The Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-20, Page 2The Latest in Knitting
Tao corticeui WoolSoak.. eutitled
"Fail and Winter Sports, No. 1,' is
chuck fult of the niftteet and =et
up -to -d to color illustrations and
knit lug directions for Winter wear.
Cap. vests, scarfs, sweaters, stock-
tege, toque:4, etc.
Send 15e in sts.nms for COP.
Belding -Cortical umiteci
Marl W
Your safeguard is the ame
This is the g,: -ie stea. 01 all teas%
If you do not use Saiadari; scufl us a post card for a free
sample._ stathig the price yon now pay and if. you use
Ulack, Green or Mixed Tea, Address. Salara.a.,Toronto
He Teaches the Rattle.Brain a Few Fine Points of Smali
Fawn Newspaper Ethics.
"I've run a hale paper in a little
i town for over a quarter century, •son-
and I've learned that going care-,
fully and making sure I'm right about
e things and being considerate of other
:folks's feelings', and printing only
thing's Fil like to see printed about
I 'myself if conditions were reversed, is
fthe course that 'pays best in the end.
Now, how about it, sonny? Do you
want to come back and take that job?"
But the Dieks boy couldn't say any-.
thing-. . i
go , "All right --then it's all settled,' an-,
. ..71 nounced the old editor. i
waiter:tie siege - Taranto, oat.
:collect locals, I want someone who' Leaving • the thoroughly chaetened I
girl wife, who
The boy tried to defend himself.!ean write bright mat spiey little items hoy alone with hwhose
His grasping fing,ers tightened around i of human im:cr"st for the 'TelegraPie eyes were shining through her tear.,'
a peoof lybrayer. He struek out insane- i ehd liven up its prosy old columns. But Sean passed out of the room'and the . The Wry man went down and was, it sgot to be someone who can watch house, and Walked leisurely .43NVII to
trodden underfoot. But in that diet out for awl write stories a local m- School, Street. ,
stant other hands laid hold of Joe, He: tereet that haven't any gaff in them' He turned in at 'dirs. Mather' gate,i
i 1
into human folks and leave a., to report a loeal for that night's
waiejerked abruptly in another dieee-------------- nb
"Tel ore h " He wrote it bimself:
the bobbing heads and shoulders a the i what's baPPened V' :Made friends by the bundrede during.,
eoueln't fret a better man if I traveled teacher a r w is • • f..• ). '
, a lhOL1/114 MHOS and searched a, hurt- very sue from a reeent indis- i
nncl get a rope!" . - . . idred years. What's bappened has. vac-. position at her hoine with Mrs. Ebenh,
"Smaeli the hardware store window - ' - -
ezer Mathers en Selleol Street. •
., •Dieles boy. His Lend - seemed to ex- !against being rambanctious and ine-!eiglair,nanhde ii)luernle'etidtoA. hsi•sgih'sligollfte"tAl c;:ti
The next instant something hit thel ciliated yea sonny—vaccinated you!
, float -ha literary indiscretion.. It's been et- to learn where he
,piode. There was a eearing pain all perthieett ilud even, to Any more Rtis' eounts Receivable"
"When I began Ting thirty-.
i and the meat from two pork chops; ed gently away on a merciful clouts Of tough lesson, se/ - 1 el • le - ' -
-me, bue am eou if e could collect eighty dollars' worth ou
bills to meet his pay roll .ort the-fol-
iiing Houseitorii Easier. grinder a Itfa,11-07Mla of rotind steak threugh him. He iloated, fleeted,
two eawe aged', weites a -progreeeiee f„: add a cupful of milk and a eupful of tlorkne:ts-,Into oieilvion. - : /earned it---" 'lowing afterneon. •
bodily.. He went throogh the door on "Rut nw—me for /hat job, aeierl ?Miss Angelina Lasher, who has.
mase. - "Certainly you for that job, sonny; her long. term as a successful school
"Get a repe!" cried house voiees. ou to ineoneales g
W not? After what happened I
tion. He felt himetlf being lifted! e i yo—'
; They eraatheti Jeff Tu' -,window! -But the towr word: stand fer we!" is euseness ihei 4)11
-Th" - • e dam'
'&'•42:- -aa-i*-1'allis4.'i vue eg.g' a small ell"" in a twit-at:big and unreeled thirty feet eota, dee, the; woe, .L VC had maid' thing after enotiner:' comment -A
make. use cif everyziiiied -*het -voted' "•nit'l are ''Ve""-criral O'orinti
etiette tieuieeeerene eateier, sa I• begau" ea t andeaPPer t25t, noose was :zapped aremel the boy ilfor. the promiscleue damage, I've had
* „ o: new hemp. It was thrown out. A;dtitteeet elearcel an arel settled mostly' iiiitteelY.
with a weside aeneehire er i “ wr aig - ' in a 1-aitecihi Pan; covev with 1310-114." e3 fialirt'e
e - yoar 'hop etraighteleed oat—the darn
eta tt-hhde v -ere ioneda. rai f ret parer c 4 courebe; belie for about an hour. :,.The iiitemeee pieta Th4. illril ow . age, teateede o. entarlied deelei
4, .
Seeighetti with Sewage tastes geed Pole:" ir,••-o 1:0cly Was torn i'1141"% arid artaed to -Pet iloosn't tintralat to a
(The End.)
Moon Feast in China.
"I an: aew reieny la did weuther. Run a !IX-pout:a of doily thri ugh tiw aust ;me thrt. :leengreat let, yo3 ,our toed the f The /elven orfailing leaves ratio a
devieee, emcee:, cheat, ore of, tOel. beef tire az on en thraugh the g:proultit,int pietie in the Int taut; mutat
who hail Eniocl badly in the erneas, and, sole, vald :Tinilvurse aoteede-otel
C%ettetineevasie whitio fatteine meat 0;i -darer; then raid with thee weree,inaiteetiod with pi:in pea de..1 your reeddy. Thet tiiiidam stand for f,•etival ceiebreteu toe olowees
teleatlee:. rws.t.:ebbli:roeuie ti nt in cteitItottiettfr.ii10::. 31:del= if eta; ga /0 lath ado,dhese wet et -cording to a iiier in the
pt•rtie suffeeed tae whase fetdiege N'42th "lin" Hem"' re9qPn.
CUTS use it in eittati, lerde tub er „ pet the epeithetti aril the .1)103t, ia fo:e; t oo es if he were done., you've :,:art, arr,17,(.11 $(u•re soy 1., y di nt W00% V(..e:17-opranied )1' offerings
al:elegize Lite a man and show; Gr frail* roP vf"TIncellY ePle'
pad!. al: 3 -.:111 it I van wee% any,. ", iiil•erd in a hiitti've I baking Only Joe Hielie wti de
nye ler. :him oeu did it ell ilieeugb mieundtire beetel. There are feaete end rejoic-
of ie„neat, ididd eeler with hdttedee eareing, n2nr.g midiee came a burly 0-ever:en:ie. They're very heman elide -debt, the !tour for tetneeipiiiii the
iftede ,:ediatii weal ,-,ver toixture a. enpfuli tlent frerseitel. teal:tong and th,)//iiiiitieeeeper, i./et iteteilit ;it
. • •
d de„. dine died is• eetatedis; and haLe until brown. Th:s figure—the ugare n liet.te• ited , ia the, town. If you've learned your eieoa. The verr Pooreet have th'"?3.
eeitiees nroi Ard w alooes eciee ae d
It ,va an confese „your misstep,
1 than cursing. Ile was fighiina also. help and guide you Beeause all of leas: n.mon ealie, a delicacy olitaireibie 'tidy
-- a o ----------------------------------------- - ----lal ' iS Verr l',4141 W.tb th: sato-awe a -one, cursing hinieeif. He was doing more hundred hands will be extended to:
d twirehned .T. cid, deedge, the seded• nm; aihnee. Fele:t a frA wittol is wherever he hit rut, men and fl ee& ethinge, a times that we're sorry ear ,,, the roofs, and fire balloons NN ill : triage
tet a. 7 ireeiree ehee, place. Sait t el malie.e an otatias He w•as fighting demaraieay. And make MiFtalleS,, Sormy. All of us do ' lighte• lanterns attaebeil to pelt
at Ole time of the yeer. There ere
vv. I :dee eite the iittle- snap fesieners • "4
" • • •
"I keve a treed -mixer. a geed feo.le , di
n:erlat in cell water,1-e e are dispatchei ;aloft.
eLeet clean ore. Thad; are! fee; weeh and seek over eavre giving way before him. Sturdily niterevaed and wiede we could undol 1
o era( N re , _ 3
Ell Troto dri nidli.-•:' 3.7•2cAer Itiini,t:96hk,-.47et '• '\'''''n''' e 174'''''r c' : - i 114 itainoterial—ine younger teen was ac- and easygoing. .1% theTlinfp'1(linoerse,ruort,7 zitIliiit.;gir.huti,,iwtgieta,,nt,o1
p : hie back etane a second slighter and At heart ordivary emalletown folk are
in t(.,,ek:11:1 res!ite„.: - :',1,,,„ ,-,,,,it,,,,j figu, But size was lenient and forgivin aud sympnthetic
iieuntin fer a nuiny heads as the t
i Que e ulna- thiu flow et teem&
kaangh among thou to _get down to* adjourned te tlie palace yard to view
pee de, er, wh:ea torte 4-irins zuld et' put in a. eta The seeret of their nregree.s lay in 'the bed rowit awl the hard para of ; the een rad the magivien. caat-
ketees foz. it / 01.-ct1 SerVe (11 a pie ter t
weaponeb They were armei with heman natnie tirarting dee,. cone " " 3 •
can eardei: reach the far F:z:e c: td.e miit•dii •a-oce n-tein • the e• ge- ball eaabs. T had tan! iwiel a the ouglaly. tea in Ira et
dee sn Nva9bIng. drdit and - ear-h.y. Seer,. with eseallooed to- our eftlee years befori. after an awful Ably hunahled and a:livened and peni-PratisPertei to th LI?"' a
The Melts bey was humbletleater..! and bade the enineror eross. C,r4141 eo
even. I have a wi'd'h rd -P Unreidia viiiit lemeet sprit:hie with bats that the Ilarie lieys had left in
- 41 I. •
emeider one fair we -:iih:og etzil'ee.
• , • t. ore' larriePS :4t the pitlaee of the Ineon.
v:h .1. can do whit a ball intiyhe I arn a raosebaek. But Here titere was en ernertaienicnt in
at • fil`41
OPerlinn• outward. eeeker eeneo awat. The re isee eaihi, for three eup- Pris•ng
eub when he desi:es to gee attention it's better to
.. an. :a toy einenmett • • * end ti tl te Le a mossback thaii a' progreee and the royal visitor gave
tains fon eiteleee, 4 • • ftl!": brIC4 rice thrie earfuls oi"
' ton'et "ti
druid -ding at the bawls of the North tent. good touriet, he made haele to ei-it all
.1 have a siltdiet, wadi tedidit, mild II Peealineee etedi,tee, "4 died make leeobare lone. And the bats made ex -1 "And I called you a Ma$Sbacic!" he', platidis of intereet and la due etatree
celleInt bludgeons. It is rcelly sure' eaid.
dem; at. ihe ten and de.,, --1 tni, Id , an exeeilent dish to re ra.,' whh fish or
. . c ton in le cen te of a crowd. irattlebrain arty time sonny After melees up to. Eon and dance, Ite.
K 4 per bottom, and heids a galled d'if three stalks of firely eut celery, and breathiees, red-faced, hyeterical hint.: are mossbacks? Aren'tthey mostly,
zuli d what': turning to the earth he comet -teed a
atdoa, as wen. le le made with u coo.' ., rt, et ;ler earineal or freela two or„ "Stand baek!" reared Sant Hod,— all, conic r.ight down 'to it,
guar.. kids ,iiit to taste. Piece in layers in bale- self. "What are you hop: thinking of? people who have gone through a. lot Pn(qn in praise of the MOGI% The fame
water. 1 eeeli fourteen one -
hot jars with a litrici e,atent I:eider. ' dc,t whit bite .e butter; bake until !fare Inc erase" with exeitement to be cautious and long, -headed and given:,
and, of his viRlt spread, and to this day. the
tooperofn nocturnal trip is an anneal
of fruit in it atiene time, removirre the mg dieh with lareati-erumbs on top; It's murder your eel -emitting, but aril learned to melte haste slowly,
• I hymn Mk is a te use Imow it! You ean't Iiineh a man up to looking a a proposition from ail -musket for rejoicing in China.
1....,. a n sit.ft. ea.iin awl hate ae - here in -this country! The town won't sides bef-ore being willing to plunge
separate', also a see ei email vales left -oven,. end the proportions of rice stand for it! Back out of the way ahead? Aren't they folks who have
and a email griedeitone, both of which and tomato rimy be varied somewhat.: there! Give it to 'em. Pinkie! Lam- paid for their experience with money
1 keep in my late -tem i tie 1. celere, 1. riot eesen za . as C(' ere bast their eternal daylights out and or shame or bitter experience, and
eaves my. egg—for I de loee diead: be used. !awl reason!" lcount from the things that don't really cannot sail the seas and be mere than
world gives the imprees.ion that ono
44e use d coffee pereedatee„ wh•ena sait or the dried crushed leaves may teach 'em common sense end tioolness , learned to distinguish the things that
: t„
coffee. I have a witemairdideaner, a; liedeliit stew with onions melon ad Through the great riot plowedthe , count? . All of us gather a little moss a few hundreds a miles from land, it
earpet.eweeper., a er,ma.,banillea floor' nourishing and appetizing dish. Into' fighting editor, leaving a wake of bat- as we grow older, sonny. All of us is quite possible at several points to
brash, and a teeeeleatem di:m..440th: a stewpan put one-fourth of a pound tered and bruised and bleeiling human- cool down and go slower and think
be actually 1,000 milefrom the n•etu
lio!der for wipingclown wails and eel- of baeon eut into eubee, three large or ity behind him. Straight through to before we act-. There have to be moss- s e
' ' ' twelve mall onions, sii•eed. When hot, 'Joe Dick's limp and uneonetioue figure backs in society, sonny, to a -et as bale ospio,In.,,vtlfn,,laNt\id,e,-0-eie.c..en a tiny islet,
bags. with the halter aboet its Awed he enee wheels for those who would make says '' `' '* •II -
"I made e eeverel shoe box for the; ni. ' a rabbit that has been skinned clubbed his Way, alld mairec: the bov the world over in a day and do a Sailing northwest front San the olFrancis-
kitchen. It boovershees and a nice seat be- i and onions on all sides until they are! "I'm a peaceable mini" he roared. co, one can melt a spot where there
lds old ?201'S and and tut into pieces. Turn the meat ' with hio
s ne free arm, rushed - and badly botched job.
sides. i a golden 'mown. This takes about "I'ma peaceable Inan and generally ..-
"41. wheelharrew for tiainido iduedi three-quarters of an hour.. Then known as something of a mossback.
to the house from the big etioodpile 1 sprinlde the pieces of rabbit with flour. • But I ain't fongetten how to get law
was reatle t! two old poiworaddliee add, add salt, pepper, two tablespoonfuls and order and justice. Burrows! Jam
aeon! Barnes!_ Waterman! What do
a east -off ;Awe! 1' r :-, In an old wheel -I of vinegar and a• little boiling water; you think you're doing?" And he
barrette ole1,edeee, td Anew the whole to simmer over a -
. . were mined ., 5 ped at four young men who stoop-
gether to forma box. then nailed to slow fire for an hour, being careful s'i-
ed for the rope attached to. Joe Diek's
the foundation.
In this wheel -barrow, not to let the gravy dry out. Garnish neck.
the men wheel a two days' supply ei with chopped parsley. There is nothing that will bring a
wood to the kitchen door. As we pass Shoo -fly pie is a favorite dish. Use mob to its .senses quitker than calling
in the•Iiitelie-n door. :t is caey to pick i three even cupfuls of flour, one cits individual members by name. Itup- •
tap an armful of the wood mei bringfed of brown sugar, three-fourths of a fixes responsibility for the damageafoot, and when responsibility begins.
it in. We have is Tann and a sink s• lit
; cupful of butter and lard mixed, and to be fixed the mob spirit immediately the idiehen one teaspoonful of baking -powder. Mix
"We have used a (let -ideal indoor these ingredients together into
toilet for three years and would not erumbs, and reserve about one-half
get :derma without it. cupful of the crumbs to"eprinkle over
"And now that I am getting to- feel
a little old at times, and have to plan
to keepyoung-looking, my . daughter
(who is imarried) and I have bought
World's Longest Island.
Though a glance at a map of the
a dress -loran in partnership, so we ean
Et our dresses. We do our own sew-
"We own our home, but we are far
from rich, and I have had to use my
head in order to save in every possible
Some Excellent Recipes.
Mock duck—Run through the meat -
Bulk Carlota
0,3 •
It takes a joint of beef to •
make a bottle of Bovril.
Has not changed since 1914
&furze Price, Same Quality,
Same Quantity.
subdues. Lifelong habits of morality
and obedience to law and order re-
assert themselves.
Still hurt and hysterical, but some -
the top of the pies. Mix one cupful of what cowed and sullen, they. permitted
black molasses, one cupful of boiling the "fighting mossback" to secure the
unconscious boy firmly. Sam drag -
water and one-half teaspoonful of
oed the young editor back across the
baking soda. Porn -this over the "' •
street, across the ear tracks and the
erumbs and mix lightly. Lille -Pie curb and the walk. 'He swung Joe
plates with crust; pour in the mixture around and dumped him in on the floor
and sprinkle dry- crumbs over the top, of the "Telegraph" office, and pulled
then bake. This quantity will make the door closed. Then he turned and
filling for three crusts. • • faced the crowd.
But the scrap was over. Individual
mischief makers had been recognized,
and panic seized them at the retribu-
tion that might follow.
They scattered.
The editor stood pugnaciously in his
An Improvised Double Boiler.
After some experimenting I have
found a satisfactory substitute for a
double boiler to cook our cereal. I
took a 'three -quart enameled basin, an own doorway, his clothes half rapped
old porcelain -lined kettle of about the fromhis torso, his bronzed cheek
same diameter, but with little
bleeding from a gash near one eye, his
or no
flare, and a pie tin of the same diam-
eter. To use, I fill the kettle two-
thirds full of water and set to heat,
then turn the required amount of He turned when he saw the danger
water into the basin and heat. When was over. He stepped back inside,
boiling I add salt and the cereal, stir- and -laid his club on the exchange
knuckles swollen and battered.
"The cowards!" he cried. "The
cowards! And I was just getting ready
to fi htt"
ring until it boils up, thea set the bl.
"Half a dozen times in the past five
basin into the kettle, covering with
years I've been on the point of throw -
the inverted pie tin with some sort of ing them war clubs out," he said.
weight on top. The kettle bail lifts «Now I know what they're good for.
the edge of the basin, giving the nec- They beat editorial firearms all hol-
essary vent for steam. No further low!'
attention is required for an hour, when All night long, on a bed in Gam
if the water has been kept boiling, the Hocreahouee up on Walnut street, the
cereal will be ready to serve, though Dicks boy babbled senselessly and the
it may be cte little wife cried outside.
ooked longer.
apple dumpling, ,etc., I use the same
corn bread, pudding, , Then, at noon of the next day, Sam
entered the bedroom to find him sob -
When steaming
_ bing like the fatherless, friendless, and
basin, but a large iron pot instead. -a altogether pitiful lad that he was. The
the small kettle. I fill the pot ligf editor smiled sadly. He swung over a
full of water, place a grater or sim- chair. .
ilar article in the bottom, set in the "Peeling better, gamy ?' he asked.
basin, cover it with the inverted pie "Narreve squeak you had! Hope it
tin, then cover the pot with an in- won't,happen again."
h, 'what'll I do? What'll I do?
verted pan the same diameter as the
pot, with -weight On top.—G. IC. L. They've wrecked afld euined any paper.
• lely money's all gone, and I haven't
even got a job to support Nan and
Poland, the recreated State, Consists - e
tne baby --
of 120,000 square milee, with a
tion of 21,000,000. the `Telegraph/ nay boy. You see, I
poptila" "Sure you've got a job, sonny. On
1 Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc. wanta boy to ge around this town and
. . .
s land for 1,000 miles in any direc-
tion. The same thing oral= if a voy-
age is taken southeastwards from the
most southern point of liemehatka,in
Eastern Siberia.
Between Cape Horn and New Zee..
land, In the Southern Pacifica point
eau be reached from, which the nearest
land is distant more than tfreive hun-
dred mike,
Kerguelen Island, in the Southern
Indian Oceaii, is over three thousand
miles from the nearest mainlazd, aud
may -lay claim to being the meet iso-
The Fairest Thing.
The fairest thing God ever made
For human eye to view
Is God's dear sky eloutilets strayed,
Widte fetes and sea, of blue:
Forever r»e without a sound
Those floating hilts of snow; .
Bat whence they come or ^ whither
Only the wind eah
d teem.
The feta aof a myried :nen
Have mueed upon the sight!
And wouJered es they gazed again
Aad felt their idearte term light;
Semetioitig uunatnel that pureneee
Dinh tiirenea the sow
To streinelieu etal to guide at lat
The eeirit
Highest Railway Stations
The bie
ghit railwey ilet:ons, with
their (devildoes in feet above sea -
level, in the teepective province:a of
Camila, are tie follows:
Nova Scotia, Folleiala 612mfeet;
New Brunswick, Ada:a LOOS feet;
Prince Edward Nand, North Wilt-
shire, 311 feet; Quebec. Boundary,
1,8;i0 feet; Ontario, Dundalk, 1,705
feet; Manitoba, Erickson, .0•j3 feet;
Satekatchewan, Senate, 3,171 feet; Al-
berta. Mountain Park, 5,.l) feet; Brie
tisk Columbia,5
Stepheu, ,332 feet;
Yukun, Meadows, 2,021 feet.
t4inard's Liniment :Relieves Colds, etc.
Preparations are already being made
for the annual carnival to be held: at
Banff amidst the glories of the Cana-
dian Pacific Rockies. Banff is ideally
situated for winter sports and this
season the dates have been fixed from
January 29th to. February •5th in-clu-
sive. The Secretary writes that the
programme is to be considerably ex-
tended. He says:
"Our Ski Hill has now been com-
pleted in accordance with the sugges-
tions made by the world's champion,
Anders Haugen, of Brooten, Minn., and
we are confident that a new 'world's
record will be established on our Hill
this Carnival. We have decided. to of-
fer a substantial cash prize to the man
who can beat the present world's re-
cord and to supplement this cash prize
with a further prize of $10.00 for every
foot or portion of a foot by which the
record is broken on our hill. We will
also follow the same principle in con-
nection With the amateur • champion-
ship only in that case the inducement
or reward will be in the. shape cf an
especially attractive prize. We have
at the present time four different
jumps, so that we will be in a posi-
tion to stage competitions in all claes-
es of this very spectacular and hair-
raising s.pert,
• "We expect that ladies hockey will
be a very important factor in Aar
sports this season. We have already
been advised that the lathes of Van-
couver, under the leadership of Mr.
Frank Patrick, of professional hockey
fame, expect to compete. The Re-
gents, the Cha-mpions. of Western
;;;:ealeekIin, and it isANWeeeeas.
Canada, of CaTlgary;: e, also different sports indulged
expected that the fireworks thsplaY
toenretshtiensge. 'occasions will be most in -
"Special attention , will again be
given to art and fancy skating, and
competition in these items on our pro-
gramme prothise to be very interest-
ing. ',.The Connaught Skating Club of
Vanconver, with a membership of al-
most three hundred, has written say-
ing that the Club will be well repre.
eented, and if we could be assured of
some entries from Hasterd Canada
and the States, together with the as.:
eared entries we will have from Win-
nipeg; Calgary, Edmonton and Saska-
toon, this feature of our programme
would be one of the biggest events
ever attempted in Canada, Applica-
tion will be made to the Amateur
Athletic 'union of Canada to have all
these contests representative of the
Canadian Championships."
of Calgary, a team from Edmonton, a
team from Vulcan, Alberta, and per-
haps teams from Winnipeg and Ottawa
are .all expected to be on hand and
compete with Vancduver and Ottawa
for the Championship of Canada.. A
very elaborate trophy, together with
ten very attractive and costly prizes,
will in all probability be announced a
little later in connection with this
event. -
"An ice palace will be constructed on,
a basis -far more eXtensive than any-
thing heretofore attempted and the re-
sident. engineer of the Demition Gov-
ernment is now at work preparing the
Plhas for same. 'We -expect this -pal-
ace, when illuminated, will be a view
that will long live in the memories 'of
those who will be:fortunate enough to
visit us and se l it: The palaee will be
stornaek at different times during the
CartiVal by representatives of all the