HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-10, Page 4'1•W won, • qw •%. A -Rvest.ilmAimmiff,ireingiRtiM137,9' • Leaf Friday, early In the morning, fire hit the O'Brien building on The - Square, Jelsving, a scene of disaster - Three persons who were sleeping in an apartment above the store were in - lured; a fourth person escaped unln- lured. One fireman was hurt. The fire brought great loss to many people 1110 variety of ways: It was a tragedy In Goderich. - • During the excitement of the fire, some eye witness thought to telephone CKNX with the story. But no one thought to inform the local Signai-Star editorial staff. As luck would have It, the or hearci a news bulletin about the fire on CKNX radio, and dlipatc,hecl reporter -photographers. to the scene. Every newspaper, large or small, depends on people when a news story breaks. Whether it is a city daily or a village weekly, the newspaper's success depends on the co-operation and the assistance of people. It is readers like the folks right "here in Goderich and in the 'surrounding area who see news happening first. This newspaper needj to know what they've seen andhoard.„ - The Sigrial4tar now has four persons on .the (tclitoria!*Aff-i; the 'most per - sonnet avallebleto the'Rical news room in recent YeerS• -Ei4ri'$9;*fho;te people need your!hatIP,fo do their job in the most intereatingandtetbiiiete fashlon. , Beginning Immediately, the Signal., Star editorial staff will be paying $s for the best news tip of theWeek and $10 • for the best news tip of the month. in Other words, If readers see news happening. they ,should call Shirley 'Keller at 5246637;- Jeff Seddon at 4829960;- " Ron .Shaw, at 524-29871 'or Dave Sykes at 524-9141. Telt one of these people what you saw and -or what you heard. If your news Is deemed the best for the week, you will earn $5; if it is deemed the best of the month, you could receive an additional $10. The Signal -Star needs your eyes and your ears to bring you the most complete and accurate coverage of all the news every week. Will you help? - SJK Unwary OpOesliplotts A trip down Blake Street about 8:45 in the morning or at the lunch hour is like weaving through a maze of pitons.. Only these pitons are human beings making the stakes much higher should the motorist make an error. - The persons on Blake Street at those hours aren't little people;A good many of them are students from GDCI. More are Robertson Memorial School • students, many of whom appear to be in the upper grades. The very young children are on the sidewalks which • have been plowed, of course, for pedestrians. It lin't even so bad that the'students walk on the road instead of on the side . It is the manner in which • they walk fhere. Elmer the Safety Elephant would have hey-dayon Blake Street because the boys and girls there have completely disregarded any of Elmer's safety rules. These young people walk in groups three, four, even five abreast. Even that would be tolerable to -motorists if these thoughtless pedestrians going one way were all on one side of the road. Not so. Some walk facing traffic. Some walk with their backs to traffic. In extreme cases, a motorist can find Biake Street completely blocked off by students” who are obviously more in- erested,in the conversation with their peers than •in their. own personal safety. Surely the students .who walk to school on the roadway instead of on the sidewalks can understand the plight of the motorists. Not only is it a waste of time, to •get in behind a group of pedestrians who are blockinto the path, it is downright harrowing for the driver who fears that one misjudgment either on his part or on the part of the student could end in tragedy ' Teachers at the schools let- ich4 are called on to remind theirifir ents of the rules which apply to pedestrians on a ,roadway. Parents are asked to caution their families about the hazards of walking on' the travelled portion of the road •instead of the shoulder. Students are urged to recall their -safety rules and' obey them. And motorists - bless them - are warned to be especially careful in this unusual winter weather —SJK Ficiod watch After the mounds of snow which have collected this winter cornes the worry of flood. Even, while it snowed, some pessimists were •already concerned about the disaster if Mother Nature 'should send a quick thaw to this part of the province. * It isn't a foolish fear. Flood watchei are -being set up now in frequent flood.' areas and elected officials ail over the district are keeping a close watch on the weather and planning some evasive action to prevent flooding whenever possible. Just this week, Mayor Deb Shewfelt glanced at the sky and remarked that it would be a wise move to get sorne snowblowert to clear . , • the ditches in certain areas of town where water should run in the spring •Homeowners might take a clue from the experts. Some thoughtfUt preparations now might prevent costly and bothersome flooding should there be a the*, By simply moving piles of snow away from basement windows, pu ng heavy snow away from foun- dations, pushing snow away from an openings through which it might flow once it is melted,. the homeowner could •avoid sorrie trouble. The ward is that sump pumps will be a Popular item -this spring. Could be. Have you made any plans to beat the weatherman his own game? -SJK Sereni fl By Shirley J. Keller From time to time people comment to me that I have ri "narrow viewpoint". If that seems more obvious this week than others, it could be - attributed to the fact that my ViSiOn is definitely restricted., After several years in the Signal -Star offices downtown . when the editorial domain had neither window ' or skylight, the editorial T.1 %I Ur** hilildirig; Ore ktictiko.*z raric W114t sitriated' beside `'Windows. the editor's office, the window and,thetiesk are so positioned that when I am Preparing my columns, editorials and stories, for the newspaper, I can gaze far afield to get what _ feels like a "broader per- spective". Today. as I sit at my typewriter, there is a snowdrift obscuring my view. From where r sit I eau -see only the topmost corner of the • • • roof ae extral pint and ParttthTao 1 'h • • only if I lean way over to my left can I see a.sinall portion of High way 21 south. Still my 'plight is minimal compared with the problems of so manyother residents of this partof the province. -I will complain nomore., About every 10 days or two weeks, receive a packet of *provine otratie% information. Q'f--the Pasem .4% ttia M04 Stephen Lewis' itinerary for the next few days and copies of some 'of the mbre.thoUght- provbking' - speeches which have been delivered in various places around the provineehit,NDPPoliticians. ' It isn't unusual for political parties to send such materials to newspapers: Informatio s in from the Progressive Conservative . Party as well as the Liberal • y a regu ar asis . . . This means that a person dle ari' but as a general rule you can count on their materials to be of a somewhat' dry, sterile nature. It is the NDP packet which always -provides the tempting tidbits. • • The packet this week was more :interesting thata It contained three open let- ters - two the Hon. Dennis Timbrell, Minister of Energy, and one to Sidney B. Han- dleman, Minister of Con- sunei c,4„,n1Fi; • 775 '.1iftv4: The letter to Mr. Han- dleman is from Doug Moffatt, MPP for Durham 'East. Ile tells M. Hanclleman that it has been brought, to his at- tention • that the price or in- sulin sold by Connaught Labs for persons with diabetes has recently escalated in price from $15 to $25 per packaged, number of units •• • .11 -•t We are, Dave Weary, „:;.,Without Ow-right:to tifir. all -etniarriedteeth fate Gordon mernow.:that any I h response. against takrnethe live of that otherrights • eson Toronto, the other ofold family:homes. m sx act w who is using? 0 units of insulin. this, correspondence per dayis lacing: increased Moffatt,..bUt upon-rea week,"costa p, tphree?t. Nett tpeb!: f$rloOma ,Alerttcehriel:,,t1raso.oritj attou Durham East pointed out,; Pharmacy on The Sq Morfatt,teels,this particular ArOhie. confirmed increase is unjustified since price of insulin has Conbnae"a 14ill"r aaolisiS'Ob to PUSIt h service institution set up by---sinte Connaught La the Federal Developthenf, mealy operatecrihra Corporation .and also since vy;,•University of Toron insulin is a "gift in its -taken overby the the -processs and patents rp tett9OifOmr0,ttoc t four tiels __fa co luded hisT ma'fge %err Ar chi asking that the price a - Tatest increase Was insulin •be rolled back from 54:30 accordance with the ruling of some types - certainly the ' Aritj'44flation CO1:!eitykeeping especially in view of the fact -"AIB regulations. that the prices of insulin per . There' has also .Unit.doseshrive reiriafriOthe - change in distributio same in the United Stites where insulin is co where the -same rrianufac- according to Archie. atursaidnag proc, esare _being • throughsulina hate is nowwpsua reisnoindmicra.tio4n,a.n.. of orderf :forictoinetiaue localdp e. what on Th.coyr: . , • .. • . - . . .•.r.., -,....- , ;-..,:.• ... -,...:::..,.4. tfi.'' -...!,i?,.. r;,,,,, *tr-.. -; ', ‘....,e,,:i',.1A*,11=-'-',.:4:, '• By its very. .definition Pra de e opment-. . Your• ,TMs' -John Austin'. Toronto. -The latter is Mabe) special historical fe. argument, Mr. Weary, that • • ave Dear Editor: ;„ individual i4 state •Yoters-Sincerely ttithe lateNillieten r so enjoyed Mr Life is a positive group. We desperate women will seek an Likes Elliett 6f. JOhn. I% of 1Vforde . . , Acheson Jamieson, daughter .. .htan'beena pleasure w believe thatriegyery_tum. an ; 'illegal abortion, completely ; as e being h th tit to ill • evades the issue of whether paartditari. M., b m „ eanor — Ight,be ••' •E you.• that' an unbOrn 'Child is There -abundant proof an abortion is rightur wrong. 'An article itte Ontirteit` iiritey* • 0! ,-",1410:w'' human beingforn tii t* One of thAltutin functions of '54 izec n s( Tui ely a eter ion, omp ay the 1 of r, tan , are Ervii of nucli e an at the trnent nuc ing to ylor. speec Often the gene arned the nui d. us in this n Si r Mari of Con called Age Set ill to at ises th ld Age ment ol tion, th sion to ternatii ents. propose greats neficiai f t" th itire of r:.401vernment.` ,..igi*I'Stat'Yebrtittry:2$1974. ' 64ri, D.R. M ,. er iori o e sp r egg. If isfaet; not, opinion, Persons arid ro et • ' Eh I -Met ' -;.i, P P tY. The , te!`pr. Shit andprotect., by W.. t. giiiptt "Tovi,m4 Most dese'C' . '''S 'enjoyyoung "."1 .containa all- the ienetic that this new indiVidual pro life s.i.itroegryett4hiege , me ',t0,14rite.:4414etter,40400the'antiftk, Ititlatitli „ettieteri ' .,.. ',.' f i Father of ni1 P P visiting Goderich, the Ache*Oki. ,,d0,..,0AY;11*-04,:::*idiht4st hutting ti4i" ''... -:.....,,, 1f1 r _.. material that willmake Up itS '''. n theP GranilfatikAaitA001000t.7.,.,'Ef,0 s Cato iv o . I am e .. le ai , , i 5,--ift, ',co oil - , „,•%:: ,.• f,t,•.= ,,c, - „grnups and as irid Viduale, '..'Elizatetti ',Dingman, ,torontti ' tfirec.'Yetikft.' haVe enjoyed' ' / '- ''• pi': ugh ,P.t,elititt.,1i. life, in' : 40WOrdi soivittk orobi - dd. person to the end 'of itt days. protection that other '.1'e°1')ke -" •we • ',J. eeords7r•W fiditthas my The process of development• , for is person bbt4inues as .1... Reference is mad! to-Mts.,. :finy,ingiiyie London:ontY 4:11 bs "aperk, usuallt ,a4,016..„4,0,00a, 4:01P0ings she h 4 cy,.; C dhOod, , ems JAY-Atini.;Antither d#aghteiof IiiCti<11.have 'adolescence, and,;:;,...‘44th-it;e'iti 7..it:tiostAhCel: Iead S 4.344.1110..„- , death. •• '••••••••: 411.00:#0 1.!.)..,V.:,dd 5,4 Plilg she (continuedes Su 1:146,•.i4P;1.: ,;#ptilyiebgotia the tatitf- WalIs rby .ftern LtIVe ;:oroll�toitti aciodS:1":,?1: Prim ruling C Won of g to beIfldla as: Of the We °112f1P' 4ak:d ftinije 4. 5 ; a *