HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-20, Page 8EXEiBli A.IliTO[;.ATE, TU!JR,SDAT, JANI 20, 1021 Exeter Markets Changed each Wedn eday Wheat ...t 2,00 Bar:ey, new ., ,.. ,.,,,... , 65 to 75 •:Oats, Grew .,... .,,} .50 Family Flo=ur Feed 'Flour Shares Beta Heed Eggs N e.v Laid Eggs Da:ry Bu • r. ., 50 to 53 creamery lz,:tter .,,,,....,. .., 62 L»rel ,,.,,, .. 30 Po atees ...,, ..,1 ,25 , ,...... ,....,, Z.25 .,gee. ° 2.00 4 ,. 7550 Hogs 14,75 a visit with Qreas v i, : :is v dreg , returned) to les on: Fete. Q..a. �1l., :est week. ?i-.. tom Dodos of Saskatoon_ vis- it -1 c ' :> n Air. Thos. Lane, ?+n ` ,v e t. during the past vv flee ales. ,M fe 1 Glomal of London was tare op, '4t 'l. zesday ;attending the f:s .gyral of ..,. late Mrs. Wm. Stew- art. Mr. erre Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick o< To .. sp ent a ere- days here visit- ., oaencia,:el "tte.rding tide funeral of Mr. Cc» b #-Z .l ; aunt, Mrs. Andress e another column the Big 'Bargee S.'.e' »t Mrs. W. D. Yes. 1�Y 1 TING ;?OSTPONED. Tree I1u,ciraclaee Institut'~ meeting to be e".d ea. 1ST s. Johts. Horgan s ds possfeerred to Feeley evening, Jan. 28, D ARN FOR SALE. *avae, n a N. i3 ' Lot 31, Con, W. Sic. to—e, it: bran, with tin roof vet: ode For gena : k sale, price reasonabi-'. Ise0 DIETRIC H, D shwood P.O. CARD OF THANKS. Mr, C. T. Brooks leaving .retired from the Express busstess, wishes to thane: .�., a. hv o'd. patror.s and friends for tee gist v ars, ;:-td would :ask that tete seam eeoral patroaa.'zge mad court- ea I, --f bM L ti ailed 14s StLe%leSsoT, W111 g H. vv;;ahes to al.to state that he n v Oral MIC.t. the tnsur eco business ..,- oo .,., ,1 ass o, ";se t his home, i )T CE OF TEND1rR tenders win b+ received for ?s 4 at. ,:bldg- wood, beech or sea i e delivered at S. S. Not 1 .,ea. -or before March 1st. se.e of tenders to erose ora .Feb. let 1, 1921. 1. I iOGARTH, Seery -Trees. atm wan: to order a daily paper or magazine, or renew a present sub- script:on. leve your order at the Advo ate Office. We save you paper, enve type postage stamp and cost of mow, order atel when clubbing elite tee :telae besides. 11.TeeSeeNU .HILL Aie ;:aids of Turning, Gumming Save Ete„ time orf elearteat notice, S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 if you have anything to sell or you n -,at to buy, try The Advocate Want C;esteem aesee e• VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wetltey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William end Sanders St., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 10 to 4.30. Consultation and examination free at office.. NOTICE OF TENDER' Sea'ed tenders will ba received for 13 single cord of 16 inch wood, Beach and Maple, to be delivered at the lir°nche;sea School. Contract to be completed on or before March 31st, 1921. Re,.7elvvng o:' Tenders to close on January 22, 1921. J. W. SKINNER, Sec.-Treas. NURSE -PROBATIONERS WANTED IN TORONTO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES 0.NTAR:0 HOSPITAL, TORONTO Young women ,wishi:ng to train as nurses are offered a three years' course 's_• mental and general nursing. L aerie renuneratiion, during proba: tion and training. For gruel particulars apply - BrecL a S per• ntendent, Ontario Hos- .or os- .or losarte, Toronto, MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Local Doings Clean Groceries are assured by our Sanitary Counter. Dirt, flies, insects, animals, ,or promiscuous handling may easily contaneeate, the purest food and make it a ia for eating. Harvey & Harvey Mrs Adana Case, who has been ser- iously 111., is improvg. . Snow during the past week made the weather nettle more wi¢tter1ike. Mr Ed Westcort tb;.s week moved into his new bomeron ,the 3rd. of Us- -. The. en:leceons taken up in the ; T- v_tt Lernoriai .Church cn Sunday fast =aid of :the Chines Fam`.ne Fund amounted to 537.00, George 'C. „Heels of the liaisons Bank staff has been laid off duty for ',several days suffering from an Attack oi,eu' sy. He is, however, now on the mend. Valle watching ,the game of hock - e: between Exeter -Zurich and Clint - :,:ors teams en Friday night Bruce Riv- Ners was struck an the head with the 'puck, and sustained a nasty gash. The •mild January weather got a ,le .shock an Sunday, -viten ani old nn; blizzard prevailed most of the ay reed.following night. Considerable e --tow :ten, aped the n and pled it no :.n about the town end country. number of the, young ladies of eon gave: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dear • 're.; a persue surprise on l,'t"edaeaday eta:t,;n;; last when, dressed in ell kind; o• styles they calied at their new borne .n town bringing their lunch baskets tv to them Needless to say they bad a geed 'tee. • Rev. Fosse -send D; Greliant address- ed. the young men in the I.PtC:& roas cvr Wednesday evening of last l N mw ee's, ;tette which temporary commit tees were appci rated, to look after the va sous !nacelles. Rev. McAlister and '1ijor Hearnan are slated to speak :;res Wednesday evening. T.he is 8 C,A. Roorns should prove a great' eetrect:ea on Jan. 20 et 8 perm, when Rev. A. A. Tramper will sneak o t "tiers wee irx..ssed the Trail." us- ong Sampso . and Kaiser Wilhelm as eu =1:03a t ;and Mr.. W. G. '4edd. will speak .sez tete subjv't't "Serially and Aiorally Fit", Every:nale merr;br o.. lR essociation over fifteen years of see should hear these timely ad- dresses. Wilfred Alibright, aged 18. employ- ed by Me. Mells ,of Hullett Township, held up his chum's mother, Mrs.. A1- fired Lyditt, with a, rifle and stole $15 '-oar her. When, she raised an alarm he struck off across the country, but was captured. \iagistrate Andrews seat bila up to Goderich for •trialand Judge Dickson sentenced hien to 'Bur - wash for aterm not ;exceeding. two ears. He ai tributed les start on a erinenal career to reading dime neve The council of the Corporation of County o: Huron will meet in the coa-u: cham:,er, in the. Town of Goleri. h at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 25th day of January, 1921. All accounts against the 'County must be in the hams of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meting of Council, G EO. W. HOLMAN, Co. Clerk: Goderich, January 7th, 1921 A Huron Pure Bred' Live Stook As- saciation was formed in Wingham re- cently with the ,following otileers, — Pres., Oliver Turnbull, Brussels; Vice Pres., Geo, Kerr Ileniryn; See, -meas were S. 13. Stothers, Clinton and ten, dareetors. The objects are to ad- vance general interests of pure. ' bred cattle by holding public sales, discuss- ing the best methods of breeding and rearing cattle, etc, It was proposed to hold e pure bred live stock sale in March. Poece Magistrate Andrews of Cline toa held court here on `fonday morn- ing, hearing a eltarge, against a young man from Kirkton of laeing drunk and disorderly. The young man pleaded. not elegy, and consldierable evidence was .Heard, lair. Ford, barrister, Qf St. Marys, defended and severely crit- icised the methods of some of those who were responsible for laying such charges against citizens. Crown At- torney Seager of Goderich prosecuted, The case was dismissed. BURIED HERE. The ,Funeral took place from Mr. R. N. Rowe's undertaking rooms on Wed- . ;nesday afternoon of this week of Mary J. Cobbledick, widow of thelate Andrew Hicks, in. her 70th year, The late Mrs. Hicks died in Riverside, Cal., on Jan. 10th. Her husband died in Exeter about twenty-five years ago, and a few years later she moved to California to reside. lIr. Joseph Cob- bledick of Calgary, Alta., also a former resident of Exeter, is a broth- er, and Mrs. A. W, Egiteringrton of Usborne a ni.ece of iv1rs; Hicks. ANNUAL MEETING - EXETER AGIUCULT'L SOCIETY. The A,nnual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday, January 20th, 1921, at 1.10 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of electing President, Vice-Presicient and Directors for the ensuing year and transacting Other important business. - All members and ,interesting parties should attend this meeting. The Directors are partictilariy re- quested to meet before the annual meeting at 1 o'clock. sharp. WM: ANDREW R. G. SELDON President Secretary Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"The Starting Point." '1 p.rn,—"Snowy Days... Rev A. A. TrumDer, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7p.m. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. Educational Anniversary 11 pan. -"Our Father who art an Hea- ven", :Study Nd, lin the Lord's Prayer, 3 nem.—Sunday School & Bible Study 7 p.m.—"How to Kee Young, or Growiang Old .Successfully." • Helpful music. A, hearty welcome MAIN ST. METHODIST C1iURCH Rev 'Gees McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11:00 a.m.—"Why do, we go to church" 3 -p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7.00 p.m.—",Breakfast on the. Beach" BETHANY -230 • 2.30 ,,,p.m,—"Four "Carriers:" I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner. Solicitor for the Mol sons Bank, Etc* INVEST YOUR„ FUNDS i Victory, Doininon of Canada, Pro- em -cell, and Municipal Bonds, all legal ernvesienent ,For Trust Funds, At existing ,prices from 6 Der cent. to 7 per cent. ,can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to lean at Jowest rates of initerest Office—Carling Bk., Malin, St, Exeter ENaETER. ZURICH y; GOD.hRUCH 1 "That beiteb looks good to .nsee was the general opinion of the specta#ors gt -the 0, U. A. hockey game on Tues- day night, when they saw the Exeter - Zurich team defeat •Goderieh in, the first of the home -and -home games for this district. The gamed was fast from start to 1inish, and while the seore-9 to 1—indicates that the play was on' the visitors goal most of time, it does not mean that the ,game was 'not a good one to, witness. Gode"r ell has a couple of very fast boys. but neither their combination nor their individual work could stamd'up against the stone- wall defence of the locals, so that the visitors got few chances for favorable shots on the Exeter goad, The few whey did get— vith one exception— were readily stopped by Dicky Har- nesse The local ,forwards played a strong, aggressive eeme all the time, and but ,for the good work of Beachier who was ori goal for Goderich, the seora would ,have; been more one -rid- ed. The locals scored three goals Gado Q: the three periods, while God- r :Z:h got their lone ,tally in the last pe ad, a few minutes before the game was over. Only two. or three penal - es weep, givert zed the',game was en- zirely free from anything approaching roughness. Munroe of London was referee and nothing that was punish- able got past him. A large crowd wit- nessed the, •game. • The sterns-- Godereh Exeter -Zurich Baacher Goal Harness, Yuc11 right defence Hjndmarsh 1rx{dhattt ret defence C,A.Hoffman lstrycel Centre C.W.Holfman \113 uo:--nnyen:yee 1lounte n Hi,Cks right we:1g Robinson e°k wing Bertram Spare, L.W. Hoffman Spare Siebert Ties ,Lead of eight goals should make this district safe for the locals, as it es a big lead to overcome. In tact, wre think the F,xIe.ter- Z.ueich boys can defeat Goderich on their own. ice. The ,gave in Goderich is. to be played on Friday night, 14 TO 3. This was 'tete score of the hockey game on Friday evening last between Minton team and the Exeter -Zurich. O. H. A. team, wath the local cambia ation on the long end of the score. It was an exhibition game, and was arranged as a practise game for our team, prior to their meeting the God- erich U H. A. team on Tuesday ev- ening. The game was an interesting one, although the locals were too fast for the visitors at alt stages of -the game. At certain tunes, the game was inclined to be rough, even the spect- ators ntixiang up a little. Clinton men refereed, and the second referee got a better game \out of ,the players, be- cause ,he wads more firm than, his pre- deceseor, • DEATH OF MRS. JAMES SNi.LL, On Friday Inst, January 14th, after only a few days' illness from a cold, the death occurred at the home of her sister, Elizabeth' Street, Exeter, of Mary Balkwill, widow of the late James Snee, at the age of 86 yeaus and 9 months. Advanced years made. it impossible eor her to throw off the cold and the end carne rapidly. Born on the London Road, south, deceased had resided there and in Exeter all her ./life. She was married to the late Ur. Snell about 20 years ago, and af- ter al few years on the farm they moved to Exeter. Mr. Snell died three years ago. One sister, Mrs, Jamee Pickard, survives. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery on Mon- day afternoon. Mr. Richard Bissett of Landon was here. on Saturday. Mr. Staanigy Fisher a[ Hamilton was a visitor here during the weak. Miss Hollangshead of Dutton is the the guest of Mrs. T. S. Woods, • N''- and Mrs. Thos: Boyle of Tor- onto were virsitars in, town last week. Mr. Jos. Vancer os L,istto•we attend- ed the funerail of Mrs. Stewart on, Wednesday. . Mr. Garnet McFallls .of Us borne. and Miss Elva Horne of Elimville are vise itin,g relatives at Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harwood of Tar- anto attended the funeral of the 1or- me. s aunt, Mrs. Snell on Monday, d'tr. and Mrs. A. fid. Heaman and son, Jack, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W'. J. Heaman, BURNED TO DEATH Stretching her arm over astave lid opening In a kitchen range in which she bad just. started a fire with coal oil, in, an effort to get a teakettle, Mrs Archie McCormick of Parkin had the tnn,isf ortune to hove her clothing catch fire, causing burns which resulted, in bee death on January 12th. Wrapped in flames • ,Mrs. McCormick, aged 75, rushed out to the pump hL the back yard and endeavored to put out the fine. Her husband, seeing her dight, hurried to her assistance and was suc- cessful in, subdulkig the fire only after his' w.ifetras'terribly burned. A : few hours latter sih'iel was dead. , USBORN.t+ COUNCIL- The council elect for 1921 met on January ;10 1921, in the Township Hall, Elifnville. , he'memhers, Wm: PHONE 32 JONES & MAY a PHONE 32 R..EAT STOCK- RFDUCING SALE Lasts Only 2- Weeks Longer. OUR JANUARY - STOCK -REDUCING SALE WILL CON- ADD- TINUE FOR, ONLY 10 DAYS MORE. WE HAVE ED MANY ADDITIONAL,. BARGAINS TO .OUR LIST OF LAST WEEK. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. New Springy Goods Arriving 1 Dress Ginghams at 35c. yd. SEVERAL N.ftW PATTERNS OF IIEAVY DRESS GING- HAMS IN LARGE PLAIDS AND SMALL CHECKS AND STRIPES — VERY SPECIAL AT 35e YARD. Men's Wash Shirts at $ 1.45 each 10 DOZEN MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHIRTS, SIZES 14 1-2 TO 17, REDUCED IN PRICE -FRO\1 e2,00 TO $1.45 EACH Men's Gloves and Mitts Greatly Re. duced in Price Hundreds of Bargains JONES & MAY Coates, reeve; Joshua Johns, John T. Morgan, John Hanna, and Fred Stewart took the declaration of office and took their places on the council board. Salaries of officers for the year 1921 were -fixed as follows: Clerk $225 and postage; collector $75.00; treasurer, $85 and $5 for stamps; assessor, $100; auditors, $10 each; caretaker, $12, with the reeve and council sante as 1920. Officers, H. Strang, clerk; Paul Coates, treasurer; Wm. Brock, col- lector; Thos. Hunkin, assessor; E. N. Shier and Wm. Johns auditors; Geo. Kellett, caretaker; William Johns, school attendance officer; Wilson Hawkins, cattle and dog supervisor; Board of Health, H. K. Hyndman, W. Coates, John Delhridge, George Kellett and H. Strang. Fence viewers.—Frank Down, W. Kerslake, 'Fred Delhridge, Amos Doupe, and James Heywood. Pound keepers.—John Luxton, S. Hunter, C. Keddy, Win. R. Frayne, H. N. Taylor, W. Hazlewood, T. C. Allen, P. Passmore. That the surplus of the Brock Drain be refunded and- a bylaw draftedeauthorizing same. The following grants were. made: Children's Shelter, Goderich, ' $10; Sick Children's Hospital, $10; Mus- koka Free Hospital, $50. Bills were passed and orders is-. sued for the payment of same a- mounting to 5627.09. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COM- MERCIAL SCHOOL. Our winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short - band or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses,, are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue D. A. McLachlan Principal. Tea & Coffee Store For •the choicest groceries, fruits', spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Council adjourned to meet Feb- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED ruary 5, 1921. . by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of - Henry Strang, Clerk. " file. Strictly confidential; no witness, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Money Savers for This. Month LARGE SIZE FLANNELLLTTE 75 PAIRS OF , BLANKETS MEN'S FI'NE RUBBERS 12x4 she, Regular Price :$4:50 Regular 51.75 value Sale Price $3.65 Sade Price $,1r. 35 ;7.50 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS Sale Prince $6.75 $6.00 MEN'S RUBBER;; BOOTS S.afle Price $525' $25, $30, • & $40, ... LADIES' WINTER COATS . Sale Price ' $18;75 ' :HEAVY SOCKS AND RUBB COTTON SPOOLS Regular 12 1-2 c. each Salle_ Price 10c. $4.00 & $5:00 LADIES SHOES .Salle Price $2.65. GOOD FINGERING YARN Regular $2.75 value ,Sade 'Price Alb. $1.75 ERS AT BIG REDUCTIONS Southcott :Bros DR. At. jp, TENNANT VeterimMer Surgeon. &IcDoneli's Stables, John. St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Off$ce—Beakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. Dr, G. F. Roulstomr L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office ' C1oaed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Hugon Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm' Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wanerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter.. . FRANK TAYLOR es Licensed Auctioneer far Counties of Mixon and .Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction. Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. HORSES . WANTED I want an unlimited • number of Horses in'good condition. Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500' pounds up. Mares from .4 years old up, ` weighing` from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the reduvred stuff,. write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private' ,funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of •interest. GLADMAN & STANBCJRY , Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter-