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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-01-20, Page 23
re non mow, estra •LIFFOI-W EVE Pali conn..4-.1 .4 •1GGDERIC T•S 1976-7.7 Sedco -I - January 2 2 Jerome Summers ----- Commissioned Work Schubert Mozart Resipighi February 1 9' Schumann . Concerto for Four Solo Horns and Orchestra Barber Medea's Dance of Vengeance Adegietto INTERMISSION • Vaughn -Williams Symphony No. 2 to be presented at the" GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AUDITORIUM Symphony No. 2 INTERMISSION Violin Concerto No. 3 Gwen Thompson, soloist The Birds Mahler SEASON TICKETS: SINGLE TICKETS: Adults 59. 54.50 EACH Family 520. NOTICE Because the first program in the concert has been presented, those purchasing a season ticket now may bring a guest free to either of the remaining programs. TICKETS AVAILABLE IN GODERICH FROM: Campbell's - The Square Goderich. Ormandy Jewellers - Suncoast Mall Fincher's News Stand - The Square, Goderich TICKETS AVAILABLE IN KINCARDINE FROM: Ormandy Jewellers - Sutton Park Mall Kincardine News TICKETS AVAILABLE IN CLINTON FROM: Bartliff's Bakery Clinton News Record Sponsored by the Goderich Rotary Club under the patronage of Lthe Sully Foundation. A il? ji .%J do • okq�waa�w _ other topI l r dally 1lVes..V i1I 719. ; Wrib as lal 150 ar ich "Ti ay' ing p he nd of an to o.bm 00.40 t,Id ; et1 me nthly .. to . Taaaar3 Keyboard ogram '•Ticket lsifer MU is mottth"s s. d' e1 ctric tt Irl DIs tOf' ao.kRet ����iht11 in: • =il alit � cash prizes pr-.esesehtsl.cross- untrry SI E n ; ,Shelter! , n+1! e r pf 1q., 4FOR;MATION on mental , retar; n) is..being held for. any" `KAP°yrs' tltertedi people " ,example .s in detailF t, : volunteer,s, parents, Slafor • teachers,cornnlitnity oatnew and ' . workers and local nitizene)'.on tarsi camps, Saturday,' January 22,1977, at. ums, .orga.ns, pianos, etc., -.Victoria Public School from oupner t5o27•5-00-i5+.e`ca•0n Itftarangs. • RAt • ;41.,P2411.74 BI.NG;O eviry Monday onday BINGO •ev�8 the ` Vanastra " 'ltls sda ;304 pan. .;-• Centre 8 p mi: 'Fifteen mission $1.00. ` Restricted regular $12.00 games, three Share -the -wealth jackpot 16 years for 0, over. 15-regular 0 Ie astl n $200.00 Must go: 'Door prizes notes of'$I5 OQ, and many_er . specials. lit 3 dggr .'prizes;,,$50.00. , of •.�• p 01.-„.44111: i[.. Jackpot not Admission . restricted to n, Jackpot ,S260.00i in. 60 sixteen years and over. —tf HOME and School meeting, ODERICH L'A,KETOWN Thursday, January 20th, 8 ND DANCE -' Friday p.m.; Robertson Memorial nuary _ 28th, Saltford: School. Library. Topic Parents and Teachers eros`Blom-,9:00.. Aoo 1;.00 Working together.—3 m. Music by Chris Black. lis Qr less...--ltfac sti ,$ for. an In it bu low f of es, b )de era ion. ch provided' $12.00 per - DESSERT Card 'Party uple. Tickets available sponsored by . Goderich m. band"rt miners Or phone ,_rBranch W.I. will be held on 4_8001_44 ;; March 30th, Legion - Hall, 1 ME to W.W.VA,, Jamboree,. P,m - Brtdge, 500 and euchre• Wheeling, West Virginia; will be•played.--3,}2 parting from Clinton THE ANNUAL Meeting" of the arch 11;-19777; at -6; 30-P•m.,, Goderich alta .,. District turf}{Itg 197 MarCht 13;.; 7, ,Association :`'for; the Mentall tional pHs :shopping, dog Retarded;will= be,•: held ° on ces' and W.W VA., `' Jam Tuesday, January 25th, 1977, In scion. Presented by the Victoria School, Gibbons St., untry Singles. For further in Goderich. The re will: be a Pot ormation contact .Phyllis Luck Supper':lit 6:30 p.m. ggin 482-9303 or Beth Read followed at 5:00 p.m. by the 7-0353.-43 - ; GeneralMeeting.-1,2,3 IONS'•-':<: VALENTINE NCE; ` Saltford; Friday, bruaryllth. D.ancing.9 to 1 m. Music by:, "Southern fort'V. $10.00 a ° couple. t•yountickets early: Phone 11 ~Stanbury 524 -3,4,5ar PETER STOKES, a leading restoration architect;. shall be speaking to the Huron Branch of the.. Architectural Con- *. servancy at Seafo�r t Public School .on .Jan ry2Wat-8 p.in. Everyone welcome. Refresh- ments will be served. -3,4,......s ' + nm rAuwifiatit v .11N cF'�LC 1f ("160411ifigilrand afjridsPhfire, r a'nd OuIJI Ns Magicat the :. I -rini eavtg Wodd'sMoat'Pamous Beach r" ER IS 6 ABEACH A',COMPLETE .FLORIDA RESORT 132 Oco6nfront Motel rooms and: bffIciencies--aI,I with private balcony, air-conditioning, • color TV: Two'iieated pools, shuffleboard, game room, playprouna; 500 fefitalla of s beach.bili Restaurant, ,. Traders Show Ba Lounge with top' entertainment tifor the,tirnegtyoul li, :,;. .Phone1004) 202-953' *sae ...KN.i,IYN.. - .. X11 AKU TIKI Inn Only miles from 2225 S. Atlantic ltivd, •. Dili ey ,World Daytonayaeach. Fia Dept. 473 when you,vacation,•}n © Pis •send complete -information: DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA 4 4 y 'Name` Address CRY, State, ZIP' l�lruary i6 kilometres ,All ;proceeds for cystic fibroids •and, Kinsmen ;. mentally retarded workshop. Trail -:starts at Saratoga Swamp, 2 miles north Of the Nile 3: miles ;east. Follow Signs ARegistration..from 1-1,� 6311., to.:, p.m. ,Awards to; participants ..WIth highest pledge. Pledge;". sheets. available' from Goderich,: Discount, 'Goderich Sports, Gear W. Garb, 'Flncher's Smoke Shop, , ,Kirkey's Texaco, 'and Goderich' Fina. For 'further information` _phone B. Purser S24-2241.-4 GODERICH K=INETTE MARDL GRAS Saltford Valley'' Hall, February 19th music by. Chris- Black, For tickets call 524-7616.-2-7ar PULSIFER MUSIC ' SEAFORTI1, presents the �GULBR#WSEN organ, .See and bear the "Pacemaker`' at the Goderich .Suncoast Mall, Friday and Saturday, January 21st and 22nd.--2,3ar BULLETIN • Friday, January 21 9:00 p.m. MIDGET KINCARDINE- Vs- GODERICH Saturday, January 22 5:00 p.m. NOVICE WALKERTON VS GODERICH 6:00 p.m. ATOM LISTOW E L VS- •'GODERICH 7:00 p.m. BANTAM "BW' MOUNT FOREST •VS GODERICH 4:00P.m. JUVENtLE MILDMAY vs GODERICH:, ALL GAMES AT YANASTRA *mooring This: Woo JAS+$0 TO SAT JAN. 22. • ATTRACTION ERMU eDFO.RD COURT LOUNGE L. cof" leg Next Week JA IOi.'3e•TO SAT. JAN. 20 A CRUISE P . NNING DINNER OUT TRY OIR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD TUBS. 12 - 1:30 p.m. WED. 6 - 7:30 p.m. SUN. 5&7p.m. Goderich e ford. Hotel s24-7337 NOW PLAYING 'JAN. 20-25 THURS. - TUES. THURS. SUN. MON. & TUES. ONE SHOW ONLY - 5:00 P.M. FRI. & SAT. 7:30 & 9:45 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 40‘R,FO.,Frr�*%0')ec4 NEXT ATTRACTION! JAN. 26 - FEB. 1 ' . W*D.. TUES. EMIR telinq#) CHARLTON HESTON JOHN CASSAVETES TWO -MINUTE WARNING - yn<R.a,�� .,w lrT;.an-m.N;P; `"CO)ly) F'tf"0 4' 4' "E'. F Fin PARK GODERICH ::THE SQUARE ONE 524.7811 A112CONDITIONED Program subject to =change • t 'Tango lAThe- New Gedetich Legion Holl - BINGO .EVERY SUNDAY 7 30.M SHARP -` NEW REVISED GAMES Regular.Games - $15:00, 4 Specials - S18.00 :4` "Share the Wealth" with e chance at tiie. Jackpot. Two door prizes. 'l30.00 In 58 cauls :1 ADMISSION St.00 DOORS OPPN 6 30 ALT. PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE•WORK a. • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • s R • • • • • • • • GET YOUR PLEDGES'FORTHE "11_,r"l'� � r .. •. � ►mier: ForO#tEr le • CE RASEA110H E$ I f ij lNSORED Cf EktiatU►1 "PROJECTS ,freml l0 `a' n11 mobile:,:'' club%, ":cs .WillIti trK:NX• `f18 u. • !sy;: • 6' r•, 57 .04%*.g.-101140, WEEKEND BONUS - SATURDAY JAN. 22nd. WHENYflU BUY A BUCKET It BARREL, at the regular price. & SUNDAY, JAN.,43rd. GET OUR FAMILY -SIZE FRENCH FRIES 0 REE Everybody loves the Colonel's Kentucky Fried Chicken. It's ahilays good value: And this weekend you'll get even more for your money. 7F(TW1A►5 Ca1011.4 Sii*i a IM"yiY: Col': Sanders Deyi A •:P • V. j.