HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-27, Page 4The Exeter fAdvacatenNG FARM TRACTORS. Satinet's & Creech Proprietors Subacripttaa, ?e-in.swan a $1. per , year in Canada; $2`b in the Ute States. All subscriptioaa not paid in advance 50e. extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES Misplay Advertising ---Made known Qkt apglicatSon, Stray . Animals-e0n,e insertion 50c., three baserti'ons $1,90. Farm or Real Estate for safe SOc. enc11 insertlaaa, for one month o8 four insertions MSceileetwus articles of to mere' than fire lines, For Sale, To Rent Wente3, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found ;ocais 25.e, an insertion. Lw;ai reading notices, etc., 10c, _per line per insertion. No znceice less toast 35c, Cara of Thanks 50c. Auetneit Sages 53 for one insertion and $1.5e for each subsequent la- ser/nen,if under env- inches s"n length. Lege. adverttentg 10c.. ar.4 Sc. aline. THURSD=AY, JANUARY 27. 1921 • Greenway sir :ia ;c.s. o= ee is ore h slie n a ; itime ,:e all, : n L satile:i. and 1~ o enc Nies. Geo Lttnieris .. bat her ,+,r •r l>liaiee .fig a ess,eee r -. oner`e iib. ,`:',isee firerier £iaj}.>-^*a..'l. a rl 7.,oadatt Fr-. LW. ..t east a:sea 3 ate °, as elo:ng s even es eta`t:1 a g expeetel. r•.n,. •I. .es.. l3e:r'e,l-:b G mese ,a-1 t. to :OF, s8 u r t snip `ra s in Ch: 'li1> 'ears:€ a.9.. 11 ,..saki Fue:telaay , a:- ,tY77,1;%• Cromarty Mantras ; D 1n Tor,onta.--fir. Jaazos Wolopa, for t verify rears a wei"t tens o. and r spestsil r>.-4 nt e.To- o, at .Gr ce tI c yap tel �Y rani - i. airy zee:ante or t :at week, 1Tr, Itis,. ,a -a, i to, beim :. a-Roterv: - One a ben t 72 Hca'; tato. For maty years 3ie was resniesel of V. ricinert\ where Its tieteeta f, l.. nail niter nein 1 eree- eaS easesp ,i conn. arov:ea t` a 'ease Caen and to,, est 13 Lucan Viewing the Matter as a Purely Business. Proposition. Sitting Down to Count, tate Cost.,- What ostes.What the Machines can no -The Personal Factor to reacts. Management iaallmrtalzt. Ssontributed by anionic, oep'.rtm aa;rteutture.,;roronto ). 1F: tanner, who is always of conservative nature, is not so readily convinced of the tractor's paying qualities. He has seen demonstration macnines with one man plough as much ground in an hour as he could plough in a, day; he has also seen tractors give a very creditable showing on the belt. Then again he has seen ma- chines 9hi.;h for some reason or her did not give sattafaetion, he has also seen insts:aces where ma chines were tied up for weeks lot want of a spare part to replace a broken one. The result is that they :re not "falling over a eft other" to buy tractors. A tractor costs a lot of money, and Le is afraid to make the Plunge, not being so certain that it will pay for itself. An old saw -miller once sand to the writer: "Every second that saw is not tually cutting lumbar she is a 'bill ;tense." 51enol„eturees lei! its faetary can he lwpt going twenty-four hours a day is the aetory which gives the biggest re- ' The same is trate of the term dor; the most psootabie utat±in e s the oue whiel is kept at it tag hree hundred t 'ya of alae year. Thin ann that it we have not i nowise* work to keep the inacione goi-g for certain length of time each year we will be losing money. The dent which a tractor must wipe orft when it sets foot capon a tartu Is to twofold one. First,: it must iaiore It:,ti repay enerattng expenses, nerd second it r:iust rely evlaat the ma3itU- feeturer calle *overhFati expanses." The Machine lees no reason to tear the former ohliaaation when it is pro. pert; Ines#nitt3. We know that the cant aft pl.taa^itin with a tractor, costs o.ly from 51.25 to 52.00 an acre, v l ule• horse -ploughing will come to .tnyc.laere between 53,50 anal 56.00 per it 1 e, rih1e Weiss work shows an e'gna fly favorable eouaparison for the tractor. Best;rtes the brew -bar work the tractor oifejrs itself as a source of belt • power e hiclt work horses have long sive ceased to perform. Tilt"ovetrlle'atl" expeusos which the Motor* must face consist mainly of interest on money invested, together with a reai,onable allowance tor de- rre dation on the price of itself, plus the prate of any machinery bought expressly for its: with the tractor. The priee of a three -plough tractor Is somewhere near $1,400; the ploughs cost x200. To this we must add say 5500 for part ownership of a thresher and slio-illler. This makes .$2,100 in all. The interest on this at 7 per cent. is equal to $147:00, and the de- preciation of 10 per cent. per annum is equal to 5210, or a total of $357, which our 3rel.etor must face, no mat- ter how much or how little work it does. If the machine does only ten days of work per year the cost of the overhead per day would be 535.70; if, however, the machine is used for one hundred days the overhead drops to 53.57 per day. So that the greater the number of days in which the tractor is employed per year the more profitable will the machine prove. There is plentn of work for a trac- tor on most Ontario farms, but the work Is not in such shape that the tractor can do it satisfactorily. A' tractor cannot do good work in small fields. Turning around, even with a small tractor, Is laborious w6rk for both the operator and the machine, and is not conducive to the maximum amount of work per day nor to the best quality of work. d.fost Ontario farms have too many fences for profitable horse -farming, to say nothing of using a tractor. Fences mean waste land; they harbor weeds, and it costs more to keep the usual quota of fences in repair than it does to build a temporary fence when needed and roll It up when not needed. Removing some fenees is the first step toward fair play for the tractor. It is hard work to cultivate among stumps and boulders with, horses. With a tractor it is impos- sible to do good work in such condi- tions. The second step in arranging our work for the tractor is to remove all obstructions. Give the tractor a fair chance at its work and it will not disappoint you. In summing up the tractor's case as a business proposition we must consider the fallowing points: - 1. That the tractor will do farm work more cheaply than horses can do it, if the work is properly arrang- ed for the tractor. 2. The personal factor in tractor operation is so great that it alone may cause success or failure. 3. When a tractor is kept busy enough, its upkeep and overheadcost per year is far less than the same on the horses, which it is able •to sub- stitute for 4. Deft work constitutes a large portion of the tractor's usefulness. In order to make it a paying proposi- tion, it must do the farmer's belt work. -L. G. Reim el - Kemptville ptville Agricultural School. nt �Y Y +•Y t r t E In e , Y : ii 1- -, . r h t :1 1 ti n- s c. 1 ar ar -Sir 4 n F. t,:a41 ll•,.. tem lY ear a nea e,e.sus, teat taken to ti .carni ii ;pla•„ cin 'Monday. 1i, ha Ala le, ale ;a ,gip ,i�.;'Si. e-rees t.n.>n 4eSa l r „'.ay:ad a,"1 he', feud tallaarn telt lett fl()'?. �!:`. w'e-1 .`i e•outJ lit' exp„ t _➢ Mr. Aneire : 11•'n^v ha,. p .>,i .. re,;,lena:c can Frank t, t, et t , Mr. i ri aslt-a; ere: Stender oy.-- Ater r.n Jres of ten days with pnau. mama, Tei^•, the leneht le menthe' told d,a' brier a Mr. end Mrs. john Me n n-, nose J.I.trlzaz strut, passed away Sat•- urday a t r oan, Jan. 15. The: rcinans ware ewi. n .to t< 'rnc11 ler Enteral. nt. Mr. M.•K,:iron _a with ('ror.e 1I';iing Co, :as t':U of the:r Whalen (intended for last week.) .sir. and Mrs. Geo. Herm or the 8th. soant Friday with Mr, and 'Mrs. Thos. Gunning. --'fir. and Mrs. Bert harness of Exeter visited at the borne. at Mr. Jas. hiy,1ey last weans. -Mrs. John Foster o. rnear Gra/1;ton spent arounle days with airs Geo.iullsarn-fir. Jas Squire spent Sunday in London vis- it-tgg his wife who �is in. St. Joseph Hosptal.-Mr. and Mrs;. John iviarley of Woodham, spent Thursday at the bo a of their son Wiser. -Mr. Harvey Squire lost a valuable horse last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Lanford spent Sunday ,in Lr ndcia visiting the former's mother who is ,quite ill, -Mr. Edgar Squire purchased the 140 acre farm which he is now senting, ,ease wee?: from this father, Mr. GeoSquire of Granton. When Gr andratoter Was a Girl 00P skirts were worn by those who first asked the druggist for, and insisted on having, the genuine. Golden Medical Discovery put up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years ago. Dress has changed very much since then! But Dr. Pierce's medicines contain the same dependable ingredients. They are standard today just as they -were 'fifty years ago and never contained alcohol. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the stomach and blood cannot be surpassed by any tonic and alterative today. When you feel "all out of sorts" -your vitality at a low ebb -the blood becomesS surcharged with poisons! The best tonic is called Dr. Pierce's Golclen Medical Dis- covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured this "Discovery" from roots and barks without alcohol --aa cor- rective remedy, the ingredients of which nature put in the fields and forests for keeping us healthy.. It puts vim, vigor, vitality into the blood: Try 4 + All druggists. Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Bridge - Save Manure. There has never been a time when the making, saving, and utilizing of all sorts of farm manure was so essential\ All fertilizing;; material is high in price, and some Rinds cannot be had in sufficient quantities atsall: Farm tnanu` re may be used, fora num- ber of purposes; to a much greater advantage than ' commercial fer- tilizers. The total quantity of =ma- nure can be greatly Increased by keeping live stock sheds and stables well bedded with 'straw, 'leaves, and burg, Ont. Laboratory for trialpkg..... use, about the farm. I o,G4r, er ref NB TOPICS OF ..EEK Important Events Which Hav3 Occurred During the Week . The Busy World' Happen ngs Cale• fullg Gmmgtled and put Into. Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper 4 Solid Hones .Enjoyment, TUESDAY. Parliament will meet on Monday, February '14. Sir Jones Martin Harvey addressed the Canadian Club in Toronto: premiers Lloyd George and Briand will meet in conference on Jan. 2S, A serious peasant rebellion .against the Soviet bas broken out in Potielia. Johnny Wilson, udddlezaweight l,o Ing chamPion, ouipointed Geo:g Amerieau Sinn Feiners are trying to work boycott against Rriti.=h goof's Ila , Mniad:: Til;at'' is sant to have eased fatal shooting in Tomato's "Ward." '��(( Leanne The 0e:eaarro �..,l�';c'r Lea .:e Rae holding their annual co*tteit:oat int Tataocn. Ttintlonte's Board of Control eonferr witl"x b.la.`,s to stop eviction of .tale •'.yt,Aelo",i.d. ' very l:tilt' mewl tllrta tt :r, rum! .: th't Only for : Iso- lvt`la eyrie's _vont. la gen mit t at Tartapo Solauois beat t. Ann: rely s Coil g.. in h a O. 1I. A. junior game by 3 to 3. Cate tZic a:s of Montt ad ap'eteaatt:, tt. ttric1t'n in a N.,'.i,stiaai tica,key Lieges? 1'<yy 9 to Apt C tenet on a r..ilty l ' iiringe near :keret N.S., .lite y :!'n, :aged $5. was fart lin mangled. Flee' eta o rz P. situ t o a .tala ..a ganerzaly ironot, lag. reversing to a acta"t$ a 31' 0..aa eaa, Taa. iiiVaazaara ..rear= :etitu.x'a;+ tteciat tr°^ s'saill 4 tea a in. aa 0. ii. ... ',. is altioh 9e"`p3'd t •a :?:uy mititres".a' ,.z,�atlta;a, Chaste .•Gave °tanient nes- hiA1'- .;, 7.;4,1S a <, tea t sf c irr< :alines te9 q. 914 4ntlis'f ...l. the i•t4ison aaa tri tat Beatrice teat Fsxn,ee. a:> d 11. t'1 ria Sarre, I'oiatiae . outlay., t4l1 , w,. , burned to death • whtsa the t.a.:il;f Lazne tate than a Kia* . The Bertha is:nK rntuent Las in 'rte end 'Uuga Stinnes tee josn the aver+ tlo,i 01 cxpet t wide % will :Ica t t ae at11i al represel,t,_tt carat the Brtps:,eIs coinfc'rence. WEDNESDAY. OM Guides at Toronto received a tlki"'.a'age 4roui 1}ri'ae ss ..:t,i'y. Dr. T, J. Glover repiioe .ea "t mane :uy of Medicine report on eaneer •k't'stnt. • Canadian • 1.xrrt;;, e' ploy,:' wage def a ands go to Courant;;.=tan Board.. Th' searetary of the Retail Mer- chants' Assoe:attion, Toronto. looks for big busiuess in February. Hon. N. W. Rowell si,ys the United States eannot reanein puti ids: L ea ,ue of Nations. Ottawa City Coattail has declared for daylight saving ibis summer, from :May 1 to S'•ptenrber 1.0. Do^.ninion authorities say danger of a coal famine in Canada is removed, if importations are not interrupted. Roo. G. A. Leichiter, a London I3aptist pastor, refused to accept 5300 iniirease voted him, and would take only $600 raise. Chief Justice Mulock dismissed a damage action at Hamilton, after the jury had awarded the plaintiff $1,000 daurages for the death of his wife and 52,500 for personal injuries. "Pussyfoot" Johnson arrived In New York yesterday from Europe. He says people in. Wales wanted to take out his other eye. Three persons were killed and 40 injured in a train wreck near Rome, Italy. • The offices of the American Quak- ers' Society, engaged in relief work in Vienna, were entered, and one mil- lion crowns stolen. It is announced in Paris that Pre- mier Lloyd George and Earl Curzon would arrive on Sunday for the Allied Premiers' Conference. Niagara n'alls beat Welland in an 0. II. A. intermediate game, 9 to 2. University of Toronto O. H, A. sen- iors beat Aura Lee in ten minutes' overtime by 3 to 2. Canadian curlers touring Scotland were again successful in winning two matchesen one day. Many games in the Ontario Tank- ard primaries were curled yesterday and last night. Toronto International Baseball League players have been asked to report at Col,lembus, Ga., on March 10. THURSDAY. A Moderation League is being formed at Winnipeg. Gabriele d'Annunzio bade farewell to Fiume on Tuesday night. The work of the Canadian Trade Commission is about finished. An exhibition of work by Toronto artists was held at Hart House. ,A Montreal firm gets an option on the Cosgrave brewery in Toronto. Two Woodstock firemen were ser- iously injured when a fire truck turn- ed over, Ottawa beat Hamilton 4 to 3 in $vertime; and St. Patrick's defeated. t"anad5: A Toroiensnto7to coroner's jury finds an unknown. Russian guilty of the mur- der der of Steve Popolink. Manson. A Young, M: C, R, engi- neeis dropped dead at St. Thomas as, he was piepar,ing to board his engine: Lieuts. Kloor and Hinton gave evi- dence befnr n the Court of Enquiry. on their h }loon flight to Hudson Bay. Reports e:: om England are to the. effect the:4.-• Great Britain will prob. ably not compete in the next ,01ym glad. Three centuries were made by Aus- trene • in •ihe 'second innings of tlfe third test cricket match with Eng- land. ngland, Frank Wilkins, an ;old-timer, per- ished a11.a,)st in sight Of Stewart City, Ya kora, . 1 1,.nry,• because his feet " r out. 'rr i,. shipment of radium to alar nigger than a pinpoint, •`,.,',." fr-,000.,' reached a - ".Canadians curlers it Scotland beet the team that toured Canada in 19.93' and .also that which toured the Don- inion in 1912, Both games were play- ed Wednesday. The Executive Couneil•of the; Bel- gian, Federation of Labor has put a bo'acloonckSunday businessmorninactivgityand between6o'clock f, Afonday morning, FRIDAY. Galt retail clerks haye formed an association. An epizootic has broken out among horses in Renfrew district. The Granites beat Argonauts by 3 to 1 in an 0. II, A, senior game, Timber inquiry hears success of brush -burning experimea©t e n timber llro•itr., St. Thotnas has/ added four conte stables to its force and Galt will add three. The second bait of the National Hockey League schedule will open on tannery 26, Large depot its of bass and pickerel fry are to be deposited in waters in toast Hastings, ,All-Seotland beat Canada in the first test curling match at Edinburgh Sas 120 to 101. An Aun-riean niap in circulation shows inaportaant Canadian cities in S. boundary, The Cowley report shows A oles- sent Aet affects 17,0t0 Toronto atsal children. J. 11. Waikena I e.. It;tngstou, has bee.; appointed Chsaroellor of the :An *leean Diocese of Ontario. .. Utbson bus been appointed r r tw tinter of Ingersoll, succeeding ?. fattier. the late Joraph Gibson. The Moscow Reda lta've addressed apjw. l to the workers of all coun- tti.:r to boycott Spanish products. A band of Apulian brigands held 11I+ tic- Adriatic night express at Frog- gia, Liu were held at 1)ay by a squad alt Curabibtert. The V. S. Senate Foreign Relations ('e,r.aranittee has decided to reeanunend the adoption of Sena for narah's reso- Iettte=nt fair a naval holiday. Pope Benedict in an encyclical in- vites the Christian world to s aletrtnlze in me to seventh ceutenary of the eaatea of St. Fr nuts at assist. A new Contr:luniet patrtyshas been rau' d in Italy. 1. ry are a, yen C;X,C3 of Meaning' welt ar s in N ntrc„I, Hun. A. 1,..,:even, Secretary 01 eats•, died at Ottawa. Canadian curlers ware again vie- ortoaar+ over the Scottish Arks. Guslplr city 1' u'iell has stopped chlorination of the water supply. Non. Walter Long says the British .. f? as is i t S ..� t• t. t nt efilaient. , The O a, _.,•. ao Government may ra.,71,: veneer tta a:la to loan eom- lia9-'�s. The t'rain'er *attics Davis Cup tea: won true e• 1.11n1ehes '1'n. Australian eau Friday. Assis'utlt craMn attorney pr0t ate ;:guinst area a;ioual juries at ingal.sts in Toronto. The I' cauls S •rviee Commission re- commends raising marriage age or mules to 21. It is plunr e 1 to oven rinks with au of it.l tri :emit iii St. Catharines and Eitel.ar4 r. A lei; avhe•ute for road improve- ment i:: to be undertaken by the On- tario 0overnsutnt. Lore Beading, the newly -appointed i i aruy of India, will leave for that country on Murch 17. Owing to the mild weather, the ma- jority of Friday night's; 0,. H. A. games were postponed. :firs, M. Xdame, wife of a Windsor eustonrs broker, was held tip on the street by tl,vo armed men. Tile French Chamber of Deputies voted c nfidence iii the Briand Cab - met et by an overwhelming majority. An old-time rabbit hunt at the Na- tional Park, Point Pelee, resulting in killing several hundred cottontails. Giuseppe Dinietto was absolved by the jury at Hamilton of the slaying of Michael Vescia, finding he did it in self-defence. Gus Cox, 12 years old, was acci- dentally shot and killed by a chum at target practice in the cellar of a Hamilton home, MONDAY. Aura Lee beat Hamilton in an 0. H. A. senior game by 6 to 2. Skeletons of Ojibway Indians were re -interred in Toronto with Christian rites. Two lads were badly injured in Toronto through rushing before auto- mobiles. Crown Prince Gustavus of Sweden on Saturday saved a British sailor from drowning. Premier Lloyd George and his party have arrived at Paris for the allied conference. The National Liberal organization. has decided to add women to the National Committee. Over fifty games have been post- poned in the Ontario Hockey Asso- ciation this season. The Canadian curlers continued their winning streak in Scotland on Saturday, beating Galloway 128 to 73. A British Congress of Labor to dis- cuss wages and other. issues will be held in London during ,the present week: Newfoundland has removed forthe present year the restrictions against hunting seals on the ice floes off the Labrador coast. National Hockey League games on Saturday resulted as follows: St. Patrick's, 5; Ottawa, 4. Canadiens, 7; Hamilton, 5. Lemon Edgeworth, farmer, in South Yarmouth, was fatally injured by a, large limb of a tree he was cut- ting up, falling on his neck. More than 100 cases of hiccoughs are reported in Windsor district, one physician treating 25 persons, all members .of a fraternal society. When Rev. J. H. Turnbull, ALA:; pastor of' High Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto, attempted to crank his automobile Saturday, the engine backfired ' and broke his arm. A special despatch from Helsing- fors says that the Russian papers now admit that Lenin is seriously i1L It is declared that he has been order- ed by his physicians to take absolute rest. UNPREPAREDNESS FAILURE A bank account is an assistant in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which increases effort and paves the -way to success. Open an account to -day and be prepared. zee THE CANADIAN RANI OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,009,040 RESERVE FUND - 15,O01000 EXETER. BRANCI-1, i A. Chapman, itTana,6er. Ineolporatted in 1S56 CAPITAL RESEKVE 89,000,f00 Over 1$0 limonites S in �it BANE The. cost !of living j' ailln>p also the grime of foodstaff. , • ii t Tli^s necessitates Ancreas ,d production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The 3IIo;sens Bank. where, Et wilt he ,ready far any call and yet be .canning interest. RXRTI♦R BRANCH T. ,9, WOODS Manager, Centraflhf Brandt open for business .lady, Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran,,h, CREAN ROL t,,,�Eg13t1�, ,1l� � te# ��,y fYt hl "°�..�uiatr kt `'011 can also make b eautiful l ight calves and bread of wonderful whiteness and flavor withCreatn of theWest Flour. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Winnipeg, Brandon, Halifax THE LATEST PRICE ON TUE• Canadian Fairbanks Morse Engines Co'y. 1 1-2 H. P. ,ENGINES ..ti ................ $110,00 3 H. P. ENGINES .....• • .....aeon . ...;a..S175.00 6 H. P. ENGINES ,..... ... $285.00 ieesite These engines are equipped with the Bosch Magneto, the finest ig- nition known. DOUBLE GEAR PUMP JACK a tr...,,,j... ••415.00 INTERNATIONAL GEAR JACK ,..a.,;... h ,,, $30.00 FARM LIGHTING POWER -40 LIGHTS $525.00 WE SELL THE CASE TRACTOR Entb,RY STANDS, SAW ARBORS, PULLEYS, BELTING HANGERS AND SHAFTING ON SART NOTICE ALL. MAKES OF ENGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED OR GROUNG NEM. PISTON'S MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS OXY -• ACETYLENE "WELDING DOME. The Cochrane Machine: Works EXETER • ONT. 'INTER WO'K ON CARS I am in a. position to 'handle all makes of cars for this overhauling i -s winter. A. square deal to all. ,. We Sharpen "Skates. Lots. of 'em. Tri: uS J. B. F00 TE Ford Garage .. Exeter.