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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-27, Page 3
+1291 929. .09.919.29fts29.9119.2229.4229.2129..99.0119999.491921119919919.9119.999.91119. Grocers Used To Wonder why -some of their tea and coffee` trade switched to INST.NTPOSTUM Mary- y o thern 'understand. now Poi tum in their own1 Ia ci a a big gain in some i ,conto ay; 3r sat isfactio a: . 1,iey use health , -ana xlo loss ' 'There's - a R. Po sturiihaste asazi for . of coffee 'esm>a FRAGILE, PALE AND MISERABLE 'The Melancholy State of Thous, ands of $foodless. Children and Young Girls.. How often. do you bear the remark, ""She is. very delicate?" How often it means that some young woman is liv- iug is misery, suffering from pertods of prostration, dizziness, loss of awe, tite and disordered digestion, Head- aches afflict her at intervals; pain in the back and limbs follow any exert tion. Site is never really well, This fragile state of health, this lack of Vitality, Calls for prompt treat- ment. The blood must be nourished and made strong enough to vitaitze the system that is so lacking in energy. Xn suck cases Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills have proved remarkably successful. to making the new, ricin, red blood ogees- satyr in restoring tone to the system. ;Mrs, I1 M. Duncan, South Mountain, Ont„ tells of the wonderful keneflt Dr. Williams' Pink ]`'ills trade in the case of her youug daughter, She says: "It Is only a ,y right that I should let you know of the good derived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills by our girl of eleven years. She was always very titin and not gaining in weight, Her appetite was poor and she bad no de - etre for wholesome food. Finally we tlec]ded to give her Dr. Williams' Platt Pills. Afar taking one box, she went away ort a three weeks" vacation, tak- ingr boxes three box s of phis with lista which she took regularly i lCsv 111 o shewasaway. Witco alae returued home we were sur- prised and delighted to see how well she looked, and to Rod that she had gained seven pounds in weight, She had a uiuelh better color and iter, ap- petite had improved eo that she was always ready for her eueals. She con- tinued using the pills until she had taken seven boxes, and the great im- provement they nfude in her coedit tion was noticed by many around here. 1 cam. only add that I believe Or, Wil - limns' Pink Pills are a splendid wadi-, i The best time to begin taking Dr. , Williams Pink Pills Is the .inonhent you feel the least bit out of sorts. The sooner you do so the sooner you will regain your old time energy. You can. get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or nix boxes for $2.00 from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. British officers and Haan still serv- ing in France number 37,000. The dory Hole. The Home That Wins., As. we cameo into the furnace room.Right intothehands of every father the etolter was turning away from the the Be}" Scoutm,aveu eat puts an in' glory hale, through which he had been eurance policy ;for toe boy's future, looking into the great furnace. The Scouting is not emeething outside the glory hole is a little peephole to which home to turn yen boy over to, and the stoker can peat his eye and exam. forget ,about. Scouting is the most isle the fire without opening the big actzce force ever let loose in the world doors awl thus 'lasing some of the , for welding rather and son together heat. into a wields& team for hoarse aacl Seeing u.s with our guide, he said, • cou�tery, Would you like to look at the hottest Every y f ather dons not realize that place in the world? Do loot look toxo the average Ontario boy is awake 0,500 long, for it might blind you :for a houre a year. You put flim in school time." for 000 of these hones and everlasting - One after another weut an eye to ly keep after him to make good. You p place him in church and Sunday th.° hole nasi Eris 4-111"1"t 1491'1 into School for perhaps another 100 hour a brightness like that of the sun. When we turned away, everything for a and let hien• know you are looking for a moment Kos, black, f results. lou neap ltzu around hpme One atter another as we filed out or: and under your watchful eye for proh. the rage, we remarked, "SGT]1y, 1 area ably 1,500 of his waking hours and . their turn him loose for his play -3,000 AUTO :SPARE PART$ for most makes and models of cars, 'Your,.old. brc.ken or worn-out parts replaced. Write or wire us desorlb log what you want. %S'e carry the. largest and meat complete stock to Canada of slightly used or new parte and automobile equipment, V. e a hap C.O.D. anywhere to Cansda. sans- raotory or refund in full our motto. Wawa. Alato Salvage ]Part, lXup1+ , • 3-lf3t 1teffe e. 1St, Toronto, Otis What is a Silo? The best we have seen on this sub- ject is an article by Lyman Carrier in the American Journal of Agron- omy., He says; "A site was used as a grain pit in a the dry Mediterranean countries be- fore the Christian era. From this original structure we get the name silo applied to the structure used, to- day in preserving green forage. "The modern practice is traced di- rectly to Germany and Hungary and is supposed to be the application o£ the principle of preserving sauerkraut. The fact that the Germans used salt in malting their first sour hay lends weight to this opinion. "The first silos were pits dug in i ahs ground and merle wider at the top than at the bottom. Into these pits green crass was paged and tramped down by five or six men. Salt wasI addeJ at • the rata of otic 'mead to 100. . pounds o£ grass. "The first attempt to ensile earn as made by a German sugar menu- tm tuner in ]fist. The French andl it z'ntaris then persevered in simmer enhlzts but ;net with varying de- , greet et s=.rases, A Pre:wilnaan, fount ' a , l?oc tenet M. I es et, through ills in- ve:etiirtatione sed efforts, earned the ?n^. the 3,z £ Honor r. popular't o I and tl,t a e, mine of Tether m I'atrser of 1•~rsila.,e. Introduction int, a vier:t, t'r ue ell t. through i .:ea ;n aire:llttlral papers. d In 1$91 P oy F. II. King, ' 3 the tis ,•cousin At ri.ul•era! Experiment i atatien, Megan toe study of the whole °aje. i Of .:. h construction and ensil- :'"^ 1C'nh a a tables for det "rniin- in, alae to-arx;e in a silo are classics. .Na mat: has Ore more "-i titan he tea stili looking through the glory hale. hours a year—and that's the end of it. I eau see into the- furnace just as plain-; Why? Because you are past the play ly as I could when I had ow eye to age, or think you are. the hole. It makes a spot of light Yet right here, in these hour.: be is everywhere I look. 1 did not suppose g anything could be so bright aa that."'p away from home and other wholesome And as I listened to their talk, I re- influences. fluences, is Where your boy forms membered the words, "And the city- c character . u, needs you melt. scouting gives you, as a father, a conh- bad no need of the sun, neither of the plete playtime programme through moot!, to shine it; for,xhe glory of Gad watch you can win your son for life. did lighten it, and the Lamb is the scouting wlus, and the house tom light thereof." If the brightness of the "`puts in" scouting wins too. furnace and of the sun are too much ; Seoutiug is the manliest programme for our eyes what must it be to be- e g ory o o. , a1►o gn es light ate members of The Bey Scouts .L o t 16 heaN euiy city; God does pat soclation fathers unite with their boy's. now let us look into that glorious , in Scouting. They become pals with place; but sometimes He holds his their sons nud "hone scoutmasters„ hand over tie, as He held :t saver Moses baektug up the regttiar sca�lt Ieaders in the cleft of the rock and Wives us The lime with Scouting fit it wiats a glimpse of the hAnd ea I r . 1 0 how l0 an ' g glory. It ScoutingI5 , P not .St your home. a let- derful it is --the glory of God; There ter atidre seri to the Provincial Heath ie nothing n \i which a 1 i t lit h h g we can compare p .. o theo o :�• ; quarterst 13 SC llt9 .�. �GC.a• it, It is brightness flat would bide ion, Bloor and Sherhonzne Streets. the light of the sun as the risen sun' Toroata, will bring back a reply' tell - hides the stars. - ing how you can Melee to put it there. Can it be that God intends his child• .t. ten to be glory holes through whicit - AE alters can catch a glimpse of His ` AELP LITTLE ONES rnralzdelhr and the glory: of HLA heaven- ly abode? If we are true children of (nod, surely something of the bright- WELL WINTER rtes;; of purity aud love and !holiness w s ne tluoul h us, 5o that others Winter is a dangerony -sea csa for ...ai,e tate :lea sae ess." Classified Advertisements, 714E1 WA - t'ID.. aARl1f WA1,Pi,D. SEND DES tion and price. Joint J. 331 Chippewa Falls, '.l•'is. AGA (Th w Bf . A GENTS IV ANTE]?: I3I,ISS N s,TI. 1]_ Halts is a, remedy for the relief lits Toxo t=ars. Constipation, Indigestion, Bili,uaues �� Rheuntattsin, ]tither Troubles. It itt ""It SOWS to iris, Tornwy, said. a well-kii,,wn, h$ving 'liken exter ivsly alp- tatlzer" toe e his email son, wh0.wag vezy 1 1rtr1b .5 'Ulridlstrib t? urge' 1 ,lnttracturtt! forgetful, "that everything 1 say to you ties of tr;btaara.ces, 4o,., aroaka, `l;anti 13ooL etc. >: enitix goes in one ear and out the other."' Nl;ich are xyrntalnaa to "41 ea1," replied the youthful ob- sem agents , price thaet allows e ag nt Sto server, "1 guess that's what nee got double their nh4:ney. 'ii"rIte s'N,l4nx0 .Q. two ear. fol?' Bliss eel. l ger.72.-.4 St Panni St. haat, Montreal. Mentio,-t this Paper. First Come. A little boy called on bis aunt who lived next dome allured by certain savory mettle. "Bello, Aunt Sus," he greeted ber, ""nice day." Thee, after a minute's embarrassed pause, he came to the point. "Aunt Sue, I state?! sozuetlein" Dragonflies as Food. In the Malay Archipelago, at the season when the ries fields are in flower, dragonlliee are esceediegiy numerous, and every day boys may be seen catching them 7i tlh birdlime. For tide purpose a stead€:r stiel; i:s used, with a few twigs at the end welt that -smells late fust tate mince Isle anointed. so that the least touch cap - with raisins In it." - ^ tures, the insect, whose wings are e� , With I have sotue nit a,ce pies, thereupon pulled off, the bads being but they're for company, consigned to a basket. Ile pondered Vats, and then suggest-' The dregontiles are thus gathered ed ltopefttily, ' t coals It' fluke a 13ttte for the table. Fried in oil with onio �; bit of a visit nigeend.'° , they are, esteemed a great delicacy. Neal#rat. ; Minaret's Liniment for Dandruff. "'Bin are: y ©eh at l rttislebor.t sub-? eel?" a'lgrily hlehlt:an°d the tliiieial at" The ten invaded end pillaged hit Passport Qflie.e. P ged de - Passport :1Ty nether Office- is I,ri?".:a " nae ,arc partments `of France have produced! he applicant. this year 50tl,ta00 tors of wheat and lane -fourth of the raton's oat crap. "But she marri' 1 a 't', -ire a'.i'217:---"e "'Yes." The fir't railway 1�ar$ge across tits lit la... 11;ver $t Lawrence P s r, was as vu0 Vie: r tl t$ "Yee; butw>!1 ti, 4 c S' 9.1 � Ci. 1 Bridge, l near . t y n I gar' ° e.s ne ire +� A in 13'59; "1 ..:, born o, a a :sate Vying Spens h the second, the LeClzaate Bride, in olors wbt1st she 1s -:,'s I' ug at 4n:eho":''18$d; the third the Coteau, in 1'3c90' n khans: ,au elerbezr, out Illy pare;.ts r the i' urth, the Cornwall, an 18 , the Ito at llr.t::1 S:af:ha 1 we only four' than, the +as=ile i:ritre, near the City 'eery tee. atut 1 ttdo:iteti bg a of eleel'eee. hia::anz.in. 55`ee, 1.. Jiggle! 4U gip lie R:1- ; . ,.Fell laf' begae feat etre-tel. - He's 22 le;genii aa' lie i a. t^ft Nee agile*.> £*n�.istede i tat• elite:. - vette had may at least take knowledge of us he tittle ones. The 413y -,a sere? aimige: that we hare been with .Terata. able—one bright, tho next ono eels.' X.Rays Snapshots. Canada's Indian poetess was Paul- to take the children out for the fresh Ttenetttaablia pa'ngretiA 114'ri aeon ins Johnson (a daughter ee Calef Sial-, air and exercise thew need 60 musk. ;Dade in X-rays work owing to the dia- liam Johnson of the Six Nation Indian In consequence they are uften Welted e°."vary of A new pltoh0,^,rapbie plate Reserve, near Brantford), ivho wrote up in ovea'lteated, badly ventilated • whieell a ee time more rapid than any - several volumes of poems and gave rooms and etre soon seized with colds thing known hitherto. recitals Qf her work. She flied in' or grippe. What is needed to hoop ; This nen plate ntakes it prssible to i, the little ones well is Baby's Own take radiograph:' pictures of the heart Tablets. They will regulate the stens.; 1uny4, er stanaaelt, in a fraction of a i hung be- ach and bowels and drive out twice 'e-'e'e?nd with ordinary apparatus. and, 1 and by their use the baby will be able lnealde savin the patient and opera. era - g 1 p i+ to get over the winter season In per- for from the rick of exposure to the Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper • foot safety. The Tablets are sold by X -hays, photographs can be taken of medicine dealers or by mall at 25 nMania of the living body so .rapidly cents abox from The 1)a'. Williams' Haat they appear perfectly di tinct. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Little :Knowledge. 'Vancouver. Picture frames aro ofte cause of their gilt. and stormy, that the mother is atrial Surnames and Their Origin a SINCLAIR Variations --St. Clair, St. Clare, Sink - ler, Racial .Origin—Norman-French, .also Scottish. Source—Geographical. In the ciass1ficatiou of the Nornaan- ):'rehch contribution to the nomencla- ture of the English must be included is group of family names. In a sense they may be regarded Ina having been family names at the lime of the Norman invasions, though It is certain that only a minority of the men who bore it as a designation ipf the`Iocalities from which they came actually bequeathed it to their des eendants. In a sense, too, the name of Sinclair May be regarded ab Scottish, for it is the name of one of the clans of Scot - )and. But the Scottish name is sub sect to the same explanation of Nor- tnan-le'rench origin as the English. Pike' many Scottish names, including those of several of the clans, It is not a native name. The forms St. Clair and St. Clare • of course,' explain the source. The /ernes Sinclair and Sinkler are but Variations in spelling which have de- Y•eloped from spellings which original- }, were by no means simnel,. There Is a "Thomas de St. Clare" referred to In the ancient writs of Parliament, ind the name o.ecurs variously in the Old documents as "St. Clare and "St. Blair." The Scottish clan name traces back to a follower of William the Conquer- or, a "Comte de Sancto Claro," through his son William, who in the reign of King David I. of Scotland, at- Itached himself . to that monarch's court. Through grrants of land at first, and intermarriage later, the Sinclair line grew into the clan system of the northern •Creels as a distinct entity, and won the recognition of Xing Ilaco' Young ,Anthony Giles, son of Farnwr VI. of Norway, to its sway over Ork- piles, upon demobilization went to nay. Other old strongholds of the Mau one of the special schools arranged for were Caithness and Stratherue, ex -Service men. There Ile learnt all the newest MOONEY I "hints" Itbout farming. Variations — O'Mooney, O'Moynagh, - Old Farmer Giles, some time after Money,'- his son returned to the farm, met au Racial Orfgl.n—Irish. " old friend, and together they disct:es- Source—A given name. ed the boy's return, The family navies in the Mooney `"Did your boy learn Faulting at the group, like virtually all Irish sur-1Pana School?" inquired Giles' friend. names, are derived from a given name, 1 "Yes," answered dues.. ";fie learnt and originally bore either the prefix a little too much for us." "0" or "Mac," signifying in the Irish I, ow do?" tongue "descendant of," and came into ; "IIs came bac;!; with a lot of new- being first as tribal or clan names, be- faugled notions about how to run a ing adopted by all the followers of : farm, and seemed to think the old. the chieftain's banners as well as by ; home -place was a sort of experimental his own family. `flair, and that lie and the hired men Strangely enough, one of the vette ; were just the fellows to do the work." tions of this family name of Mooney, t or "O'Maolnaigh," which is the ancient Irish form, conies very close in its English. meaning to the meaning of the given name from which the family name is developed. This variation is Money. The given name in the ' an- cient Irish was "Ielaoinach," from the Irish . word "maoine," meaning "wealth." The dominatioe of English custom and language, as well as English law, in some instances'co1npelled at vari- ous periods the Anglicizing of Irish family names, and the existence of such wisely varying forms as Mooney, Moynagh and Money is traceable to the fact that the English and Irish alphabets do not parallel each other completely, and the pronunciation of the Irish diphthongs is quite different from English. Family names of the Mooney group are common, both in. Ulster and in King's county, having been derived from different chieftains of the sante name. t; PNEUMONIA and other Lung Diseases Claims many Viotires in Canada and should .be guardedagainst, Mnard's Liniment Is a Great Provantativo, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard's Lint. zt2Ont liar cured thousands of casae pl i Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat Asthma and lclndred diseaties. It is an nervy to Germs. Thousands of bottles being usod every day. r'or sale by all druggists and general dealers. DRinasda Ltameut Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, N.O. Was That Not Wise? Bing Nonialos was the wisest of kings who has ever reigned, and every Tuesday from seven to nine -thirty of the evening he would distribute wis- dom to the most foolish of his sub- jects. One day there came to his court a very foolish man. He had ten -women ruining after him, all demanding that he should merry them, an -ti - 11. was not law in the country that he should take unto himself more than one wife, and. the foolish fellow dare not face the wrath of nine even to gain the favor of one. He was not dreadfully keen ou mar vying even one. Aud lie appealed to itis king for wis- dom; and the a omens stood by glower ing, "Let me think," said the king, re- moving his crown, an•d., calling upoii his two scratchersen-chief to scratch his head for him. - And having thought foe the space of, three asterisks the great naot?aech: commended : "Let the Len women stele forward and give their ages." Silently, and one . by one, the ten women disappeared. Thele has been none so wise a5 No molds since his day. Resouteefuleess is the star accom- plishment. TI is the master -key= -tha•t tits ahl the Iccl:s of business recuire l lllunt3.' whereas with the longer exposure, at present required organs such as the t mill to sea whether it would really heart or lungs make tugs ehuent w liiela blow up or not. wt it a. tha- MONEY ORDERS. It i alwaae t .e ate tta ::,sial IIto nittion Expreee stoney (artier. 1' z•e iese cr.;, co to three Chas,., The. first cattoe manufaetar ohpg nail! ii ihnChina is seaeceiy more then twenty' s old, yet the nation has to -day 1 l,000 spindles and 4100 per.-er' Wareing: Tote no es with looms, pretieginee annually erseemo,000 sulk titute.s. for gt'nulne "I:lyter Tablets pounds of yarn and 40,00000 0 yarn ,ot ,tspirin," nap- -;1 ems. tree the :name of cloth. "Bayer" on pea !:age or ort tablets you ASP RIN 'a is G nu ne are n)tgettieg, epir'ht at all. in The curiosity of him wino wishes to' every Ilayer pracihage aro d:reetlone see fully for himself how the dark for Cobb. Headache. Neuralgia. Rheu- side of life Looks, is like that: of the; lnat;azn, Earache. T* -•attache. Lutuba- rnan who took a tereh hires a powder ge and for Pain. Handy tion bete, of twelve athlete east faew cents. Drug- gists aIsa e evil larger pace:ogee, ]hide in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada a of Bayer Manu- facture of Monoaa•e,iceciidester of Salitelica cid. bittrr the image, rendering diagtsosis difficult. "Pape's Diapepsim" Corrects Stomach. "l'aps'e Diapepsin" is the quickest, sorest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer- mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat favorite foods without fear. Largo case costs only 60 cents at drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annualiy, Largest selling stomach corrector in world. --- Adv. Case in Point. "Of course dogs have intelligence," Bibbs declared warmly. •-Now here is Dubbs; he's a lover of dogs, and lit leave it to hint it some dogs haven't more intelligence than their masters." "Sure!" Dubbs responded heartily, "Why, I have a couple of dogs like that myself-" And Dubbs even yet sometimes wonders Why they all laughed. Faith -is an invisible and invincible magnet, and attracts to itself what- ever it fervently desires and calmly and persistently expects.—Ralph Wal- do Trine. To Make an ascent of Mount Ever- est would occupy two years. No white man has ever scaled this, the highest point in the world above sea -level. D.ANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, .Beautifies. j Nervous Headache' yields to BAUME BENGU1 it soothes and stops the pain. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES t- ei.ao a tube. THE LEEMING MILES DEL, LTD. zoon- aEAL .tgaata tor Dr. sults Dengue `= RELIEVES PAIN NT Send for list of inventions wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been n.acie fromtsimple ideas. "Patent Prctcctioa'ht booklet and "Proof of Conception" on request. HAROLD C. SHIPMAN & CO. • - PATENT ATTOR.NEY8 ._�? Re eHIPMA4 GHAMSGN6 - OTTAWA. CANADA INVENTION; A few cents buys Thio det11i ' Af+ for a few applications you' cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides. every hair shows new lite, vigor, brigh.taess, more color and abundance, Prevent Falling. Flair With Cuticuxst. Shampoos The first thing to do in restoring dry, thin and falling hair is to get rid of dandruff, itching and irritation of the !scalp.' pub uticula Ointment into the .cots, 417).gi ally spots of dandruff jana itc..hing. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap"" end ao.. iter. Sony roe. Olatmest 24 cud SOe, Takes 25c. Soul throughout the Dominion, Canadian Dep5�ot: I. acs. Limited, 344 SL Prat St, a N,, %moil. Cuticura Soap starch'Witbout mug, America's Pioneer Tlog Remedies bap DIISEASES and I;spiv to Feed Untied Free to any Ad. I dress by the Author. H. Clay Glover Co., Tao, 118 West alst Street New York, L.S.A. RHEUMATISM HITS YOU HARD! S SSlotaa's Linimetzt should be kept handy for ages and paine ITY wait for a severe pain, ail ache, a rheumatic twinge fele Iowing exposure, a sore =We, sciatica., or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan' , Liniment handy to Help curb it and !resp you active, and frt, and on. the job? Without rubbing, for it ¢rrtettates apply a bit today to the afflicted part: Notethe gratifying, clean,promptrelief that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the worm over if it didn't make good. That's worth remembering. All dru • gists—three sizes --the largest is th most economical. 35c, 70c, 1..40., Oa 9 Liniment MOTHER! "California Syrup of Fig& Child's Best Laxative Accept "Callformia;" Syruti of Pigs ozrly-look, for the name Califoinua oa•.- the pacayage, then you are sure your child 1 s halting the best and unlet harmless physic for the little stomaclrp " liver ,ami bowels. Children. love ire fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle; Yon` oust sa.v " (adlfoinitc," • 1 SS.t1 E No. at—'21t •r 1