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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-27, Page 1
THIRTY.-FOURTI•I YEAR. EXETER, ()NT ,RIO, THIJ S ►AY JAN, 27 1921 SANDEAS & CRE C... Our earner: In the. old days the. cynic remarked that beauty is appy skin deep, belt ae r The dale seems tort unless there are he concedes t het it ,s fx•ecauentJy knee high, half a dozen "holdups." Some der:ng i robberies have been committed, i It will be; well for every person, sub- •I r :sect tothe Income Tax to:,vead '"Facts The greatest number of people wllo Concerning Government Tates,, in are admitted to asylums are marr ed.' anoteer colunm of th's issue. litany Does that meas¢, that the married state l changes in tie law since last rear is ton strenuous, as it is lived to -day? ihave: taken giace. , CHURCH MUST ADVERTISE. The Christian Guardian says; "The church can. not mere= expect that what it has to offer for the uplift and bless - ins of the world will make a strong appeal if it is ;not taken up and com- mended on every possible Occasion. and he every consistent way, than the Menulacturer can a tpect that his goods wall sell. et any, phenorinal fashion of he does not advertise. The consistent whoe-hearted, enthusiastic advertising of its gods i as been one ref the ob- echurch that nn' sand ' 'es #h t d. ' atyacau, g has very poorly fulfilled in the Paste and indeed, theta it is very poorly ful- filling to -day," Phone 81a TAMAN'S For All Kinds of Men's Wihterwear "'GLAD TO GREI.T you old top, by Jove, you're locking fine. Where did you get such aswell elegant fitting suit of clothes?""At Taman's, the tailor, right dawn Main Street. Best in town, they 'say. At least, he fitted me with the best suit Irve ever had. Not high priced, eit- her." "Looks good to me, toe. I'll order my next suit from them, Sure." SUITS $20 to $40. OVERCOATS 320 to $35 RAINCOATS $15 to $30 . awn Tailor& .F a r n she r ;+o col! in 1000 .years, says a• learn- ed professor. If folks 4jo11't change tier ways there will be only a. few Facts About Government Taxes Tax payable along with return, April 30, at ?east a fourth. Better pay half to allow margin for errors, which are heavily penalized. Form for return must be asked for not ova,;ted for, Co upanies and erepioyers' . list:and fiduciaries returns eo be ee by March 31st, o: the present gen:rat:on needing it.Deferred Iahslatments, du: June 3ti, That ;same professor says ave are to ; August 21, October 31st, become degrees ire lIw years to come Tax reckoned ora income of calendar because we well have to hove to the year, January 1st to Dezember 31st„ tropics to become warm, or or a company's year ended during that eaiendar year. Coa.F scation cif -eel unreported in- eoated if understatement exceeds 20 per want, ges in ritr l cotnrrnun ties, aand cent. or hag, if from 10 to Mol; per cent, distribution of Ie eet b al energy lt. Tax ;rherrxtse4 ' 'r "n3- .- t the agricultural sections ere import- 2 p- cn z: ant )1 hers to be dealt with at etre turn. es bate. present Sess$on,of the Ontario Legis- Six months ,art jail and $10,000 free; lature which convened on Tuesday. for false statements. :..ere is a etory to the ,gn at that Normal tax, 4 Bier eget, oa net tax- a young :lebular%t wes placed Ot..'bt to c.,at l.e rate}ca'Qmrtd /gare $(4410, .and b 'Per Chauncey M. Aepew, it a •Drize} and xampt ,from normal tax only—$2,- Further de.veloperent o': the Good roads System, better educational ad - that :n her nervousness she J:.fQcic d an. egg front the table. Turning to the 4etteran 6c-tsator, she: nervously ox- clalrned, "Oh, AI. Teepee, what shall I do? I dropped an e;." "Cackle, madam, c ac'klel' was the retort. The merchant, or manuiaeturer. who drops .ng Swan 1 per cent on 51,0e9 to 65 his pr ices should Bio to. little cacbl n Per cent, oa alb bey and a m:lli9n these days. It helve to wan, applause I+:ve pee vette o` 'boat taxes Adel and to move goods, • taxable elevate is 1%04 or more. 000 ct learned or with dependeets of certain categories; 1,000 i2 unmarried n o dependents, ,1i200 eaeh for children under 18. Surtax on income beyond ,s5,+)t10, r'4.s- A depauiatilea f'r. a the Onterio, :Rea- Exempt era►m both normal and sur 'mall r►seaelar'„aneee: i „veva ?revile, lax' War c1;s;ab ity penesiozas; tax -:re :;tl S•ecrci any Nz+a bones ttere,t; fillets end bequests; tats n• etarunce ,)►res:e,ds; ee-t2in aned lata titsags tor the eneelustittea vt gaeas from turnover of capita asset as.«it PIt pareeld"nit; ht Lt 21vri outside the taxpayers' regu',er bus—n..;„ >rttd elapr.,e betwe-aa r-=m,n;at".44 club !luno day. Thee :5 soau nl hiag Eeatd'ture to tae, deducted when c ;...4 aavpr .Japing i calcul c tenable an ble rac o se -.Gene:" of this ehen©e, as to the effect oftp- , interest o bueiness a greater lame of _tame between tdcem. 10,)'''13'4117.9; •ease;, iaasuranee, :epalr:, nation and prat et u-ottbl be to an:itnrd i kpre....t:on, meant ;a a interest, own the erectors a bettsr c.pnorturity .+'.,,deeee exeep►tecl, payments for Awn becoming aaequaintee with the quaint suPcran- "azul b carryzr1 eh'aarge; oil sc cat,'ols o: tyle c.2ndeLltea offering 4 u:.i:d,';i 7ngt e1:'eedin,p, A1c0a11:. the"- w , ,•, , selves Sa sic. t oh, and with Alas mer. Win. its of the itfte.aat uy-laws and re= )ecltict:ons Brom tax—Income tax formula to be voted up m. p eid to United Kingdom or other Brit, e4"E1 cloatrnj,fanS, oti to foreign Countries LAW RESPECTING FIRE, ARM. f ta:ey xe<iproctete; certain payments Spence'War Revenue Act. County (own Attorney Seegert'alls Partners pay, not partnerships. ,attention to the feet that by an act • Companies pray* normal tax, not sur< passed at the list SeSs;Ort of the Dom- sax, inion Psrl.i atnent the Jaw respeet ng the i texe.:utor , )guardians and trustees Possession; of firearm; hes been mach. per ".or beneficiaries unable to manage much more stringent. :trot only does ine.;r own affairs. the prop gibe. extend to the carry,ng ecruetl and undirdee profits are o€ firearms. but it is now en elawful taxable, to have t-rearu45 ist po"eSSion, n a house or place o' bus ¢less, or else - Married, n ores with separate where, except under a permit, which t ores snake separate returns, may be obtained from a magistrate in, Farmers make return:. on ' sp...itl the manger prescribed by the statute. form. Vendors of firearms also are required to secure permits and also to report all sales o. firearms. The only ex- : ception to these provisions is in the case of a shot gun which was in pos- session of its present owner, being aJ British subject before May lst, 1920. I Local News DROPPED DEAD. Exeter people heard with nineere regret on. Wednesday morning of the death in. Guelph the previous evening of tfr. Edward Maguire, a formerwell known and highly respected residenit of .Exeter. He dropped dead on the street, presumably from heart trouble from which he has suffered for sev- eral years, Mr. - Maguire resided in Exeter for many years, but moved to Guelph only a few years ago. He is survived by his wife. The remains \vial be conveyed to Lucan on Thursday, Jan. 27, on the. 1 o'clock train, and .from there 'the. funeral wi11 take place ,to St. James' Cemetery, between Lucan and Clande- boye. - BREAD with TTY FLAN THAT'IS WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. IT'S • EASY. USE M 0 D E L. IT"IS GENERALLY ADMITTED THAT BLENDED FLOUR WILL GIVE YOU BREAD OF BETTER FLAVOUR. THAN ANY OTHER. WE HAVE THE PERFECT BLEND IN M 0 D 1. L , "TO ERR- IS HUMAN" BUT YOU MAKE NO MISTAkE IN BUY- ING MOD ,EL,, FARVIERS WILL HELP 1 CREATE A BETTER. MARKET' 1+OR. WINTER WHEAT BY USING A BLENDED FLOUR, - WE HAVE LOTS OF WESTERN WHEAT FLOUR, WHICH IS 'SECOND TO NONE" OF ITS KIND. II IT IS WESTERN FLOUR YOU WANT, TRY OUR "MANITOBA'S BEST". IT IS A. SUPER- IOR FLOUR, arveyrte:rqs. DOIG Ia THE WARDEN. Goda.rich Jam ,..5,_ At the epepang meeting o the County Council this afternoon the Liteeels, who control wardenslup this year selected Reeve Peter Doig of Howick, as warden for 1921. There were four candidai s in the running, including Gordon Young of Colborne, Nab Armstrong of Iiu1- let and Dr. Grieves of Seafort . Tll_ fight wus a close one returning^ Doig with a majority of one over Young. A sprinkling o: U.I,C las made its appearance Council, for the first time, but not enough to control. One well-known councillor from the north astrong U.F.O. ,man, is reported to 'have stated that he would go with the Liberals in their caucas this year, with the understanding that be would go with the Conservatives next year. The new warden in taking the chair briefly outlined some of the work far the comae; year. A brass tablet, an honor of the late Donald Patterson, who died lase year, and who was far some d4 years the county engineer,was unveiled, Ex -Warden eeetty of Hen - sell, performing the ceremony. The important business of the Coun- cil lo -day was the. apppSnting pf Reeves Armstrong, Beavers and Spot - ton, no the good road commission :fear the yeses The eo.tincillors were ,entertained at a smoker by the clerk, treasurer and engi^_'eer to -night. Kirkton At the annual meeting of K.ixkto,n Agricultural Society the old members of the board were ae-elected as fol Tows,—Preside it, William Brock, lst trice -president, James Stephens; 2nd mice -president, R. N. Shier; diir- ectors Wiliam Atkinson,, William Rab 'swore Robert Berry, James Moore, R. Paynter, David Roger, John, Cede, Jnr. Roy, A, Breth aur, A. Berryh'11, John Ma:patei", Jahn, Duncan, SamuG Rcnutly 'James Creary, Edgar Hooper; Lt:nor- ary dr e ions, Han P. Smtltll, Di. Steele, M.P.:, Andrew I -licks, M,P.P., J. e. Me -ter, M.P.; auditors, A, M, 1)river, u11i;'ton SGregory. The, fall fair will be held on ,Oct,ober 6 and 7'. Expert judges 1411 be emuloyed ,for heavy and `igh't horses. The field crop. campeltii ,,n will be again taken: un. The var:ei,:Jes of grain sei cted Were ,wheat and Banner. oats. The oats wee be judged .r "Lee Eield' and en 'the b rY j 15 carries can • be abtajned. ster 'd Cse'••4 must be soon by the c orne4 i o s At the dissector's meat- y -yr heel .a terwa-ds. Amos Doupe was e pp tiviief s ecr ctary tr asurer. ..Mr 1,,. a • ' 1 A• D rpe were appointed to a:ten 1 t're d(erlict meeting So Strut :o: I ,': z r ,' E; Fo.irs Convention in To- ronto i Crediton on NEW Bi JTCI,ri,,•R, SHOP ! AT .CREDITON, Clandeboye The death rrfRarrejl. ewidplv'' Tiers.of the bate Patrick Farrell, removes lenother member eel the old p_on.'e Haves leased the butcher shop far stl ..s -that settled is B:ddebpb. Sh , neem ses opposite Zwicker's Store, 'had been. ll fon- some mopeds, Th Crediton, ne wiJ open un a butcher funeral Tao% )base. srorn neer reed'ra� busbness oa. Saturday, J nuery 22 and -in the 4leage to the Rouum Cath 4 till keep constantly on hand a corn -'cemetery. Jiiddu pl. P ete lune o: Two farm:.gs adjafni the rullage re.. FRESH :SWATS, SAUSAGE, ETC, ,cently changed hands. Low.s T, °Fair We will ee;ad:e aoiki g but the best -sod bis 10. ar. arm the .ase crs meats and so.icat your patronage. 'tc► ?r Ph„i ass, end has ben:; tat a : 50 .acre ...ren of E l,se a kledgi,-ns reoth BEAVEle EROS. ,north end. The !.Jeer :era. be, rhe re -cups -eel by seme recmi;zer 2 h nkitadg_ats tits;,, prone r days eiaguire--in Guelph, oa January 25th Edward Maguire, formerly of Exeter Welker—In Seafor ten, ea Jan. 17. Mar •oit Walker, oe:oved wife of J. W. Th�ompsea, Tb pito;, Ont., aged 64 r t Uclictosh—rn St, a`.,fiarvs, en jar. 12, e J'ess'e McNee, eiE! E o' On late 5cbn ei<Pntos?a, aged s3 years. rMEhlORIA'.nd e R,a 41, ee a: r a,?_' o".:: der s e e, and aro:her, eine W. H. Penwarden, 1 see. e .eyed :.rift')' rsst ow yeer ago Jan 29, 1920. T.ELEPHONL Tow. A Box Sochi will be be:d wader the 1de^Ga[1cw..Qy - �ausp ces of the U. ,F. O Club ,Lae the') Arthatw ^, rapso-s recent -a- k:.beer Fawn Hall, Creditcar, on Thursday ee-II baby flee witeh h dresse4 I5 pound Ai r ng, Jan. 7,7t!n at 8 'clock. when bared sold a: 25s. a ).mite!". . lean .will.. €;:yes an address on i3.F.W.O and Community Laundry. A ltarogrern o' rendes ete., will be given, Ladies brie; bones. Everybody wel- come. ,Adau„as on free.. Jahn Dyer Dead. -1 lth has reaper -- ed Mert}the of our :oldest and moL-tr estecnned 'citizens in the ,person of :ler Jon Dyer, et the, advanced age tat 'o ;ears, be having passed array rn . ' t t eped lia:ip t_l, Lendose earl TJltjraday, Jan, 20, De eased bad be •�u in two,. he1'th for corn time and a couple weeks ago was rem w:d to the/ t s he .� .tunder- F,' a,. a it st I. .don v where e , i weat a surpcad operation, but than, d�d � reet st J d ;tzk relief send ate gradual Y rank until death claimed ed hint. Deceas- ed was a mat te- of En4and. raavi?;; l beee bens. t Devonshire. \\r 'aa ;sheet «:,« i !;;14'.'41t5 484 ege h4 sad h.- wit e « t tr4 +,.." eu. es:-. a roan„ rated tp Cana- Oa, let;leee et t .abawa And later ;Wa- chtel, z htel Albans 4ti ye, s ago, he reeved 4o grail tt'a earl conducted a black- ,.al-t.a shop r e rumbler of yeses, black- :,,,.1.11.3 ;s;,s leta,le. stlectiss,ital es 14atiiQ:ees and aithenteh es; a tenet. c tettI fgalla nate e, he made many warns i r.eatals, . blots art lira sine a end ;1, a cit'sen, The • tunerel tot. piece art Miontlayt ue the t pise;e Cary. Rev. Brook t-ndtact- .n .li . scrti,'e. tie is surv.v d by two tlauabter;, and titre: sons—Mrs. $arrt'l Ji;wi. s ar: v y,oat ng, :ii:s. Abe Wal i ker, C rerLnoe; John oe Dewi rry;, 1,ia,; Robns;f and Henry of Detroit. • tins wl a precleeeasctd. him !bout ser, enaoaa years. Forward The and \ a ,i rc , an t o 4 ear n endo n held a. the Evangelical, 'Church hero o,a QIP edne sclay evening and Thursday+ ' wee well acre:zded. (Tore details will be liven n: weak. Mr. C1Qa , Zw, her was, lashed Lo I.oation M. week owing to the illness i' his ' the,;. Usborne A pjretty wedd;;�a„ tock place: at ;11�:' hone of lir, and Sirs. Robert Bell of this township on. Wednesday, January • 26111 at lour o•'clock spin., when their daughter, :Alias Vera Agnes, becaers the Wide of Mr.ZYilliam Brintnell. The '. ere pony was performed by Rev. Mr. Rivers of Iiensall bathe presence of about tweaty'f ve invit;d guests, Thi young; cnuploo were utaaieended. The brcle was gowned in ,white patllaette interned with pearls, arnlswore - the customary veil with orange blossoms. \Liss Isabelle Brntnell, sister of t11_ groom, played the wedding march. Af- ter the ceremony and v,lgrattijations all sat dos.e to a sumptu. ss wedding supper. The presents w -re numerous and costly; the groom's ,b„r;t to the bride being a wrist 44teb and to the pianist a pearl ring. The young; cote, pie will reside on the groam's :a, -m and Slab :have the .congr.itulatio,1s tCf their many friends. Do not psk aRs 34 a uasss her. D n, 'res suela .� vacant palace., a ca wn t c sc. ie her forsessep;, Or we ses her sura= nig fete? Abe pias ,ecoo, , + brighter rw '.e s, Free :from every grief and care; And there w:'1 aro no parting their •. Peaceful; rah sae 4!13• rest c3.ar mother, its see to lege :the thy ears-. in ',he. we kneel ?Jae v.'ry dear. "s ie lit".. ? es a do he sumer, —liesban3,'soe and dauglate•s ' Dashwood errs. P. Mcisaac and son Eraine ri';- ited in London a few days last week. \Ir. Clayton rPfile. spent the week end he Detroit. Rev, P, Graupner is this week at- tending conference at Elmira,. Mrs. Wm. I le .salver spent Satur- day in London. rdr, ,Fred Baker is cqu:atte ill at pres- ent ` AT, ,T Klumpp was a, business vis- itor to Louadon Tueisday, air. and Mrs. A. Hartz returned to their hone in Cavelier, N. Dakota, last (Thursday after spending the past six weeks with Me and Mrs. George Schroeder. etere will ;be no serteess ,in the Lutheran Church on Sunday res the pastor, Rev. Graluprer wilil preach in Landon. :Mrs. Dan McCormick of Bridgeburg 's e Is,it rig her fattier ,Mr. F. Bakes who is quite ill ,at present, \ Don't forget the MiIssionary Play in in the Evangelical Church Friday evg. Centralia tins. J Anderson has returned to, her borne here a=fter spending some months with her daughter in S . Thomas. The offering gi,vexy by the Sunday' School If or the A.rnvehilan Fund an Sunday 'ase ainounited to ;24.00 The ;Bos Soac,ia(t held in the School House, here on Friday last was a goad success. The amount rased for the Epwa tif League was ? 95 20, Miss Marian Ne.itl who vi,si'ted nri London Oast week returned lrome on Ssturday-' , ?1r, E. Abbott, :who was home from London Sion a few days last creek, reiurned to the el.ty on Monday. N.11 -s. James Boyes had the niisfor- iu:'T to fai°1 and spre:sn her ankle last. Seem -day. eles Young of London v:is:ibed, with er rr:eais, v1- arid 'Jr3, tient;, here aver Sunday. ARR1 rsitreli= Be 1n Usborane "lp, en l:;ai. Zeth, at the Jte gee of the a rift;; pMrents, �i":91: tm Briatne,L to Ver Agnes, daughter ,of lir. and Mrs Robert Beal, gel o, l'slaorn'e. ;dley--'4 Ise — tt Wyse, en .. J by the Rev. 'R. 3. McCormick, Russe S. Gidiey, sea of Mr, aged '►irs. ii. tiid,ey: a: Meth to P;isce.ix WiA . c T $ 6i id sots A, � ,rale , 1t #Eire' lfli,'-r 'i AziorclSe Cot°.JG•', .who ,+ iter �tt.b .0 Y iY.:" y ♦V:r a�tr 4i ,f «�tl, 22, 1920. Got t!te r D,ddyr. gone :or ever i�. a VAN r , greet, tlt.. hock severe, y those nee, left can tell, Thep : 4, n' saying a last farewell. :k:reeil may 4lass,: that we :target you V5r?:bez tierrei they sec us smile, But theR"tt;e la t,o "4' t:ae sorrc► v 'That that sn "w brae . ,alp the while, �, ; '2 .:°. 0Z.lC eo.4 TMier, 9cb, DEATHS S I)ey r�•;"lt St. oieph'sIii S,p':tac, Lon- , , can Jain 20, Jonas Ilyer of Crey aQedl 33 sear.;. ‚Ir 1 ot Yoe fi Ccs UNTIL YOIJ SLANT DRIVETO YOUR CAR, THE JOIIBI:RS, ADS -ISE US 'TAT THERE IS GOING TO BE A SHORTAGE OF CERTAIN 'tt.ANES OF THE BEST LENS, SO 1:.11 bPE ON , THE KIND YOU WANT. AND LET US KNOW AND WI WILL GET THEM FOR YOU NOW AND KEEP THEM UNTIL TOT' START 1(' DRIVE YOUR. CAR IN THE SPRING. IN THIS WAY YOU WIi.L NOT IIAVE TO ACCEPT AN INFERIOR JAKE .1T A HIGI'IER PRICE LATER ON. Clamert $2.50; Holophane $4.50 pr. BRING 1\ YOUR APPLICATION FORM. %VE \V1LL. FILI. Ir IN tC'ITHOL r PLACING YOU T t EIl A\'i OBLIGATION WHATEVER. ALL FINDS OF' AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES, TIRES, i'G'ILLARD) STORAGE BATTERIES, LTC. LET US STORE YOUR BATTERY UNTIL SPRLNG. J. BEER J. A. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Sale Starts Jammu 27th. Lasts 21 Days. We will kettempt to mention only a few of the litLre Bargains s in this space. LADIES' FILL YOUR NEEDS FROM OUR STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. Oatmeal 5 lbs for 254: ikellogg's Toasted Corn. Flakes 2 for 25e Royal Yeast, per box 5c Large Size Ammonia 2:for ,25c Golden Table Syrup 9c. a lb. Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25c. Corn Starch per package 1Oc. Seedless Rarasnn,s, 15 oz. pkg, 30c. Seeded Raisins, 15 az pkg., 30c. Red Rose. end Sallada Tea lb.50c Lux, now 2 for 25c. Large Plug T & B To, bacco 75c Palmolive Soap 3 large Bars 25c 15c. Batatle Best Extracts 10c. Gillett's Lye, 2 for 25c. 'a02 40f3. £ '211..c1 azer 'art>rrlrraa Jelly Powders, ail.]. flavors 2 for 25 Clipper Salmon;, 7 cans .,for $1,00 Tomatoes, 15c a can or 7 for 51 ST(EWART PULLS SOME SURPRISES. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS, BUT WILL NOT OPEN DOORS. YOU MUST COME TO THE SALE TO BENE+FIT RUBBER BOOTS - rvlen's Black Rubber Boot, Red Sole and Heel, Regular ,86.00 Sale Prude $4.90 MEN'S TAN RUBBERS Nliltary Rubber. Jut the thing Tor aver heavy booms To clear $1.00 pr. .. SPOOLS Coates- best 200 yd. Spoos;s,black and white, 41 •sizes 3 for 25c. BOYS' SWEATERS Boys' Pullover Sweaters in Navy, and Revd, goad weight, all sizes Sale Price $1.0,0 SU GAR Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar $11.25 per lruaa,dred. Sugar prices subject to market fluctutatio¢vs'. vsetsRavecesi J. A. STE •r •A T HIGHEST PRICL PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE,