HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-20, Page 3DELICATE GIRLS
Biala, Red Blood Needed to Keep
Up Their V Iliality.
If growing girls a8 to
become well
developed, healthy women their blood
Action. Boy Scout. Notes,,
We are born to act. Reflection Is
after all a subor,.diuete, derivative, arti-
fleial function, aid our whole organists
Is framed to move, to doe to live. Most
onus act instinctively, act excessively,
buzz and blur, waste moverneut, waste
force, waste euerky, fatigue and ex-
haust ourelres, then loon about in
weeriness,`and repot long effort spent.
for nothing and purposeless exertion
enelAy menet be care€uliy watched. done astray,
"Mothers should rot ignore their un- Then there are the people nem hate
Settled mod or the various .troubles to act at all. Intelligence. overae-
Shat tell of approaching womanhood. ;eloped. grown, over -analytical, dreads
It should be eoeatantly adorn itz. mind 'to take an ill-considered step, dreads
:that pale, bloodless girls need plenty to tape any .'rep whatever, far fear it
of nourishment, plenty of sleep and should be ill-considered. Weigh the
xe ar ()pelletal. exercise. But a. tact
consequences ot even trifling action;
sofa ,petite•, and teed, welting 16wbe how vast they are, bow• far=reuching.
tend to hinder progress. To save the : how freighted with, horrible possibili-
weais, thin -blooded sufferer she trust ! ty. Can the most thoughtful provision'
;have rich 'i�cla -blood
always avoid or avert them?
t , zedi and nothing And there is :alt° fear or being
`meets sz case' of this kind so well as
-Dr. Williams Pink Pills, These pills spoasible For atlteta or to others. A
s;ot only meek feta tnete,eae alae bleed inane slightest word or deed utay a-
meet.-. they heap the appetite and aid feet the welfare of souls, and as near, is
digestion. reheat. the weary back aald 's0 1 el 3 u¢thtteLl to have sued a bur -
emcees gene rroeaptly t et03ing bewail deet placed upon: bine!! It is easier to
awl strength and t>i:daasfaarat:iiug :nae- sit back in a quiet Corner and w:ttck
:trio girls died eveatuen ado elted:c"fel, the vast, Carlene world l-tetihh by "4hattpy peeelex, .�,moug the Bradt.=, ndo k atterulit na tttoventeut that i tot a6-
mho have it/W e/el ewe beetle and zolntety ;teeeeit are 10 ntal.0 that (Inlet +
stre¢ugtit ti :tees . tlae use of lar. Wit- "'rail*a°>fe rand habitable'
'hems Plitt: Pete i :ogee rteget L'cosh, When you. get drtrieu teem ih-dt labs
.il enarne tea who seye: epee u ninth of endleseeseglecl aat.tlysts of pos.
.torr time I veer in :a b;7alty tun deem '`ibi:ity, you ate cut off from iaEt!on
ce'•tadlitien 1 ds: aA ale. ereeteiet:t at : altogether. nod the telly remedy i i to
the l ere er:e�rC:on. and evr.¢ld hardlygo tart' nr ] deft, Doe cdtuaidler€dtion. 1
teary eve e ; .:.1,.. ,. ,t, _ „ o te+;1St",ii: pie titretlttlueht, are 11reetteteeil
�, . t , tt t e .l, 6-'itl. tat .titdappita;, t;.} :
e.e ?t. 1 te3te e bee ',:ovwf, i", .,!tae-_<'i.1es t fat• t'l, c rti ft*:aa, latit .1)11 -r11i44 r(!13at'111 JP/ t
, .e•- , I all:tt :f�lfh�l'l 'tada¢S l-1 H['ideilt" t0 life
hied arty'.,ill" tet 6,�s• g:t.;1r a,s�l fleltle. 1
Sandi i s1w,47,4t x,, t up in t:,., tipopin , lueeee fur !Tie never to be fried. The
•, . t _. ,.,_ fi ` twcrld',. what'll lever alt, th.ne. It Gain
av:6t..d art 1 'r r t„ = :6,-,1,1,.w telt t'a �.,•di. I
la id ra d P ,,r"; ": lie atelia. 1 rt:.;acblY by come one it's:
el t ed .t : ,1. .n bets' slid „
:let t'eet Is, *. ,e eater, 'Seat: ,"1�> . „- cosali'Ett•Pt than yen. Tale. ;laid and .
Il ", t¢...1t1 I
beg: u t°3- v,: 1):, jt coach-' 1' ng do iit le the very bee. .47� to, I call, -
1'ee,.e le I ,,.. . >f e ad1 ' Other Lar. e,t'iild'€ i''', Fila¢ .4:-. l)tllnr'*:
^D E. a;;, 11e.�II
um �,ng ;, ."„:0%d.c-'a_ eedl epee• melee et .'t . .. a Ail roe:. e? mgrtt l...,.
1l, - : t`b-, tee Ie'..e. 1 t :.vane tee le 7 tit melee. ea tene lit• f hhYin Ga li 4"3, 1yd'd1
rett fie'* . ei let tD:.6'r tEdt
fen '""i':4-0' 414"114'414"114'e,5°,al t'4"1s7,1 .5:1°l at
i i.
:a3"r'e H .; ',. '3". tided I :•til' -.t°, 3, 'i 4 i99• Its7lai' :.Int', t''t;Ar, 9y gee +-0':-t
ti /. ! a +F'+ . e . e ,, ::eel eseet.. aa6 a c tall .4':a*" iii A^`i me.
316.= t + ,1" / .,m! d.,. moi,
t.. J 11$], • f lai,°.'uul 44re neat .'t1 ; lea a t1:,,ciii 01 .a3 . -
hi Foe t r11.'t t.,: teleet to, :ala; A`d'd' , t".ta'tedIsei ales fete 1'.,a.
+,;40,114:il d:d1» Cia,1"zi ;., to D4,.'ti tiff. .• 73:1''',{7,- -
op:,,av,,, y4 ^ t gnu7� pe „,,,,,,p,..„... ,.hit )'1 '4 11: ' dl' ', :ed 4 -eve -delve ta"ti :r it
wet ♦ e: , " 1d ' " to ;teeth w,ha.'' to pay a4 tout ■''7 tdt as
-, t'.+,t l; tadb7 a d.Itda re.
i 4,, ," { talar."' that 1s tee e;105 veg eets•1: the
al e•
ta 8 lit .91t's3 TI filed !
e a1a , a a -1d1 stamp field. 'Heat, a read all et
ere ,, 1�. F+�• t et.,,,,,,,,, elle.:, . A
feet' i r t 4 le t set ot e, a (tate a; 1); 1 !Le coll:it-v:0.1e trete, 1.26"f lade t:tpa'ta)t,°
rft' 'An 1„+ale ft -,F. $1?, ,It tae' v. hiring; afire? ¢"ill ,.aa' lacoaal atjln:a tilt gr441/11 1With a
t 9.O
l lathed*t:, At" a1'l nary i'a1. eteee tv1k1e, f tehleseretel Here to ;, dot' ruperlivial
roots that rein kt the Fell :Ike a f lemh
etil 0Al.: y; tilf, Mte.1 *italic steer 1° tie, Ili Tiv-firg,t-?ya hand. Beall Ftviitps
't?st. d 1Nwu.Ttt•d". 74.0w iegeoc 1F41 only by
end roots fire therefore easily blowwn.
eit:eee eteinee, came la':t eareeteeee out by a shot or two of dynamite. If"
from tee et tee have stae3tea1 e eeefl4dtl,.lthey are the stump?, :and roots of any;:
Kw .a ti•. ";.• eat' the pile trees. they are full of;,
i:�itch end nein that burn -with a. flame
otltnard':. t.±ncnr,ent rot 0 drift, ai".S hot and clear rade oil.
es and Thee in
Variations --Collinson, Collett. Colet.'
Racial Origin—Norman-French.
Source --A given name.
Here le ;mother group of family
names derived from the given name of
Nicholas, only this time more in ac-
nardance with Norman that* Anglo-
Saxon custom.
Even before the Normans Invaded
Mand conquered 1:ngIatui the given
"name of "Cole" or "Colin" was popu-
lar and widespread among them. They
;had formed thls name of tire` famous
"saint who was archbishop of -Myra in
!tiro fourth century. and wwha already
'had become the patron saint of child-
Incidentally, this tendeuey among
-the people of Europe in the early Mid-
- Agee to take a single given name
hand split It up into all sorts of diminu-
Itives and variations was not due en-
ttrely to the natural inclination to
?form nicknames, but in large measure
was due to that same death of insuf
ddcient names to go around which,-in
itensiled as populations became larger,
'finallygrew into the formation of
'family names.
The family of Collins, when it is not
traceable to Irish sources, is simply
!the modern form' of "Colin's son," as
also is, the family name of Colliuson.
' The Normans quite • frequently
formed diminutives of given names by
the endings "et" and "ot," and- it is
from namesse formed. that the family
litanies of 'Collett and Colet comedown
Ito us,
Variations---Merideth, Meredeth, Mer
riweather, Merriman, Murray. -
irtaci'al Origin -Angio -Saxon. •"•
'Source—A sobriquet, or nickname.
There's a word tin the English, lan-
Three new proficiency badges will
soon be available for Canada's Boy
Scouts. They are the Athlete's, the
Canoemau's and the Booltbiuder's,
4 . 4 k• *
Scants throughout the province are(.
snaking plans to celebrate Sir •Robert
Baden -Powells: sixty fifth birthday on
February ry 220,d. Suee thee Briti
"Chief Scout" founded the Boy Scout
Moveueat in 19118 hits cltizenaliip
training plan lute spread to almost'
every civilized country. and probably
five to six million boy's and young
men have come into contact with R.
A 4 it #
The Ontario Provincial Council o
the Boy Scouts Association will this
week publish the first issue of ire new
monthly paper for Scoetneasters, As-
sistant Scoutmasters and other Boy
Scout workers. It .silt he called "The
Trail" and will be the Brest publication
of its kind in Celnada, its co:tea s
wilt be devoted to genera➢ tiers of the
organization in t.ttattrio and to speei 1
articles iutoreted to help the Scott :.
officer in the Etticie t conduct of bis
troop. It is to he melted free of E•1aarga
each mouth to alit xegintersd ofllcere,
E # dt 4
The t'an:1cltar. General Ceuacil
the Boy- Scouts :As.+oelaet.+:1a has east
appotnte 1 a publieWtotas beard core
zisting of the tollowit g: W. J. Sy]iee
I,shrer.an.. Carregt3 lelhrary, Oznewe; •
Beeeell Paterson, l:secnsive Seeretatry,
Atmore:ll 1loy.Sert:t tjourteit. and :ilea,
t► tvritf'r of Itoye Stew:ere; Gerald 11•
Brown. F.'deter fee the Bey teeete
dl'i¢tn lfaaruljhi t;; John Dixon. N iecei'-
tie:re illatlt:tger far ilea" (eteetita,,ieet
Citron-do:eon. (ft¢,txaa;
Indus -tree Engiute o Oetewat; .>.
littrpee, Se'd':tc ry, I3:te'tr. dt,.e a ed -`,¢:i
Coaalattis-ion, /)741%-1-44;. t a.; ",.1: "•
li r snit et, L. Cs .¢aa?t ,- :. r riot eittet.
tor. ^', ..e:.H A'a' ; ,4.i .
(NII. ll,rt•e:t'!' E+ the Il•_-, 'E ",
Y to .::d, sea ;:,
T .luui'd+ a4 r ieatet .leis leeeteetatete. {et"
Tett 1i1r.F'.11,at nett corroo4.1
tL6,iiiil and 1ttk. E::: l,'er' 16'>k '. v::j 414 aa.
Seoul: elattteei tel eteteelseten tette
entier ire el: a eteen ,x'91 1^s' ieet». eleel
;aha Inoue: teleetee
48ij:cal boat;,, G.¢,at,^ie,,•i::>
get tD4o Ae't°d•1at Blare
:lr: - tli ale what• ¢tee :let °¢�e litw+,
wvlit'ee:' 1 have veer!! Ilaby';
Own Tiablf•t.i tilt' orotate) time :i1:dl tarn
well ::.ttietflpal with them. They stat«
!direly the t alydlfc ne I l;r.ew e1
for littie ones." What till::. 'Ialetie
sates thoueande of other ntotitera .:ay.
Ont'e they bave used the Tablets for
° their children they mead wee nothing
else. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative; are absolutely free
from oedema, narcotics or other harm-
ful drug, and may be given to the
youngetst baby with perfect safety
and good results. They are sold by
I:rediddine dealers or by mail at 25
vents a. box, from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co.. Brockville, Out.
gual;f* white is reepo uablde for a great
deal ot ml';underet;Lnding among us as
to tiro ehararter of the English public
in medieval time,.. it Is the word
"'merry:" It is met with constantly in '?
fiction, where it really belongtt, as
lending local color to the olden slays,
and els 11. to +
o this rival relics.
The: natsund.erstnndhag on our part
arises from the fact that the word had
a very different meaning in those
days. The English of medieval times
were no more rollicking or boisterous d
than those of to -day. The word meant
"happy, ,• "contented,„ ""satisfied," •
"`pleasant" and "peaceful.- Of all •
these meanings, that of "'peaceful'" is .
probably the closest to it.
There was nothing incongruous.
therefore, in the hope of the religious
Englishman of those days for u "mer-
ry death," and by that sante tendency
which leads the human race. when not
too bound up in conventions, to name
its children after its hopes and, as-
pirations, "Merydeth" would often be
Dominion Registration for
Silver Foxes.
Many silver fox ranches in. Canada.
are still unaware that a step of para.
mount importance to their industry
has been carried through this year. It
Is now possible for any fox owner, if
he possesses pure-bred pedigreed
stock. to seeure registration of the
same with the Canadian National Live
Stock Records, Ottawa. This, has been
brought about by the formation of the
Canadian Silver Fox Breeders' As-
sociation, with headquarters at Sum-
merside, P.E.T, Full information can
be obtained by writing to the Secre-
tary, E. 7 L Monkley.
added as a sobriquet tds a child's name, c
becoming a family name in the course `iii b t' edn3s f- riend
of time in a great many instances. i
•The family name of Merriman is ac-
counted for quite similarly. .A. merry
man in those days was a_ peaceful,
contented, happy man. not necessarily
a laughing or noisy one. This sobri-
quet was one more likely to be given
to a man as an adult than as a child,
but would have no less tendency to
develop into a family 'name, We helve
e relic- of the old-time tee ot merry-
weathee (mei'ywedyr) , in the , use of
""fait weather" in that song which he -
gins, "'It's always fair weather- when
good,. fellows , get together-." The
family name of Murray is, of course,
for tlte,naos•t part of Celtic origin, -hut•
when it is not, it merely a corrupted
spelling of Merry, from the old forme,
auch as t."Richard le Mery." -
llllll)11lBlill�tl)tlfliil tlinllnlh'llhlilln! rasiunlllnnlrllllilinntinimHIhllntl1lin
.Reedy -Cooked Food
For Breakfast or Lunch
Crisp granules of wheat and anal*-
ed barley sweet as abut' from
special processing and long baking...
No need to sprinkle le su r on your
cereal when you use Grape.Nuts
bed DC !^.
a ' Re_son" a, ,7�
1 in391s1i1i13lllf� 3itlili lldliil�tl3: 31Aiiniiti lii?liilil i�;;l.Ijz Uijjtiig�i t[UliIfl�
The Origindtt rind Only Genuine ^
Buildings on the Sun.
Well: into last century it: was be-
lieved that the sun was inhabited, not
with puny beings like ourselves; but
with people weighing several tons and"
of proportionate strength,
The sun, being a body of arose tre-
tnendous, size, must necessarily have
inhabitants worthy of its grandeur.
And, having men, women and children,
it must have buildings in which to
house them and to carry on their in-
dustries, •
Hence some observers, with an in-
genuity' which did credit to their
imaginative faculties', were certain
that they had discovered bu'ildings.on.
the dark, solid body of the sun; The
build ge were not claimed to be in
regulars formation, such as a vast d:it.3*
in the sun might be supposed to con
tent, batt were merely ""traces,"
That was how these observers al-
lowed their imagination. to ruff riot.
As a fact, what they actually` saw
was not a dark body on the sun at all,.
for it possesses none, but dark open-
ings (c fused by upi'ubh. of gas) in
the sun s flaming , These
openings- we iinoW . as ran-spotb, 11111
the differences in 'Joe shading of, the
spots wweletalA_"511 to be buildings be -
sidle which St. fettles Cltthedt"ai W'ould'
be a iliere toy.
Poor tired. feet --
Walked all day
danced all night.
fIE, .K;1FE
Ear quick and sure relief. Soothing
and refresh ng,
littIt uloid l to CO, ei i.
agents lar 3)r. Jules sengu
Why Don't You?
why don't you try to be cheerful.
To loot: at the bright side of thing
To think cf the eloud's sillier Beteg.
. id not of the shadow it brings?
It isn't the Stan with the grutuabde
Who gets to the top all the whi'-e.
Bet the reap who care laugh at tnlefor-
-Awl try ores again with a smile.
Wee- - doter you try to be hopeful?
To hope is to half win the tight;
e.' the stere when there's naught e e
t0 steer t,y,
Teat leads freet blue: tlarltrivee to
i1e h'^iiefati, Dtut Still with your trop ltd ;.
?leave nothing to clew(e all two
f• *:lt"? hone that i31ove
lief+: *:ache.
5.-s^le .i ra?oai vein,, glory atad fa¢eta•.
i �'1-••.�' 0141':,'."," •T/?t trey to be 1ila¢nefttl
ti:Cdy+341 tlrat'gs gleet yea
d 1t 1,,,. �1
a' ,, . . : r. " tls:t +Yr yy %�.. F.4 :ate
yo -
171:? lova t: �, , , ,,e7
i% ,,.ra ., »E.. ,,.a
ni:111 rC;;9C
;i::," ?%14C { w tella¢'...atwitter leteiin
t, .
uge..r •.t731 t .1,.,.,, !Int, free,- -
:.,,.deteeee ware tee" tee -et -el! awe
u a I deal,' e
t 'i 4�1 :11 (, ' 1 Y'i 4Y 3-od1:
Lie Careful Flow You Turn.
Modern r Life.
e e.
"Ido yxlu help your wife with the
""There isn't mein or both of us in
the kitchenette:"
Where Is the Lighthouse?
"I've called in refereuce to your ad-
vertisement for a maidservant."
""Ola, yes:" nervously answered the
Tate caller was very welt dressed.
though perhaps sbe did -not look very
strong for housework.
"Do you thick you could do a little
l;coeseworid?" asked, the woman.
"ii"e% mune" replied 'rive girl. "my
!matte is auot too good, and I thought
T needed a haste sea air. Will you
tell rite wti`ele the lighthoese is? Aed
tltf; we eau Rae if I cart do the job."
The Redcap Why.
ToaantF, aged rix. band been eut
a lug w;aikt, :diad eu itis return wa'
pet: to bed.
Some. time :area hie soother, going ui4 ,
his bad rant, n. found that her fond
olstiatarartg leedl gore Gil to sleep with
tt'.t :let tt .elite on teat pert of the bed :
letee tied fee tee ego.),
atiu!r C5d?liA+ h=led Sip. ad :or:'ed lAiieIl. ilt:al.,.
the Ile tlt.¢.atcl'l :iia drxlt'+.ates:trial
Talo 4'147.4344y tat*l.• fist3 writ adl tlde:,
e a. e Kram two little eye:. , r:dl
etee d i Aeintive vet- _ as la if 2l:
"141¢3 .. rt,t,t i lir, 'D t a+
n.': Ed' 6. 're,'
4rag-: tz.: A1•. n4;.:;;a. Wee pnet'fdh,
9'•e 444 :! all :.d t t7tta:„ ; °:a ' S: .'••t
b," eine e 4'4,14
'4] ",:.'[ ?"a?. '::•:dl
iii1 2, -1+d1 till•
I otowe' nee tee d 110111 reegin,lte
Banos 1 ,tea seeiidl 1 roue. ,:1rtree1 it „
. , d1 tart t, eta:te _dale .l
t,, e e- !alit)! fed " Din frit ;bei x
tat' dl,•¢ai"ie " or tette 'i men in
F"' boctiort be the
4,111 held in Into d ti. Chile. tam/
'.l. in wile% the tuna-, or alt deuce
errangel tietrogeerhedie end the
eve•;;e ete of the iteteveu.y haale3 are t1',
,irtra.ti°di itt the dance eth at; to terse'
til 411rvectien.
We are tMt1t ¢lei tan astir a pot the l
room( nay or the ruga In our tea; P
'lti]o ntay'onuaige armee would be d
ruined if utirred tete Reay ,that then the
A gory it1 told of somo S .attielt i
boatmen who eoneidered it unlni ley to
stdsrt on n voyage, however € hurt, un
Idea they turned their craft rotate
threo times with the :sun.
It may be asked why once or (wive
would not nave an8 wcred Just an well.
The number three, however, is one
upon. which the superstition;; set great
store. Some of the ancients regurded
3t as the perfect number,for it repro-
sented tho beglnuing, the middle, and
the end; it was the Trinity.
So round went the canny Smite' boat
three times with the sun.
u.,Hs ; ."Vent ;h' ly hive :! ::t+r.;c•
Ilt:d ley -2 Mine +.iapi-; to i'. i
tete yeal"
,Ar16., a'Filt�ntlei the int^i¢.. 63.t.a a
tel ju-1 *inn of tee ee :iter Et A
wet give the h orAet'" k
' Pa de's Diapepiin" Correa:
"•.Papo's Piaapepnia" in tho ttuickeet,
sweet relief for II'addlileedti.'in, (amid,
Flatulence, Ilfeartbtlrn Salurneee, E'er
mentation e_+r 13toana:lzllistt'eas caused"
1 by acetify. A fee- tablets give almost'1
immediate stomach relief and shortly;;
the etolnaelt is corrected so you eau
eut favorite foods without fear. Large
ease cats only #10 Cents at drug store.
Absolutely hamate s and pleasant.
Millions helped annually. Largest sell -
fog dtouuleh corrector in world , ---Adv.
"'W" Leads In Surnames.
More English surnames begin with
'er than with any other letter.
The Japanese Navy, in strength,
comes third among the Powers..
A scrub sire is backed by his tail
only, a pure-bred by plan's thought-
ful work for generations.
Canada's new navy, resented by the
Britdish Government, consists of the
cruiser Aurora and the destroyers Pa-
triot and Patricia.
Canada's population is estimated at,
a little over two persons per square
mile, as against SO in the United
States or over 200 in the British Isles.
Girls! Salve Your Halr,
Make It Abundant!
storage dam at I,a Loutre Falls,
Que., will, when 'completed, be the
daxb et of its kind in the world, at a
cost of nearly '$2,000,000. It will be i
1 ''.0 feet kng, 80 feet high, flow of '
water will be regulated by 10 gates.
Ia will 'acre 100,000,000,000 cubic feet,
of water, or over faur times the quan-'•
t'ity stored in the Asset= Reservoir
in Egypt. Three hundred square miles'
of territory will be affected by the I
Pioneer Dog Rer:101es
Prook on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad.
dregs by the Author.
St. env Glover 00., Ina.
115 West Slot Street
New York, V.S.A.
Iminediat ely after a "7.lat'ldertne"
massage, your hair takes on new life,
lustre and wondrous .beauty, appearing
twice as heavy and plentiful, because
eae2i` hair sopors to 'huff and thicken.
Don't let ytour Bair Stay lifeless, color
Less, plain or scraggly, sou,: toe, vraa1t
lois of long; strong, beautiful hair.
i5 -cent bottle of delightful'":pair
de1•in:e freshens your 5 < ;^'c•tl � I, cheCtts
dabdle:le and tailing: nein This stitnu•
ietiee beauty ionic" gives. to thin,
d tall' ,fa i7g bele taOt youthful bright -
peesand alzundo:nt tIiickneee,—Ali
(iI'ltM"']S to d
A Kidney Remedy
Kidney troubles are frequently
caused by badly digested food
which overtakes these organs to
eliminate the irritant acids
fornned. Help your stomach to
properly digest the food by
taking lStto 30 drop: of Extract
of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, and your kidney
disorder will promptly dis-
appear. Get the genuine. y
Mrs. A. Crawford
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Little Girl
"My little girl's trouble started
with small pimples on the back of
her head and they spread
downherback. Tliepirn
pies were herd and red
and they itched and
burned terribly. She
scratched and irritated -
thein and they later de-
veloped into sore erup-
tions. Her hair fell out and became`
thin and dry, and scales fell off on.
her clothing.
" t used a free sample of Cuticula
and the pimples commenced to dry
up. 1 bol, ht more and when 1 had
used one cake of Cuticura Soap and
one box of Cuticura Ointment she
"las healed." {Signed) ars. Alonzo'
r 1 f_ d, 33 Parker St., Bangor,
Maine, Sun. 22, 192d.
For every f
e purpose o the toilet and
hath Cuticura Soap, bi-i mnent and
Talcum 2a•.4,., wonderfully good,
Soate25c. Oint.aet,t25att150c, fata:612.,"c, Sold
throughout thetktot11,xtion , CanadienDenot:
I, Aug, "united, 344 Si. Pail St.. "+y„ 141entrahl.
� Cuticura Saxe ahavee without mug.
Class Ded Advertisemet ts.
tion and price. afotut .3, 1314e1Ee
hippewa ]trails, Wis.
Fur Breeders Association.
II An itnport$nt meeting or fur farad•
era was held le Montreal during haft.
recent exhibition of live ,silver foxes..
Representatives were present from
both Eastern and Western Canada aged
a national organization, to be called;
the Canadian: Fur Breeders Associa-
tion, was formed. It will have much
the same relation to the fox- armlug
industry as the several National Live.
Stock Assoclatious have to their re-
spective branches of animal husband.
ry. NationaI records for pedigreed
foat;eewill be kept in future by the
Live. Stock Records Branch of the Bo-
miuioa Departnteat of Agriculture:
Mr. Fred L. Rogers of Atberton,
Is secretary of the new As oetattor,
I'ay your ono -of -town ateouute by
Dominilom Express :loney Order, Five
Ijultars costa three cents.
Irish Have biggest Heads,
A London bntae"r saye that freemen
have the b?cge t heads, Scotelinieu
teeming next end Elcgti'si2nen t➢aird.
fit:nerd's Liniment Relieves Alstempar
Wle n we eats rima ? tai..`i i3 a?.7nse.
we c10 r. at
aneari that he is , itber rot d
Buri' oto d- *s t:0 fete pl:ar.e„'' gilh
needles o"A teat'1:.1.. ry at a rate of
er, ie;1 'ay
i:a*;.I, u.1ra1.41"i.4'-¢t 9 1,ttc,i5 ? �q•
Only 3 d e$a nerrd 1,
Warnil g', 'E'nlesn sou ice the a t tc
"Bayer" on package. tar din tablets year
aro trot getting Aspirin nt aU. Tale)
Aspirin only as told In the Bayer Pack-
age for Colds, Headache. Neuralgia.
Rheumatism, Berache, Toothache, Lune
bago and for Pain. Then you will be
following; the directions and dotage
worked out by physician;; during
twenty-one years and proved safe by
millions. Handy tin boxes of twelve
Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few
cents. Druggists also sell larger pack-
ages. Made in Canada. _Aspirin is the
trade mark (registered In Canada), .
of Bayer Manufacture of Flonoacett-
cacIde:ster of Salicylicacid.
is always reaay to
tease rheumatism,
s t A T the very first twinge, dow;i
s""a comes my bottle of Sloan's;
then quick relief? without rubbing,
for its stimulating and scaatterd
congestion. The boys use it for
staff' muscles, and it helps Sally's
backaches, too." 35c, 70c,
"California Syrup of Figs"-
igs"Child's' Best Laxative 3
Arcept"`California" Syrup of Figs"
only -look for the name California on
the package, then you arca sure. you.,•
<r e• host ..f.
child is> having ...loo bzai <an__ ince~ ..
l axmlesa physic for the little stomach.
H n
liver and bowels. C2lilcl.'a." love its
fruity taste. Fall direct'lone en otanil
{{ bottle, fon must say,`!Oulitornl'a.'