HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-01-13, Page 21a?r Golcpiah 1, eta n "Q atld Dlstrici Association for thf Mendell + Retarded,',will be•,held on • Tuesdsy, Janua,17,. •in the virtori Sc# easlai� in Gcl Cls Of �! in orllatlux Iatid ojowe^,,.. Qeperm tier ani reign, ghbq s to bre on the. occasion ? t4t r lrWedding 4n!ver$ery t i. held at; their he': ock % . earl Ili on uriiliy, Ja1R'. ry 15; 1977; 2, . to 4 p m'">jd 7 p,m. to' 9 • Best P.,xishes only ase -1,2 T:. 0,00 MERCHANDISE - en . `monthly; . First draw e, Januar," alt • our eyboard _: : Kapers,''t gram.,Tickets in detallza,t ▪ sifer us Sea ortli: s month's special new and d electt' , tar a,-.. s;: amps, ms, :o0tans : lanes etc., up to 50 percent savings ane 527 11053 ltfar INTON 'LEGION BINGO ry Thursday,l/ 8:30 p.m. ission $1.00 Restricted 6 years or over. 15.regular es of $15.00, $5 00least on t. 3`"'deer- prizesi' $50.00 solation if jackpot ' not•,. . Jackpot $250.00' in 59 Is or less .-•1 tfar DERICH, Club ual Meeting on`; Wed - day, Januarys 19th, at 8 . in Victoria PublieSchool • Guest speaker .will. be - William• Partridge; on County Librarian ^A'. will be shown _i:, li�i 1 lil ni t: T wsday January,God`erich branch, , 52 Montrea�"l. Street, Subject:`Canadian Art. Bring a friend. -,.2 , ; , GODERIC >� I�tNE;TTE MARDI GRAS: Saltfor"d Valley Hall, February ..19th -"-"1rttlsic b -Si ,C11ris °`Black. For tickets tall .$24-7616 2s7ar i ENS AND WOMEl�i trjm away those excess pound's by participating "Now" in a swim or exercise program at Vanastra Centre. Phone 482- 3544.--2ar ` FULSl E.R M175-1 SEAFORTH presents t GULBRA ,SEN . organ, <S °,•, a11d hear the"Pacemaker" gt the-Godericl Suncoast Ma¢lI, Friday and Saturday, .-. January 21st and 22nd. -2 3,ar� '' 'BINGO. every Monday evening ,'at the Vanastra , Centre - 8 p.m. Fifteen regular $12.004 games, three sharethe=wealth, jackpot $200.00 must .go, Door plrizes and many other specials . Admission restricted t sixteenyeers and over. —tf �• • t:nloy the egIchanted island atmosphere, tuts and';South Seas Magic at the THE HURON ; ,, COUNTY.. HEALTH UNIT' invites' you to attend the Expectant Parent Education classes, being held"' in the'.' Assessment ,Office~ Board Room, ,46 Gloucester' Terrace; .�-Goderich conn-':. mencing °Tuesdays. Jan. 11, 1977., Would anyone ,who is interested; please pre'register by calling•1-80p 26E-8301 Both( husband and wives a..re'' in vited; to :attend" and ticipate in the discussion,, . 0S40,:r DERICH LAKETOWN. ND DANCE Friday, uary 28th, Saltford Valley 1 Dancing tri» .9: 0 to - ' a m° IVlusic by: Chris ck Lurtch;provided $12.00 coupl ickets available b n members or hofle 89 4 r News E d.r d,. Lgloa Hall EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 P.M.SHAiRP' NEW REV -SSD GAME$ 11 Regutar Game's 815.00,4,$peciats -318:40 4 "Share the Wealth" :pi lth et chance at ' •the Jackpot Tvno°door`prizes. r, In 57°04, w ADMISSION .$I 00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 4q'• ``Y ALL= PROCEEDS FORzWEt,FARE WORK • • right On the Werld's Most Famous Beach DAYTONA BEACH kiotiwolPtuilielmilth000tt tot A'• COMPLETE FLORIDA RESORT -.132 Oceanfront motet rooms and efficiencies all. with private balcony, •air-conditioning, color TV. Two heated pools, shuffleboard, game room, playground. 500 feet of sand : beach. Tiki Restaurant, Traders Show Bar Lounge with top entertainment. For the time ot your life Phone (904) 252-9631 Only 60 milesfrom-. ae Disney World ' At When you 'vacation in DAYTONA' BEACH, Jeff FLORIDA `a s 41. AKU TIKI Inn 2225 S. Atlantic Blvd. Daytona Beach, Fla. • . Dept. 473 Please send complete information: Name Address ' City, State, ZIP ' HOURS Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.- p M. Fri: Sat. 10 a.m 12 p.m. Sun. 11 a;tn 10 pint. Closed Wednesday,, Esquire 'Restaurant; The Square Goderich •a , NATIOI4AL DUCAT ON. WEEK ON 'SMOKING JANUARY 9- '15, 1977 INTER. AGENCY SPONSORED;EVENT n the, majority,, be .a : Non- Smlker. fail :;lie "a x~difpiay - at,: half tp.AR'Fri. Ltd. • THE,LtQU LICENSE ACT WEST STREETA, "FULL COURSE SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY" ADULTS ` CHILDREN PRE SCHOOLERS 53.49 s 1.99' , FREE Smorgasbord Sunday, Jan. 16 ���� ELLED due to weather. Re -Opening Sunday, Jan. 23 (Weother •A°^"• • ) aUN1///ermine /a//w// /r/4//N//////imumu /Nr/1 - For Information concerning. Banquets;. BULLETIN Friday, Jan. 14, 1977 8:00 p.m. ATOM PORT ELGIN GODERICH 9:00 p.m. MIDGET • MOUNT FOREST VS GODERICH Saturday, Jan. 15,° 1977 7:00 p.m. BANTAM'BB' KINCARDINE VSe GODERICH 9:00 p.m. JUVENILE HOWICK Vs GODERICH Sunday, Jan, 16, 1977 2:OOp.m. PEEWEE MOUNT FOREST VS GODERICH 6:00 p.m. BANTAM "D^ ZURICH VS GODERICH ALL GAMES AT VANASTRA Entertainment FRIDAY & • SATURDAY' January14th & lith Mozart Melody Makers TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR FRIENDS... FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR HOT BUFFET IS SERVED THURS. & FRI. 12 NOON : 2 P.M. CASUAL DRESS BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY *Visit the KEG ROOM + Colour TV + Relaxing atmosphere • Candlelight` Restaurant g Tavern Licensed under L-C.B.O. BAYFIELD RD:, GODERICH 524-7711 Is CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD Parties, Weddings, or seekers ¢.y please call: - MRS.B: WATKINS STEWARTCASSILS CLINTON 482-9541 LUCAN 227-4406 a P' C01.1091.010111911$;__._7.;_ Bob & Ruth' Brindley ` First Born Girl for Netilf;.Year and Parents Y r sae oAVA. ATO dy ` THURS'AT 8:00 PM. ,PRI I& SAT, 7;30 8.9:30• ` 'rOfiR 230 CENTURY. !, ds, i 1 .ItDULT ENTENTAINMEN 15 1' when you buy a bucket or barre e�.,.. tueat. fried „...„......„.:..,.. CoI. Sanders Boys It Girls make It "Finger Eldon'' G God" W�8