HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-03, Page 20171 BY TUI Rite C. FREl) DAIt II L THE 1. PENTECOSTAL TAL TABERNACLE. NAi 0 HOW TO LOOK AT YOUR LIFE A present dayauthor writing on this subect. "How to look at your Life". said, "Roses have thorns and ' thorns have roses." Life is made that way. All assets have liabilities and all liabilities have assets. Those who laugh the most will cry the most. Those who cry the most will laugh the most.; Those 'Who love the dearest wily suffer the dearest loses, for nothing is permanent in this life, and all must some day be -given up. When a child is born he is born to die. Hence, the joys of the maternity ward will some day be balanced by the tears of the mortuary, If there are a few children there are fewer finger marks on the walls. fewer sleepless nights. and fewer doctor bills. ,Perhaps in the tend, it is true _ that our joys and sorrows all come out even. If one has few friends, he will lose few friends, The more friends that one has, the more times that he will have to go to the cemetery With a broken heart: Since every asset: has liabilities and every liability has ;assets, could it be. then that none of us has a worse time than the rest -011,10H' the above be true there are several lessons that can be learned. , I. HAPPINESS DEPENDS UPON WHETHER WE MAGNIFY THE ASSETS OR LIABILITIES. If every bad has a good and every good has a bad. and if life's assets and liabilities are all evened out in the end, then each of us has the same possibilities of happiness. Those who look at the liabilitiesmore than the assets become unhappy. Those who magnify the assets over the liabilities become happy. May we rejoice over.. the having of the child rather than sorrow over the fingerprintsoon the wall. IF' THE ABOVE BE TRUE. NO ONE HAS IT WORSE THAN THE OTHER. - Even in our defeats there are lessons we learn that the victorious ones never know. Hence, one has no more right to complain than another. :1. A REALIZATION ,OF THIS TRUTH WELL CURE ENVY. • Why envy.another if. Choke Maker Now days most people call their adopted children 'chosen ones' But we didn't choose ours and she didn't choose us: Arriving on our doorstep a scared, reluctant thirteen year old she'later told me at her first glance of me she thought defiantly "Who'9 the shrimp?" Inwardly I groaned, my stomach doing cartwheels "Oh my, what a BIG girl". She came to stay two weeks until a permanent home Was found for her.... ' and never left Storms, fights, frustrations, tears and red-hot anger days almost convinced us it would never work: Vet through it all we always sensed Your Presence Supported by your love and guidance a spangled metamorphosis took place We thank and bless you Lord for this your child . our beautiful daughter Thank ypu for choosing us ; ' for her 1 Didn't Go He wanted me to go to the hockey game I said no I don't like hockey games and Iwon't go So he went by himself and now I'm sorry Next time I'll go with him even though /don't want to At least I think Iwill Trying To Diet - On Sunday night the control I own Is perfectly stupendous How come by Monday morn it's flown And food tastes so tremendous? 11 his`liztbilitiesini)tell his essc as. 'do oars.? He ties as muc right to envy us. clx. THIS TRUTH, W I L MAKE US. CHOOSE .A LIF THAI' A 'T D OEs THE MOS .... QB RS -.—If ..the. boo balance out as we are su .then we will come ou even regardless. Could it b then that the grasping of thi philosophy will lead us to choose the kind of life that will do the most for others? In other words. if there is no wa at all that•we can gain mor assets than liabilities, w may then center our attentio on helping others to. gat assets. 5. THIS TRUTH WILL TAKE AWAY THE DESIRE FOR PERSONAL GAIN AND SELFISHNESS. - That thing that you will want will bring with it a liability that you - may not want to assume. The more things you own, the more things you can break. The more conveniences that one obtains the more repair bills he will have. Hence we are led simply to say to God, "Give us what you know is best for us' and we will trust your wisdom and j_udgment." 6.. THIS TRUTH WILL DRIVE US TO DO THE WILL OF GOD. • If all our at- tainments and obtainrnents lead us to the same place, then we must cast ourselves upon the Lord' and upon his will. Nothing else will much matter but that which he wants us to do. If there is no asset that does not bring with it a liability, there can be nothing that we really do want or do not want, If we obtain it, we can rejoice because of its assets. If we do not obtain it, we can thank God for the privilege of not having to accept the liability. So since it is six ol one and a half dozen of the other we can turn our eyes toward Jesus and say, "Thy will be done". Mrs: F.11sweni I) n died $uddenlyr,n ! y , .1iitiutiry 24 n tr a •_ x t is WdStiH.. h She was brill.) 1" t kCR ch tin ; Scptemherto L (lt tack) Dant, a " ��' Oct''�l�llr� E ,(McDona'ld) 114tt"r�t,rn, Folrnw,n ;' h r T g e t11t r i t. ':u k . Harry Fllswood SrX?tit rlL ed up_ in etroit Akron,Ind t LaJtinta and l'tiehlt5.'Cttl•, e before moving to i •e)<rverM. he s was a member the Presbyterian_. Churdlr,, -,,the American Legion A►t,XItjnry and the Anicrlcan Association of "'Retired People. She had .travelled extensively in the' ,past severalyears. Mrs. "Ells,wood- established a charitable trust foundation known as Kaye!! Foundation, for cancer, liver, and muscular related diseases, ti y e e n n Women's Day e. Shea hat' tttls l , by one;;: ,1 r. nieces.;.„ j cl c (:.ael Re. She wits;`tS a sister,' two hrother.s, IV1`i t, Martyn,.; ,c. ry Funeral .January "i' a e Theille- eS .t' Iti'v Dr.--{Cunft Interment W s> ('tem etcry 'wl Ili° r j here by MCCallutr Home:—' �. cd n Tow•gsbl until r4If cernete y ,•. Colborne Cel ]d e was alta toria Street'U He was rilfftric ua% 10; 19''.3, in' G(ldcirl d1us Victoria Strict tiny r 'manse to the Iorn`,. ♦nests Mitchell who citrin 0t� of .surviving aref,',0,0 11 .the.'`E'v Mrs. Ted ('ejy{l lite" V1ississ-uugF -; : two aa(l 'E_lmer and Leonard, month ,, Goderich; three r►.garal • children and 'one -grandchild. al� �I. r: H. J JERKIN Harry- James Jenkins',.. Colborne Township,": died January 29 ar Alekandra Marine and General Ho5jpital lie was 78. He was born March 25,`1898, in Colborne Township to Jolla and Emily (Oke) Jenkins He: lived :►11 hie life in Colborne 7 h e -- religious opinion is not , fudged by the editor as t orrec•t or incorrect. and is not necessarily the viewpoint ,of this newspaper. Readers are t'neouraged to make their own decisions regarding it. If there are replies, only one rcpt!. l'er week will 'be 1•uhlished in this spot. IlY C.F. BARNEY CLINTON THE REVISE!? STANDARD VERSION OF THE HOLY BIBLE' Of the Divine name, 'the preface page V says:. "The American Standard version used the term "Jehovah". - Now, let us put`"jehovh" wherever the pronoun occurs in Ephesians, chapter 1. "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of.God; to the saints who are also faith- ful in Christ Jesus. "Grace to you, and .peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. "Blessed be the 'God and Father 'of. our Lord Jesus Christ; (who) Jehovah has lessed us in Christ • with very spiritual blessing_ in the eavenly'places, even as (he) C. ehovah chose us in (him) I Christ before the foundation` f the world; that we should j e holy and blameless before him) Jehoyah. estined'US-in love to be (his')..:/ (continued from page 3A) b each house where people can prepare their own breakfasts J and snacks on -weekends. Volunteers are needed to 0 1 • �rc1 f iss rea Funeral service was; Monday, January.31,at'Stilesµ# Funeral Home with the..Rev; John D. M. Wood Officiating, Interment was in,Calborae Cemetery. Pallbearers w: ere Art Masketl,: Dicksott•,4 Cummings, Toynbee Lamb;' Rcrt McCabe, Arnold Allier and Everett Horton. toward ,alt the saints, Ido no cease to give thanks for ypu, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our LordJ.osuk Christ, the Father.' of glory, may give you a spirit' of wisdom and revelation in the ' knowiedge ' of (him) Jehovah,- having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know' ' what is the hope to which (he) Jehovah has called yuu, what are the riches of (his) Jehovah's glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the inf. measurable "greatness of (his) Jehovah's power in us who believe, according to the working of (his) Jehovah's great might which (he) Jehovah accomplished in Christ. when . (he) Jehovah raised (him) Christ from the dead and made (him) Christ' sit at (his) Jehovah's right. help train the residents at the b (He) Jehovah • one to one level. These. ( handicapped have : to be d ehovah's sons through Jesus' t shown a simple task a J countless number of times before they can grasp it. But p once. learned, they never Nr forget. J In some facilities retarded µr people with I.Q's•-as low as 4 b (100 is normal) have learned B to assemble complicated 10 _. h speed bicycle gears! The Y fo Christ, according to the urpose'of' (his) Jehovah's j ill, to the praise of (his') ehovah's glorious grace hich (he) rehovah freely estowed on us in the eloved:'In (him) Christ we. ave •° redemptionthrough his) Christ's blood, the rgiveness of our trespasses, ccording to the riches of is) 7ehovah's grace which e) Jehovah lavished upon For (he) Jehovah has retarded don't need pity, the need training - training ,a means volunteers, (h Services for volunteers are 'varied and include:: 1. (h workingin the us gift shop, 2. m helping with cerarr;its, 3: w teaching wood working skills, m 4, providing a "foster family" w for a resident. J Any groups interested in touring Bluewater Centre are c always ..welcome. According fu to Pat Wheeler, visiting the., th Centre is much.like attending in Women's Day Out -- its an educational, community to awareness program, where Je everyone is invited to come. - an Norma -Jean ade known to us in all isdorn and insight the ystery of (his) Jehovah'sgr` ill, accordin'ti'`_(his) ehovah's `pfirpose which •, he) Jehovah set • forth, int1. hrist as a plan for the: llncss of time, to unite alt; ( ings in (him) Christ, things heaven and things on earth.. 2 "In .(hi m) Christ, according the purpose of (him )' hovah who accomplishes /. things according to the :), t 2 2 MARKERS - Bronze Plaques - Cemetery Lettering For expert counsel and a fair price rely on a firm you cantrust. ' Serving Haien and surrounding area since 1920, Head Office • EXETER, ONT„ .14CCALLUM ' f lepresentatiw if Centbris ild...Goderich 524-7345' counsel of (his) Jehovah's'. will. we who first hoped Christ ha ve been destined and • appointed " to live for the,, praise .of (his)- .Jehovah's 2 glory, In '(hem) Christ your .I WELCOME TO THE FRlENDI„ CHURCH :'::.Jtand.. in��tthc.heavenly places, far al) ve all rule and. authority— rind power.'and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which ts' to. come, and. (he) Jehovah has put all things undOr: (his)•: Christ's feet and has Made (him) Christ the head Over-all things things for the church, . which. is , (his)- Christ's;body, the fullness of Jehovah (who): , Jehovah j3Js algin all." In view ,of the fact . that,. twice in this chapter "the God of our.-f,ord Jesus Christ" is mentioned and; in view of the tact that,Peter says at Acts '3; 13 IG: 'the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;, raised Jesus from the dead',' it would appear that there is only one way to understand :this chapter; as set ottt,above.' apt THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER s Servi'tn Me' and W,111 and Dependents • Mr. Clare Wall Provincial Service Officer London, Ontario will be visiting in the area, Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance rega war `'disability pensions, treatment, allowances, etc; requested to contact the service officer, or secretary, of local branch,.whose name appears below, not later than 14, 1977, to arrange an interview. HAROLD Y0 • Service Ot PHONE` 524-7145. •or .524-93 BER EA...B Y' THE -W A TE • LUTliERAN. CHURCH Meeting at Robertsor 'Memoria 1 School • (Blake and Eldon Streets, .Goderichl • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1977 9:30 BIBLE HOUR 11:00 WORSHIP -OF GOD'.= ; L-,�, 1 SERMON: "LET'S GO FISHING" : . • ' . Marvin L. Baez, Pastor ,,«,:-„......�,....:�::` .�,.r.. ng`peace by.Jesus Che• ; :. 52 Preachi tat: Heals .Lord ,aW! A •..vvw.r�•!+►..v�.«'ar,.r-.•v .1.r�....►•r+►.•.�~..vw • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacl Affiliated -With the` Pentecostal Assemblies "of Canada CORNER -. OF- ,ELGIN ANOE.WATERLOO:STS Pastor: C Fred Day BUS ROUTE TOALL .GODERICH Phone 4-2893 pi* 4-6543-- Supported .6543 l SUNDAY. SCHOOL. 10 A.M. "For the entire family” WORSHIP SER,ViCE 11 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. "COMM0NIDN SERVICE' • Cangregti'on'ai ''pi+r t► Choir:•. "LOOKING;FOR. YOU2 S1L1NDA1f...• BETHEL HOLINESS CHAPEL BIBLE MISSIONAI CHURCW Sunday School. 9:50 a.m. Classes for all ages, Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Prayer 6:30-700 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see ..` Ma Lawton, NitronPastor St. 1:WainutSt. Kennison'W x APT1S CHU ro�1ELa eoAo ®i OLA( STWrET rl t(GELIS rc= t,)IiiCf,IiMEIyT'pl REV R. BRUBACHB lir Baste 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL RQR, ALL /WO_ For Free Bus Service In Csoder iCaII 524.9497 11 00 A.M. WORSHIP: SEi ANl! MONTHLY COMMUNION ERVICE 6 P.M. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 *P.M. PRESENTATION OF'VELLOWSHIP HOME MISSION WORK—:` WED.. 7:30 P M. PRAYER MFEiii4G1.' also, who have, heard the .... -..........,..., word of truth, the gospel of ` `.• • your salvation, and have believed in (him) Christ %' were sealed,with the promised • Noly Spirit, Which is the guarantee of our - inheritance: until we acquire possession of it, to the praise g,+ of (his) Jcho`vah's glory, `For this -reason. beause I have heard of your fait); in the Lord terms'. and :,:your love r� —, • ,....�- 'mss r� (Bapfisi Conventionrof Ontario and QtiebecT. MONTREAL ''TREET (near The s uar e) Rev,;'tKiH. !IcWhinniie F;R•G.S•. rt Street`Unitaed he' Rev' iitalph E King,. 8 1 1 _Iss Clare-INICOO n, Visiting' h Mr H Lorne bofferirr, Dire�gf 9:45 aini Sunday School'for ages;10,iind Sunday School for ages 3•-to'9 froth 1Norshlip}at.11 • SUNIbAl i'FEBRUARY Sermon Worship at,121 00 a.ttr "WHEPI ALL' SEEMS L`O�ST'' } ' N:URSERY• FACILITIES 7 pm,. Confirmation Class . Come,and Worship,with.us - f •...rte.. �....r......�..::.� ...»,..�... 2 ST. :GEORGE'S :CHURCH ' Septuagesima •5undaY Feb r 6th Sao a mHoly Co ntinitnwn e f n Fant; Ylu eye• �zt y. f .•�•..•�..�r.�.,"" 10.00 a.m. Junior Corlgregation "``".:.....�.......:.:..� 11:00 a.m. Nurserjr and •children's Program "a�+6iH yy lel Minister 1LLUM. ASsix�nt )irector of Praise ,':. AR t�hhip Cisss ' . 9�1 i1'00.:d4•.•;.',?. ntatin F'. Ac 1d -S11 OFl inr t W .4t1=12 '4,quai unto us." ker 'if ft old NI VIC li. lc s. t.. 11 d CI m� m 1 Er n Go ege isti;