HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-02-03, Page 14from Hulot's ark
, • ihrrAND,Ewrog nrOvInee, efforts be made Ao
LA,s-r tvggic conserve all forms Of energy
-on Deoember, 16th, the , in everyday use. Ontarte's
Lieutenant Goveinor of the energy management
Prove 9 '9f Ontario program to achieve •savings
prorogued4be Third Session in. all sectors of the economy
of the Thfrueth Parliament, is well under way."
and the ibliowing are some "Oqr the past, year,
excerpts from e -s eech of •potential industrial energy
the Honeurable Pauline..,___:.. .-..'
McGibbonlat that time., million'•;, have been'identifieu
"More t@an- 80 bills have- by the ;IvtilfiStrY" of Industry
been granted Royal Assent and Tourism's "Energy Bps!'
during this period. Among in its Province -wide travels.
them. the new Employees' Insulation requireme,nts for .„
- - HealtIr-and- Safety- -Act- has - b°11eleg.- -te---belP -eener-ve":"
brought -into force key energy have been defined in :.
recommendations of the the new Ontario Building
Royal Commission on the Code which came into effect
Health and Safety of Workers. on April 1st. Energy Co •
in Mines. The provisions
. servation Week, obserVed,
enacted so far include from Octpbei 31 to Novernher:' ',-
establishment within a single 6, had appreciable results in
ministry - the Ministry of schools, businesses and
Labour - of all responsibility municipalities throughout the
for occupational health and
safety legislation. Further "A new 5 -year agreement
plans are in progress to ex- between Ontario and the ,'
tend the application of the Federal government, signed
proposals at the core of the March 12, ensures fulfillment
report to include industrial of continuing obligations on
safety and construction Canada and the United States '
safety. and --to produce In a to improve, the quality, of the.
comprehensive omnibus bill Great Lakes. The agreement
an occupational health code includes provision for prior . '
for working men and women consultation between Canada ';- ,
throughout Ontario." ' and Ontario on all propoSals 41:
..- "New legislation was in- for discussion with the United :,•
troduced in the fall to- States, and places greater
establish a_fairer and firmer emphasis than before on
structure of law in dealing environmental •assessment
with matrimonial property and protecthon."
and in providing for support "Within the province, ithas ,,•2
in casesof marriage break- been the expressed policy of
down. These family law the Ontario Government --to
reforms are the culmination ensure thorough consultation
of- years of study and con- with the public in issues of ,
sultation based on recorn- major '•long-term
mendations of the Ontario 1, significance. The Province's
LaW Reform Commission. economic priorities and their
Passage of the legislation has protection to the end of the
beenpostponed to allow more anti-inflation program , and
time for responses 'from in- beyond .are among several :-•
terested parties and for such questions now facingall
further review." - " Ontarians." , "
"New Select - Committees "As announced recently,
of the Legislature have been the Government will be in -
appointed to investigate high- viting representatives of
way safety, transportation of Ontario's labour, business,
goods, and corporation law, consumer, agricultural and
and to review reports of the social organizations to
Ombudsman." participate in a conference,
"The House also received next February 10 and U, to be
the final report of the Select entitled "Partnership for ,
Conirnittee • on Ontario Prosperity". The conference
Hydro's proposed bulk power will provide a forum for•
rates." ' . discussion on --the future
"At the Federal -Provincial direction of the provincial
energy price negotiations, economy and " the pest -
Ontario put forward the controls period."
position that any ,price in- "Ontario's first - Environ -
crease be - related to mental' Assessnient Board
• production costs and to in- - was appointed in April to
creasing the incentive to perform the essential func-
develop and expand energy tion of reviewing assessments
production. It was, and of major public development
• remains, the Government's projects that may have
..- stand that energy cost in- Significant effects on the
creased should not be used as environment. The nentBoard
a means of , providing ad- also assumed the activities of
ditional revenues 'for the Environmental Hearing
governments at the con- Board under the Environ-
sumer's expense." . mental Protection Act and
"At the same time, the the Ontario Water Resources
Government- of Ontario is Act."
aware of its responsibility in "In October, terms and
ensuring that, throughout the conditions for the proposed
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••tegrated forst
Qntarie Created fritineWorti •
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en of the
of Assessment.
:This PatrIckHari
visions the Inqulry:
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•,0..4i110#*. 100.
:".;••,li,therr;:- resIdent
approval ,Orikh�
.project: ei
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4/1 leaders' schools
planned for February
The Ontario • Ministry of First Presbyterian Church,
Agriculture and- Food is Seaforth; Blyth - Monday 8c'
sponsoring 441 Homemaking Tuesday, February 7th & 8th,
--Clubs for Spring in Huron Blyth United Church, Myth;
County. Clinton - Thursday & Friday,
The Huron County 4-H February 10th & lIth, Wesley -
Homemaking ,Cluh for this Willis United Church, Clin- .
spring is !Clothes for ton; Winghare - Monday
Leisure". Th e project 4 in- Tuesday, February" 2lst .8c
eludes the ;selection of styles ,22ndySaliration ArMy Corps, '
and fabrics for leisure wear, Winghain ; Wroxeter
• the use of commercial pat- Wednesday & Thursday,:.:
terns and theiapplication of February 23rd &
trims such as lace, eyelet,: rzWroxeter United 'Ichnrchii,.:
fringe. Each inember. Makes Wroxeter; Clintob(fr ladies
a garment suitable for leisure attending school Working)
wear at home, Ce. caftan; Saturdays, February 'F'e-bruariei"5th
nightie, housecoat; pyjamas. -
Miss Jane Pengilley, Horne •' chtfrav,,aintpri„,
Economist forHuron County, If yon,htive.a.diUghferV
will be conducting the willhe'll by March lit: 1977;
following Leaders' Training and you are not familiar_Wititt
Schools: Exeter --Tuesday.1*, 44t-1.1 Homemaking Chib1P'i
Wednesday, rbruary4lst-. .8c yontxtrea;,piettse contact the2nd,
itoChurch, • ontaffo, Ministry of
Etelert_Seafo'th - Thursday Agriculture and Food at 48:
..4.7..o!p„ •
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. 4 /
YoUr41oster Charge 'And Chirgex Cards AreAs Good As Cash At Discount Dave's
11,4 •
You can install it yourself, or we can arrange custom in- .
stallalion by trained carpet installers available at extra cost.
Bedford by Harding ' ,
. .3t.
q. Yd.
It'i 100% nylon for excellent durability,. and is SCOTCH-
GARD treated to resist soiling and static build-up:Comes in
Gold, Beige, Copper and Blue. Has high density rubber back
•so you can install it yourself. Our usual Cash & Carry is
7195/sq. yd.. but you save 20%!
• \. free
g tzbtheofp
issatewi he
1, •
every three panels you buy. The
panels listed below - at our usual.
cap & carry price - are our In-
• fiation Fighters:- we feel they-
rePreSent Outstanding value. In-
cidentally, thelnajority of panels
' at Discount Dave's are either pre-.
finished prints or ,paper overlays.
Tle names We.blyeto each panel
are simply interk!pd1O.convey to
the reader the •color and ap--
pearance ofthe panelling: •
vomAt;Ros' .if,ouR CHOICE
IiRESI6E viAttlift
RitS,TiC;004' •
„ • :
There are .4,Vo ways you you. can handle your eiling. You
can use trauitional;12"x12" tiles wittigpod strapiping, or
you can install' eauspendedceiling system' 'with 2'4(4'
panels as shotim. • ••
12x12" TILES -
These tiles, plain white, are made by
Johns -Manville and come in cartons
covering 64 square feet. Our. usual ,
cash & carry price(qarton is 12.69.
You save 15%. .;
Mahogany Veneer door, 2'6" by 6'6" - "1r'S548" thick.. iir
• usual Cash • & carry price for this door is.13.61 but it'sion
sale for one week only at '11.57. You •
15 percent. Order yours now
from Discount Dave's.' '
Our big nmkeihandiorneqeiling. All
you have to do,is set up a grid sYstent using 12' Mein
Tees and 2' d '
an 4 Cross Tees. Them -Slip the Ceiling
,Oonels into the grid," The wallritould completes the job„,
Buy now 4 save .15%1 •
#821t1a.Our vinel castv and '
carry price is 1.19 for a pair. Now 91
Beverley Series #A1OIB.9 26D.
sl:4,14r7::, pricetis
week only,, •
he -
••;• :
de •
A CH' v;,..or: or (f.z4.;;
• •r,r•-•44.`41--n.,,s„'Vf..?'