HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-10, Page 27ffq 1rtip 3r- tr, 111 iJ.,TOGETHERFOR, ONCE -.One of the HablUtles nt 11#0-Preita. , Ing avoiy.40***7,e'010 By *.A8:r4011, ip'recifiticakAint at the Royal irtirkin:TOronto recently. 11NSA'NN OINOS • Standing'beside.-qerdentileftl*M 01.4*i40:',IP*alieja',T4urit, of :RR 4;Walton his lon Varna and . -Troht f,dght,. Sews, daughter Lynda Smith, 'poderich, his wUe. Ruby, an ' mother Kathleen,0111; Hayfield: (Exp9sitef Photo • • , „, 3 148 01, , • their opinions to-councikaskit is hoped the draft copy will express. the wishes ofthe . people. , , ... •; Following the writing of . • ;K., ,- this first draft a copy will be INTENDMFOR .,-'. '''' ,,3'.' ACquainted With sent to' all fandowners and LAST WEEK Universal Code System". He another series of meetings ,7; ' appealed tothe ladies to write will be held tibefore a final uron CoUnty:J...ibrary .,' to their MP 's to bring- in draft is ' written. Some ks are due to be ex- legislation requiring prices to_ students and professors from . nged on Fehitla040. Miss be Marked on in 'figures as the University of Guelph who th McConnell requests that well as the Marks. are .studying rural planning ron County,,,librar4beeke'' 4The'-'..,-- Pastoral Relations were present to observe.and returned;tolhe library nn Committee held Aheir first were quite impressed with turday, February 5, please. Meeting- .0, the home -of Mr. the democratic meetings. s. Art Wall Is still in ' and Mrs. Cliff .McNeil on ..,........... ndon to be •With•TerrYi?Who Wednesdiy, , eirenink, Cliff f . •.'"-,1„ 1ue tE. Yzr,-T,ia-atarX:t After ihe' ,n in i ' . Norman HiilettT*V, Federat'' : i 40if 0 AgriClatte',met in4r dqsbcrlPilki1e ,'#'pieliiestaken ' .„. During Ole''tri,tirniiirptaits.;.•-',110*Lai(e,,,Iliirbno.Showed were 014140 for the ;10.40 large' gullies, working. tointhip's•Survey.-MeinhOrs j:their h way .inland - carrying '.i. of the township will be many tons ofsoll with thorn. 7. visiting ' the farm homes asking a ' few '' queStiofil Pictures showing the - coTnhceernseinvgisfitasrmvoilnigt.a place and River ' oatLlstawel • .• ' ke and ,AVirigham -showed why during the- months . of ,there was flooding. Erokion.. , February and March. - ' was': in fields planted with's The ... ..:.; .- • ,...wheat as well as plowed 10lowtos, peopleare.'-r -fields. - - --- heading the, workers in the ' ' • different areas: Gerrit Wilts These pictures showed why Conc. & & 9; Lawrence- landottners- must be more Plaetzer Conc. 14 west; Bill concerned about stopping Gibbings Conc, 4,5,6 & 7 west; . erosion and informing John Van Briers Conc. 10 & government officials about 11; Jerry Heyink Conc. 12 & the seriousness of the- , 13, east; Gordon Daer and problem. • • Maurice Bean Cane 12 rd. 13 west; Cecil Elliott Conc. 1,2 &Th . next meeting will be . - 3; Johnafter the survey has been Benjamins Conc. 14 e east; and Hugh Flynn Conc. 4,5, 6 & 7 east. finishe., d when the findings will be discussed. , rncome tax !I Reason , H & R i3lbek has offiPetkiPen ali40 Preparing inbProe'tax returns is their . = business and that requires bEiti*Otitgsjii,,,, to help, whatever time of Yi.441Kiit heip is needed. You can knowffiii0190c#J1l. be there. - • • GODERICH Hwy 21 beside Presbyterian Church Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Weekdays,94 Saturday Phone 5244658 • YOU'LL SAYE MORE IF YOU BUY NOW ALL ITEMS ON SALE NOW AT DISCOUNT DAVE'S in University flospital„ 10th McNeil. 47 waS appointed r, Pediatrics, following'' 'Mary Bere gery for ruptured spleen: • secretary,. ,Re.V. „Stan d liver. She is bandaged MacDonald of LOndesboro m armpits to hips but the Was ,prevented .from at - es have been removed and tending by the stormy but phoned in the ' made. The • e is eating regular food and weather king pro covery. Art's *other, Mrs. progress was 11 of LucknoW carnet° stay .committee was stormstayed Phone th Tommy and Traeey for a at .McNeil's until: Thursday i• 524-8i 32 days following. the, ac- • afternoon when they followed ent. ' • the milk truck out and got rs. Chrii Shelton 'took ill, honalt. Thursday arid Mr. and -1 r- MillfieUiTUREI4bbiTy . Shelton were bath taken 4111 byThe 'Dun.gannon s toward information he had so some W. J. enomme• F VVER SHOP Wingham Itosp bulance on . Thursday • ening., ',-..,,,,,,.:• ,•," .,,,,, : .4 ,,..:.•,, _ , „,-„, Agricultural Society meeting titsen SplyiStOnvaa:iaken ,. 'was ' lielaj-.1n,-. the hall on 4.4b01:'•:,•IlesPltal•:; by' .."Wedw:atiyeit4aYes C*.n-ydlieirlig: nceon Sundayread , thi...., if'4ri.-' ng Mr. , ,sand Mrs. John ,financial report stating that up Irani nst n although funds at present are onto• , ' • ,!* 41 :.• *':,,• _ Mrs. John 09'1amer, - k ,lOw there is' no debt. ... - .:-.)..,,,-'A` . „...000.44451, the week. Four directors were re- l& noth*on.law, mis,. elected for a three year term, -111300,fiiiii6 .;, '• ! , ,. ..: : Mrs. : Diane Park, David • andWhinney Mrs. -Robert Caesar, Fred ' Schmid, Bob '+'''- Wright.- Lorne Hackett rAtnn* and , son 'Robbie Jfiem Sault Ste.'1Vialie . resigned as director and Ibiianian 'last Weekend.Randy Kerr was elected to - fulfill the two years left of his f:Afoii4y 'mOining the : ' 10* *OS needed to clear term - JO/ so they could take The date for this year's fair e ',ie.'. , the . hospital • Was set for ThursdaY and ellen. H . ...,,,,,,„•,,:„{„e is still there for ..in Friday, September 22,23. 4*sto,,‘:, . , ..;,. ,. ,• Reports were hard on ., 1various events of the -.fair,: .: 4,1.:''1VitifZe has completed #0411!:li: - course::' --oif. Diane Park, .1barinie-SOroUL nage,.. -.!• -- ei?,i#:,::14-,:oik6''':ip, Fred Schmid and Bob' and .' 4- ' . two weeks to -:-MarY.. LOU.'" McNeil were''.:j -,:?. .,:••,-,•-. •:„ chosen to attend the tinnier a la 12144,:toIvii;.ane-convention in .Toronto on a ,ettr• a ih,,hhthe faith :The meeting adjourned • , fl t. ., ‘•: ••`,1.-' ---ihe , - ' • ' PLANNING 4.:,triiiiiroe, Martin. �.. , A. sllF, I :, e, plan_ were 9 hen c u.,... le to- th'NAN Ia ,,,. •-tsg , ..-,, _ , As • d v night -when --vo, Ashfield • id its , hatelYt;"T.1 Wohinvag-1,„:,,,,prit tvcs.7. ,' i„.,.. NVor dog, pri — ..„,.. ed tiiffi‘F.P! berg;Mrs* .' ' kfiel .Township",. he ikeir:- '.: ';...-Plillirriliary thrani-y_2,11w"" kshcfP s y evelliPgi attendance . . niiir Itteta_thl.1.1,.41::T4eSaa37'. : * eiterla dis, --' fpthilkrirthe,-. -. CIli..,....rP* laities the coactio0 ewwof on •-early to allow peop , in theitorn17 nurne le to get. : DirkiBogten and Mrs. da good pre\flous ifig• the- a, fair ore On' iied to An.perth swift) those;w..- tRUK un had atte, ndimi_„#4,aniand lam 440004 • had ma etisOria , rth meetings rid • Aeea.• , • •" , . 'osto 6 • • 7 artin ' DAY OR 'NIGHT Decorative Hardware 'Agent -rot 24atr.• ROVE‘ciPING- : 4 • • .Terr • - 444, resntiig rowley rt r ' Now a towns poetic • e inspL.nMlss Anne red byeat 0A hat Wori icapped Deflnis akers were0 th iking on the - Anyone as could the - on 8; cton "Let's `,,•*;••"T'.,,t1",042;0•,f;''',•'4:::t;',.. •,1 EARGEST'STOCK THE COUNTY • . . Acorn Vanity In i,,Vhjte,, pecan, honeyglow or ... .welnin (ifpreferred finishis not livatOck°, :allow 3-4- weeks for cleliVeri).',10ur usual C. & C. 75.6tV • • 0 ':EICath Cabinet , OUriffetiteClassic. Gold -brush frarnktfonsing exquisite oval- . aheped Mirror, Our usual . .040. price 49.99. You save 4) Tub -Shower Control Touch control model .82019 includes tub •diverter, spout, shower „ head, arm & flange. suur a I 9 345 TOP EXTRA 3999 • 0,'Double Swag Light Model HE940. Polished •brass finiittwith White glass globes , 60"'.bhalri. Takes 2-60 watt, ;bolos, not included. Our usual • 0 tikstal Tile, They'English Cerarnic Spacer tiles, and they're aktilable in a choice of beautiful colors, in' our?Nanity Fair" series. They're easy to install,lnd right now they're : on sale at:20% off. Our usual -r ' C.84COrive for a Package. , 39. coVeripg 4Y11sq. ft is 5,40 1 99 ShOWer Head The Mark 60 StanadYne mono. Tr 88 chlorite plitad. Has 40° swivel action. Our 13.88 C.&C. 43.95 0 Tub Enclosure Safe, strong high -impact 3905 plastic 2-doorAnclosure by K - Lux IfTE2D-OG.-'60"x56Y." high. Our usual C.&C_ 49,95 Recessed White Bath Salem or Chateau. Con- structed of tough stain - resistant porcelain enamel on steel. Standard 60" size. Our usual cash & carry price 89.95 0:White Toilet By ' Riviera Or Monaco, In white. Our usual cash & carry price 64.65 so you save 10.00t 76" 65 Available with lined tank at extra cost. b Armstrong Com:s: 12' rosin 6:Jetcvliecly.685 0 by The no -wax cushioned :floor ipi• you can install yourself. l 92,5. Ur uisu1 pER 5Q. YD. YOU SAVE 3.00 1410.7a ,13 c, 0.41. tiii,, * .., .'„:.::::::.;:•:;,„,s1,°11 ,,... i ik.p e....? * T0 ' ' ‘ HWY. 2i. • c, - SoirrhaMmOi ANTIQUE ENGLISH FINISH merock Save 2.96 on this' Soap Dish/Grab Bar Die cast. Recessed. Our Ust;441 cam.' Width 714" by 74- Price 18.93 high. Masterfully 99 . executed in graceful detail. #9050 • Save 2.96 on this Tissue_ Holder Our Usual CAC. Recessed Dicast. Price 17.95 high. Model #9049 •499 71/4" wide x 7/“ Save 15% on this #9053, Glass/Brush Holder 449 Our Usual Cash E. Carry Price 5.29 Towel 'Ring Model.#C9056-AE 67 Our Usual C.S.C.7:99 ,Towel Bar .9057 Die cast. 18" centres. Our usual C&C. 12.49 105 30"x30"x76" SHOWER CABINET "The Chateau" Made of heavy gauge steel finished in 2 -coat lustrous white baked enamel. C6mes com- plete with chrome - plated taps and shower nozzle. Positive water- proof joints and cor- ners. Easy to install. Our Usual Cash And Inall1.11 II Carry Prke 69.98 98 5 Baked Enamel Base 11 [Our post formed plastic laminate tops are available in a wide choice of patterns and colors ... or, if you prefer, we can offer custom made cultured marble tops with pre -moulded basins: round, oval or shell Cesgns. VANITY TOPS AMHERSTBURG 736-2151 EXETER 335-1422 dODERICH 524-6321 GRAND BEND 230-2374 HARROW • 738-2221 KINCARDINE 396-3403 KINGSVILLE 733-2341 KITCHENER 7444371 680 Felrway Road South KITCHENEROut-of-town Call Free ''' . Sutton $1-,•1..P.it,, : 'MS rtfw„...,',, .‘, on He7 y. 21 at Sttingy0ml Con" I 1.0 8 P40 1441311 00014.m.5200e8001271.2161 Open 8*A-510 $ d 11114 m 13•tn• doily!: Sew ay p. rteaytato ,,, ' . . , . . . . :- .... OWEN SOUND 378-3181 RIDGETOWN 874-5485 SOUTHAMPTON 797-3245 THEDFORD 2964991 WEST LORNE 768-1520 WINDSOR EAST 727-6001 Tecumseh Bypass, Hwy. 2 wiNOSOR WEST 734-1221 A500 Front Road In (.11Sall• of Charge 1 -000-658090V 8991 Sale Ends Feb. 17, 1977 All Prices Are dish Carry Pla*ar safety :PUNcTURE.P WOO f - SOLES 112,F frimir:•„ Reg hour% Mon f, 8 or to 5 30 p Set Of 4 per• KITCHENER l!.1(AF,L3111i wFST •VtiNPNOR FAST t c,‘,1 r, • s • , i''. .1', • ,. .." ..., ,. • .,,,iCIENTR , ,:,0T:: .1:f1,•-•,41,A,,,t.:',Afit:F"ee 12i 41121 tat 117iM NM • • ,41,..f 1.! 04' • ,.