HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-17, Page 20• • Lrl' I r. • • • • '••• • • 1' ' • ik • • • 4 47:49.'F.ViRViiVAIntatlittiRiMPR1 ORMVer Ingq,41 • rrk....o4trl.ir01,4rtVrlo, .V! • .•SEIVICESAYiliABLE SEPTIC -TANKS • CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. ,‘,....4,•\‘‘‘44.\\‘‘‘\\\\N> BRIAN STOTHERS BRICK AND BLOCK LAYER FIREPLACES 529-7309 ..... •\•••%'..N•••\‘‘,..%. J.A. MORRIS CONSTRUCTION • General Contracting • Jobsite Management For All Your Home Im- provements And Building Ideas. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 524-2916 • HOFFMEYER. Plumbing & Heating Ltd: APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers. rofrigoratore, dishwashers. ranged , GAS Ranges. barbecues. Hants, ranges `-'• • . 11. • ... , .te 13 51Rv1tts ,AvARAILE 14, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 17 1017 AND, to DAILY CAR RENTAL • Reasonable Rates•- McGEE'S Goderich. Phone 524-8391 • 19tf SKELToN APPLIANCES Wells--Mottat--Boatty Sales—Service Repair, to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 ---17tt • GODER1CH ALUMINUM & HOME IMPROVEMENTS. LTALLSCA100711114113111TATivr' - - HUNTER DOUGLAS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CLIMATIC ELITE SIDING AWNINGS - WINDOWS DODIM INSULATION SALES & INSTALLATIONS "MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED" GoDERICN Call... ' 524-7428 R.R. 2 GODEUICN 14. NOTICEJO CREDITORS ALL, persons having claims against the Estate of CLIFFORD HENRY FREETH, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 13th day of January, 1977, are required to file the same with full ' particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of February, 1977, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 25th day of January, 1977. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 MontreafStreet, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —5,6,7 CARPET CLEANING WITH "STEAM/ • Steam gets the dirt other methods don't reach • Removes old shampoo • Carpet dries quickly •• Steam Machine Rentals. CARPET CARt 216 Wellington Street S. Goderich 524-2440 • PLANNED PARENTHOO DROP IN CENTRE 67 NORTH • GODER ICH NOW OPEN: MONDAY ,AND THURSDAY 3 - 6 p.m. 7-- 10 p.m. GRAHAM ELECTRIC LTD,. 62 CAMBRiA ROAD N., GODERItH Electrical Contracting APPLIANCE SALES' & SERVICE ALSO •Commercial refrigeration sales & service 524-8670 524-7501 HOME RENOVATIONS • • Interior & Exterior • Additions 49 totcreation Rooms • Roofing I . 101•0101it524 Ark 1 Afte Si At r • • „.. . Fii4-eiita4iii• • - .6 rucilltill 11 mud 171!, .41 •IN •l'HE ESTATE OF "time Overholt • All Persona having claims againstthe Estate of -Elma Overholt, late of 239 Huron Road, Goderich, Ontario, deceased, who ,died on or about the 7th day of December, 1976, are hereby notified tosend in" to the un- dersigned. Personal Represen- tative of the said deceased on or before the 28th day of February, 1977, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated at Goderich this 25th day of January, 1977. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY 1 Ontario Street, Stretford, Ontario (Executor or Administrator) •By DonnellY & Murphy -- Their Solicitors herein. I. —5,6,7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF EVA ISABEL MITCHELL All persons having claims against the Estate of EVA ISABEL MITCHELL, late of Huronview, in the Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, who died February 9, 19j7, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before March 24th, 1977, after -which date the estate will be distributed • with regard only to the -claims of which the undersigned shalt then have notice and the undersigned • will not be liable to any,person of whose claim she_ishall not then have notice:' • DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 14th day.of February, 1977. Margaret Roberta Mitchell, Executrix, by her Solicitors herein, HUNTER, PARKER & RIVERS Barristers and Solicitors 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario • - —8,9,10 15. PUBLIC 'NOTICE 1•••---/11=1•-•••••••-/11.1, REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE OPEN SAT. FEB. 26th 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON 1:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. For your convenience ,442 CHURCH T. GODERICH WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Now is the. time TO BOOK '77 WEDDINGS FRED H. BISSET PHOTOGRAPHY GODERICH, ONT6 524-7223 EVENINGS HURON COUNTY BOARD — OF EDUCATION HOLMESVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Registration Of those eligible for Kindergarten classes for the 1977-78 school year will be held at the School, Wirk100•41Y, March 2nd, 1977. Representatives from the Huron County Health unit wl� he la ot/tineleinee order fa- : held I clinic at thia finis. The Health Unit Will arrange citnic apoointnyonts-10t•L- -the- regisfrirtion• •'WoOldisarentai-vrtid&ie DOW Township,iptOse AiintO441.144duiOfto :anpolnitenont.. ; • Parent*, net ,,likodito bring •proolrscords to fli. LOST in O'Brien's fire., A...leas haired Siamese, cat. CepieSliithe name "Ming". If found or, seen please call i524-8690. REWARTx 7,8 1 v. 19 . BUSINESS _ OPPORTUNITIES, BUTCHER SHOP - 24' x 32' plus all modern equipment. Meat market and custom processing, curing and rendering produces excellent • sales and inceme. Federal Business' Development Bank carries first mortgage and will assist purchaser. Contact Agnes MacKinnon, Bill Clifford Real tor.-7ar 21. BIRTHS CULBERT - Atexaadro„ Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, 'on February 8, 1977, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Culbert, Dungatinon, 'Ontario, a daughter, Krista Leigh. JARDINE - At Alexander Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, on February 10, 1977, to Mr. and Mrs. William Jardine, Goderich, Ontario, a son, William Bruce. JURJENS: , At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, on February 10, 1977, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Jurjens; RR 3, Goderich, a daughter, Angela Kristin.-7nc viff- VAN DYKE -Hans and Rita (nee Poelman) thank God for the safe arrival of their firstborn, a daughter, Khrista Lee, 6 lbs. 4 oz., January 27, 1977 at Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington. —7 25. IN MEMORIAM MacDONALD - Inlaying memory of a dear father and grandfather John D. 'MacDonald who passed away February 21, 1972. Today recalls sad memOries Of a loved one laid to rest And tluise who think of him today Are the ones who loved him best. Sadly missed and always remembered by son John, dau , 4'""iNta r"4'itV gfa berly and John Cameron. -7 • JONES - In . memory of our mother, Mrs. Frank Jones (Lula), who passed away two years ago, February 20, 1975. Our mother is gone, and when she went She seemed to take with her the breath and scent Of all the flowers we ever knew The gold of sunlight, the sheen of dew, That little something you can't replace That only shines from a mother's face. - Remembered by daughters Bertha Rudow, Elmira, Pauline Massey, Cleveland, Ohio, and families. —7 NAFTEL - In loving memory of - Madeleine Nafter who passed away two years ago, February 17, 1975. Ever remernbered by Jeanne and Kathy Whit. —7x ALLEN - In ,loving memory of Maitland Allen, who passed awag one year ago, February12, 1976. A faithful husband, one of the best, May God grant him eternal rest.,...' Ever remembered by his wife Bell. —7nc " 426, CARD OF THANKS BOWERS -I wish to thank friends', and relatives for flowers, carcts;;,,, gifts and visits while I was 'a: patient' in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lomas;" nurses and staff. Betty 13owerm • ,26, CARO', y AMrInLoLldERM ilier would liki ID take this oppOrtunitg'tOlhoit ,"frienel ' neighbours and relatives for kind eXneesaiens.----'of-iyinpath, Floral tributes and memorial donations in the less' of a dear father and grandfather, We wish to extend a sincere thank you to Rev. Robert Crocker, - the McCallum Funeral Home„ Pallbearers and flower bearers. Special thanks to Larene Co*. Emma Sturdy and to all the friends who contri bided and served food. Your kindness will always be remembered. Keith; Murray and their families. -7x O'BRIEN: Mere words ' cannot begin to express our gratitude to all the wonderful poople---who have been so kind to us in oar time of trouble. Special thanks go to the G.oderich Fire bepartrnent for their great effort beyond the call of duty, to Ben Sheardown of Goderichl---Frbsted •--Fbods— to Bryan Ainslie of Ainslie's Market, to Mitchell's • Family Market of Londesboro, to Doug Merner of Merner's Abattoir, to the Knights of Columbus for sponsoring a dance for us, to the overwhelming number of friends who attended that dance, to all those who 'offered sympathy, help, equipment and services. We knew that we had many good friends, but never bifore realized how many, or how good. Thank you all. Joe and Mary O'Brien and Family. -7x MAIZE - I would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neigh- bours for all- their, kindnesses to "Christopher and myself during our stay in the hospital. Also for the many kindnesses to the rest of my family at home. Your good , deeds will always be rememz bered and appreciated. Mary and Christopher Maize. -7 MacDONALD - We wish to ex- press our thanks to neighbours, relatives .and friends for cards, visits, gifts and those who looked after the girls while we were in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hollingworth - and the nursing • staff on 2 east for their care. Linda and. John Cameron MacDonald. —7 everyone or all their kindness to me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Doctors H. Cameron, S. Peters, all other assistant Doctors, Nurses and Staff Of Fourth Floor North East. Sincerely Ada Fritzley (Mrs.. Harry) -7 ANDREWS - I want to thank relatives, neighbours and friends • for sending me cards, letters flowers and treats. Thanks to Dr. Street, Dr. Lambert and nurses while I was a patient in Clinton hospital, also food sent into our home. I appreciate it very much. Jean Andrews, -7 ETHERINGTON- I wish to thank - relatives and friends. for card. flowers, gifts and visits while I was a ,patient in Alexandra Hospital.. Special thanks to Dr. '• Cieslar, Watts, nurses ilia. staff first floor. Thanks • everyone.jeffii:-7 • BRECEOW - The family r of 111E::r —late—William- Charles Brecko:, Wish to express their sincerb,:!. thanks to their relatives; friends". and neighbeurS for their mad' acts'. of kindness . &ming -thiligt, recent 'sad bereavement in loss of fatter. and grandfather. Your sinee" • expressions of love and symPAth i„.fteiped'.Y.UiVireditlg •tth bear '4 Specialthinks to tM • Meals oif Wheels Committee, Dr. Staff titit .Matine and- .k„rr,,- • fatha e ft Ja •.rap409, sabel (4,Cottinoquillin of St. ' 'Tdp students - . ,.enpt,On-'f!aueter al Mr, and Mrs.illianiKeupton of Anberleywho were mar on Saturday, 12 at :i RiverUnited:hurceygral from this area atterded the festivities and:thoR theit) 1. 'yen0Rinecpeplexti.ron held a Mrs IosehP Stapleton of Dublin, the former Rose Mary Downy of Ashfield Township pa sed away at St. WiVieadrYnessdTys,P taeiirLunoryndon9 on n her 78 year. Het' body rested at the , R.S. 'Box Funeral Home, . 47 High Street, Seaforth after17 :00 p.m. on Thursday. Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin on Saturday. February 12 at )0:30 a.m. with the Reverend C.F. -Sullivan,.:C.S.,R. officiating. Temporary entombment was in the Pioneer Mausoleum, Seaforth with spring burial at ' St. Patrick's cemetery, Dublin. , The public speaking competitions made possible' to the students of St. Joseph' s - School, Kingsbridge by monies left for this purpose by the late James and Ila • Garvey took place for Grades 5, 7 and 8 in the school gymnasium on Friday af- ternoon, February 11. First • place , winners received 16.00; second place winners $4.06 and third place winners received i3.00. Top students taking part from Grade five were; Steven Hickey .(first) John Lalonde 4. REAL MATE FOR SALE 14:49tii Brent4f4O SP4s( Others Vogt, and P:atfiCkfOre_n-.. I " fts, r Grades. .e (PITO; a Frayn HeatheiXtuiStipletenp14 first,_and,psa F;raYtte seeend. : • • ,John Austin preseritektbe prizesto the Grades fivamnd six tudents In the grade seven Competitions, MIS* Rose Marie O'Keefe"- placed first ; Her topic Whi:"Gthiless: Book of Records". Annfelion Diepen placed second, speakng :on feStiPeratitiens",' Third place winner -Was Jackie Dalton. Her ,tepil,WaS -Facial .4xptes,sion§...• Others taking part • were Kathleen Foran and Colleen - Foran. In the grade eight •corn- -petitions - Dean Dolieirty„ placed first speaking on "My School Trip to Niagara Falls." Second place winner was Floyd Courtney speaking on "Alexander Graham Bell"! Debbie Austin -was the third place winner speaking on "Nadia C". In the intermediate grades Rose Marie O'Keefe placed first with Dean Doherty placing second. Winners will now compete in the Zone Level on Thursday, February 17 at St. Mary's School in Goderich. - Judges were Garry Jewitt, Principal of the Brookside Public School, and Pat Guay, Principal: df . St. Anthony's School, Kincardine. -Several of the parents weiable to 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ALE 24 000 Square Feet Nearly new Manufacturing Plant fully air conditioned. 1.000 Amp. 600 Volt 3 Phase power. Formerly Textral Fibres Ltd. Located in the Industrial Park on Bayfield Road in Goderich. Immediate Possession. Contact - Alexander & Chapman Realty Limited $ The Square. GodorIch • PhoniS244542 or $24-96112 14414 .1 at .hadthe1WlitrOrtrtieinttlgfit hand e 11114L7111;;AIIIIA:ITI4 anda DiesrA trhlct :OfourGeneral: d fora Bayne McLennan Of • 1, .•;1. • rt.•Par,e inert er -W et field Township 10 the tinct .General Hospital on, oteineOkfehrUciryi A large crowd ;Ate' benefit dance at the. Valley Hall on 1 February 12 for Mr. Joe O'Brien of Gode' recently lost their bus MUSiplor4,an' by the Cavaliers. Mr's. 'Stephanie, returned to' her home Friday.', following s the Alexandra Mar' General Hospital in G • Miss Sue Vogt of Michigan spent the with her parents Mrs. peter J. Vogt. • Due to Sunday's, • there were many acci the highways. olmesville 4-H meets The first -mEeting Club "Clothes for was, held at the hca leader, Mrs. Betties a.m. on February: The meeting began saying of the 4H pie • assistant leader is M Miller. • The election of offi place with the f results: °to. Presi Mary Jean . Bettie Zharon Mariarty President. Secretary' Mai:W and Tra • Debbie Harrison. We not *to nominate • Reporter due to di printing time:: - • Member? • Pamphl Handout, Sheets were out. The handout' "ChoOsing Cloth Lesure”, was filled discussed. We res • Requirements of • Members; Record B Sewing Box Conten, club "Clothes for requires each me ` keep recorbook: sewing box and to• oinfitpertaining to s or to lotingewear.; and trims Was also d, • - IMited- • • • '',:t...'::,'...'•. ,.'...., ;.,. : '1';,','..,, -0,-,. ..,, ,, . ., ...,,. ,-...''...... .-. .,••.4.,J.,.','i.,,,.. )..?!.a.. , .'..:,,•:' '..M.:-:';,,::...A..;A::fl::.-.i,•-f1i.:."t...A;,-,::r:... 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Family room with fireplate.:40w04:00f'3furnaces.e!Ce'le"'.i0OntariStreet-2StereY,.3 bedroom ImageLow taxes. (4011ikk$E.JM#tiate1iixlile:tditit:Muetbseg74:new. trgriree,1e1..4i"Bri:k2;•aliraynewly refurnished. Cleii44e4t:I4l.6tnielflsto The Square, New plumbing. NeW`;._,wi,t,r.271,—±7!.Thgriagstltiel,1441let;*1111-1leatfduc.d1)/'qukk'"):"V4fr*I(:4S"*4441111eY!t4 6Paffmanti100"Laundtepat.WiTn'DXFitD•SttEET-.wor keen 2f01Mlilliga4*4•t:40rO0stbstantial ntenl.• "ledatat;fel*•P•1•10w. 9#1/00409,4phlsiaie0,ilt:OPPERKt.‘, ,- ...4.*'";h°le'sf;'0eaigei:tiimf.Iaiil:)csP1;S0Nca‘ie.Dti4it,-:•mithinit?ii400,0rkbubrjckl'3'n:'A'edi;:ff°"aCe*'kIntfHY;::l"erI°t'"vr'str"is9dtht.)'21i?.Ii:.i.61:iiffling000nintee;:B&tOre1jit:0ytiOe:*itnottt0fei:htEr.';-*,,r.iirtlio,061::,i'iissess:46;4vi!taholte1r0010$411,s:,,00*,)!fhea, :.ieveisi3:bedron01:I.o,stpt040o """imatow4oin:Itret''S2 94,jt.iiikii. odt;,iebios*Pitliilinakici,- !.' • • age. Ov. '• are furn Tr ..,,441' sitel g.,4411°lefi;!**hi.i ::;' Street , ,' • 400 11/2 ac North lfr411".1l;2:d4tisii:41:4iietkntinat0 furnace.!4• .4:,..:00;i4e4iiPl. '' .i '4t4'°;la.liaiiii,(,14iO4ii'1n*todo apartm uns.t with u. BUsINE‘!1::,*6'4*IiNlion'tl 10,ge 101 birch4i;,: 05 , • '',.' .!, ';',,,.',:.;',',..., '. '. :.::,;:':14. ,„ ,,. SY'.. , . 11 RI ay fla el roc GE FO on II11! Y.1 BC 500 cio a er D e ey, Of gait Doi CH row lac AL bec lot y ri NE xe IN al 1 CK ral DEI LIT' let le I 11)9 LDS brld minis CU edial ERI. e, PS T 9, , 332 1.ESI , 4 I CE 1.041. EWE each; 04' x RAL main firep undi St btt ar lent c ArA "•)t":;..5 '•orr eir0101.e.04,,,A41,: • !zq 4.,<0 •4: rec r.;;.r.• ;V. PRAIr X.44,4 IhAt4, 6,1 4.11.4%,