HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-01-13, Page 194.4 44k ,70 Ot;:r 344 Sr.,11000r4.146;xottotor..- -, '444;14 ^t!si • tig,trisiNV'ttal"'` '117.1.4; cpli" ame. f ATt dop't Insist hat you 3O a time when mo address them as Master. well settled rn tIelr WAS a..grand fay? 4:ERE41 ititi -when L. A t 61* 8 in philosophy, , ; to put Doctor ''''611116,t,i she , boo 04; 0,his name. whethe , thls pertod, he is ism •that. •l lite suffer e, to 1'r; :01: titheolog• y, .or like a dog for 20 or 30 years ; Duringopractery, there. is no yu are gping to stop him his soeial 2L. doctors and‘414741..:P.°'°141ifit1-4 would have a-. unmn liruet ly.:HCyrks hours that : low, tnaa. eadr n800 Ontariq .,w40:,,.,:f,tipulishe&.a..:lipt Of more. ti:1710,04,„, ever so sitO• tlehsc,: His scanty lth ,protessiop, 14;4.9 lot :trikof t;i.`0.1,716 Ptlic gathkeiFsslyi constantly interiZt time is 444 ‘990fi" . s ioosjost, env it only '1,P--Pilifoil- he eaean. look , ",. ,JILr.', r '''' money,',...;.., , ;#-- - , , s, But I 7 ' forivafFltoz• is what he can , •(' ,:1441t' ''. ' don't.4 ,VY ol• We. t save or Invest forlumself. 14!: t., •,. in4n,ey. bse iootor for threo tildes the About the time most men dr 0, iiileAili;)14.0? - .aVeragaaalary in medical are-s14Wing clown pr looking 0:',:'•,,,J0,1;i0'::icialg_'',..,... profea4m,,:4c' " ,,: l' ,,',',.s, forward to retirement, the igloi 0..srnrli;v0 ;In!, 4ake,;thefeaie a few rotten doctor it burned out: How e G400,„14a,g99ng-w.hat it ,. applesiloAc barrel, to whom - many old doctors do you fesse0;10-404Piee an some-. the : Htpoocratic : oath is know? our racier newspapers: merely a licence to get rich. And all along the way he is ing iii.,,C6140.9n with some '.. Couida!t . the Seroe,:. he said dealing dealing constantly with pain tty duhiouspoliticiaris to about iiiiY Other . barrel; , and misery and fear among Iate',thePhhlic with. half- whether it ;contains Union his patients. No bed of roses, hs and embarass what to members,: Merchants that. Not to mention all the is ; „still 4 - noble ,*ti , politicans Or[Preachers? And neurotic women and orablev faessiOn 1111 i.. .as for- Jig , business, the hypochondriacal men he on was worthy of some of doctors are almost saintly must suffer patiently. , muck ior:t4tio tabloids. -,.when it comes to a corn- There are a few crooks and hat surprised me was the i parison of ethics. - ' a few quacks, but ' every ction of the public. Setting . Let'Slook at the facts. A doctor I've ever had dealings e the doctors and. their doctor works like a'dog to get ' with was a credit to the 11-heeke4,;I' Medical through medical school. He profession. Let's have fair ociatiOn4-;ii:.,.*Ilieh was doesn't really begin to make play for or doctors, as well urally outraged, most of any, money until he is nearing , as fair pay. letters 'to the editor at- * s, • ccl the-#,'ewspaper- for its • • - . 'On; • . ad- br-j.ts,..:defendants lier,t4ne fact was !„, as ' slanted; *ionthe doc, 1*rePreiented, ughi'lithaehdi;..-as MeheY-, Viii:Jr-cine. hand on fief and: the Other in the ernment's' (read tx- ers) hip Pocket. ublication of the names addresses of those • tors who had billed the lthplan for more than a dred grand was almost et indictinentof them• hat the newspaper did not • ss was that the figuies e for gross, not net in-, e, and in many, many s, the net income was a long way, below' the lished figures. don't hold, any brief for tors: Ingeneral, they give a pain in the ann. There is certain pomposity, etimes arrogance, that is ed along withthe letters . after the name.This is helped any by the attitude many of their patients the doctor always knows that the • doctor is a la' sort of human being, the patient should tivally tug his forelock n addressing his doctor. s a fairly Short step from e to thepoit4 Whpir...qUit4 • ew members of the ession begin ,to feel that are little tin gods. This me. I•'ve 4 -net too- many tin gods with clay feet to impressed by the title ctor." -• efe's something archaic,, ery attractiVe about that,-, Bachelorsof • Art don't: round callitiirilteinsel*es, elor Jim Srnith Masters • I ;‘, " $ A 'Cii!‘xj,p.., . .', council, ; Wh_lehI was acclainied in, Neite er.,': held. their ,- .;:inaugarAkm,001g, l!':t Township HafittrHOlmesville January 3. Seatedleft to right are _Jleftutyr,ReeveGranti:Stirling, Reeve Gerry Ginn, and senior councillor Garnet Wright. Bade, row are trfasaiar;„Beaf,Whitely, councillor Joe Fritzley, Councillor Jake Reder, and . •• ,s,.' . •.: ,..% ,,,,., Clerk ROhin TlikinfOoti2.(NeWs-Record Photo) orich township inaugural . i 0 Goderich township council revert mineral rights on a held its inaugural meeting 49.5 foot strip or land back to January 3 and passed three him as previous owner. The bylaws to get their .1276 land was purchased from Mr. business underway, Two of Van den Brand in 1964 by' the the bylaws set salaries for the road department,Councillor year and appointed coain- Jake Reder suggested that cillors to posts making them council investigate the status responsible ' for particular 'of that and other property areas of council concern. owned by the; township with The third bylaw authorized regard to, oil and mineral council to borrow $75,000 to rights and asked that the allow them to pay the bills township clerk report any until tax -dollars reach • findings back -to council, township coffers later in 1976. Kase Van den Heuvel ex - Mr. C. Van den Brand pressed his dissatisfaction requested the township to with snow ploughing in the 'sf.4',#.,;41'.0r34;;•••V•X#V. sctt rd:T• i..s....„,::-4E:pA;Rs stovice 3 HOUR - -fte, --# AND • .., rig /WV A ATIONS township and council noted the complaint but made no motion. Mr. Van den Heuvel also requested a building 'Permit for a pig barn for Lot 9 Concession 4 and John Stirling made a request for a permit to build a house ad- ditiori. Council granted Mr. Stirling a permit and requested the ministry of environment to provide a site plan for their certificate of compliance before they will issue Mr. Van den Heuvel a permit. • 106STORES FROM COAST-TO.COAST - CANADIAN OWNED RAD:IO WITH ANIEIMA 444 , .4; 7,5.,41A 100011110EfOs: LE1TE• , 524..- 2373 6621.'1 call BILL MELICK at your COLLISION REPAIR -CENTRE SOUTH END:BODY 524-9181 tikkt1/4 .•!'" BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH Just recently I acquired- a good job as a travelling salesman for a -well known national firm. I am very hafipy • in this new job but unfortunately I am expected to do quite a bit of entertaining my clients, and my problem is, that I seem unable to cope with one or two drinks without it ob- viously "sholwing." I might idd that I don't normally drink, except on the odd occasion so I'm not used to it. This is starting to concern,/ me so I'm wondering what I should do? The,obvious thing is not what to do, but what NOT to/clo, dont take a drink! There are hundFeds of thousands of people in this world that .clon't drink for the very some reason as'you their system cannot handle alcohol, regardless of quqntity. Some years ago a top U.S. sales executive wrotocbook call- ed; "How to Sell Your Way Into the Big Money."4his author ac- tually tried to have a course ...4;The' Art 6/ Proper Social Drinking" started in American collegestand pniversities. His idea was that once students learned how to "Drink Socially", they. would be at a big advantage in, making business deals with clients or competitors who got easily boTbed. Needless to say his campaign was unsuccessful and never "ot •O' off the ground" has been proven by many top businessmen tharalcohci/ NOT necessary to be sucscessful „ a large' number do not even take one drink! •EVERYDAY DOWN - TO - EARTH VALUES Furniture GRANGER'S TV SALES & SERVICE ADMIRAL, ELECTROHONIE 8. RCA COLOR TV RECORD AND TAPE BAR MAJOR APPLIANCES • The Interceptor" by 'Jana. needy ' to install; complete with plug-iti, dynamic microphone and univer- sal antenna with -trunk mount. Guaranteed for 90 days. - - --- FEATURES: • Illuminated dial and power Meter - • Switchable PA/CB control • Squelch control • Mic gain control and volume control 92 SOUTH GODERICH 524-8925 MC, K ISP DELIVERY IN THE • SUNCO AST MALL rid •OPEN: MON.-FRI. • TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 5:30 JOHN JEFFERY • & SON rdH tbr lumber Number. 5 2 4 - 8 1 7 1 • mai. .er ch •LADIES' BRAS BY DAISY FRESH t•,,tolt34 Pks'c'st' 44v ••,:41f44,•'•0.41.; . 4.• • I. 4,4,. • Loveiylactr3ni,4pw decolette bra (If soft,' shee.1;:.nylotaistl with elastic waisthatkOar gentle sun/Dort; conve ,,nlant frotd, clsure, in assortedpastel .---161411:67'4&q. • TARIO, ostideriadcceij eeeefi4' seemteu 63 °ELGIN AVE E. GODERICH I have a cheque in my possession datedJUne of 1968. It's made out to a bank in, Kingston, Ontario for the amount of $250.00. The, character that gave me this cheque skipped town, and it was returned to me marked N.S.F. at that time. I have just recently found -out that he now lives in London. I phoned him about this long overdue det, but he only laughed and told me to go ahead end sue him. Personally I can'taffo'rd a lawyer and I wondered what my chances are to collect. I know he• is financially able to pay. According to the Statue of Limitations a negotiable instru- ment (which includes a note or cheque) is NOT actionable after,p period of six years, unless a paymet30 (however small). or written acknowledgement hos been received in the it,terim. Sorry to report that the cheque you hold, is indeed, "trly SCHUTZ otA SALES R 1 SAS Your Pull line CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTHDODGE 414 HURON RD. GODERICH . • holiday *111.";1! -524-8311 'Flom A Cep or 4 did quite a bit of Christmas shopping in Stratford, ( where I work,) incl6ding the purchase for mysister, of a pair of leather boots. She wore them for only a few days • - when she noticed that, on one of the boots, the sole -had Separated from the leather. I returned them to the store expecting a new pair, but was utterly horrified to be told that, "they would have it re -glued." I protested, that as t lue didnt hold in the first place, I was interested only in a brand new pail, but my protests were all in vain, as the stake is very adamant and state that re -gluing is all that the manufacturer will do, and that they cannot allow me a replacement pair because my sister has worn the boots, making it impossible -- for them to be resold. • I think that this is a pretty poor way to treat a customer, and am hoping that "IMPACT- can act on behalf of my sister and myself to make *ernchange their minds. We have received word from the manufacturerthat they have instructed the. store to xChange the boots for a brand new pair; We found them to be most understanding and co;aperative, so , there will be no resoling or gluing, just a new Pair of boots! CHISHOLM'S FUELS & SERVCE • 20 ALBERT N. usur 524'67681 BRANCH RR 2 ' LUCKNOW• DUNGANNON 524524 SUNOCO OIL PRODUCTS BURNERSERVICE • 24 HOUirCALto Complete 114 of Forth • d u tett414..7., • P41ti*) ProduttrOtiOdi'011 *i*nm iirld Parnities.k: • #14, •#, ss#4.4•5•34., s .;;...p•to "i1SIJ stii-t4tAsssity..1.i.,•44q)st tIN 4001111ICIC:' .44 1'gNf•F i•ss Vro #44,