HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-20, Page 43. The Exeter Advocatel RURAL CO-3PERATION Senders & Creech, Proprietors '01•001001W, Subscription, Itrice-lat advanee $1,50 lear Ye/W. n Canadge; $2 in the United States. All subscriptions Ticv,t PEO,m advance 50e. extra cherged. ADVERTISING RATES D'espleo Advertising -Made known o applemtion, Stray Atiemats-One iinsertion 50c., three oeseettells suo. Farm or Real Estaite, for sale 50c. each ineegtion for one month of tout insertions Misceelani=is articles of not more than, five listleS. For Sale. To Rene, Wanted, each ineerreon 50c. Lost and Found •loents 25e, an insertion. Local ettading notiees, etc., 10c. _per lino per insertion. No notioe less than 25e. Coed of manb 50.e. Auction Sales $3 for Cone insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sert:too if metier five Leeches in length. Legal adverbs 10e. wed 5e. 'aline. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 1921 RUR.ON PRESBYTERIAL rs NEW OFFICERS. Cion, jam 18--Hureet Presbytediti Seciety, at tts anetrel businese meetaig here ta-dey, seteete,d the eeeloe eve el Leers:, lion. ores...dent, Mrs. F. H OS' 'fr Lankin, Seafortto president, Mot. J. Hamilten, Goderieb; ist vice president Mrs. MeKeozie, .13a:raced; 2r,d eice- 0 '1 vr k peesideatt ,INIrs. S. itleLeen, Egmond- Ville; 3rd otee-president, Mrs. R. Themes Rotel; Olt vice-presfelent. Mrs. Mete), Fertgueen, Meld:flop; seen:tate'. As 5 H. 1. arelettn, Seafoeth; treasurer ?doe. J. C. Gre:g. eSeatorth; TI1434.10li, Band szerear, Mrs, L. T. DeLeety, Se2.70rail 14144Y eeeretary, Mrs, W. D. Fter, Clintoo; assistant ZeC- ✓ eary, UTS. 3. tieOtt. Clinton; literary secreteey, Mies Duodota Godefleh messenger secretary, „ners. A. Haeones Er; eeeeatmager secretary, A-- press secretary, Airs.D. Intoele Brucelield; home helloes' sec- ✓ etary, Mrs. A. Arceeteitio Clintoneli- hrary secretary, AIrs. R. Young; see- setary,young women's auxiltery. etre: Tetford, Myth; convenor noroteetlog comintttee, 'Sirs. C. A. 'AleDostell; oral forward moveineat Vcretary, Mrs. Rs Auburn A year of preeeress was re- ported. McGillivray Council The mew coencel met on the 10th te: January end took the oath of office, A by-law wus passed appose:tog the toornsh:p officers for the year.; and -also a by-law abolislekig statute labor. A number of aecounts were passedand, adjournment was mad o to Feb. 7th at ete o'clock rem. .d.r....p.rmrnma.1111,••••••••...emali. Mount Carmel Rev. Father Tierney announced the holy banns of marriage on Sunday of Louis Ziler of Dashwood and Miss Foster, daughter of Mr. and Ares. Alonzo Foster of Zuricie-alr, Vincent Quarry 'of London visited with hts parents for a few days last week.- Mr. Jos. Guinan made. a business trip to Toronto last week. -Mrs. John Walker Of Khiva received the stid news on Tuesday .of the death of her mother Mrs. Archie McCormick of Parkhill. Mrs. :McCormick was well- known in this neighborhood, where she resided for many years before. going ln to Parke. Much sympathy is ex- tended to. the. bereaved family. -Mr. john Keough of Idaho, after an ab- sence of several years, visited his sis- ter, Mrs. M. Madden, last week. He is also a brother of Thomas Keough of Shipka.-Mr. Joha McCarthy is vis- iting if:leads at Shipka.-Mr. P. Rear- don spent Saturday and Sunday in London. Something doing boys. The Needless Misery That Woifien•Bear, INWHEN the VV house- hold cares •• and the worries of everyday life have drag- ged you down, made you un ' happy, and there is nothing in life but headache, back- ache andworry, turn to the ▪ right prescrip- tion, one. gotten up by Doctor Pierce over fifty years ago. Dr. Pierce, of. Buffalo, N. Y., long since found out what is naturally best for wom- en'A diseases. He learned it all thru treat- ing; thousandsOf cases. The 'result of his studies was was a medicine' called Dr. ',Tierce's Favorite Prescription, `This medicine is made of vege- table growths' that nature surely •intentecl for backache, headache, -,Weakeni'ng pains, and for many disorders common to women in all ages of life. Sold by druggists iv tablet and liquid form. Send DPierce 10e. for trial package: Growth of the Princlple in Onr Own Province,. tire Stock Sales and Egg. Fruit and Wool Marketing Much Dope Tbrough FarmersClubs - The Local Government Aids • toontributee ter °gamete tielortinera 0- Agreetotere. Tor/men N the field of Agricultural oPeration in the Province of On- to. the greateet advance dur- ing the year ha* been made in connection with the ehipping of tiee stock. Five years e.go there were practically leo Live Steel; Shipping Clube. At the present time between three and four. hundred separate organizations (including Farmers" Clubs), ship co-operatively. The ma- tority theee elite to the Live Stock ihough ne the Uetittol Farmers Ce- eperetive Complywhich laandlecl about 30 per cent. of the stock going through the yards. Present ietilea- tleue pont to the pessibility, within the next few years of the larger pre- Portioa of the lire stock of Ontario being- snipped ecateperatively. The secood important development in the province is that in •counection with Egg Alarketing. The,year pre- vious to this there were about fifty eetive Egg Circles in the province marketing eggs and poultry, to the value of about $120,000. The Qum- ber of tree has increased until there are now some sixty to oper ation. and Farmere' Club's 4Swe as Floe Ciretee are now tatting up ttoe Important work, The most Ootice- able development is in the grouping of Circles in various districts for the purpose ot establishing eandling and grading stations, and already seine three districts are so organixed, each consisting of a dozen or more local circles. Te United Farmers CcO operative Company has recently ()petted a departraent for eggs and Poultry and this fact will doubtless have the same effect as In connection with Live Stock Shipping. A development in connection with Co-nperative Marketing is the move- ment on foot during the year to com- bine under one central company the mannfaeturing and marketing of the cheese from local cheese factories. This company has opened an auction market In Montreal with a successful <1 increasing buslueas. The co-operative marketing of wool was continued last year through Om Ontario' Sheep Breeders' Association as previously, The Canadian Co- operative Wool Growers, Limited, marketed a total of about 4,000,000 Pounds, and of this amount Ontario supplied 775,000 pounds. It is esti- mated that Ontario's total production is about 2,500.000 pounds annually. Thus, 31 per cent. of Ontario's wool was marketed co-operatively lest year. A large proportion of the co-oper- dire work in the province is carried on through unincorporated local farmers' elubs, of which there are some twelve or thirteen hundred in the province. The great majority of these are Militated with the United Farmers' Co-operative Company, which acts as a wholesale house for these clubs. The amount of business transacted by some of the clubs is remarkable. There are, of course, a number -which do only part of their trading through the central company; the wholesale business, however, as reported In the annual statement of the central company, amounted to $8,500,000. This will no doubt show a substantial increase in, the next statement, since the company has established a number of branch stores, and additional separate de- partnrents at the head office. With- tbe increase of business and the consequent larger financial trans- actions an increasing number of clubs.hare become incorporated un- der the„Co-operative Section of the Ontario Companies Act. During the year there have been eighty incorpor- ations, -either as Share or Non -share Co-operative Companies. Where the club hae reached the stage when it feels that incorporation will be bene- ficial; °Usually its business is on a fairly substantial basis and gives promise: of being permanently suc- cessful. One such organisation, for instance, handling live stock. Deeds, grains and other commodities and -buying supplies, is doing a business nehich averages about $1,000 a day. There are other organizatibas in the province which do not actually career on business, but whose work is one %phase of co-operative endeavor. Such organizations are, --Milk Pro- ducers' Associations, Grape Growers' • Associations, Sugar Beet Growers' "AssOciation, Tobacco Growers' Asso- ciation and others of like nature Which endeavor to study market con- ditions and advise their members as to prices. In some cases the associa- tion confers directly with the trade as to the prices to be paid, the grow- ets. Recent developments would indi- 'bate that out of these organizations may grow commercial co-operative companies of producers, controlling the output of the members. A great deal of preliminary work has been done by the Department during the year in connection with the production of pure seed, more particularly of potato seed in North- ern Ontario. This work is leading to the organization of commercial seed centres. The trend of Agricultural Co-oper- ation in the province during the last year or so is more in the direction of Co-operative Marketing than • Pre-. viously. Farmers' Clubs are usually formed with the idea' of: combining the purchasing ot supplies for its, members, and this line of business is usually the, first attempted by the clubs. • The. ainonnt of Co-operative Marketing business during the last year hag,' however, exceeded the sup ply business in the province and justifies our opinion as to the rela- tive impertance to the farmer of the co-operativ-e Marketing , of his \pro- ducts and buying of his suppliesJt ,- , C Hert Co-operation. and Markets Blanch. Toronto. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK 1 IrrittiOrtiertf Events Which Have Occurred During the Week The EineY World's Happenings Care-. fully Compiled and Put Into Mindy And A.tteactire Shape for the Readers of Our Paper --- A Solid Hone* Enjoyment, TUESDAY. The Quebec Legislature opened to- day. The Hydro Radial Commission has opened Its sittings. Sterling was quoted in New York yesterday at $3.7214, The Canadian curlers won two games ir Scotland yesterday. A Toronto Street Railway employe dropped dead at his work bench. Evidence of startling character is given at the- probe into tnglenoole Park Boys' Home, The Ministeriel Ass•oeiation adopts MPlUt1013 favoring establishment of a Canadian Churcle. Studente at the Veiversity of To- ronto beet.- added curling to their everting eurrieulture Charles H. Burgess was chosen mayor by the Guelph city cousioe at its inaugural reeetieg, Postmaster Ernest G. Park of Ara- herstburg dropped dead on a street car in Windsor; he was se, Swift Current. $3,Sk.... City Hail wee guned by Ore, a prisoner,. John Henry Andrisch, perishing in his cell, David .eucklauti, a farmer of Nel- son near Milton, died ex- actly a week after his wife, each he - 7' years of age. The wilier letigees will take steps te e that areeerreeee of the White Saxseen-lad will be impossible in iu- ture world series geetea. Jeeepit A. Currie. 34 Yeete old. a mulatto, waa lieugeil at Sudbury for the murder 0, year ego of Alieliael Doti...41411e; a. 55-yeareele trapper. Between 8,000 and 9.000 C. N. R. she:eaten, in the western division are affected by their decision waeeept sitorter hours lathe' ;gen a lay -oft The H4114iiitOlg, Association Of the Canadian Bulletins and Construction Industries has devised a system known as the optioual plan of em- ploymerit. William F. Steel, aged 22 after a quarrel ever unrequited love. shot Miss Merle Edwards, 17, of Cheedle, Alta., dangerously wounding her, and then committed suicide. WEDNESDAY. Attorney -General Rauey attacks appeals to Privy Council. Toronto Real Estate Board fore- casts brisk business year. Authorities say only qualified im- migrants are reaching Canada. The touring Canadian curlers .beat Fireshire Tuesday by 121 to 50. Queen's intermediate team lost at Belleville in overtime by 3 to 2. The City of Toronto has applied to the Legislature for right to conduct a dairy. University ot Toronto senior team beat Hamilton Tigers Tuesday night by 5 to 3. A second big poolroom raid in To- ronto shows scarcity of criminals and weapons. Between 700 and 800 ca.re. of grain are daily arriving at, Fort William froth the West. Mrs. Terence MacSwiney arrived in London Tuesday on her return from the United States. F. H. Plant's election as Mayor of Ottawa is confirmed on recount, his majority being 22. Warrant issued for an inquest into the deaths- of two Toronto women following blood treatment. Mayor Bohlender, elected by a ma- jority of two at Kitchener, is shown by recount to have one more. A movement is on foot to create an 'international army to drive back the Bolsheviki in the event of an ad- vance by them westward. The question of the deportation from the United States of Lord Mayor O'Callaghan of Cork has been sub- mitted to President Wilson. Fearing tuberculosis, the Govern- ment Veterinary inspector ordered, eleven valuable cows destroyed at Phillipsville, near Brockville. The Steel Workers' Union at Syd- ney, N.S., decided to fight the 20 p.c. wage reduction ordered by the Dom- inion Iron & Steel Corporation. THURSDAY. American naval balloonists reached Toronto to -day. Canada has concluded a new trade agreement with France. Presbyterian and Baptist churches report increased ineraberships. A four -club professional lacrosse league is being formed on the Pacific coast. St. Michael's, O. H. A. junior team beat University of Toronto Schools by 3 to 2. A measure has been introduced in- to both Houses of Congress to restrict dealings in grain futures. Two departments ofe the Colonial °like in London are to be formed under one Ministerial Chief. Canadian amateur boxers are in- vited to meet United States amateurs at' a tournament in New York. •• Sir George Foster is preparing a full summary of the work of the first Assembly of the League of Nations. The Methodist Church court rules against Dr. Chown's appointment of acting superintendent in his absence. Mrs. Archibald McCormick, aged 78, of Parkhill, was fatally burned while- Working at the kitchen stove. The Labor Department reports re- tail food prices dropping in practi- cony all commodities except eggs and potatoes. ') ; The lit SeHeuse of Repreeentatives has-: made an ippropriatiok of $7!,- 100,000 for enforcement of the Vol - stead Act. , United States industries Will begin • war for the open shop, according the action taken by two- organiza- tions of employers in Chicago. John R. - McLean, a commercial traveler, was found dead in the ruins of the Glace Bay Hotel, Glace Bay, N.S., destroyed • by . fire in early morning. • , The Eatitern Ontario and. Ot we • District Retail Merchants' Aseocia- tion, meeting at BreekvMe, approved daylight saving, provided it is made Dominionewide. • The Hamilton pelioe have under arrest a young man who is said to have admitted, that he was wrestling with Dr, Whitworth whin the latter was fatally shot, Agnes Costello, aged 7, crossing pond at Hunter's Crossing, near Hamilton, broke througg, and her brother John, 9 years old, went to her rescue, but both were drowned. 'WEDNESDAY. William Archer, NO te4 English dramatic critic. visits Tomato. Three thousand familtee are now on the lista of Toronto relief office. The main offices of the T. & N. 0. Railway are to be at North Bay In futO4hrie. nese famine fund tneale #202.- 729 to date; insigreacaut compared. toThe usual ceremonies will be oobi.served at opening of Legislature on Jannueeard. y 25. Sixty thousand dollars damage was done by fire to Ontario Hospital at Whitby. 13rampten enterrneiltetes sprang a surprise by hating St. rtio.11cla In an 0. H. L game Thursday br 4 to 3, A serum for the prevention of food end mouth disease is cattle has been discovered by French vette ex- perts. While eittIng cliattieg with his wife El:intend liallS011. a Wheetlee. Ont., general storekeeper, suddenly expired. Canada's touring mato* added to their successes in Scotland on Thurs- day by defeating the EdigIbitrgh Curl- ing Club. The grain elevator and chopping mill at the M. C. R. Station, Maid- stone, were burned, with much corn, oats and our. Jaeob Biseb,, a young ttop-, of Bridgeport, Cute ar returned soldier, has been rinsing Mace October 5, be- ing last seen, at Allen Water. The Canadian Brotherhood of Rail- way Employes will fight ist the courts against revocation of Its charter by the Trades and Labor Congress, Jimmy Wilde, flyweight, was dee feated by Pete Hermanbantam- weight, in the 17th round of their bout in London, The Prince of Wales was a spectator, George Fenwick, who had to soli bis farm owing to the death of his eon, a winner, in action. at Arras, has been appointed post- master of Enterprise, neer ICingeten. SATURDAY. Restrictions on consumption of coal in France have been removed. Kenneth Maelean, a prominent Guelph lawyer, died at the age of 33. O. J. Reid, of Princeton, near Woodstock, shot aa antlered "rab- bit." Ottawa has one at the most ser- ious epidemics cif smallpox is its his- tory. Canadian. curlers beat both Lan- arksbire and Biggar on their Scottish tour. Kenheth Morris, aged 11, Parry Sound, was drowned In the Sequin river. The Allies are considering floating a loan for $250,000,000 to finance Austria. A pipe in a student's packet started a $600 fire at the University of Ottawa. Berlin bank clerks are planning a strike if they are refused an increase of wages. Dr. Glover's cancer patients attest fa.ith in the treatment, despite ad- verse report. Woodstock, Ont., Board of Health placed the ban on three farmers who supplied bad milk. Soldier settlers have repaid atleast 65 per cent. of the Federal Govern- ment loans due on November 1. The resignation of the Minister of the Italian Treasury has been brought about by a sudden Cabinet crisis. Collins made 168 in the third test match, first day's play, between Eng-' land and Australia. The latter got 313 for seven wickets. Senior games in the 0. H. A. re- sulted as follows: Granites 1, Aura Lee 0; Hamilton 6, Argonauts 3; Kitchener 3, University at Toronto 1. The British railwaymen have noti- fied the Government that they are re- solved to secure a share in the con- trol of the management a the rail- ways. MONDAY. Labor party in the Legislature held a caucus to -day. Sterling was quoted in New York on Saturday at $3.72 The Toronto police carry tint aids' in search of dangerous. weapons: W. C. Foulds was elected president of the Canadian Football Union. The Fuel Controller estimates a month's supply on hand in Ontario. The Canadian curlers won their ninth victory in Scotland Saturday. The retail price of milk in Detroit has been cut to thirteen cents a quart. Rhubarb was sold on St. Catha- rines market on Saturday at 25 cents a bunch. St. Thomas' Board of Education is arranging for an industrial survey of the city. - The Dominton Cabinet will con- sider unemplOyment question on Wednesday. Charles Berkman and Sid. Carr of Halifax start to walk across the Dom- inion to Vancouver. Samuel- Leoni, wanted since New Year's in connection with shooting in Toronto, is. arrested. Ernest Inman, a returned soldier, aged 22, was drowned while skating at Brockville Sunday morning. About one-third of the English soc- cer games played in the Old Country On Saturday resulted in draws. W. C. Parmalee, former Deputy Minister cio Trade and Commerce, died at Ottawa- in his 88th year. The Persjans' end Bolsheviki are corning to an agreement whereby the Soviet principle will be admitted. by Persia. „ I .Reciprodity is being 'edneideed by leading members of Congress as the best untterlying principle for the new tariff Lord Mayor O'Callaghaa. of Cork lots been granted permitudon to land in the United States set a seaman, and Incorporated in 1855 OAFITAL RESERVE $%000.000 Over 130 Branches THE DIOLSONS BANK WE WELCOME SeiALL DEPOSITS At ell our Branches we have Savings Departments at which Deposits of $1 or more are received. Interest at reader rates. Courteous attention given to every customer. EXETER BRANOR T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran -h. CREVI VEST FLOUR, The family eats n2ore bread since Mother started us- ing Cream of the West Flour. It makes loaves of ex- traordinary white- ness and flavor. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Vilanipcx Brandon. Halifax .411010.111•041111 THE LATIzST PRICE ON •THE • Canadian Fairbanks Morse COI Engines 1 1-2 H. P. iENGINES 3 H. P. ENGIN1.S 6 P. ENGINES :These einiiiiee are equipped ;With the Bosch Magteeto, tale finest Melon. known. , . . $110.o0 ...... ..e../175.00 - .......128500 • DOUBLE GEAR PUMP JACK..- -too . erne.. .415.00 • INTERNATIONAL Gle.A.R., JACK loom ......$30.00 ' FARM LIGHTING.POWER-40 LIGHTS....... 1525.00 • WE Sh.LL THE . CASE TRACTOR • EMERY STANDS, SAW ARBORS, PULLEYS, BELTING HANGERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOT/CE ALL MAKES OF ENGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED OR GROUNG NEW PISTONS MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS •OXY ACETYLENE WELDING - D The Cochrane Machine Works EXETER ONT. • ONE. INTER WORK ON CARS am la a position to handle all makes of cars . A tOr overhauling this. winter. t.. A square deal all. ;, , B. FOOTE e(rill be permitted to re-ohip. Ford Garage Exeter , , • ,..„ •• * • • g;" „ , WE SERVE YOU • What services do your bankets render? Do they supply you:wt sound, practical advice based on up-to-date knowledge a markets, prices and business conditions? Io they help you. to take advantage of your opportunities and increase yourjncome ? This Bank is prepared to help farmer* every way possible. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PMD -UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15.000.000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager, Incorporated in 1855 OAFITAL RESERVE $%000.000 Over 130 Branches THE DIOLSONS BANK WE WELCOME SeiALL DEPOSITS At ell our Branches we have Savings Departments at which Deposits of $1 or more are received. Interest at reader rates. Courteous attention given to every customer. EXETER BRANOR T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran -h. CREVI VEST FLOUR, The family eats n2ore bread since Mother started us- ing Cream of the West Flour. It makes loaves of ex- traordinary white- ness and flavor. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Vilanipcx Brandon. Halifax .411010.111•041111 THE LATIzST PRICE ON •THE • Canadian Fairbanks Morse COI Engines 1 1-2 H. P. iENGINES 3 H. P. ENGIN1.S 6 P. ENGINES :These einiiiiee are equipped ;With the Bosch Magteeto, tale finest Melon. known. , . . $110.o0 ...... ..e../175.00 - .......128500 • DOUBLE GEAR PUMP JACK..- -too . erne.. .415.00 • INTERNATIONAL Gle.A.R., JACK loom ......$30.00 ' FARM LIGHTING.POWER-40 LIGHTS....... 1525.00 • WE Sh.LL THE . CASE TRACTOR • EMERY STANDS, SAW ARBORS, PULLEYS, BELTING HANGERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOT/CE ALL MAKES OF ENGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED OR GROUNG NEW PISTONS MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS •OXY ACETYLENE WELDING - D The Cochrane Machine Works EXETER ONT. • ONE. INTER WORK ON CARS am la a position to handle all makes of cars . A tOr overhauling this. winter. t.. A square deal all. ;, , B. FOOTE e(rill be permitted to re-ohip. Ford Garage Exeter , , • ,..„ •• * • • g;" „