HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-13, Page 8EXETER A 1VD1ULTB, THURSDAY,/ JAN. 1a 1821 Exeter Markets. Charmed each Wednies, lay Wheat ,, < • . L90 Barley: new , 65 to 75 tats, anew .. , y .50 Family Floe ,..,, 1111,, .,.5.60 Feed Flour .., ,,, moo.. Miran, Held Eggs „ .4114." 11.111.1. New ? dggs «11 72 Dairy Butte; �.. «..11,. 54 to 57 Creamery Butter ,. , 62 Lard ,,,...,.. 30 Potatoes , ,.. .,.1,25 Hay Hoar 1111, �n y =•a Harveys* ` iA46 Mass T. White d will move o town �. 1111 14,25 immediately afterhis. sale on Jan. 21. Local Doings The Ontario Legislature will meet on January Z,Sth. Tho Western Ontario Dairymen's Association twill meeit io London this Year on the 12th and 13th of January. Charles W. a iihe, well known to many herr, and in this section, and who was a p oiaaaent Mason, died sudden- ly of heart trouble it. St. J;oseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday. Mr., Walter Reddy, who recently sold his Sant in Usborrae has rented the dwelling on Main Street ownedby • your groceries ;from . ,.try- Food Counter: CARD OF THANKS. :- ►.roots having retired from the ' .p e.:. to asiress wishes to thank • his mora -o l patrons and fiends for at„rr past :,.. s.a, and would ask that the same ..4,:: al patronage acid court- eses la- ec ataed his successor, Wm. Sires. He w_•:•es to also state that he wll coati:ue the insurance business azul las op, :tan oftiee at Xs borne. FOR SALL, Durham Grade, bull calf, 1 good cite. Came January 5t1i. W. A. B ikwill, Phone 123. NOTICE OE TENDER. Sealed, tenders will be received for 4 cords 4 It body wood, beech or maple to he delivered at S. S. No,, 1 Stephen ,on cr before .lurch 1st. Receiving o. tenders to close on Feb. 10th, 1921. FRED H. HH OGART, Secy-Treas Ie you waa. to .order a daily paper o, magazine, or reaew a.present sub- sa:ri;at on, lease your order at the Advo. ate. Oftiee, We save you paper, envelope, Postage stamp and cost O motley order nod when clubbing alit-! tae snore besides. DON' t" FORGET TO BRING YOUR ;oTORAGE BATTERY TO THE IsXIDL SERVICE STATION 4IILO SNELL FOU) DEALER, EXEThR TURNING *MILL All kinds of Turning, Gumming Saws, Etc., done on snorteat notice. S. J. V. CA1vN, Phone 115 DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between. C. L. Wilson and S. W. Sims as ru,•ers here, has been dissOl ted and the business in .future, will, be con- tinued by 11fr. 'Wilson. All accounts due the Iate firm ase payable to Mr. Wilson and must be settled at once, -rte If you have anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J, Wethey, Andrevr St. Apply ttt any time. 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, Wil ant and Sanders St., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 10 to 4.30. Consultation and examination free at office. NOTICE OF TENDER Sealed tenders will be received for 30 single cord of 16 inch wood, Beach and Maptle. to be delivered at the Winchelsea School. Contract to be completed on or before March 31st, 1921. Receiving of Tenders to close, on January 22, 1921. J. W. SKINNER, Sec.-Treas. NURSE -PROBATIONERS WANTED IN TORONTO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES ONTARIO HOSPITAL, TORONTO Young women ;washing to train. as nurses are offered a three years' course in mental and .general nursnn.g. Liberal lemuneratiion during probe- -Lon and training. For ,fuli particulars apply Medica S;;re_'intendent, Ontario Hos- D:tal far insane, Toronto. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in the council chamoer, in the .Town o1 Goderich. at 3 o'clock in, the afternoon -of Tuesday, 'the 25th day :of January; 1921. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday pre,cedrng the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Co. Clerk Goclerich,January 7th 1921 ANNUAL MEETING EXETER AGRICULT-'I, SOCIETY. The .Annual Meeting of the Exelter Agricultural Society will be held in the T6wa} [at 1, Exeter, on Thursday,. January 20th, 1921, at 1.30 o'clock p.m, for the purpose` of electing President, V,fcre-President and Directors for the ensuing year and transacting other important business. All members and ;interesting parties should attend this meeting. The :Directors are particularly re- quested to meet before the annual meeting at 1 ' o'clock sharp. WM. ANDREW R. G. SELOON President Secretary The, Council and officials of meTownship of McQ: rUvray presented ..ho r retiring .reeve., Mr, J. J. Poore, with a gold watch and chain in appre- ciati,o�1 of his tweave,years service as a member of the council. Miss EVA Link of Walkerton sang a l very easing. sorra at the evening ser- vice o the Trivitt Memorial. Church o l Ourday •evening last. Miss -Link possesses a strong voce of great vol - anSe over which she has complete con tro tae many .i<xends here of His Honor Judge Dieksoa will -extend congratu- !.atitnns t4 Slim on his election as pres- ident ,of the Huron Law Association, :he position having been rendered va- cant by the resignation of • Senator Proud. toot. The Goderich agent of the Canada Magistrate Company, Frank Lawrence, ap- peared before Pollee agistrate Reid on Thursday last on a charge of breaking open a , ackage of liquor in transit, co'ztrary to the Ontario tem- perance act, and was lined $200 and Czosts. Mr. Hector Rowe of town cap- tured. the following prizes at the 25th Mutual meeting of the Huron County Poultry and Pet Stock Show meld at Goderieh:-Columbian Wyandotte put tet 2nd; Butt Orphinton, hen 2nd; Houdan. rock. 2nd, hen 1st, coekerel 1st, pullet 2nd; Sumetra game, cock 1st ,tial 1st and 2nd in hen, cockerel and pullet. At St. Thomas Show Mr, Roweiiife got three firsts, two seconds and one third for Sumetra Games. CCOUGH EPIDEMIC. The hiccough. epidemic has appeared ..ere. It is said that one -halt tea- s;xaanful of mustard in a cup of luke- warm water has stopped severe cases o£ hiccoughs. The first drink usually brings xeeef, but is some cases it acts as an oemetse and the hiccough returns, but if mustard niter is coxttinued,hocv- ever, rel.ef will will follow. The lite - cough is a toxic condition of the dia- phragm, where, the nerves are attack- ed by R twittclz or spasm. It takes in the present attack, the, nature of a half vomit,. It is brought on. by nervous- ness and worry,• It is not a contagious a ltnent, HILL-CHRISTIE. • A .quiet but pretty wedding took place on January 5th at the home of Of:. and Mrs. T. W. Christie, Madoc, Ont., when their daughter, Verna Gladys became the bride of Mr. Nelson M. Hill of Niagara Falls, son, of Mr.. and ,'Sirs. Jaynes Hill of Exeter. The young couple were unattended and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm Higgs. After trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls the young coupleare spending a few days • at the home of the ;groom's parenits here. They will i reside an Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs, Hill have the best washes of the many Exeter friends of the groom. Y.P,C,A. ROOMS OPENED. On A2on,day seNlezzietg last a goodly number of members and interested 1 peoale. attended the opening exercises of the Y,P.C.A. rooms in the Jackson&. BloThe time ,from 7 .to ,& ' was ' spent in inspecting the premises, ,af- ter which a lengthy program was giv- en. The rooms are not yet completed , but are begLan nhig to take on the ap-1 that is necessary to success. '1 In a short time they . wti1l be nicely fitted up, when a better description will be given. The. program was pre- sided over by Mr. Jos. Harvey, and admirable addresses were given, by Dr. Trueman of Toronto, Mr. F. W. Gladman, Rev. Trumper and Rev. Mc- AlQistiez. Miss Follick and Mrs. Will- iams contributed pleasing solos and the James St Orchestra gave several sel- ection. Further opening exercises are to he .held on, Wednesday and Friday evenings of this week. I. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary "rublic Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol sons Bank, Etc, Buy Province or -Ontario Gold. Bonds: S1000 Bond' due 1935 at e$943,40 $ 500 Bond due 1935 at $471.70 Yielding 6.60 Per cent.. Interest Irdif-yearly at any Bank,. Buy VICTORY BONDS at the mar- ket price Orders received by me, Money to loan at lowest rates of ' interest. Office -Carling Bk., Matin St, Exeter oIr. Henry Jones, who has been quite ;li for some little time, is avow improv - jag. Mir. Wes. Snell shipped several cars of cattle.this week to. New York and accompanied them. Dr. Trueman tof Toronto preached educational sermons in the ISiethodist Churches on Sunday. Postmaster Russell has been, off duty at the office for several; days owing to rather peer health. Mir. J. IL Grieve, ;after an attack cif hiccoughs, lasting several clays, is out around again much unproved. The Line weather of last week is wooing well into this ,week too --bright and ,fina with a, little frost at night. The angel of death entered .the borne of Mfr. and Mrs. Edgar Penhale, Lake Road, ora Dee. 29th, :and took away their little son, John Thomas, aged 13 days. GODERICH VS. EXETER -ZURICH HOCKEY Mi ATCH. The sfi;st,cy, H. A. game scheduled'. for last Tuesday, was postponed to Tuesday. Jan. loth on Exeter ice, at 8 o'clock. Do not miss thus gauze, It will be fast all the way through, as only home and home ,games are to be played, with goals' 'to coluat. It .is expected that a hockey match will be played here on. Friday night with C1:don team, DONATIONS The So:lowing donations have been received by F. A. Chapman, Treasurer of the Chinese Faanaic Relief Fund, and of the Red Cross War Relief Fund; Chinese -Rev, VVrdson's S. S. Class $.38; James St, Sunday School 529, Rev. J. D. iesile S10, Geo May $10, James St. Adult Bible Class 5.$, Miss Mary A, Tom $5; Mlrs, Milo Snell $5; Jeff Fisher $5, A. Hackney $5, Jas. Lawson $5, Mrs. Newton. Baker $3, G. Afonteith $3; Mrs.' G. Kerslake $2, Philip Horn, $2, Mrs. jhos. kernick $2 A Friend $2, Mrs. Jack Parsons $1,' S. J. Hogarth $1; •;'irs James Weekes 51, John John$ Sl-Totall.S13S. Red Cross --Rev, Wilsons S.S..Cla•s $35, James St. Sunday School $29,' Sidney Snell S7, Mss Kinsman and Class 6.36, Mrs. Thos, Kernick $2, Mrs Herb. Ford .$t, Mluss A. Kernsck $1 -Total $$.2.36, , NOSE PAINT -NOT BARN PAINT. Thee London Free. Press of Tuesday, says :--"Seventy-five gallons of 'nose' paint -enough to make the entire i op- ulation of a town, the size of Exeter soei two moons in ;the cloud -filled sky -will never reach its destination. Lic- ense Inspector J. E. ,Keenteyside con- siders the, has averted an orgy which would have made a Bolshevik meeting look like: a Sunday school picnic. At 7.30 yesterday morning the inspector seized the `painLt' in a Grand Trunk freight car. It was consigned to H. Gill, Exeter, ;from `McArthur, Irwixz, Limited, Montreal, Manufacturers of chemicals, dyestuffs, online and dry colors. The shipment was valued at 2750.00. It originally consisted of five crates with five boxes in. each. Three crates were intact. One bax was gtone from one crate and ,the fifth parcel Taxi disappeared. The waybill should have read: 'Three hundred quarts Im- perial whisky, value about $2,000," kir. T. S. Woods was in. London on Tuesday. Mrs. David Mack went to Toronto on. Saturday to intervaw a, specialist: Miss Quinton left on Saturday to spend a few week with friends in To- ronto. Mr. Mervyn Carnet, is attending the drug clerk's convent,on in Toronto this week. Mt-, John Galbraat,h of 3russels was in town Tuesday shaking hands witb old friends. . afiss Gladys Ford Delft Tuesday for Pt. Huron, where she w l resume her nursing duties. Mr, and Mrs. Harry ,E. Eiworthy left Monday morning .for California to spenda few weeks, Mx. Arthur Dutton of London was the guest of his %unclie, Mr. JohnTay.. lar, over the week end. • Nirs. Woods .returned Tuesday to her home Ian Stratford, after visiting her .i son, Pira. Tr .5. Woods'. Mrs. vHutchnson,.and daughter of Londonvisited aver Sunday at thc home of Mr. Richard Quante, Sr. Mrs. Et J. Christi(e,,wiemt to Toronto on Saturday ,ta visit,Mrs. R, R, Rog- ers. Her niece, Mass : Margaret Ro g- ers, returned with her, after a visitb ere. Mr. Thomas DaymSat- urday returned Sa urday !from London, ,where he under- went an operation for appenndicitis.He is able ;to walk about for a few min- utes at "a time. Miss violet aid Fred. Willis of Decker, Mich., visited; friends here last week, havia'ag come to'attend the fun- eral of 'their uncle, tae late Jahn Pat- terson at 1-leasa1l. Mr. and Mrs;., Frank Irwin of Inger- soll were here over, Sunday visiting the tatter's"parents, ''Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis. Nirs. Davis accompanied them home and will visit for a short time there. Trivia Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"Man's Effort a,nd God's Achievement" , 7 a.m.-"A Common Sound -A Divine Sign." Rev A. A. TrurDer, Rectors. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, 13 A, Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible classes. • Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. Educational Anniversary 11 'a.m.-"A Text; that has a, Strange Habit.g. 3 p,m.-Sunday School & Bible Study 7 p.m. -"If I were 21 again. Good music -All` Welcomed. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11 am. --"Our Corner" 3'p.m.-Sunday School and Classes. p.m. -"A Brave Syrian Commander" BETHA NY -2.30 2.30 p.m. -"A Hopeless Case," ' j Bible Among 'phase' from a distance Fat tending the funeral of the late Mrs: Crocker, wea•e,` Mr Roger. Crocker; Nir, Edw m Crockea•, v e= atad °ran, Mr: Frank Johns arid wife ,of Tgronfto, Mr: olin Shute and :Miss .Elba of Kirkton, 3 s 1 1 PHQNE 32. JONES & MAY REAT STOCK- FDECIIG SALE Jan. 13th to Feb. lst WE HAVE JUST FINISHED STOCK -TAKING AND FIND THAT OWING TO UNFAVORABLE WEATHER. CONDITIONS WE, ARE OV- EI: STOCKED IN MANY LINES OF WINTER MERCHANDISE, SO Wit HAVE DECIDED TO PUT ON A B]G STOCK REDUCING SALE. WE HAVE PUT THE KNIFE I.n;:z31' INTO PRICES SO THAT MANY RARE BARGAINS ARE OFFERED, AS PRICES QUOTED IN MANY IN- STANCES ARE BELOW ACTUAL COST, WE- MUST ASK THAT ALI, SALE GOODS BE PAID FOR I:N LASH OR BY PRODUCE. SPACE ONLY PERMITS A PARTIAL LIST OF BARGAINS OF- FERED. Shoes, Rubbers, Rubber Boots 21,O1V to 41 N'S 'EMPRESS SHOES, sixes only. Regular price up to $G.00. To clear at $1.98, $2.48 A;, $ .A8 WOMEN'S HIGII LACE SHOES, Black or Brown, all sizes. Regular price $7.00 to $9,00. To clear at ................$5,118 WOMEN'S HIGH LACE PATENT EMI - PRESS SHOES, all sizes, spool or military heels. Regular $11.00 for ................$7.49 WOMEN'S HIGH LACE RID SHOES, Weston make. Regular $7.50. To clear at $5,49 WOMEN'S CUSHION SOLE SHOES, regular $6,00 for 11.11 „$4.49 WOMEN'S FELT SHOES, regular $4.50 for $8,75 WOMEN'S COSY SLIPPERS, regular $1.90 for $1.49 $4.25 WOMEN'S RUBBER RUBBER BOOTS, regular $3.75 WOMEN'S SPATS, all colors, to clear at ......... •..... .., .... ... ...... $2.19 CHILDREN'S SHOES. Several bunks of Children's Shoes at big saving in price. Space does not permit description. Save money by buying now. MEN'S PATENT SLATER SHOES, fin- est quality, regular $10,00 for ...,.,,.$4.98 MEN'S DARK BROWN SHOES, finest stock 3a store. Regular. priee $11,00. To clear at $7.75 MEN'S DARK BROWN SHOES, leath- er or Neolin soles. Regular price $8.00 for,•1.,,.,, ........... ............. ... ........ $0.98 MEN'S BLACK SHOES, English last. Regular $7.00 for,, $5.41) MEN'S FINEST QUALITY BLACK SHOES, plain toe« Regular $9.00 for $10.98 MEN'S HEAVY WORR SHOES, Wil- liam's make. Regular $6.50 for $4.98 MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES, regular $0.00 for $8.98 and regular $4.00 for 52,98 MEN'S . HEAVY GREY RUBBERS, regular $5.50 for $4.49 MEN'S HEAVY BLACK RUBBERS, regular $4.25 for $8.49 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, regular $G.50 for $5.49 MEN'S BROWN MILITARY RUB- BERSto clear at.,...,... .•....$.i� MEN'S LONG BLACK SOX, regular 81.50 for $1.19 Clothing, Overcoats, .Suits MEN'S HEAVY OVERCOATS to clear at $11.50 YOUNG MEN'S STYLISH OVER- COATS, all -sizes. Regular $25.00 for $19.75. Regular $29.00 for $22.00. Regu- $33.00 for $25.00. MIEN=S FINE ENGLISH WORSTED • SUITS, all wool. Regular $45.00 for •••• • $87.00 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS. Regular *27.00 for 20.00 For Boys' Overcoats, Suits, odd pur prices on these will surprise you. MEN'S BEST F�„ELT HATS, worth $6.00 for $8.75 MEN'S BLUE OVERALLS Ss SMOCKS, regular $3.00 for ......... � . ,...... $2.19 MEN'S LINED SMOCKSZregular $3.75 for $8.11) MEN'S GREY COTTONADE PANTS, to elear at $2.19 MEN'S ,aBLACK COTTONADE PANTS, to clear at .1111,,,, $1,98' MEN'S HEAVY FAWN RAINCOATS, regular $13.50 for $9.00 pants etc., we lack space to describe, but a,. CLEARING OF LADIES' AND MISSES' ''WINTER COATS, SUITS, DRESSES AND SHIRTS. All these lines must go regardless of cost. Don't miss this opportunity as .rare bargains are offered. LADIES' BLOUSES. IN GEORGETTE AND VOILES GREATLY REDUCED THIS MONTH. - TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF FURS. All our fur sets in'Wolf,•Fox, etc., to clear this month at twenty -fine per cent. discount off regular prices, CORSETS. • Forty-eight pair Ladies' Corsets, odd lines and `sizes. Regularly' priced • ,up to $2.50 pair, clearing this month at $1.48 pair. UNDERSKIRTS -Ladies' Colored Sa- teen Underskirts, regularly up to $2:75, reduced to . $1.95 • LADIES' HOSIERY. LADIES' CASHMERE HOSIERY in Black only, regularly up to $1.75 pair,' re- duced to $1.25 pr. SILK HOSIERY up to $3.00 pair, re- duced to $2.00 pr. SILK HOSIERY up to $1.75 pair, re- duced to $1.25 pr. HEAVY WOOLEN HOSIERY for Ladies' and Children up to $1,50 pair, re- duced to 98c pair CASHMERETTE HOSIERY -Special at • ,85c pair APRONS --Large Bungalow aprons at $1.00 A; $1.50 each PRESS., GOODS AND SILKS. Hundreds of yards of woollen and silk dress fabrics on sale this month at prices that will surprise you. , SWEATERS FOR LADIES, MEN ra,ND BOYS. This is an opportunity to secure a good quality sweater at the price of a cheap one. CHILDREN'S' UNDERWEAR Two lots to clear at ............49c• & 59c garment CAPS, AND SCARF SETS -All great- ly reduced reat-ly.reduced in price. S1K BARGAINS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS. MEN'S FLEECED -LINED UNDER- -WEAR, regularly $1.25 garment. Sale price 98c garment -- HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR. Some all wool, on sale at ...,$1.25 garment STANFIELD'S RIBBED GREEN LA- BEL UNDERWEAR 'reduced to ,.......$2.25 garment. STANFIELD'S RED LABEL, reduced to. $2.90 garment BOYS' FLEECED -LINED UNDER- WEAR, regularly 85c garment, reduced to -,....69c. HEAVY WOOL SOCKS -Lot No. 1 up to 75c pair, reduced to 49c or 2 pair for 95c. LOT NO. 2. -Regularly 90e pair,. 79c or 2 two pair for $1,50' LINEN COLLARS -All Arrow . brand linen collars reduced from $35c to 25c each. TIES -Dozens to choose from at clear- ing prices. ` COT'ioN STAPLES. SPECIALS;. THIS MONTH -Pillow cot- tons 79c yard HEAVY" BLACK DENIN 79c yd. FACTORY BLEACHED . COTTON at> per yard 25c. YARN SPECIAL -Monarch Down in, a big range of popular colors for Sweaters, Caps, Scarfs, etc., regularly 65c two ounce. ball, for 59c ball A REAL BARGAIN'. IN 'RIBBONS. Hundreds of yards of wide ribbons, all popular colors, were priced 75c a yard, to clear at only 49c, yard GROCERIES. Good tea in bulk, black or mixed at 40c .pound. Good Rice --Four pounds for 25e. Lennox Soap -Six cents per bar. Kellogg's Corn Flakes -Two for 25:c. Shredded Wheat .per package, 15c. Brooms to clear at $9c, Krinkle Corn Flakes 1lc. JONES & AY �-1`11•_1,