HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-27, Page 5CONTINUED REDUCTION SALE OWING TO THE GREAT SUCCESS OF OUR PRICE REDUCTION SALE IN IIECEmou, WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE IT Through. JA UARY TO GIVE OTHERS A CHANCE TO GET SOME BARGAINS. REMEMBER THIS IS A Re,Ale REDUCTION SALE, AND IF YOU .1 ,1 WANTIN N SOMEOFTHESE � COME I:�iRI.Y O >3E Ia O, HE E BAIt,GAI S C I AS GOODS ARE GOING FAST. R. N. Rowe NE 2(►J and 20W. NI'TUR1; & UN ,RTA IMG AUCTION SALE OF FARM, .FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS,. ETC. Lot 2, Con. 14, Tueleersrith, 3 Mee, East *: Herta:el, on • 2.. �•+� •2nd, 19 FEB.FP13. 2 , ,.1 WEDNESDAY, At 1 cock, shape the following : Horses Norse nem 4 years, mars r s'eee 5 years, Carriage horse 10 years Ce r tie e2 cows 3 yre. old, due in 'tsar), h ; 4'wv. 4 eters Old 'due in March ; .Cow 3 ym. old due later, 3 steers rising 'hoe. ;levet ready to %hip; 3 steer• ars ng 2 years; 1 .tefr 2 yrs., 4 spreng naives. Piers -9 pigs 3 naoat't old; 1 t.•reiel soul to a. --'row xn Ap,;;1. • Pau;t.y .'-Ahatat 120 hens and pullets per oa ducks. Implementse.-Frust ee Wood betel n 6 foot Lilt, with trues; Deelog mover 5 .foal: cut, 10 foot steel gine, 13 ldae Deer tt drill, gond a o r:.m•, SWIM; tooth cultiv;tto:, gang plow, tv ellen Mow, diamond harrows, 4 a:,d'taons; 1 wa ;ori nearly iaecv, wagon box ;and stuck sire);, gravel box, net sleighs, 1 land roller, disc h:rrrovw.s, 2 h ere puloe;., cutting box, bug.;!', cutter, 1 road cart, waggon raid:; blot`.: and tavele ?, cross cut saws, lawn mower, cant boat swamp hook. 2 10„ chains, snoop wire, some three' inch .tile.. elelotte semrator new, 500 lbs. capaeity, set scales 2000 lbs capacity, Chinon Fan- ning -M ee, 1 set ream Irarness, l :°et single .harness, sone mangolds, quant- ity stov^ewood, , firindstone, apples and potatoes, 2 water troughs, 3 steel isig teous;lrs, Beetles, fork ;hovels hod's. House F urn'e e -Sideboard, • exten- sion table, couch, 2 bedsteads, 6 din- ing eosom theirs 6 kitchen chairs, small table, melte.ee chair. cirop:leaf table, Pandora Range with water £tont wood cook stove 3 screen doors, tub and wr',n.per, dewy churn, fire extin- guisher. For Safe. -The lane tionsiating of 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, 10 acres of first class bush,• 5 acres fall wheat, balance, seeded and plowed, On the faun is a tine bank barn, 36x56, Z0 -ft. oocysts, steel roof, cement floors, driver house, gig nen and chicken house, Al- lo a large modern brick house, contain mg 11 rooms, bath and toilet and hot air u.urnace. If not sold previous to Cale will be sold by public auction on day of sa1e. Terms -410 and under cash; over teat amount 12 months credit on ap- t>roveil joint notes. 4 per cent off for cash. ,. r"erms of Farm -20 per cent of pur- chase price on day of sale. Balance a.rranaed tor.. MRS. FRANK HORTON, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct FRANK COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF DURHAM CATTLE -- AT THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL, EXETER, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1921 At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: 7 steers rising 3 years old; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; 3 steers, rising 2 years old; 1 cow due to calf March 25th; 2 ,farrow cows; These cattle are a choice lot of red and roan Durhams. 1 cow due in April. • 3 heifers due in April; 1 heifer rising. 3 'y'ears aid 1 heifer. rising 2 years old 1 steer rising 2 years old 1 .Herford bull rising 2 years old 1 brood sow. TERMS 8 months' etedut on approved joint notes with 6 per cent per auinum, added. PROUTY BROS., Proprietors FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. ACTION SALE OF 1'ARM STOCK Mr. C. W. Rqbinson has been in- structed by John Delbridge tosell by Public Auction on Lot 8, Con. 9, Usborne half mile south of Winchelsea o.n !THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921 at one o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—Two registered fillies ' rising 2 years old, ' Princess Maud, (46412); Miss Pacific (46413). PURE-BRED HEREFORD OAT - TLE -Nell 7th, (23318 ), age 4, with heifer calf at foot; Brendita (17092) 6 yea's old, due to calve in March; Violet (22778), 4 years old, due to calve to August; Valletta (9861 ) , 12 years old, due to calve in.March; Majestic Queen' (32450), rising 3 years aid ,'du.e before' tile., sale: Ma jestic Netta (,:2464), rasing three Years old, due in June; Miss 'Bonnie'. Fairta :.(35830), 2 years old; Prim- rose 1,4'4332), rising..' 2 yenrs old; Prrn+ .t>fis Pearl (35831), ri5iwz two Mre ye old; Lady Banjo (40261), 9 aR old. HIGH GRADE HEREFORDS -1 cow 6 years old, due to calve at time of stile; 2 steers rising 3 years old; 5 steers rising 2 years old; 4 lteirers rising 1 year old. One Nanny goat, At the same time and place �4ril- ,. ,. is r• t Beiten w r I at n Ill sell G steers1st r xrg 2 year;, eld; 6 heifers rising 2 years old; 6 spring calves. TERMS` OF SALE -Ten months' est=dit on furnishing approved joint notd's nr a discount of 4 per cent. off, far cash. . Robinson, John Delbrid e Auctioneer Proprietor Frank Cita s, Clerk. 'Zurich. Ztx Jamee Hence, ani Siarjey, wilt* 'petal. the pat few weeks at ..)cure:¢', hes returned home -.lies Mary f' - teir :e:t an Wednesday morning for rfub: n, wl;e. a .,he sntends to remain for some time -Mr. Chas. F. Hey of B fel Axe. Web., b , .s vjss"L ng friends and t'ratites .fere .for a 1w weeks. --The Diez tors' end Audetor ' a ontre re- nent of the IIay Township Farmers' \Intual, Fre Insurance Co., for the year 1920, have been m, axed to the many Aooicv hokler5 of ilii; com;rany. We i� nd allat during the past year 494 ool- ee, eoverin4 an insurance of .1,640,- 955.00 have been: s ucd, and the year •lose;l with 2107 pol:eic.i in force, and a total amount of risk of $6,699,600.00. ?u -eve dee year there were. 27 losses need emouatin; ter $4,660.75, of whid:h. 71 were loused by lightning, There won no assessment. made during 1920, nd cht total assets amount to $259,- 251.Lue lir annual meeteng of the the� • eelbe: lte`d Town t.o. .,n alHall Zv3 � s ux els. on M nday, Jan. 33se Hensall lfrs, Ilainett of Windsor is visiting her mother errs. Thompson. -Mr. T. C. Joynt was ixi..lfontreal, Quebec., for a few days. --Mr. Earl MacEwen who !en been viseeing hie brother, Dr. J. eiat•Ewen Sri-Cn--eeton Place, has re- turned Moine„-Mr. ;and Nerd A. 14Ic- Naughton of Thornh',ll, titan., are vis- iting for a fete days with 61r. and lilts, Thos Dickson. -Miss Joynt of Lucknow is visiting Mrs. Alice Joynt. .-lifts. Jas. Dougall cf Mounitl,nside, lien, who has been. v's':cing with fir. and Mrs. Robt. Eacrett and other friends for the, past few weks, has re- turned to ,her home in the West.- Mr. .'st-141r. Harry Smith, who "bias been ser- iously ill during the past few 'days with pleu pneumona, is improving. -Miss Maud Porter is visiltin; rela- tives ,far Toronto.. Struck By Tender-Williq;rn Camp- bell, who works with his btrclther, Chris. Campbell, oft he. Hensall plan- ing mills, met with a painful accident at the Grand 'Trunk tracks here Sat- urday afternoon. Mr. Campbell, who is deaf and dumb, was getting off the track with a load of shingles and did not ;notice a train backing down, though the, engineer gave the usual warning. He was struck by the ten- der and:injured about 1the head, his face. ,being cut and a number of teeth broken. He is under a doctor's care. BAYFIELD -Mary, the seven year- old daughter of Rev. R. 0. and Mrs, Pitts, passed away on .'Tuesday after- noon after on illness dof many months from sugar diabetes, A Valiant Battle For, Their Lives :VOBLD in itself -6, dauntless little world, each citizen bat- tling for life! Life is very dear, when you are young, and so .many patients at the '• Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives are still in' their eager twenties, Yet each has some- thing oP tragedy and of ,heroism in that short lite'.; history. Here,. a girl who cared tor orphaned brothersand sisters; 'there, a school teacher alone In tho world; a nurse broken down through hard work; 'a housemaid; a. factory hand; a young mother; or, amongst the men, a laboring man, friendless and penniless; a farm hand,; who has wife and children; a fireman•,^ a miner; a telegraph operator; a machinist., Ah -how the want to live! And how well spent the money restor- ing them to health andstrength up there in Muskoka. Contributions' may be sent to Sir LYilliairr Gage, 84 Spadina Avenue; Toronto or to Geo. A. Reid, Treas- urer, 223 College Street, Toronto. ML STERIAL ORDER QVARA( TZrilNG MRTAIN ARES -QN ACCOUNT OF T. EITROPEAN GO TRICT- Ri1i RORER ANl? RES ING•lettE MOVEMENT OF CORN AND GOWN PRODUCT'S IN SAID AREAS, NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO 2. (Domestic,) Effective on and after the 29th day Pt November 1920, The feet has heen determined by the Minister of Agriculture and no- tice is hereby given that an iuuri- ouk insect, the European Corn Borer,, (Pyrausta :embilalis Hubner) now. and not heretoforce widely prevalent or distributed within and through.- out the Dozniiion of Canada, exists. in the province of Ontario, and that there is danger of this insect being spread into other districts by 'mem of the roovemept of corn plaints or portions of plants infested with th pest. Now, therefore, I, Joseph Hiram Griedale, the Deputy to the Minister of Apiculture gr culture :far the Danaittiaal or Canada, under authority conferred upon elle br section 7 of the De- strgetion Insect and Pest Act, 9-10, Edward VII, chap. 31, do hereby quarantine the following townehipst Wainileet, Humberstone and leer - tie in the County of Welland. Moulton and Sherbrooke in the County of Haldimiund, Dereliani, Norwich North, Nor- w'e tlt South, Oxfore d ZV' est Ox Ord North and Missouri East in the County of Oxford. Usborne iu the County of Huron, Bayharll, Malabide, Yarmouth, Dorchester South, Shout. wold, Dun- wich and Aldborouth in the County of Elgin. Dorchester North, Westminster, Delaware, Caradoe, Missouri West, London, Biddulph, Lobo, Adelaide, Metcalfe, Elsfrid awl Masa in the County of Middlesex. Zone, Orford, Howard and Har- wich in the County of Tient. All the afore mentioned townships being in the Province of Ontario and by this Notice of Quarantine No. 2, (domestic), do order that no corn nor corn stalks. including broom corn, whether used for Tracking or other purposes, green or sweet corn, roasting ears, corn on the cob ar corn cobs, shall be moved from any localities in said quarantined town- ships to points outside those town- ships. The quarantine shall : not apply under the following conditions: 1. To the • articles enumerated when they shall have been manufac- tured' or probessed in such manner as to eliminate risk of carriage of the European Corn Borer. 2. To clean shelled corn and cleaned seed of broomcorn. n, 3. To sbipments of the articles enumerated, transported through the quarantined areas ou a through bill of lading. 4. To shipments of the articles enumerated for experimental or scientific puproses by the Dominion Department of Agriculture or the Ontario Department of Agriculture. 6. To shipments of dried seed corn on' the cob for exhibition pur- poses and consigned to the Secre- tary of a Winter Fair or Exhibition duly recognized by the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture. Such ship- ments shall be inspected at point of destination by an inspector duly ap- pointed under the Destructive Insect and Pest Act. Any person who contravenes this quarantine will be prosecuted as provided for in the Destructive In- sect and Pest Act.. This order shall take effect im- mediately and' be in force until fur- ther notice. 'Witness my hand this date and seal of the Department of Agricul- ture, Canada. (Seal). (Signed), J. II. Grisdale, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Dated this 29th day of November, 1920. MARRIAGE ,LICENSES ISSUED flee. Strictly c ,LICENSES na witness. by C. H. Sander] at the Advocate London Business Institute IarUNDAS & RICHMOND STS. LONDON, ONTARIO It pays to investigate before choos- ing a school. Write for information. Now is a good tine to enroll. J. MOR1.ITT N. STONEHOUSh, Principal Vice -Prep THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT. and. CHICAGO Uaveacelled dining car service. Sleeping cars o,n night trains and Parlor cars . on, principal ` day tram Ft* itoformatllo,n from any Graeae frank Ticket Agent, or - C. E. Horn- eig District Passenger Amt, Toronto N. J. DOli:E Agent, 'Exact:. 7.'h tee 4; w. MRCHARI XrER!MENrs Cultivation and Pruning Tests by Government Agents, It lays to Enrich the Soil T Laite Cultivation. Not Advisable -'-Fran- Ing and Spraying Advot<ated- Thriflty Ewen Mean a Big Lamb Crop, (Contributed by Ontario Department 01 Agriculture, Toronto.) FV 1: leased orchards in the Counties pf Stmeoe, Nor- folk, Prince Edward. Lambton and Ontario, all beim; in apple growing sections, were looked after by the Ontario Department of Agri- culture during the war. Four of these have been very profitable. In the Prince Edward county orchard it was suecessfully demonstrated that new beads could be put on old trees. The Department found that leasing apple oreliards is a profitable busi- ness, but several things must be done to make it so. On the lighter soils many of the trees are positively .*arvtng while on heavier hinds this may not be so apparent. In the =xperinients very little commercial fertilizer was used, but the Pep>rt •+:e;rt depended on t'he use of barn- e:trJ manure, mostly secured from t'i+tt,:ttra. ?,bout ; t•ven tons per aero r+' sufecient for one application, which gives about 400 paunds per and the total roar is about $21 t acne The amount looks big butt Peere ea cioatht that it will pay -.:'.l to spread that muelx on light alt n'.l neatly every year. Own Six or seven years a€o we Began ploughing, iu the fall, several row of trues in all the iti'ased or- chards (a portidtt being left in sod to test the sod mulch). This was 'af?®e in order tla.:t we could answer frn:a experience the frequent qui'. tion --it'lt.tt'about fall ploughing? When the. land is fall laieueited cultivation e:an be beetle luxe.) earlier in the uring. It costs )much lees to get laxed in good condition when It bile been ploughed before winter, but we caul see no advantage in ploughing closer than five feet from the tree. The troublesome part in ereltard cultivationis close to the trualt and it is frequently tililleu1t to work near the tree without injur- ing tial' bark, We have tested cultivation against sod nsulche and lravo 'concluded that nearly all the orchard;, will be more profitable when cultivation is carried ern, unless tho land is lirint-class nal there is plenty of barnyard manure for mulching. When to stop culti- vation is rather hard to answer. It depends on the season. The drier the weather the later the cultivation should be carried on. On rich land apples will grow inng after cultivation hes ceased. We are stopping our cultivation earlier and earlier every year because our On- tario appleslack color;r, l C s cultiva- tion means more color, more color higher priced fruit. liediunr •apple's slightly colored seem preferable to Huger ones lacking color. When cul- tivation is stopped a cover crop is fre- quently sown. The principal object Is to rob the trees of nourishment in order that the fruit will color and the wood will ripen before winter. Some low growing crop from cheap seed gives most satisfaction. Trees must be 'pruned to get high class apples. The best time to prune is early spring but we prune any month when the weather is not too cold for our men. If there are large cuts to make we leave a stub about one foot long and cut it off in the spring, as cuts of two inches or more do not heal well when made In the very cold weather; large cuts should be kept painted to keep the wood from decaying. Pruning is a slow business and it costs a lot to get a big orchard done, but it is absolutely necessary if good apples are expected. High trees are difficult to spray thor- oughly. Twenty feet is high enough for any tree and several feet of top may be removed in a season with no bad effects. The tree with a low head Is easier pruned, easier sprayed, can be picked for half the cost, and the wind will not blow down so many apples. -W. F. Iiydd, Fruit Branch, Toronto. Thrifty Ewes Mean Bigger Lamb Crop.. The best results from breeding are obtained from ewes that are in a gaining condition: If they are thin from having been kept on short fall pastures, they should have a little grain -from one-quarter to one-half a pound a day. This will put them in good condition and they will breed earlier and increase the lamb erop. Some fairly accurate' record should be kept when the ewes are bred in order that when lambing time ap- proaches the ewes may be separated from the main flock and given extra feed and care. If ticks, lice or scab appear in the 'flock, the sheep should be dipped even though the weather is'a little severe. This is extra work, but the flock will be more healthy and thrifty. A warm place should be provided the sheep until they dry off. The ram should also receive extra care at this time. In order to keep him active, vigorous and in fair flesh during the breeding season he should be fed a pound or two of grain every day. "Extra care of ewes and breed- ing ram at this time," says Mr. Anderson, "will insure a larger and stronger lamb crop and well repay the fiockmaster for his extra labor." Farm Notes. From now on empty the hopper of the gasoline engine after using, and peot"ect batteries from frost. • Do not forget that salt and water are as necessary for the cow as is feed. tti tablespoonful of charcoal mixed with the feed aids digestion. , The dairy farmer not only studies how to feed his cow, but how to teed his land. He is not a soil robber, as he realizes that the farmer who re- duces the fertility of his land robs without reason, since he steals from himself. STANLEY ---.A. eeeleilenneKinetbefel ee. James Coles orf .Stanley en Satur- day last, while he was working with a c.,reular saw kr 'the Canadian Company lot, Stanley. He was throw%e'a stick I of wood ov'esr the saw, when it gave way end caught; his met and hand in the saw. Two fingers are eri,tirelY gone, the Ilium`) -rid little !lager are off at the first , and the ether finger ga,rtly taken off. CLINTON.-On January 19th, by Rev, J. E. Hogg at Clinton, Mary Kath ernte Smith, daughter of 11r. Donald Smith was married to Edward Gordon Howes, scfn of Mr. and Mrs, E. I. Howes, of ate. Therese, Quebec. Elizabetih Graham passed peacefully away on January 14th, at the residence of tlr. J. W. Ba,yley, Hulletlt, where she had been vis ting .over the holi- days. hol - day s. GODERICH-A. M. Polley, well- known throughout Western Ontario as a r er of and d eed hoyse s -died at his home here Wsda, Jan. 19, in. his 87th year. Hes was born in New Harnpsh-ore, but had hived in Goder- s telt for about sixty years, and besides owning a stock farm, where ie had a half mile tmel for .the training of his horse:., are was a pioneer et -the ship - pine or horses to #lief United States. ' and to ,tire Canadian. West. leARKHILL.-Corp. William Tuei was laid to rest ;n Detreet recently' Corporal Tuck's body was brought from France arrie ng on Wednesday, Jan. 5th, in Detroit. tie was an old Pan bill boy who went overseas with the Amercaa forces. TUCKERi M1Tli-tiles. John . Detat A - ca. t. om formerly Comber, fdrner f this l 1. 4 h_. tatvnshp, d:ad recently ;n Windsor Ho -vital, from pneumonia, following an operae t?osz. 4..husband, ,eix sons and . five daughters survive. Mrs. Wallace and airs. T. Colwell, William of Seaforth and Stanley o; Brueefielel are children. SEAFORTH- A.daztl Dickson, aged 73 ,yearspassed away here on Jan. 23 after alit elheess of several months. He w'as born in Scotland, came. to Can- ada wthesn fivie years of age, 3iv.d ig Manitoba in tins ;earl v^ent'a's for a, .few years„ and the in Mc-- K} R llov until a few .bars, a ir, where » lre retired to afos His id_Ay end re e. of a f ny survive. EVERY CWLD8 needs nourishment that not onI sus- tains strength but also promotes nor- mal growth. scoTT's EM a, food -tonic that is of special s" n .ficance • to children. Those who are not thriving ought to take Sao's Enaiatlsion scone;Sawrae, ; aroato, Ort, .Art e, O MAi1C`Sa OF 1.110i S (Tablets or Granules) me INDIGESTION eneese 5Q, to 5,OOO A YEAR FOR LIFE A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT t3i,911.i1 a a ,. ,..,, E, 44 3• 3• 3• 3• 3• ' Apply to your postmaater; or writd, noataee free, to S T. Art ' intendent cf Annwtaea. Ottv.va, for naa�b sokret and other infrna r w State sex and age last birthd --No better life investment availoble -No better security obi ;:table --'Cannot be seized or levee! upon for my .rsr Will be replaced if lost, reeler+ or dee:Toy- l --Not affected by trade depression , --Free from Dominion Income Tax -No medical examination required Anyone over the age of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada may purchase. Any two persons,pnay purchase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employees --school i'aards for their teachers -congregations for their minister;. 3, .5. :nSuper. ck .red. t The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" What ,Edison. did during the War THE official announcement is out. Ask us for your copy of "What Edison Did During the War." Write for it, if you can't call. it tells how Edison left his home and business and went to sea, how Edison's "Yankee magic" foiled the German submarines. The bulletin tells many other things • Edison did while Chairman of the Naval Consulting Board. It explains how' Edison kept the price of his phonograph at bed rock during an eraof high costs and soaring prices. Since 1914 the New Edison has advanced in price (in the United States) less than 15%—and part of this is war. tax. This bulletin also describes the Bud- get Plan, which makes it possible for every home to enjoy the benefits of good music without feeling the financial outlay. Powell, Dealer, Oxeter, Ontario .Patch for the announcement of Mr. Edison's New Research.