HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-10, Page 24<_._ •r At Sts R,TRUR .-RALPH KING t ORT.HB REET UNITED CHURCH .GODERICH ON JUDGING OTHERS Read St. Matthew 7: 1-5 "Why dg you look .at the speckof sawdust in your brother's eye,, with never a thought for the great plank in your own?" - Matthew 7:3(New English Bible) It was a clear spring morning. A soft green touched the lawns and trees. Buds were bursting with new life; all nature was at its most beautiful stage of newborn freshness. A house -holder stood on his front porch to enjoy the glorious new day - but one fact- came upon his vision as a blot on the otherwise perfect scene. A shower of spot was falling on the lawn and,street,casting_p blackish hue on everything it touched. How careless, he thought, was some neighbour with a dirty chimney; how thoughtless of other people! He said as much to a passer-by, only to receive the shocking reply, "It's coming out of your own chimney. Just look up and see: " i Then it became apparent that it would have beepbetter for him to have looked before he spoke, and to have been more careful to keep his own chimney clean before he began criticizing his neigh- bours. "Why do ,you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye. with never a thought for the plank in your, own?" Jesus • asks with his usual searching directness. A speck is such a little thing. But we are quick to see it in another's 'eye or imagine we see it - and we magnify it many times. At the same time we are strangely blind to our own faults, which, compared with the thing we condemn in others are as a plank to a speck. Concerning the faults of others, we strain ata gnat; concerning our own, we swallow a camel. Oa one side, self-love blinds us to our- selves as we really are; on the other, envy ,and malice give us piercing eyes in respect to others. The truth is, that it maybe our faults and not those of our neighbours that blacken the atmosphere, if only we could gain the insight to see things as they really are. We are • sensitive, and we judge our neighbour to be unkind; -we are selfish, and we judge him to be unjust; we are envious, and we judge him to be too highly .honoured; we are impure, and we are suspicious of his intentions. Our own •vices, you see, project themselves • into our judgment of others. It is our chimney that is smoking, If only we could bring ourselves to be more- severe in self- examination, we ' would be more lenient in our judgment of those around us. The familiar words of Robbie Burns are "right on" concerning this whole mat- ter: "Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And d foo lish notion." The "power" 'we all need, and of which Burns spoke is the grace of God, by, which lie helps us to see our own deep need and, in humility, cry out: "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." At that point, our souls are on their way to spiritual healing, and our vision will be properly . restored set !� i•1 Adult education for ` the purpose of . strengtheni ►g family life will: be provided`at 'the 1977 Lenten Series at $t. Joseph's R.C. Church, James qt., Clinton. Qualified speakers will share their knowledge and sometimes surprising private pinions on the various aspects of the theme— "The Family" For " five consecutive Sunday evenings. cm- mencing February 27 through to March 27 from 18 to 10 o'clock, the series will be open to people of the neigh- bouring communities and churches as well 'as parishioners. Each topic will be of generalconcern and will be basically Christian in •Its presentation. The topics with their respective speakers . are scheduled as follows: ' ebruary 27 "Com- munications" with Paul and Maureen McIntosh, London. Paul is a social worker there 'with Family Social Services: March 6, "Parents and Teens", with. Larry and Connie (pee Scruton) Mellen, London, who are parents. of seven children, four of whom are teenagers. (Larry isean elected trustee, and, former chairman . of the Leaden - Middlesex 'Separrte School. Board.) March 13, "Finances and Goderich area deaths GEORGE JENNER second-.. wife. .Isabella.. C. Moffitt. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs: D. A. (Jean) Croft and Mrs. John (Ruth) Adams, both of Goderich; one step daughter, Mrs. John (Helen) Ferguson, 'New Zealand; one step son, William Stanley Johnston, Northern Ireland; 10 gran- dchildren; and one brother, .Howard Robertson, Goderich. Funeral service was Thursday, February 3 at Stiles Funeral Home with the Rev. Ralph King officiating. Interment .warinAtaitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jim Sheardown, Ben Sheardown, Carl Anderson, Ralph Henderson, Keith Cutt and Ken Wilson. Flower - bearers were Fordyce Clarke , A. R. Scott, Bill Moorehead, Joe Snider and Howard 'Fowler. Maitland Lodge No. 33 A.F. and A.M. held a service at the funeral home :. 'Wednesday evening. MRS'. MARGARET MINSHALL Mrs. Margaret (Hunter) Minshall, Meneset Park in George Jenner, Huronview, died Friday, February 4 at Huronview. He was 81. He was born October 29, 1895 in Islington, near Lon- don, England, to George Thomas, and Alice (Picard) Jenner. He came to Canada in 1910 and took up residence in Goderich in 1921. He moved to Huronview in November, 1975. Mr. Jenner operated theatres and worked as a projectionist ' in Goderich for 40 years before retiring in 1965. He was a member of St. George's Anglican Church. He had been a bandsman since the age of 14. He was bandmaster of Elora Band before moving to Goderich where he was associated with the Goderich Citizens' Band and the Bluewater Band for 40 years until 1962. Mr.` • Jenner is also creditedwith naming the Laketown Band. He had .also been active with the Lions' Club Minstrel Show in the 1920's and 1930's. He was predeceased by his wife_,the former Lillian Cain , on August 23, 1962; and by one .son,, Sgt. Edward G. Jenner who Was killed in action in - World War 2. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alan (Betty) Barratt,.Toronto; two grandchildren and fourigreat' grandchildren;. and one.. sisters'. • Mrs. F. W. '(Bertha) Godwin, Barrie. Funeral -- service was Saturday, :.February 5 at Metaflum ; '.Funeral Home with `: the Rev. • `.Robert Crocker' officiating.' Inter- ment was in Maitland Cemetery. C M ROBERTSON Charles M. Robertson, 106 Park Street, Goderich, died January 28 in London. He was 89. He was born November 13, '1887, in Colborne Township to 'John and Margaret Jane • (Blair) .Robertson. He came to Goderich at about -20 years of age, and was the proprietor 01 n grocery store on Kingston Street .in Goderich from4 :1812:. until his retirement. • • He was a Past Master of Maitland Lodge No. 33 A.F. •and A.M. and was very active ,in the work of. North Street - United Church, 'where he was :it member foil many years. He„ eras predeceased..by-hi: trst wife, Bertha C. Million in/ 000.. Ile A aurvlyed y.tiy Not.' - --Colborne Township, :.died -committal service• e .were hid January' 31 ' in Alexandra Thursday, February 3 :in Marine and General Hospital Stiles Funeral Home with the following a lengthy illness. She was 62. Rev. G L. Royal officiating. Interment was. in -:Maitland She was born July 11, 1914 , in "England to Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Wilsher. She was Cemetery. The Ladies dn arrof the married June ,15, 19x45 in RoyallCanadian Legion, Aldershot, England to J. who Branch,109, held a service.:at Kenneth Hunter the funeral home Wednesc y predeceased her •in 1971. In' evening' ;. 1972 she was ' married , Nin Goderich to Frederick Minshail who predeceased New rates her in 1973. Mrs. MZnshall ' came to at TD bank: Goderyal► i ,fo1latvin'g 4 the; crnr Tito -Donn "on.. Second'' World War. She was a '`member - of the Ladies' hasnnounceda':reductidn its priMe lending rate -of once Auxiliary to the Royal half percent to 844;fpercent, Canadian Legion, Branch 1109: effective Tuesd"ay,."February She was also a member of 1, 1977. At the same time; the Knox Presbyterian Church, . rate for non-ehequing savings She is survived by three a counts was reduced by one - sons, James Thomas Hunter,, half of one percent to 61/4 Clinton; Kenneth Cameronpercent, also effective im- Hunter, Creemore; Second mediately. Lt. Archie Charles Hunter, . The bak's mortgage rates CFB Camp Borden;one were also reduced one half daughter, Margaret Halley percent effective im- Hunter, at home; two mediately. The new con- gr'andchildren; and two ventional mortgage• rate is brothers, Thomas and Leslie 1014 percent and the National Wilsher, both in England. Housing Act rate is 10 .per - Funeral service and -T0 cent. HOUSE by. the Legalities". lith#sle Hardy,. a'charteredc countant, who is :a partite with the London Clarkson and•Gordon;and Co. +.A March 20, '"Aicohollsiz the Family" with `mFather . Joseph McGraw, paster of St. Patrick's Parish, Linear„ March 27,"Mortality.. Today" with Father Michael R. Prieur..,-S.T P„ r uther. toter; , and:.teacher, `St. er's;Seminary, London. Bach of the series will°open the church- with r•-...'41100 a talk by the speaker +A` coffee hour will follow in the ; church' hall where a more Informal talk given..` along with questlons answered from *tit.* rluestion-box andi.from the: floor, The evening will cioee at Op,m; sharp. Louise Mary Kaminska and Edward William Kelly were united in marriage at 7 p.m., Friday, January 21 at Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. The Rev: John bride. is. the daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs R,.Ka ka The D.M. Wood conducted the' double ringceremony. 5, Goderich. The groom is the son of Mrs. Margaret Evelyn Kelly. of Goderich and of'Willfam Francis.Kelly of St. Marys. Linda Kaminska and Patrick Kelly were the couple's attendants. 1'. • —.. Mra..t..Bronze Pl agi ITY:14 erl 'For expert'counsel and a fair prleo`rely oha trot you T. �JPRYI)1 I. Serving Huron and surrounding area since 1920 Head Office - EXETER, ONT. DOl t: DENOMME Full time representative - Appointment' any time. PHONE : 524-2373 OR 524-6621 Visit our. showroom at 73 'Hamilton St. in Ooderich and Mr. Denomme about our Seasonal discounts now in efl . '�..vv.�..v.Irv.�......w..v.�.!;�.+.�a.v.v.....�..........+. BEREA-BY..THE-.WATE LUTH ERA�f CHURCH Meeting at Robertsor"Memorial School (Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderl h)• . SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1977 9:34 BJB�EHquR "... �� //! SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES 1. ,f • • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies • of Canada CORNER -OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS Pastor? C. Fred Day, BUS ROUTE TO ALL GODER ICH Phone 4-2893 or 4-6543 WORSHIP SERVICE 11 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. WATER BAPTISM' t Congregational: Singing • -elfplr "LOOKING FOR' YOU SUNDAY" CALVARY APTI5T C W 6AYFIELD ROAD AT elAkE STREET EVANGELISTIC-FjNO*j REV R.BRUBAC}IER SUNDA'if 10:00 A.M.BIBLE SCHOOL AOR AtL, AGES SEE YOU IN;SUN,DAY, SCHOOLTODAY For Free Bus Service in. Goderich Call 524-9497 11:00 AM. WORSHIP SERVICE' 6 PA. WORD OF LIFE "CLUB 7:30 P.M. Y.P.S';::WORD of LIFE .SERVICE WED. 7 30 P.M PRAYER MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLy.CHURCII FIRST BAPTIST CH,.IRCN •: (Baptist;ConveniioflofOnta oand•Quebee)" MONTREAL STREET;(near`The 5qu'arel Rev. W H 'McWhinnie F R.G S Organist, M� Frank Bis • 9:45 a.m. - Sunday Sclinola °' . ; i t':00 a.m.: MissionaitV itu Speaker•< A A4.00444 a . Everyone `W.Ico iTrTi..►..•w.in�.*,rY..y�y C1 l0nmRowi of /Sol)via ar '1f118400riil service, iw a tl/t!!t:OfieIlowslilp. Ar arch nister L UM, latent • ctor 01..Preife • 11:00 WORSHIP OF GOD } SERMON:."WITNESS PC j (, Marvin :L. Barz, Pastor524. . ` •1 "Preachin peace by Jesus Chrrst: 1e is Lord of aN Act 2 dETHEL HOLINESS CHAPEL NILE MISSIONARY ,CHURCH Sunday School. 9:50 a.m.. Classesfor all ages Worship Service 11:00, a.m. - Prayer 6:30-7:00.p.m. j Evanpeiistic Service 7:00 p.m. f9 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God . . Huron St. & Walnut St. Matthew Kennison W. Lawton, Pastor ... , 5 r North Street,Unted Church` - The Rev. Ralph E. icing, B.A., B.D.,' Min 'Miss Clare McGowan; Visiting Assistant Mr. Lorne H. Dottiarer, Director of Music 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for ages 10 and over Sunday School for ages 3 to 9 from Worship at 11:00a SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1977 Sermon Worship at 11:00 a,..m. "YOUR tREVEREN' CE'' INSTALLATION OF. NEWLY ELECTED BOARD iN BERS ,. -NURSERY.FACILITIES ,_..7 p.m. Confirmation Siass Come and Worship with; uii 041.4101.4 ST: GEORGE'S�CIUR • Sexagesima Sunday s4' Februa 1 e 3o a.ht Holy; Communion 10:00 0•111•:. Junior Congregation 11:00 a m ,Nursery and' Children's Program 11 00 a to iyierwiw3s Seri in: "T 400 pm Y 7 381f M.;Sf 18 WATER V7Niirmas .. obeli* • a iptaibfai! t•Col71I btli crone ty yto yti a ng by rth t4s s e: rn 'on, .pri s o: eo wel eeti, es c ed tar3 one wa ica Iton pril 1 r h S1 n to 1 raft on• to 1 raf� losin rs. I M n'` yteri K ince axes sent. w. del onar3 ansa nflkDj OFFICERS,ag ' 5 r•,flio di �e;. �t� �AF��r�''��h'���tF ��.'•��`1A�l�.wx."s •xS�' �: a .r..� �i...'M..��'r;,�, ix