HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-03, Page 15404 (Vied adul_ Until a t; W Ig, I Ing about grit tbi$ centre Pit is director of'Volunteer -Services, and co-ordinates the service of volunteers with the needs of the centre, - Residents • come to. Bluewater from the larger Regional 'Centres in Orillia,. Woodstock, Chatham:, Palmerston, Smith Falls, and Kingston. In most cases the residents (not referred to as - patients) are now closer to their home and families. The increase in family contact _ is ..extremely .•. beneficial, in thatthe sense of . isolation and in- stitutionalization are greatly reduced. Because it is a relatively small . facility, Bluewater can provide in= dividualized care;. in a closely knit, home like setting. „• At present there are 94 residents at the centre. was Ht a ti'tttfie moving out of Goderlch on Highway 8 and the only sure way to•get Among them are several where, t touggh not the wit est, was to walk. This young lady braved the elements to "Citizens of the World." home to the.VLA subdivisylon Monday. (staff photo) These are people who have r EPTP14) are aware the Huron, r Bureau has . now eratiag for .three luring this time le'have Called with about} Pel, function mmnnity. We now live -you'tome an- ere are :some if the estions.` . need personal ce what should I do?, I be of Service in,my ity?.:. W4sit4tteieLoi,. does my CoiriMunrty - Is the Bureau in - in the activities of p or service clu? Do he -ability to help in all way? Perhaps the olunteer Bureau can u with answers to hese questions, need people. People willing to give a hours of their time a LCO1111E ERVF ke to call yflH ,,eith arming Offs" and in - en about your`$e The Hostas w11I"l> mega your subeerip- lo the SignN-$fir it5244 • f eer Bureau needs volunteers 'week. `Lithe to=:take a disabled others in some way.. For -person swimming, timetobe instance you may not be' able a hig.;brother- to some young to drive, but if provided with boy, time to be a special, transportation you might be friend' to someone who willing to readto a group of doesn't get Out and Make new blind Aeople. The Volunteer friends because' of a handicap Bureauwill attempt to get or illness. you together and get you We need people who are ' organized and provide 'willing.. .to give ; a bit • of transportation. themselves to make another Do you beling to a group, or person happy.' It could make your day a bit .brighter ;to know you've helped someone who genuinely ' needed that hgl - r #. Tot se�ect%1 people wno' heed someone, don't hesitate to make that need known. There are people who want to help, who feel they have the time and resource); to offer. We at the Volunteer Bureau are here to -get you together. If someone would like to spend sr couple of hours swimming, how about calling us, we'll get a friend to ac- company you. Do you feel shut-in? Would you like to have someone to talk to, a friendly visit some afternoon. Call us, we'll arrange it. Do you need help getting into town for an afternoon of shopping or to a doctor's appointment? Cali us; Would you like to have the latest magazines and papers read to you some afternoon? clow 'about getting together with a group of people who have a --common_; interest, whether it be crafts or a reading group. Are , you ° an elderly or handicapped "person, who, if give i '"little assistance yourself, could go on to help service club that you would like others to know more about? Are you looking ..for people who might want to join , ,your group? We can help you. People need people! So let's get together and fulfill these mutual needs/Write or phone 482-3037: If it goes in one ear and out the -mouth, it's gossip. use, . Superior louse an t'Cla%r House Placement fn the various Aunts depends. ;`.on the in dividuals level of, functioning: Itdivtdual program plans are esigned "by stiff% tttr" each person based on the degree of is ability. 'lie plan is geared to help each person cope and deal with, life's simple routines. and make him less dependent on others for' most of his needs. The Centre offers a wide variety of training situations in occupational, vocational and rehabilitation services. Each resident is assigned to one or more of these areas to work, and is paid a weekly salary. The amount earned -depends= on -the- number of points earned. The goal is to provide as many residents as possible with the necessary competencies to achieve self :maintenance under sheltered conditions in the community. The following are the word and training situations in .operation: 1; The Car Wash - Six men are employed here. They. have a sense of "going out to work" because the car wash 'is outside of.the main .building. They wash and wax 'cars for the staff and com- nunity.- 2. The Model Animal Farm - During the spring and summer three residents tend farm animals which . are on loan• from neighbouring farms.,; 3. • Ground Work - Qne resident refers to himself as a Landscape Artist, and takes exceptional care of the flower beds. He also does some snow shovelling in the winter. ,� 4. Mail Delivery A young d: assembly work "`b+ '-:have contracts from'"Party Time" ,�. to assembifs ,d 'package balloons, party has, strawy§, etc Imagine hoyr'dlfficult it is. to ckageNfour party hats of different caiours when- `you can't' count, and you don't knewone colour from another. _ Similar workis don ' for Schaeffer Pen Company, assembling and packaging pens and cartridges. The third company is Superior Continental of Stratford (they supply Bell Telephone with small parts)., Some of this work is cleaning and recycling copper wire. 7. Occupational Therapy - This department trains residents from' the profoundly -to moderately retarded. Educational toys are used to promote (wowledge of shapes and sizes. Dolls have clothing which demonstrateusing buttons, zippers, shoe laces, domes; hooks and bows. The profoundly retarded take part in Rhythm, Band, dancing and playing simple musical instruments. The mildly retarded are taught household skills in a kitchen. Once a week the ladies prepare a dinner for themselves and one guest. Since they can't read, recipes are done in code. The residents burst into giggles after sampling cookies baked with salt instead of sugar! There are also several things they are expected to do, but are not paid for: (a) making their own•beds, (b) keeping their rooms tidy, (c) doing their own personal laundry, (d) setting tables and cleaning up after meals. There are kitchenettes in ° (continued on page 8A) an :m ,.STM, h�- i'. 4� "t03 ... luxuries for her private Life. Valentine surprises `'with a delicate air. Gifts * ' of gossamer glamour. Beautiful! .J. • 'y, og g.RVIC E:- PAIRS AND Tltilfs, Call 6621,. call BILL MELICK at your COLLISION REPAlR CENTRE A �r of SOUTH' E :.' 0i� ' 524-9981: BAYFIELD liD,. GODERICH Several letters have, been sent to this column recently con- cerning -some of the rules` governing-snowrnobilers, and what they can and cannot do, according to law. Up until now we have replied on a personal basis and covered the specific question asked. However, in view of the wide Interest in this subject we have decided to publish some important excerpts from the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act, and we hope this will help clarify some of the most often asked questions. Every motorized snow vehicles unless exempted under this act or the regulations, shall have attached to or painted an both • sides of the cowling in a clearly visible position a sign showing the registration number of the motorized snow vehicle, In. the - form and manner prescribed in the regulations. Subject to the foregoing, no person shall drive a motorized snow vehicle along a highway unless (A) he has attained the full age of 16 years and (B) he holds a drivers license or (C) he holds a motorized snow vehicle operators license, or (D) he is a resident-.o(anyp,tber province, country or state and holds a license issued by" ""such province, country or state which authorizes him to drive a motorized snow vehicle. The driver of a motorited snow vehicle who drives or permits the driving of the motorized snow vehicle on a highway or public trail shall, upon the request of a police officer, constable or conservation officer, produce evidence that the driver thereof is insured under a motor vehicle liability policy in accordance with the Insurance Act. Every driver of a motorized snow vehicle who fails W produce evidence when requested to do so or within a reasonable time of such request is guilty of an offence and on summary conviction Is liable to a fine of not more than 1500. Every driver of a motorized snow vehicle who produces false evidence is guilty of an offence and on summary conviction is liable to a tine of not more than 1500. Every person in charge of a motorized snow vehicle who is , directly or Indirectly involved in a'collision shall, if the collision results in injury to any person or in damage to property ap- parently exceeding 1100, report the collision forthwith to the nearest provincial or municipal police officer and furnish him with information in respect of; (A) The names and addresses of the persons involved; (B) the date and location of the occurrence; (C) the circumstances under which the collision occurred. One of the myriad of events cancelled last weekend due to the • weather, was the, Whipper Billy Watson third annual Snow-a- rama in aid of The Ontario Society For Crippled Children. This 100 mile ride was slated to take place last Sunday and the reason we bring it up in this space is because we wholeheartedly en- dorse this worthwhile cause, and we hope that the unforeseen postponement by one week will not lessen the enthusiasm of all. local snowmobilers. This then is just a reminder to come out and participate in Whipper Watson's Snow-a-rania for Crippled Children, starting this Sunday, February'6 at Hully Gully in Varna between 8 and 10 a.m. There will be checkpoints every ten miles with gas and food stops at the halfway points. It is to be hoped that if you have pledge sheets for the original date, and are linable to compete this Sunday that you will pass along your pledBes to someone else. Randy Collins of }fully Gully reminds us also, that prizes are being awarded, including,"a week's trip for two to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD where Air Canada lands. A trial -groomer is another big prize, not forgetting the Molson award. For pledge sheets and Information phone 262-5809. EVERYDAY DOWN - TO - EARTH VALUES urnaturc GRANGER'S TV SALES & SERVICE ADMIRAL, ELECTROHOME & RCA COLOR TV RECORD AND TAPE BAR MAJOR APPLIANCES 1.' F 1 . 524-8925 92 SOUTH GODERICH UN.TH E SUNCOA MALL OPEN: MON.-FRI. TILL9 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 5:30 OHN JEF•FERY & -SON SII !h. 11,mbr1 Numb, 524-8171 63 ELGIN AVE E.GODERICH Your Full line 'CHRYSLER - 414 HURON RD. GODERICH — 524-8311 'PLYMOUTH - Doe • CHISHOLM'S FUELS & SERVICE 20 ALBERT N. 524_7681 BRANCH RR 2 �-• tUCKNOW. DUNOAt!INON 3204524 SUNOCO OI L' PRODUCTS BURNER SERVICE 24 HOUR CALL Complete Rae of Firm and. Industrial Petroleum Products. Whin OR ilurlflrrs end Port. ,.