .;..tsitiotodi • r..4. I work eight hours, I sleep eight hours and have eight hours for leisure; But I don't go to church on Sunday, because that's my time for pleasure. I was out two of three nights last week, it was 20 below I'm told; But I didn't go to church on Sunday because it was too cold. My family is well fed all week, they're not getting any thinner; But I don't go to church on Sunday because I have to get dinner. I went out Saturday night, even though I hada chill; But 1 didn't get to church on Sunday becausel was too ill. I get to town several times each week, I use both truck and car; But I didn't get to church on Sunday because it was too far. I got my feet wet twice last week and I did not complain; But I didn't get to church on Sunday ' because it looked like rain. We always get a sitter *hen to parties we get bids,. But we didn't get to church on Sunday because we habe to mind the kids. The show lasted two hours or more and I didn't mind a bit; But I didn't go to ehurchon Sunday because an hour's too long to sit. took my cold to the party and sneezed my head almost off; But I didn't go to church on Sunday because I was afraid I'd cough. • Just when I'm going out some friends drop in, but I got out just the same; But I didn't get to church on Sunday because company came. No one asked me to the Movie, but I go often, nothing slighted; But I don't go to church on Sunday because I haven't been invited. Elder James is a member of our glub, each Wednesday I with him sit; But I don't go to church on Sunday because he's a hypocrite. I attended church one time, the pastor preachednt them, it was good to see; But I'm not -going any more because last week he preached at me. ', We get along without the church, it adds nothing to our fun; But we'll be in church Sunday morning, because we're getting our baby done. Old Age Pensioners Guaranteed Income Supplement Application forms t p e as y her husband, Ernest Mitchell arid by one son Charles. She is survived by one daughter, Margaret of Clinton; daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ford (Maitie) Little Of Goderich; three grandchildren and four great grandchildren; and one brother, Harry Inkster, Vancouver, B.C. The Rev. Ronald C. McCallum conducted the funeral service at McCallum Funeral Home Friday, Februaryll. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Roger Mitchell, Larry Mit- chell, Walter Mcllwain, all grandsons of Mrs. Mitchell and Arnold Allin. , MRS. MARGARET DOWNS Mrs. Margaret Downs of the Goderich Nursing Home 'died Friday, February 11 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. She was 86. The former Margaret Callanan, she was born December 5, 1890 in Toronto. 'She was predeceased by her husband, .Thomas Arthur Downs. She is survived by her son, William of St. Jacobs. The funeral service was Monday, February 14 at St Peter's Roman Catholic Church with the Rev. Fr. Raymond Moynahan of- ficiating. Interment was in Mount SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES si Hop ' Roman Cathoil Cemetery, 4,401. Pallbearers .'•14.1e',,, Oulette, Peter -Timothy O'Dwyer, 'WA! Reid and Emery Bedard. Prayers were , saidat McCallum Funeral Home Sunday evening. % % % % • • • • • • • • • • • \ • St. John AssOciatton FIRST AID COU MARCH 2 -• P.M. MacKAY HALL For Information Phone 524-2484 .S.N0004.\\\N• JOIN US THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 SPEAKER: MUSIC: 8 p.m. NORMAN HOY THE WATT FAMILY "EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTINING" Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN t 'BEREA—BY—THE—WATER ). LUTHERAN CHURCH Meeting at Robertsor Memorial School I . (Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderich) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1977 9:30 BIBLE HOUR 1. I 11:00 WORSHIP OF GOD SERMON: "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" j Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 4524-2235 i 1; "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Acts 10,36 • ...••••••••••...•,.....••••.....4...............**,...•••••,.....ds.•••••••-.......-......v......s....4........•-•••••-••••••-••••••-••••........-•,..-•) ,,,,,....,,,,-„.............„....4.......,......"......,.....4,......,....................-................-.......-...........,:..........................,....._••...._. , ,i • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle i Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada i 1 CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS i Pastor: C. Fred Day •1. 1. 1. IBUS ROUTE IN GODERICH Phone 524-2893 or 524-6543 For Transit 1. 1 r. 10 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR 11 A.M. • WORSHIP SERVICE 5 P.M. - CHOIR PRACTICE 7 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE ..SPECIAL NOTICE. REV. HUGH.MUNRO IS COMING March 3-6 here at Bethel EVERYONE WELCOME The Church with Acts 20:20 Vision" IIETHEL HOLINESS CHAPEL BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH Sunday School 9:50 a.m. Classes for all ages Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Prayer 6:30-7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Matthew 5:8 Huron St. & Walnut St. Kennison W. Lawton, Pastor _../".\ 524-2785 i.••••••••••••-•••••-•,..........•,.......4....a......4.-....••-•......••44....................4,................................,..............4......,...,. I ..4,....••-....-......-••••-•••••.•••••••........•-••••••••• •,•••••••••••-•...........,...........•••••••,..••-••••••,...............-............ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••—••••••••••••••••••••41,•••••••••••—............•1/.......,•••,•••• ? CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH • BA VIrIELD ROAD AT suotit STREET EVANGELISTIC—FUNDAMENTAL• REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1977 io:ix) A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL. FOR ALL AGES For Free Bus Service in Goderich Call 524-94s 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE 6 P.M. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE BAPTISMAL SERVICE WED. FEB. 23 7:30 P.M. - ANNUAL MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH ....-•••••:••.....•••••..........•.-....•••••.-•• FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) • MONTREAL STREET (near The Square) Rev. W.H. McWhinnie F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:43 a.m:— Sunday -School 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP • Everyo3 Welcome for .a time of fellowship. Knox Presbyterian Churc North Street United Church The Rev. Ralph E. King. B.A., B:D., Minister Miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assistant Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Music 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for ages 10 and over Sunday School for ages 3 to 9 from Worship at 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1977 Worship at 11:00 a.m. ° Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Scouts, Rangers and Rovers will attend. Special music by The Teen Tones and Phil Main Jr. Children's story -Sermon: "True Greatness" Adult Meditation: "How God Forgives" NURSERY FACILITIES 7 p.m. Confirmation Class Come and Worship with us •• •• ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Quinquagesima Sunday February 20th 1977 8:30 Holy Communion 9:00 p.m. Brotherhood Breakfast Speaker: Roy Venn, 0.P.P., on crime prevention and lay ministry. 10:00 a.m. Junior Congregation - at 11:00 a.m. this week. 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Children's Program 11:00 a.m. Instructed Eucharist- Holy Communion. In place of sermon, the service will be described as it progresses. 7:00 p.m. Youth Group 7:30 p.m. Study Group - in the chapel. Rector: the Rev. Robert J. Crocker hoirmaster-Organist: Joseph B. Herdman r.•••••••••-•••••-.......r......r....••••••• • THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524-9341 SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:45 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP -11:00 A.M. h EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 7:00 P.M. Horne League (Ladies) Wed. 8:00 P.M. " THE' REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV. Mtnister WEEKDAY Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30 P.M. THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise • • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1977 10:00 a.m. Young People's Class - • 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Sermon: •' . _ • "THE MIGHTY MONOSYLLABLE" • . Concluding message in the series Mr. McCallum will preach (Nursery Fcilitiet) nselidated Sunday School ;Mires From The Service) • P.Y.P.S. 7:30 p.m. •ip Depart to Srv• OFFICERS CAPTAIN G. HERBER CAPTAIN M. MacKENZIE All Are Cordially Invited to Attend 11 •••••,.. ...ow,. a., .6,81 •••••../•••••••11..,••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••• •••-••••••••• •••••,••••••••••••• so •••••-••••••••• .••••,.••••••••••••• Victoria Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP Minister: Rev. John D.M. Wood, 0A.110. Organist and Cheer Director: Mrs. J. Snider 4(,, MR. HAROLD McKILLOP Western Ontario Rep. of Altohol and Drug Ointernt Wilt speak at both services. II A.M. WORSHIP SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOot 1:30 P.M. BENMILLER WORSHIP SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL ' . „ ‘4.1i.‘10‘.110'0.1•411.".,••••.,.. • ,•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • .• • • • • • • 4V• • „.)