The Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-20, Page 7FRENCH SCIENTISTS DISCOVER CURE
Only Enough at Present Manufactured to Inoculate Most
Valuable Animals in the World—Ewdeavor Being
Made to Increase Produceion.
,' despatch from Paris says: -A: of which there is only enough to
seetnet for the prevention of foct andreial4te the prize cattle and valuable
mouth disease be disco:vexed by animals of the worldh
Prof. Vallee, who is attached to the
A commission of French expeets, hal Mane, •Goveremental Agricultural,
it le *Possible at the present time to Sheol Laboratory, discussing the dis-
manufacture the serum ii suaficientl eeee, said that the microbe was in-;
qaantities to inoculate all eattlelviaibi under the mieroscope, it being:
against the plaerae. The eommissioni so infinitesimal that it passes through"
is Composed of Professore R•oux, No, porcelaine filters, which have hereto -I
card, Care e 'arAl Vallee, Which was; fore retained all known microbes. The
formed at the request of Parliamenta virus. used in the manufacture of the
and will submit its report to the Mina serum can he obtained only from the
istry of Agriculture ehortly, cheeasee parts of affected, animals,
Attentiin is ilow being given to inn namely, the mouth and feet, and thus
ceasing the production of the seruned very small quantities are available.
, -
One Killed, Six Won/Wert, in
Dublin — Two Lbrerick
deepateh from Dublin sayst-a.
mystehions shooting affair ace.urred
ma r the O'Connell Bridge in Dwain
Tinureelay afternoon, A detach-
ment a diere was stationed at this
place, but it is deciated the soldier.%
did 110t fire.
Seven easualtieit rceulted, one girl
being ]ailed, one bo ei probably neer-
tally wounded and fire other persons
wounded. Witness say that a trowd
bad gathered to watch tbe solitaire
stopping automobiles, and that i. was
when the military was leeeing that
a single shoe was fired, widch wrought
the bevoc.
How the diteltarge of one rifle vould
have causee sonian' eaSualties is riot
to to explained, but the shooting was
wit:arena by three British eewspaper-
men, one of whom neelaree he rawly eeeainei the bullet. A caviia.n,
3aple4 (YReillYa, 4•`:'•-orts That be saw
the shot fired from a lorry, but be-
lieves it to have been accidental.
"After the ebot was fired," aildei
O'Reilly, "I saw a Corporal in the
lorry go up to each soldier ana feel
is rifle, apparently to Li3Nrtain
whether the barrel was warn. I saw
him nod when he felt the rifle of the
second man on the left of the driver."
Proclamations have been extensive-
ly posted and =tend Longford, de -
tiering tho county has been included
in the area of martial law, This is
_probnlay due to the regent murder of
• District Impeder McGrath, Long-
aord town is not affected.
A despatch from Limerick says: -
A umber of nembers of the Con-
etabulary from Ennis were ambushed
an Thursday near Centioe, County
Clare. A volley was fired into their
lorry from both sides of. the road.
A. sergeant and one constable were
killed. The attacking party escaped.
A despatch from Belfast saysi-A
postman from -Crossinaglen, South
Armagh, and an escort of ponce on
bicycles were fired on Thursday morn-
ing from a. vacant house at the road
side near teillyhanna, where the post-
men was conveying the noels and old
age pension money. The postman and
one constable were wounded, the post-
man seriously. The police returned
the fire, and the fighting was kept up
for some time.
Three Prairie Provinces Form
Co-operative Wheat Pool.
iteeigns His Poet,
whose iignaton
be calico of Colonial Secretary
Jest beeu entieur.ced.
WeeklyMarket Report
TOrOnl.Q. ......4"•••••04.......4
5$4; rolls, 33 to 35c; cottage rolls, $7
Manitoba. wheat -No. 1 Northern, to 39e; ler eakfast bacon, 45 to 49e;
$2.04; No. 2 Northern, Veil; No. 3 farmer breakfast bacon, 53 to 56e;
Northern, $1.95; No. 4 wheat, el.87. backs, plain, bone in, 49 to. 54e; bone -
Manitoba oats -Ne. 2 OW, 54tie; less, 65 to 59e.
No. 3 OW, 5,e; extra No. 1 aeed, Cured meats ---Long elear 'bacon, 27
4etjaece.; No. 1 feed, 49e; No. 2 feed, to 28e; clear bellies, 26 to 27e•
alanitoba barley -Nice 3 OW, 9914e; 25Latord-25tuer7 ptierse,S,22514, t2o5ciztuxbes;
No, 4 CW, 85iec; feed, 731ese peens, 20 te 27e. Compound. tierces,
All a the above in store at Fort la% to 16c; tubs, 1624 to 17lee; pails,
American eorn-$1.1, nominal, , 17Clilieffee1917.eaPvryintssie2e0rst,o a2111e' to $12i
traocnkta, Troloaroonttso,_pNT,I2ptvIliiitpeT5euntio me. good heavy et•eers, $10.50 to ell; but-
ches' cattle, ehelee, 9.50 to 1.0-25;,
Ontario wheat -No. 2 Wintera$1.85, do, good, V to $0.25; de, nied•, $0 to
fai- eiten -,..:
ie d eta,
a to $1.90 per ear lot; No. 2 Spring, $7; do, Com, $5 to e5.50; buteliersi
$1-80 to el.85, shipping points, accord-, bulls, choice, 38 to V; clo, goed, $7
WHERE U.S. BALaGONISTS LANDED ling to freight.
'goose Factory. the Hudson Bay Company's poen about 1.S0 mace mirth of Peas -No. 2, non -
nal, el.75 to. $130.`n cows,8;cladotee,°$mi."50$5tot;8160;i clbh
the uearest railway etation. The journey to the railway line is by ilea t Bariey-se to 90e, according to 36.25 to $7; do, cone, p. tt;e5. feeders,
sleigh and occupies about ten days. $3 to $9^ do, 900 lbs., .$7.50 'to $8.50;
i freights outside.
• ,
i o i . . __. ooa _ ai Buckweent--No. ft, $1.09 to $1.05, do, soo is,'6 to $7; de, com., $6,25
TORONTO UNEMPLOYED While faraiiiee are being strieken1 Rye_No, 8, aor,0 to oine, entaleaal$41itliker:Zegrosortixl ecit:e370030 t:
. norania .
from the Bets daily, when the bed, accovling to freigo
hts utside. g $165; do, -corn. to rned., $65 to $75;
HELPED BY CITY 1 EteuTes empieereent. it has been fotend;:
301natnalrittanofiut)ru-r---$053,(Vu"lk, evaboardi
Steady_Increase in Number of ' ning or the Neer of frese eates heel feed - Dela-ere:a letontreall!ro:se: $Yieenrtielln.7117;$9sbeteQp,$:.6,50to; $47o;
freight, bags intendelt Bran. per theta hogs, fed and watered, $44.i.i0 to Slat
_ - .. i the calla: he.arease the aegin- spring, $12.50 to $13; calvesi, good to•
Single Men Receiving Relief. 11,0t ivf ?•4 *-''' Z}1411 'tit)*
i A dentate" front 7.0I0nta i. adisidn, eingle znee reeeiviag relid Was% alse
A sthhdy diiircd.he in the ntinadha nil ridtfio0340;4710erts,,, sitar toil; 342; good' do, weiglied off cars, $1,435 to $15.2o;
e , ., . 0 t r.) tier ag.
More thin 3,0C9 families are notv re-'
noted oii Thereday.' At the beginning! twins, 2es to •29.- erielets 29 to 30et ,$1n to $13.75.
Cheese -New, lerge, 27 to 28c; do' f.o.b. ''31.3-5° to $14;
'points, $'13.25 te al3.4:10; ao, spring,
do, eountry
i , i - ,
ceivir•g ess,-tare fano the city. The, ea the yint, .03,. au,noco or awn oinos, old, bil,i, 2 _,,, lac, lb twine goi,e,r
meet figures ieeael an ThurallaY? tetal?ed 1.100. The applinatiore on: to aii. ' I. ' . ' ' ' ' ''''''' 1 Montreal,
inornIng by Ilia DaPartratinT " •Mt"Iii; Titer:lee were higher than at unee, Butter -•Flint ileh•y, ehoiee, 40 tol Otzte-No. e (net oee; No, g anti
treeineey, Ne. 1, a5 le 58e; falai:, : ''1e. Flour, Man. spring wheat pat-
val Heeithi Omega officiate in eliargin Owe „oh, lam wai dhitributed, and ene;
rum .et tone. eine, in spite ot the I ents, firsts, e10.90. Roiled oftts,_90.1b.
of the relief work, were :1,007, and . , • . e - -.. - • . , , ee to ilic.
1, NI.,,,..,,r7ro 410 t 4,,,. bag_ e3.70. Brim $4025. Shorts,
theere ware add"- 10: inereit-e.g 's :giltiete of the oeficitils; 'a'atente-ene- --'a iti ""'"
eurieir the day
"Purina the serilleox epidemic. ?est aia • • 1 --------.•i oi, Lima, de e, • , i I • .t°a a '
i n -i ilinir parte me eine ju- pans, ate;tauagaseart lOiee; Bere fresh, laic. Potatoee, per bag,
off doubtful i tai.Sidw; 1WW 1111f3' i'll eaatone, fla to Wk.!. So to sellia!' :'1/4-15' ta 11" ton:, ear lots,
e ,
thie 117 ainitfeatuale friall men who '0' a at. l..areen in tie lerammann Hotel,' "''''''-''13' 1, 71 to 76.1 ''''t'le"s' 78 l' $4"i''
bad not IT:''n tor ";:ri tilliii the°41.1w),..0 we doily ezeuieee
2, 40e111W—Var41217,:m, Land-picitai, easel Mese, finest easterns, 2rnee. But -
to apply to tt.i. city. 1 east e, reieethei men rho in • 33.75 to $4.20; primes 33 to 33 5o• J. t ter, choicest err, ie •" to. r GO
California, Limas, nate. ear lots, .151.00 to $1.70.
frok We.:V0:1.t+Ei 1.:' the 41'1113rtment 7, -+ — I aleple products-SeiruP,i per imp. ' Butcher heifere, med. 37,50 te
was flee. Tatiii, the number o; the in VW mineairs es elicit heroines of gal., 83.40 to 33.50; per 5 inv. gals.. 38.50; gone Sai t' 37; beitelier coves
crviiinuis whe cite;• aetrat athen (etre of wale ceeieeee uh 4, eeend their (lee -5.33.23 to 33.40. Malde sugar, lbe 27 med., $5 to $7.7.0; eatmers, $3•50 t.4
at the time in this brand: of henenee eweet picture.; in the silent: to 30e• per ft. 3e0311.715.,:stuttetizf. aetuuto.o,1%;,ablu, t3c1h3erto111141
the work is over 15,000," •said Miss., gale:rile-, ef suni,ese I h•es, seem never , Horatet-i10-304h. tins, 25 to 2e
ib, Ontario comb honey, at $7,50 perImed„ 310 to $12.6u; grass, 35 to $5.50.
; pernh from tee eizrib.
Dease• nurse in ateirein i15-seetion case. 51e-21• e -lb. time, 26 to- Ewes $5 to ee.50; lamb.; good, $12
- - -•- 2.7c per lb.
Report of Aceibmy ef Medi'
year we fieina the tieeeege size of the; fded to taiai donna.
A Letter From London
...........,.......,, to owarzr
ed the f en. ry . .{..,..,ty and
Kieft 6rge is n min ef :imp% , uni.erte-the Irma. ef .Si atire re-
tes. Ire breaafast nicest i we- currant pereities fer "untnten." for
any of dry toast and marmalade. with: whieli no exeuees were areeeet. One,
a new laid egg or a kipper. while dee* the exasperate 1 Gueraeman,
his favinate karat is a filleted sole and se:zed the heir -apparent and tau:cited'
clue on Serum of Dr. Glover. a lamb emiet"
Ito 31i'l.50; -come 'el0 to nix+.
-Smoked meats --Hams, reed., n9 to.'4offeear weights, seeeete, $17 to 31740;
i41e; heavy, eat to 40e; eoolted„ 55 to'Aeovai, 313 to 813,50.
i him where as Trine Is ju t no eensitive,
* * it as any other boy. Then be waited fori
A 4CF1Mtell irOM Toronto saysie-In Queen Mary's usual brealtfast con- the ileatineenterice, or witatever was:
the interim report of the seeeial come sista of porridge and milla coffee, and to fellow, but nothine came except a
Mace -3 appointed by the Couneii of the bread raul jam. She is fond of cold tee:at/en of pranks. Either the Prince
Aeadenty of Medicate to report on the mutton for await, wee preecrs fish and played the game and kept quiet, or
hold decided that he had merely col-
lected something that was doe to him.
ii 0 0
there are no finer furs in c ,
than those owned by Queen Alex- existenreA rdneg the preparation of the
attal of nonsense ba.s*been written
andra, which ebe wore on all State prince ')t voles, speeches. The truth
time. They were presented to her e
occasions during King Edward's life -
Zs that the Prince prepares his public
the Emperor Alexander of Russia as
silver -wedding gift.
4. * * * *
If you station yourselfsomewhere
cancer zerent of Dr. T.3. Glever, evpoultry or rost lama for dinner.
d'higher tualtority in the Royal house-
• •
An expert in furs tells me that
was handed out on Inure:day night,
it, is pointed out that there is no evi-
dence to warrant the hope. that a elle-
cifie cure for 'cancer has been dis-
covered by Dr. Glover, or that any
cure has ever been produced by the
Glover serum in any disease which
had been definitely established. as can- utterances without ussietance of any
ear. Aftor referring to the claims kind. Ile writes them out first, cone,
which .have been advanced for the them carefully, and then learns them' '
serum, and after referring to the his- by heart,
e 0 * * * Newspaper Man Becomes
Lieut. -Governor.
to state that in many eases of emcee, Palace early in the morning you will
owl figure alities of the Prince cf Wales aPnedrf't°111m- Walter Cameron Nichol, who bas been
appointed to succeed the late Lieut. -
tory of some cases, the report goes on The vast difference in the
between York House and Buckingham
mild or an advanced stage, the pro- molted upoe. The brothers are dis- Governor Prior of British Columbia.
whether the -disease was in either a see an unconventionally
Duke of York has been nitwit cam-
gress of the patient has been steadily bowl by in a taxi -cab. It is the Prince He is Editor and Proprietor of the
similar in almost every respect, par- rrircine VA""u'ver'
aownward in spite of the use et the of 'Wales, taking hie daily journey
along a royni road to health.
Glover serum and that the course a ticularly so in regard to speeeh mak- --e,
The Prince is up vith the Yinit mg.
The Duke reads bis remarks from a No Ice in Iceland;
the cases 'is apparently influenced by House lark at 7 a.m. He pulls on a
the use of this serum. The special slip which he holds in his right hand,
committee also draw intention. to the pair of grey trousers and A white First Time in History
SNveater. A taxi -cab is called, and he whoa the Prince forges right :thew,.
• A despatch from Brandon, Man.,
says: -Formation of a co-operative
pool to 'handle the grain products of
the three -Prairie Provinces was ap-
proved by the annual convention of
the 'United Farmers of Manitoba here
on Thursday.
T. R. Murray, assistant general
manager of the United Grain Grow-
ers' Co., Limited, explained the draft
agreement and impressed on the dele-
gates the necessity of co-operatien
between the three provinces, Mani-
toba, Alberta, Saskatchewan. No one
of these, he said, could alone control
the export of wheat Be also impres-
sed on the -convention that although
all advice from Provincial or Domin-
ion sources 9hou1d be tonsideredi that
the farmers themselves should do the
planning and have the managing of
any plan to market the crops,
fact that their work was greatly hies himself th the gardens of Buck-
bandecappe.d by Dr. Glover's refusal to ingharn Palate. Then follows' a half -
permit them to visit his laboratories hour's vigorous spin round the gar -
or to examine his eutures. They fur- dens, Another taxi -cab is hailed, and
ther state that the doctor would not the Prince returns to breakfast. The
&molest -este to them his ability to decks of H.M.S. Renown provided a.
cultivate cancer cells and organisms, sprinting ground for the Prince aur-
as he has -claimed he is able to do, ing the voyage to Australia.
and that - he also declined to show ,, 4 * * *
that he was able to produce cancer •
aer innoculation, or that he could int- Princess alaryt intends to blossom
inunize animals against the disease. out as a motorist next spring. At
While feeling that the results of present her Royal Highness owns no
car of her own. The Queen has been
rather doubtful of the wisdom of let-
ting young girls have control at the
wheel, :but so many of Princess. Marys
friends drive their awn cars that it
has been a difficult matter to refuse
a much -repeated petition.
Government to Furnish Work
for 60 Per Cent. of 150,000
Now Idle.
A despatch front Peris e.ays; In an
effort to solve the ie. -meeting problem
d idleness in ail parte if the country
the French Government is studying
a new program of public evoelt whieh
will give employment to at least 60
per cent. of the 150,000 persons who
are said to be without work, especially
in the industrial regions e north and
central France.
Until the foreign markets have been
opened to greater extent nothing
much can be done in the metal indus-
tries, which are probably the hardest
hit, but it is understood that the State
will offer to pay the expenses of those
out of employment as far as Paris,
where they will be assigned to the
destruction of useless fortifications,
the work on which was discontinued
last year.
In the textile industries different
methods of relief have been devised.
The French Government has millions
of yards of Cloth suitable for women's
garments on band besides vast quan-
tities of raw stuff's. The factories
with never a glance at the few notee being, overstocked with materials re-,
he has jotted down in case of aed- A despatch from London says: quired for ordinary -consumption 'have
—For the first time on record an
dents. shut down. But now the State will
* * * * * anomalous situation is reported take a hand and assign the idle ins.
-claim many privileges. Within his —there is an ice famine in Ice -
The new Lord Mayor of London can chines to the discharged employees for
own ,city he takes precedence eve: land. Cablegrams from Ileykja- the malting of garments from the
heavier military cloths. These gar -
members of the Royal Family. When vik, the capital of the country,
ments, while useless to Parisians, can
George IV., as Prince of Wale.s, tried shipmentsim.uaskhean appeal to Norway to
be sold at test to the natives of the
to override this rule in St. of ice to Iceland
French colonies, as well as to the poor
Cathedral the Lord Mayor withstood
Paul's in order to save the herring har- families in Central Europe and tlea
the King's approval of his action and The famine is due to the mild
* NearSofaritis not intended to inter -
to his face, and subsequently got vest fr°In
Mayor, though not a Privy Council- Winter and a dearth of a local
supply. Iceland is sharing with thousands of foreigners who have re-,
a eonfirmation of his status. The Lord am with the employment of tens of
for, attends the meeting of the Coun- maieed in France since the armistice,:
other parts of the world unusual
but if the present program proves
cif summoned at the death of the mon- and abnormal Winter weather
inadequate to meet the situation it
areb, but he is expected: to retire after conditions. •
likely that the foreigners will be sube
the new Sovereign. has been proclaim- 4.—
jected to more rigid supervision, andi
perhaps will even be forced to facet
the alternative of working in definite.
areas at such projects as rebuilding'
the invaded regions or leaving the
country until labor conditions beeon
mare settled.
The Privy Council is a committee 0
the Imperial, or British Parliamenta
the highest court in the Empire, lx
which appeals may be enade from thei
Supreme Court of Caaada and othen
overseas Dominions. Its members -ace
called Law Lords.
•aantieneeas '
their investigations were very unsat-
isfactory, the Council have expressed
their willingness to inyestigate furth-
er if Dr. Glover is ready to aid them
by supplying data which is now lack-
ing with regard to his cases.
Canadian Pioneer
Suffers $30,000 Fire
A despatch from London says:
—Fire breaking out in the bunk-
ers of the Canadian Pioneer, of
the Canadian Government Mer-
chant Marine, while she was en
route to Colombo, Ceylon, has
caused •a total damage of over
$30,000, acsording to word re-
ceived at the C.G.M.111. offices
Queen Alexandra, I am told, has
never thrown away a single hat or
-bonnet she has worn since the first
days when she was Priucess of Wales.
Each -one is -carefully put away bear-
ing the date of ite use, and they form
a remarkable colltptien illustrating
the vagaries cd fashion.
There ,is an ex -Guardsman in Syd-
ney who used to be a sentry at Buck-
ingham Palace, -and remembers the
Prince of \Vales as a young imp who
periodically cons-pired with his sister
Ritsti-ORRRK Oopos
•-10L, cArtr
OF CASTOR oil.:60's
ft)( UP A pos=..
41t4mE se, .
MISTER, -- 140v1/4/
th4t•At •Ti-tE
• a' e 40
It is a curious fact that Lord Kit-
chener, when he visited- Broome Park,
near Canterbury, which is now adver-
tised to be let "ice a term cf years."
never' actually slept in the house. It
is thin that alterations were beieg
made, but Lord Kitehener had a bed
in the ledge. He had a sort of super-
stition about the house. Ile even
mentioned to someone that though he
possessed a country house he would
never be spared to live in it. -BIG
Canada to Dominate
All North America
A despatch from London says: -
Ellis Powell, Editor of The Financial
News, speaking, on Canada before the
Colonial Institete, expressed the con-
vietion that Canada, and not the Un-
ited 'States, was destined to dominate
the future -of the whole North Am-
erican continent, because she would
overcome her -climatic difficulties and
hex sparseness of population and be-
come the focus orf the Empire.