HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-17, Page 2• l• k!, . • 4. • ; ?,' • • • :": ! • • 4.• 'A / • • — • . q'clK • AL-st LIRSDAY Kin McGee of McGee Motors checks -0u e con Is on this tro specially equipped General Motors* diesel truck to be shipped to Ghana,•Africa, this month. The truck is outfitted with a hydraulicly operated hoist and a service box and was sold to the Dominion Road Machinery Company who in turn ' will ship it to Ghana. The deal was put together by DRMCo salesman Bruno Lapaine who said he offered the truck to serve as a service type vehicle with road machinery sold to Ghana. He said there is a possibility in the future that on occasion other such deals can be made to allow Goderich firms to clear overseas through DRMCo but there is no possibility of a steady trade. (staff photo) 4,47 Clinton students raised moneY CFOS gets board backing, GC1c1 tuined down The Huron County Board of Education supported a student project at Central Huron Secondary School in • Clinton Monday aftern and then turned that sup against a $700 grant request from students at Goderich Distriet Collegiate Institute limiting the request to $200. The board heard an appeal from Jan Devok, president of the CHSS student's council, to permit the students to build tennis courts on board property at -the secondary 'school. The president said the permission would not cost the board anything since the students had raised money for the courts themselves but needed the boardi approval to build the courts On school ' property and 'make thein open to the public.' She said ihe wanted ,the board's backing to permit students to sponsor a fund raising drive to raise more money for the construction of the two coutts. The board explained to Miss Devok that the county policy has alwayi been to encourage the public to make use of board of education facilities during non -school hours. Director of education John Cochrane added that the board would have to give the Clinton students special permission to sponsor a public fund raising drive. Miss Devok said the students had already raised $5,000 anc14'were currently working, on a chocolate bar sale that she said would net another $2,000. She said the students hoped to raise money locally but had to have the board's assurance that the courts would be public Clinton service clubs and before they c7tild canvass groups. Miss Devok presented the projett to the board With the help of CHSS teacher -Tim Fox who outlined the con- $ V struction details to the board. Mr. Fox said the students had received two quotes on the job, one for $19,450 and one for $32,000. He said the more expensive job was the one the the students had chosen due to the added features and work that would give the courts -added life and provide some safety from damage to the asphalt from winter freezes. He said the quote wadone at cost and was a maximum price. Lavis' Construction �f Clinton will be, doing the paving if the students take on , the expensive job and Mr. Fox said the firm had given the students a cost price and assured them that th,e price would not be over the quote. The corn p_any also said any saViiig-Aalized on the' job - would ba' passed on to the - students -meaning the cost may be less than $32,000. Miss Devok said the students had checked the work of Lavis and were satisfied of the quality of their work: -She said they had done the Maitland Golf Club courts in-Goderich and the promoter of those, courts, Tom Jasper, told the students the work was excellent. The board then turned its attention to a request from students at Goderich District Collegiate Institute. The GDCI group asked the board for $700 to assist with a special school homecoming planned for the town's Jubilee Three Sesquicentennial celebration. The money was to be used for promotion and organizatioon of a homecoming for graduates and former teachers, and students of the school. Goderich trustee Cayley Hill was • appointed by the board to meet with the students to see what, they planned and returned a recommendation. to the board to support the function with the grant. In a letter to the board Mr. Hill. said that the' homecoming was not going to "directly advance education in the County" but added that he felt it was a good idea and saw no reason for the hoard not to support it. He said the money was_ to be spent to cover costs and broke down the expenses as $100 for artwoik, $200 for photography, $100 for refreshments, $100 for ad- vertising and $200 for postage. Dorothy Williams, a Clinton trustee, said she recalled the Clinton- centennial celebration and students from CHSS going out. and getting donations ',qin their own to suPport their project. She said the students asked the board for nothing: She added that the Clinton students-novi wete .t-aising a. great deal of money for tennis bourts and the Goderich students were showing no means of trying to raise • money for their project. Alex Corrigan, a Blyth area trustee, said he was involved with the Blyth centennial coming tip and felt that the village Should "maybe get a tittle money if Some was given to Goderich". Shirley Hazlitt, orCoiborne Township, said the students at GDCI had shown some initiative in other community projects and had supported functions in the past and should be supported partially by the board. She said- the . board could possibly consider —giving them the money for postage rather than no money _at all. Goderich trustee Dorothy Wallace said the town _ couldn't 'suPpbrt tlig'itUde . since the Jubilee Thr committee, which p organizing celebratioh functions, has no moneY either. GIVE... ,,foiliniZee titit HEART FUNDW Look after your car and it'll look after you. r a • r.. . • • r me *Nit in's* die Nit ":1111140•;;14 MIS eetif;beiNKIIIIIIN es timi aim ai ..,'SAVE,ON A14 POINITUNEUP - , • ••:.$ , g be COlii„e4,' February!'Of -10 .j.• • lehl" Ftiemdeez`,4it ;goy" •e4orgnie'G:otilee sgh tiaavvti nue gt 0 -1" yPC44shiel diddi inl ‘it °he enr Kinsnien Clubs' a'6'dsi the country have 'not been letting that stand hi their' iy0Y, This ;Year. theY 'lauhchlid 11.-001t-;- paign td celebrate the day (official or not) and reflect upon the heritage Shared by all who areCanadians.1.• The Kinsmen Club -of Goderich has sponsored and , prompted the day by ad-: vertising, window diSplays, local proclamations, and essay and poster contests in the local schools.' Organizers say the students seem to have, taken up the idea __with enthusiasin and participated on a broad scale in the contests, They also say that, from contacts with the general public, the prbmotion- of Heritage Day has been well received. Contest aWards will be presented on February 28 when the Kinsmen meet at SaWIttoartd Valley Hall. is Canada's Heritage? According to a recent Kinsmen publication, heritage is .many many things. It's a neir settler clearing a field for his crops, a fur trapper walking through snow gathering his pelts, a • ride to church on Sunday morning. in a horse pulled buggy, a persOn running a one man weekly newspaper,. a farmer tapping trees in the spring for syrup. "Our Heritage is also. a coal -oil lamp," the Kinsmen say. "A glass milk bottle, a pot belly stove, an, ice box, and Eaton's catalogue, a one furrow plow; a milk can, a ‘ hand' crankecli; telephone r'cp,e,.;0i#40kocisef, Itn(Vf" tong() on and on.' a' "And yet our Heritage is , - Something else. It is alsa rheinOries. As you think back into Candda's past you are really turning, the pages of history books. Ai you are doing, this you cannot help feel 'proud of our country and the things- Canada stands for." • . • eY Police Reiort The Goderich Police Department reported eight accidents in Goderich during the past week, two of Which resulted in major damage estimates. A two -car coligion in the parking lot 9f the LCBO resulted in $400 damage to a vehicle dri en by Keil Bowen. 208 Daw ose Dr.' Goderich. There w s no damage to' a second Icle driven by Hermine Basler, 171 East St. Goderich. There, were no injuries. A two -car collison at the intersection of Elgin Avenue and Victoria Street February 12 resulted in a total damage estimate of $2,850 to vehicles driven by Ed. Jenkins, 51 Anglesea St. Goderich and Steven Petrie, 1096 Huron Terrace Kincardine. Damage to the Jenkins vehicle was estimated at $350 and $2500 to the Petrie' vehicle. There were no in- juries. During the past week the Goderich Police- Department- - laid two charges under - the Juvenile Delinquent Act, two under the Liquor Licence Act and 17 under the Highway Traffic Act. DIESEL, Pumps and, Injectors Repaired • , For MI Popular Makei 11, Huron Fuel injection .1 Equipment 'hayfield Rd. 482-7971 Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario .• Cards For 'All Occasions * Gilts * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S • BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST Si.'! • Goderich illMillmOMMINIMINImoS•111111•1•1110114mavmmoo.odd• CHISHOLM FUELS Distributor's For . • •111. ,ise cienian. Gee:Jig gen6i,ilta4eiratainOtio'saasserison it$4141wour rIr,z,z;tg.1=4"..? 1111410141 $1., low a 14 Pam turimonlA broil evOilaw $oftni mem*. 14Pa.nliwAr 1), INNlesd d eito. ea. primary tutu t dean battety. tables and:, , Oleic fi./ Wiling. ambito* loot 11111111.11. 111111. NI NO /If MI M44114440 .1$1140' I $$$$COrYt.,ivre$1. • - ; . • iass s• me ri Cheek adjusi manisr ,!,•1::,1Z.Cateck fuel pump and f for ' , pr op Vst.Cheds aTr deaner element ' 14.; Patlai Ignition system analysis UNO PAbbucts,:, • bkiligi.FAAto; INDusTRY. set•ire ;1Mk" HosiMoirep rusts at ' :?; • : ;17! '4;41*1400!0:: 244;52 !! R. W. BELL The Square S247661' KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WINDHAM. ONTARIO 357-1087 vor' - For . FASHION RIGHT SHOES „ The Place To Go Is ROSS SHoES The Square.1. • GoPerich WEST:AT! COil:-OP' LAUNDROMAT A. DRTCLEANING , ,s4 West* ; • 424-9953 Opse pally ' 144 1, a.M.,::.:;11,Jyri. • ' 1 1 , . : 1 , 11:30. • •,• eP'• 2 • • , •sM • . , ; • _ _ . 14,,• . ••- : .•, • he i t'o e.". rid ter at i ro f col s. nd n a hat irtaagad, boallhfCanOn., Calualidat001.0k, • Onvar MOGHSWPAinsents . Horne linitrOYftittOt4 • • AnY Waitlitiltlkilt_Orlsa,s!t • • • Earinte,Ratill ' • -• Arrantanneriti canbefaads lathe , . privacy ofsfoueA01•• BOB FUltTN , . . 213 3722 8 LEMUR HOBBIES* ott c ear' ht z ear the er • 4! !C.p„c!. rMacGRONALD E. TAKAL iiiivray CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RESIDENT MANAGER atroiT:LE4iSciihiihApRE ,., , , ,2$ . -yam G*.1,M .t/t• .esiegV4i .0 5'24-7 ..„ T, look for Hamiltor 6 lee -;1111 r ::,..:SifiAt'e';...*nd, tali i0f110.:Haii; C - ' ' - , . ,,,,?: ...: .......: .,r r. '1j... '..).C.:' . ...'.Y i, ,4 nt :;, : ,..;.,. ., . . , • " Ni?Lacly Cainpleta.hile,eare,'"aarificia' '': '1-1 I • M'Lorda.hair,ctittino it styling--.-.-• TUes.,.• Mars. e• ,;:. "ilk"' Otliens-SilsOinsts:WadneadaY afternoons .4 Plus. • Nucleic acid 8 p04tOitioik,*.iitments.:. .j - ',... : .T. ''.,!':.. .'-' .:.e? i- '-''. —,i - ' A.1.' :: ' ' ' ' . wh" • - it '''' . '''''' 1 ..frvr '. 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