HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-01-20, Page 1A At, 41'4 er,41r los� to a yearof c, A A, d #benforclng postphargeson3I new4*.ttlentt ing Y:i7711dlatelu :7-7,77- by4m40 a tfokeneh' impost, es tct,-, Csegir4le family, -detached 'he-'inte ;et 'per -.). •it •... „ e fort tin -PtIOCCf. thedatewas , .,- :i141Y4.:441;1111:4009:-010700Aftpful ...4 :;'„ .' ,..% Tb :,, 0.000t4111,4*440.10,00.4*.Akeltiji4OU, .0411:004teatt t.; iseigiit te,a7!ittligja# 0f;:':'4.:;.,..'-:,..;'•••-:!!',11#4.4.4100eit,,,,,''',‘J:::,1 ft•O:i lnto - •*:;..SiOnrntW1,4,0.4Xi-, 4## and :-ili,,i'llye-.• people:, Pr0.11,004,:f?Uliii,r4',.*100C:A-r ;4.0*:0'47.'itnhe,.,. ,noiwitoot,',.. ., Tlie,..tinoneYfrAtteltAPOst„'i Toms. imuiatep , g,tatetin sitUatiOn beforeAprill7 • 1; oPmP t • an4ipr* Aft -.4.0..Yekiiiiietitsit at. of r unit; initn, st charger'Ore,indtistriet:fr • ;M- ini deVelOpinent,t 7 • e,.,' . '.:, • .,_. # ,..., :. • se feVieC,F441 be :imposed in two 4 , s on alt; new ,sAhdivisiOn __otter ary 17:- actop,•r,O,iitfwlii, be paid by eveloper upi*, the , signing of an • ment for '001idivision. or -Oevelop- within the ' town --"--, or when twee is. kniltpS1,7 and the remaining r cent Will betild,by the builder at .. me of Waling e building permit. • Set ,theApri r the isseseirtent 1 , . cover,,xPenses incurred '0* to be in" understood that cnrred,by Corporation as A les,* cif been levied list `fittar4. additional development and !On,would already have• y'en4 strue9tIn within the liinita el the Toivnpl ometking like so;090:4)04ke.,0 OOderich.Jt• : - .1 The charges ,will be .collectecl by the To set the date tit'4, PriaLp, huildAnf 4!SpettOr end the hindwill,be :something like elesi.aft-'tlie4af f;4' • et e mites -in ' ' oderich,, O'ditito strAtock by, tho. 4d, „after, the .horse elaitne AniniThe strator Harold Wall. "- Hayden. "It wis ould give builder finance bylaw was brought in by ...the. d• evelopers an " opportunity ID get committee of town council,. uritmer's Worth of7.-perMitkbetote..- '- chaired: by Reeve Bill Clifford The 444 ciio •11 the • :::*f areas," ;;,..;;:i4til::414-1:104i1j16:n147'',Im1:14-'4: A would be •char In alJ ',7' , ,--. ate , A71"F'lliett there was _. , ' it0,9ili:',140.rvic„14,g Oats - Plit., 0440 -Eileen Pnliner also isaiii :,.lelt the date to. begin collecting :.!$,Lit:. charge ShOuld. immediate. pitlsaeptidie'.the tow n:,,Lto develoWp7rs- offerfng t .< -; - ''' •. OTHER ARgAS STUD' D ainained at APrl1,1,. 1' , i . '..3itet .$1,000 high?" asked ouncillar ten. Profit.' , lie, • was : told . that impost charges Ot1 the province ranged anywhere from $500 for a single family dwelling in the town of Perth near Ottawa to' an estimated $8,000 s. in ilVaterloo. Mayor Deb Shewfelt pointed Operipairj 20 xandra Marine and. ral Hospital trator J.W. Banks thia announced on behalf of hospital's Board of nors that the official ng of the new am- ry care facilities will be t 2:00 pan. en january : impost charge could collected:?, ": • • Ontario Minister of Health Frank, -Miller is to be on hand to officially open the new wing which is to baknown as. the E -,A. Elliott 'Wing. The opening ceremonies • will be followed by a brief tour of the new area involved and refrealunents in the hoSpitarcafeteria. 130 YEAR --r .4 4 • 1,4 1 • ug meNAH40 ir,,TOwnshiji-Aleeva-sinttaCelainied Warden Of takes oath Or.aftlielia ittaniptral ceremonies held': at :the County uncal McNeil iVilanopposed for the position after Allen,Cain- ell declined ihnift40010nr personal reasons. (staff photo) 44". • OW01.0#14€4 4ntionic,cases impo00;tiniticoharniefpeasiilion410u44.(twitteeriit,i,of •wa -etc-4. AN compared IktnnitY 'reSpects te4he impost charges approvedIkqederigh. ' Sample invest bylaws from Perth; Kincardine, ifergus, Strathrey and Kitchener were examined -by the Committee prior_to drawing up the local bylaw. The impost charge in Kincardine, Reeve Clifford noted, was $1,500, 1: In a new isegment of the - cow • session at Wich local citizens who at- tend the meeting are invited to ask questions of cpuncii, Rick Robertson inquired .whether council had given ' thought to the fact that lot prices in $12,000 to $15, 00 - and that an additional Goderich are already something like $1,000 impost charge for the building permit would put undue , hardship on prospective new home owners, • Following In Ti ' r i" THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1977 laMMI S •*, • 44-44: ys lie plansto present ye Mayor SIiewf charge: down to* •41 rek s pertnitstip'in xne' -;•4,The_curi. tl,:vuunileldethinaegs. oincouattn.nayiftili:Woypner,64:ti, moving town into the, rural. arena- ' . bring the price of lots down mi,uoiench and drive the price of building permits 1 ' "If you drive.PeUpte Out of town, you are TOSitig tax dollars," Mr. Robertson reminded council. 'It up in the country." otsteps elected from Colborn • 1,1111111.111111411%)...1 SINGLE COPY25c Douglas A. McNeil, Reeve ,,:cetincillors,- "especially the of the Huron County Soil and •of Colborne. Township, writ- ,ateltnembers" to speak their Crop . Im pro ve ment County of Huron for the 197 term on Monday aftermion. when the only other cadidata nominated, MeKillor! Reeve - Allan Campbell, withdrew from the election before a vote Was -called. ; Rising to speak after his name was placed forward for. the top county council Mr. , Cainpbell told acclaimed Warden of' thj. ininds during Council members must wor r job or they tt :•debates. council Association and' was At -veould nothold their seats. , - present ch ir hard at thei ' 1 k that is good. We are working together to improve the couynthye. n asked why I wanted to be Warden," he told the meeting, "I said it was because I was not in the habit of looking back. We, must always go ahead and that is what I -am asking of the • County Council for 1977," After administering the oath of office Judge F. G. Carter told the councillors crowcied.,..eenncit. cho.! "dim' as-surprike. 'by - the nomination al was everyone else. -Then 'he ad- ded, "You don't have to sweat anymore, Doug, I am with- drawing my name from the nomination,", The McKillop reeve ' ex- plained that he had a standing promise to take his wife to Florida this winter and had decided that his family would have to come first. "There is no law saying I cannot try a third time," he • added , alluding to an earlier , attempt at winning election -as warden when he • ran against Brussels Reeve John L. McCutcheon last term. "If I and re-elected to township council, and if my health remains good, I may try again," he said. • Mr, Campbell-ealled.on.,all "Cotmcitlors should speak he said. "good debate is an asset to •the county The new warden was :nominated, by Goderich. 'Township, Reeve GerrY Ginn. He described Mr. McNeil aka nan *ith the assets of erehin endoxparienee". ke -pointed' ditt' Ihtle-the Colborne Reeve had served 'on -..County Council now for soma six years, the past. -two as chairman of the exep`utive. committee, and had just been acclaimed as Reeve of / Colborne for another two' a man of the "I consider I have worked Board of Directors at reasonably hard on this Alexandra Marine and council to stay in office," he General Hospital in Goderich. said. In his remarks after the He explained that the swearing in ceremonies, Mr. decision to seek the warden's McNeil noted that he had chair had been made last never supposed he would be June. "I approached mem- elected Warden of Huron bers of council to see if any County whenhe let his name others would be running," he stand for the first time in 1965 said"and none were so , here for a pton C,e,I,Patae today.' , Township Couticih "We wolik'on the e.oiriinittee He observed that County system here " he noted " d years. years, onf Mr. Ginn explahrid that Doug McNeil had vvorked for six Outlining his background ;Gee Issue to .council an „.:that..4.--14‘04Ar-St--,Wardett., V Huron was Tiger Dunlop and • inued on page 18) lanning board returns Tanker. 14e had served in the If the town of Goderich has offer Royal Canadian Air Force between 1942 and 1946 and "like so many married following the war and bought a farm." Mr. McNeil,- he told the councillors, was an elder of Nile United Church, had been president of the Huron County. Federation of Agriculture in 1956-57, was a past president" any intention of prosecuting McGee Motors Limited for apparent misuse of the Hamilton Street property that • formerly housed the Colborne Hotel then the prosecution will come from council not the planning board. The board decided at the last meeting to refer the matter back to council with a Stipulation that no further action be taken by planniiig be too aire for Borg-Warner but . •• board. „I', • "`.; ' . • . . . If '.,-.• •...".... 01! t.,. 4 \ , h,STriOI r.- .-.., ‘fl s -clearer erich townCOuriall rosy ' the toyinieleik could easily the companyto pretreat . , from the firm. members but advised them succeeded :in putting- notify Ahe'` Company of the Wastes so - that only clear Mr. Wigle told council that — ', that the ministry prefers to er a package favorable . results of the tneeting. She town of Goderich and Said Mr. Cummings also water . reached the sewer •the, choice was ' up to the (continued on page 10) Warner Ltd„ Ulibiliing ' represented the county and . ....- , rm to locate here But; the Ilidtiatrial., Commission ding . to. - 60.4 and since • theineeting was ntentrtit pment officer Spence ' designed to hear comments OIX - dls - ings they Maybe too -, from three parties it couldn't • ', . - •be successfutwith only two. special council meeting. -g, .The : ministry of th n ay nightSOPP:,0-.:afloWA ,',...,*itV110044 .•;:,r0111'00ntativeS. 11' tePi.S4iltatii4S7 • '0f::.2:1*11(r 'tilike--:ihe";-ineeting and .--. inistry .ist.,i4ge. ,eti-. ., three PAlic engineers, John ent and Borg Warner ".Manuel and:Orrin Wigle from et tOgethei,",cto,41 ionso ;:London iiit''$eil - McMullen nes offeri*fOttrehise- -, troin..-Sernift, : brought the ''• ere; an agreement lor ' concerns ' thel.-tiinistry'had m waisnot.da.Watip but ,. about - the ,.proposed ..ifbrg'" el'Pa040440:fre .in- • ..Araroer moth* 0.00chi., was Suggested , .. • ' - mi::*milliii.,tiild • o....,00ktv. ".. meeting toottii* biiii -01*11,0040;was':W*1640a When. ••enontif.';uained:-,,!.itt,httotilkitik41shargi4;fit mpeiny;:14k04eht::it waste , into . the -sanitary sewer 4446.1r,,,iitel •,' ,,,,,;,.,iit the,O iniditiviA‘tiitalt116444011.4 1:1611414i • r• ei. 4.4 de$fgflated' r**71t:•;14r,lisitc. .il ctiiit.-. te, , , - 004fti!;44*,ii.thi:40,V*didOft. 040th� ,„. tortniclo*mk! t;. , -- ti(:i*hy.iliti‘tt-e'°141410gligeli;h6e411:0h7 '''oit0iild;b0;04itif :,. . ,;••••• , ..-„be,,,:iit Mr,.-',.- ' OS liAn4 4401.,.• the, ,,,,, Act -Ail& it twosets::at. 'C', io .;u10-..• .uii 0.1 ...:•,,,.., ifori:4:1";: :vitiotedAhe /link wanted vey the .tousei•the 6,.4iiii,,, t, \ •- tatkiiiiti •''' to Pany.-i- -4,...., would ,.*.: .,..*, ,..,, A at 010104.i.1 se OtOrAit#IC:,,'' CiHor„'''Eisa n •.• ,.r•y•successful treatmentof )? 4, ., < , ' terAPar - WI fd ..4; , 4 , , ., to 'tlit rn , , ave ,•,,, fi*.iii *ii 4 e.*::sTorci . A 4...... litilis ill .:. arc :„:,',. ...•.. ,:,7.,-, ' Property owners s in he Town Of Goderich Willi..,ib.:,eplyinginterin'taXbiisrresenting 60,milis on Marff5 r.Towl.co nenAgroved theactiorat its regular ,i4tingmonday evening and the pecesSarybylaw.iv. ,,. Ville town needs funds'' for :Working capital,"ithicl• Ve Rill Clifford; chairman of the finance committee: '. is either this or we borrow tharonney.” - ,.,„.:i.'• ., therreaioni-necording t&ikeeve Clifford, is that by 04:11t140. first tax hillin March, the Worklead. at .:-.ilte --. tiffieeliiiitialiZedtliOdglibittbaYear.: . : ' - 4 nt-fhithk110:,:Efarthe leOlkar•Orthe,toreaiens,;aid 06epittfoi*),,, f,...*,:,::.‘.,:]„..,,,,,•..;:,.i:•.,: .: „ .,,,.. - *,t,yeat,,: 80 toillik,i0ienileeted Aiiiii 8. However, ••' •.,::4tniniiiiiiitnilliir014'::Witlisialci Oe town oe10,. ii7.eiiiiiirfhtm.:TiliiW to AVaid:1the4igh• cost ofoi'roW 'We :need iii . ' ilitrightiitiWii add Mi. ','Wellsin- . He. tiit,', . ,.4,",., ,.:.,,p; ..... - -. ,,.',.' T4'.`lh4t lio'ti?004;;Ikti4ahlybe # . iliggestidg, tocoun• -,cil 4,. that iithet tax bilIsbe'1tilittInCellectahle on June 5, not• Yi AV'S ,g 'i °Ser.":''':''''''' "'' ". `41:(1' .?,, ., 1 ..ii „ ' - *1 e $ 1 0* •*, JIVi• •theblllgdoe thswee • • 1•,••ki' 1441,i 41, K '"•• The decision was made after the board heard a letter from their attorney Dan Murphy. Mr. Murphy told the board that he had assumed from their request for an opinion on the matter, that they wanted to know the probable success of prosecuting McGees. He added he did not want to an opinion without the town and council referred knowing the feelings of the the matter to planning board. Huron County Planning Elsa Haydon, a member of Department on the matter. planning booed in 1976, Newly 'elected board questioned the decision chairman Tom Jasper said he sending the matter to the board claiming it IS council's answer" adding he was not bylaw and it was up to council certain the matter was within to enforce it if it chose to du "our frame of reference". He so. She said the board's only said he could see no reasen involvement would be if there • planning board was involved' was a request to change the with the matter since there was no zoning change or and suggested then that the felt the board "still had no zoning, which there wasn't request for zoning change. matter be sent back to The board's involvement council. - came about in November Planning board chairman when town eouncil heard aDave Gower said he felt there report from building in- was an over -reaction to the • spector Roy •Breckenridge, issue pointing out that council who is also planning -board wanted the opinion of the secretary. Mr. Breckenridge board and a legal opinion and - submitted a reporto council instructed the board November 8 _claiming the secretary to ask Mr. Murphy current use of the property (continued on,,,,page 18) defied the zoning bylaw for AA' af horses- has become tilairik Common sight on etiOkthheWleite0140011OrbilPturitltin rides.hay fibeAtitdoio by -her ioldeirritiga Sigurdson 6 ^ 0 444' celebrated her,i4th,liitihtlay on Siitchtiirithik, her, Jf4. ;Pheta; .i44gir.L.a.,4111.,A4•4,1. Cf.(4, • " • •'/ • •• f' • 'f.?"- . 1,4 95 :4. ' r • 1. • 14 .4 • ,1„. ef,1