HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-10, Page 13•#:••4•,r71.,1.41...?r,.;4 • "'"M-.4."'i"..''.0•0•A:,- ....?" -•-•1• •,kt! . • •14:4' 1,,j.4'444,,,•„1A,,,iO4' 44 -S70411",r" 2' '44",•'; xxittoYme, 1,„t„ qr•r.1-,ft, von$ e4. ,44 taz.P.,str.fixAst.;.$.0, ISVPIIIPtiVAMYN414Ak SIS to r fas !iv IR,s01f1,;Aire ., n1I188;,:' ft ft. - unit. Completew' nd'laiOti,•:••41.0.* top, slni(464,440*„... conditle*Oal**IO, burn at,A*1611..i4-'''. V.% 97•• th JO, r.? • washer..Japikdryer. dition. SW. OP table, as :4025; flira. ..;. • ' ATOR e and roast ill ex- ndition. Westinghouse y washer and dryer, set, look like new, best ne traeti oil oil lamp, Milk glass anted shade; • ,sealers - Beaver; snow sled for le. Phone 521-2408.-6 -• . _ R BEEF;, -.100 to 1000 be killedilit'abittete-er ourself. Call.524-0002 at e. Richard Porter. -4 ce dining roomi` suite in - tion. Call 524-6877.-6-7 H"-•.:"' • S. CANNOT BE ACCEPtED 1 2 'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEKtS PAPER • ....• - ASAIREDS .; 10c per ' • • • 1"42:4.1:1` - • - 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE • „... CHEcK our prices On chester- f . Mattresses., chrome P.4.L9.9tfle 41.e.1., C& ENew a7rid-Used Fifinittire, 519-7231, % nifle south ef Goderich • AliTOMATIP Tellet Bowi Cleaner removes rust,litne and mineral deposits. Simply place hi the corner of your toilet tank. Available at lioffmeyer Plum; .bing - and Heating,: , .Kingston Street, Goderich.-'--140 t • .2. tf44,•,114 `'; • 4,-•44`, 1-4••,',4"7424';'f-.2.414••-, ,COiti:"PIV4244k.' et'4' 444micl#,*C4,§`Fke` ?113,21t7fRf'',..". .. • HEticViikinte: XECUTIVH secretary; for D actor's office,: Managerial oneiij,Pasition, Medical experience an ,•:,,14.asset, but not neeeSsarr-Resumeln '- own handivHting, stetbig 669 • ai.Ti,47.-0,7;i;,,..ivs;%.i,di9, ;",, 220, Goderich.-4,5,6 CH:0,!,'' Iiiiniiita , foui4::: -,!1,•„,references. Apply PablisbinDgrLawtde.r, 135:x, ;. hardtop,....,,,i,ii„,itic,---,,dw 1,. Signal -Star Western car. Phone • ..,' , , ., . • -• - • PUBLISHING firm over, two , P." ,,.• ..-. ' ' . -",',";•.: hundred years in business is 3A g, PETl')Tect ' .': looking for one, possibly two • , , •. ;..: people, to complement its sales ,, :staff in the. Huron Bruce area. . . _ , , ' Sti• Bernard pups, Champion ' ,Applicants must be neat, have sired, one smooth male, one 'own car. Call 524-6281or 524-2200 rough female. Available at between 1000 a.m. and.S: 00 p.m.. . , . ARTICL4S4ANTili reduced prices, on non breeding ask for Mr. Whalen.-- 2Ak . - contracts. Apply Malt -Side 2763.-6 • . . ' for ladies shop, Must be Kennels, Listower Phone 1-291- PART TIME sales clerk requneiraetd, KNAPPS i,vill buy Outright ,..reliable and enjoy meeting complete household estates or AQUARIUMS, birds, rodentsublic. Reply in writing to single -pieces- of furniture: - Best- -Ironical fish, plants.- cornoetarra wer 56, - Signal Star price paid or will sell by auction. lineofliet auppliei. Godericki Pet 110,Publishing, Box - 220, Do not hesitate to call use, Our and- Hobby ' Centre. Phone 04Goderich.-tiar gin ii to please. 67` IVIaln -St. 2883.-28tf • ; ' 41(4,,:,,:",•: • ,,,,I, ir •,-," ,,;,,,k..,,:,,,,,,•-•,!'., ..,-, 1 LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Medern, fully accredited; 101 bed hospital, 'requires a technologist With experience in Chemistry, also capable of ***OW in Other. dapariments 0 laboratory. Itis; located'in a beautiful town on the banks of Lake Nonni Teereational,facilities, both summer and winter. Salary ,cominensnrates with qualifications and experience. Apply:giving experience and references to . „ Mr. J.W. BankspAdministrator Alexandra Marine & Geheral Hospital Goderich,:Ontario, N7A 1W5. Seaforth, Phone 527-1336.--21tfar FIVE full time people comp complete USED playpen in good condition. Phone 524-7059.-4 WE ARE now handlin lotS or TROPICAL fish, canaries Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenin s -204 • , . part lots of furniture anci,op- • APPLES -11achitosh, Delicious pliances. If you have articles to sell privately, or by , auction 5A. ROOM & BOARD Spys. Potatoes and Red turnips. contact Rathveell's Auction Fresh cider Deliver und • toWn. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, Service. Phone 4814120.-29d YOUNG lady requires room and, RR 2, Goderich, phone 524- . QUEEN • yacuum 8008.-4, 2tfar FURNITURE, glen, china, ith attachinents4hone • • ;- - clocks, bells, brass, Copper. Will - 60 x 12 MOBILE HOME ne month, 1000- watt ‘•ori. approved, all electric. baseboard Contact Box 902; Mitchell or perniteleilV $43-7"..-• asking . Ynited TrustIP Mitabell•-_-4,5,6,7 . Regular . one 524-6700.,L4.7-8. t . - • CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPING rooms to rent: • Gdderich in DOO Elan Huron Haven ;Wiiii''ealrer, horne, 14 xo, two miles north of Kitchen privileges. Apply to 48'St. d three times. Call 524- 1972 FIRENZA, 4, doer, 4 cylin- Patrick Street, Goderich. Phone der, 4 speedtanrd 6.-6,7 sda. Excellent 524-2731:=ed • Village. Call 524-9808.--47tf. , . • condition inside and out. 8500 buy for cash or sell by auction. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, 524- 9064•-220 • 64'. ACCOMMODATION TO RENY board in Goderich. This is a.' good wIty....to subsidize high • heating bills.. Write Drawer 58 Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. -6x training provided, no experience necessary. 88.00 per -hour. Call to • see if you qualify. Must havb car. Phone 524-9024.-6-7AR , HOSCO. Ambassador mobile • • 1.f ARIS TX, 400 free 'air.. k and clutch:Excellent n. Phone- 524-6$4 -6 . • 'S man's leather brown, 'size' 42 x, new condition. Phone o SKI MSI8; twin 399, tart, firm price $506; Ski, needs same repair; . Huron -Automotive and td., 524-7622 or 524-8402, ex Duckworth...7-6 & 7_ , • . UNLIMITED - entr' music centre, rentals • 79 Hamilton St...phene -25tf .' • • - SINGER- For Authorized Sales- . & ''Servide,; -•sewing machines, . vacuum cleaners, parts, and notions, service to. ail makes. Pratt's :7Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderic.h.-28,29tfar S - rock, all- 82.00. sh, Fly by Night: Razamanaz; BTO: Ile: Eno: April Wine: ack; Alice Cooper; Out; Wakeman: Taste Live; Hendrhu erfly; ELP: Teems, ilogy; Joe Walsh: So Yes; Relayer; Ram - Johnny Winter And chool's Out. Phone 524- 5 p.m.-50ttrie APPLES. for -sale at Bellview Fruit . Farm. Cold storage. Northern Spies, Macintosh,'Red Delicious and'Cider. We delivsy in town. Call 524:011.-2d GOOD quality -hay for -sale, or will trade for good quality mixed graini Phone 524-6371.-5„6 ELECTRIC Adler typewriter. Very good condition. Phone 524- 6801 between 9 a.m. and 5 LEWY.T VACUUM CLEANER, one year old; deuble bed, box spring and mattress. Phone. 6 5 • 524- 7071.-. , • • ' • .„ 1972 SNO HAWK; $300.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2216 or 524- 8002.-45,0 • 42 k 10 -HOUSE TRAILER. Like our crisp, Juicy apples, new. Newl stove, new furnace. Bell's Cold Storage; toes, honey anti, fresh Lived in. Presently hooked up on lot. Immediate possession. Phone, elivery around town, -8037.-Itfar 524-6555.-6 ED Unival bicycle, top , less than 500 87.-1tfnc Utiles, LARTICLES FOR RENT 5 • , NEW' utherfoi • wblower IN STOOL'. ONLY) and frdouble augir with • ALSO • BLOWERS° •' FORMAL . RENTALS. ----JOr all OcastOns. Free style boichure. Itawsons Shop for ' Men; - Glideieh;-20tr • • - : • .r.'; •", c'44. ,,,it4:11 = • ,we awsuit •;f0CitY00.;004010 ,WitkosgEMAWsFORMAt. RENTALand 3EFF'S FORMAL' ''kiCtichifitilY 'eV! ''CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS' t.',finkitSelfc!With Deep team Exiact1on. Bluewater •2' uncertified. 524-9815.-6. AS IS SPECIALS • "Before 'Reconditioning" AiNSINHVBAMAMIOS WE NEED THEM OUT OF THE ROAD Please Note.... All of these cars and trucks • • run well! • '73 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, 8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. No. 'OPW539 , *799 '71 Olds. Delta 8.8 Sedan, 8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. No. DHF318 416 '71 Chev. Belair Sedan, 8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. No. DEC892. SPACIOUS three-bedroom town house, parking and recreational facilitied available, utilities in- cluded, 8180.00 per month. In Vanastra, inormation at D Bldg. Unit 8 apply after 6 p.m. Phone • 482-7027.--23tfar TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartment at Saltford. No pets. $112.00 plus utilities. phone Wiarton 53472849,-tf UNFURNISHED two bedrom, upper apartment in senior adults only building at 57 Kingston St. Phone 524-9370.--3tf RECENTLY new two bedroom apartment for rent. Available now. Phone 529-7775.-5tf MODERN two bedroom apart- ' ment, reasonable rent, available immediately. Phone 524- 7898.-6tf 3 Bedroom House Available February 1st. For information call Eric Kroh - mer -1-565-2843. 7. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT - house, barn and pasture. Phone 529- 666 "" '71 Plymouth Fury II 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, pOwer steering, tapek Lic. No. HNL871. '70 V W Station Wise '.•'! Lic. iSelf111r- - '.• . ; • ; • .'.• 10)boloassilor ' • :•••• - • • ':., • Sedae;atiAtautomatic, Pewee steering, pOWei' brakes, radio. AtclintrAODATION TO RENY Lic. No. KM1,1886. • - , a• *355 RESPONSIBLE family with two schhol children' wishes to rent -unfurnished accommodation, Goderich area, starting May or June. References -available. Tel. 524-9558.--611 :ar. three bedroom honnein Gpaertch, preferably in country. MuSt 60,ittitabletor family'with 2 school aged Children: tviNeeded by Polafa ••• • • - . . ••, 37; "4".3/44•,.r, 41",.4 •41 INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY Offersopportunity for high income -plus regular cash and vacation bonuses, abundant fringe benefits to mature individual in Goderich area. Airmail President, Dept. AL, P.O. Box 70, Station R. Toronto, Ontario M4G 3Z THE TOWN OF GODERICH REQUIRES.A FULL-TIME CARETAKER FOR MacKAY HALL ) Written applications will ba L,ceived „until 1200 Noon 1Filday, February 18th ad- dressed to the undrsigned. Duties to include all janitorial services required to the cleanlines of the Hall - -Opening and closing of the Facility to various organizations - also scheduling of rental of the Hall In conjunction with the Recreation and Community Centre Board. Applicants please state experience and expected salary. J. Harold Walls Administrator 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K5 411111111110•111111Mill111, WANTED (General) COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Cal: C and E Furniture, 524 -7231. --If 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG woman seeks em- ployment. Will do housework or babysitting. Phone 524-8692 evenings. -fine Wade babysitting, rnY home or yours, have references; or do any other part or full time work - Phone 524-8930 after 5:00 p.m ,-6 lin= 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE YOUNG woman will do sewing alterations in her home. Ask for Ilona at 524-7632:4,,,7 Nit APARTMENTS Bachelors STARTING4T ' Medir01111 00 ,411 • i00111 AND up 1:.sifittilitios 1410ot Air,trooir, Shoo ti Stove, Refr *mar • Ciflfral'Lau •1j1 Cutr. VI IId 6 December • fog 0.1 ` 4,`:•'• ,, • 11 Apply to:' J. W. Banks, Administrator Li, stating qualifications and employment history. . • Alexandra Marine & General Hospital Goderich N7A 1W5 120 Napier Street PHYSIOTHERAPY AID 0 • 6'; atovipioughiiig,thlv�ways, parking truck for feat service. Phone, 8668.041-tIO- ar • • • LAYING and flnlshing c floors for for basements, garage. patios. Call GeorgO,Barraeleigit 524-8158.-,430. STAN'S INTERIORS - Painting, paper hanging,Neat; clean work. Phone 524-2739.-6,7x' 2. Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Physiotherapy Department requires a Physiotherapy aid. Applicant should help -basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology and be willing to learn basic physiotherapy techniques. SC::=H You wont find our ocean cruises listed in newspaper travel sections. Sure we go to some places you may dream of seeing some day. The Caribbean, Europe, the PacifiVThis can become a reality for you as you are trained to be part of a team on a Canadian Forces Destroyer or Submarin; on exercised or operational missions. It's What makes the Forces such a very special team of highly trained Canadians, working together to help Canada and the world. There's a place for you on this team right now. • ' FOR FULL INFORMATION VISIT THE: Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre 520 Wellington St., London, Ont., N6A 3R2 OR PHONE 679-5110 OR VISIT ONE OF OUR MOBILES WITH A NEW SCHEDULE TO SERVE YOU. LOCATED AT THE FEDERAL BUILDING AND*OPEN FROM 12-5 P.M. SARNIA every Wednesday STRATFORD 1st & 3rd Thursday each month GODERICH 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month WOODSTOCK 2nd & 4th Thursday each month THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. I'm interested in hearing more about the Canadian Forces. Please send me information without obligation. Name Address City Prov PC 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE • RADIO SERVICE CITIZENS BAND-MARINE-RUSINESS • WARRANTY SERVICE: Cobra. Courier, Regency, Hy-Galn. Johnson, Gemfronlcs NON WARRANTY SERVICE: All brands ONTARIO RADIO 450 WEBER St, NORTH WATERLOO, ONTARIO NOTE: Radios may be' dropped off and Picked up at MR. STEREO , 48 WEST ST. GODERICH Lessons Available Pitons 52.4-Z05 AriefleNinbrough (A. W.C.M. Piano DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates . '',--McGRE'S • . • Goderich '‘ Phone 524-8391 19tf •!. BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT -EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING • SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced . FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich 524-.868 • , FOR YOIJR Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524-8892 257 Warren St., Goderich Wm. R. Nelson CARPENTER -- Area Representative for TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS and vanities 5 2 8-2949 FREE ESTIMATES FOR COMPLETE DRY WALL AND FINISHING CALL GORD THOMAS. 27 TRAFALGAR ST. GODERICH PHONE' 524-6674 FREE ESTIMATES r. ". MINN MIN 11.1/11 I INDOOR GARDENING 1 SNOW REMOVAL ART'S 1 Landscaping - Nursery 1 and Garden Centre 166 Bennett, Goderich 324-9126 9 till dark closed Sunday /MOM IMO 11111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIOFFMEYER Ppenhing & Heeling Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis wisheri; dryers, refrigerators, . dishwashers. . ranges GAS f Ranges, barbecueslights. ranges J.A. MORRIS CONSTRUCTION • "Coltralci. riing • JObsiti apfevnhiefits:."--AndBuIldinb- lds T CALL 52142:91( 12" r•• • • •